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1 TRAINING INCUMBENT S REPORT IME YEAR Page Appendix 2b: Training Incumbent s Annual Report IME 6 potential incumbents only This report is intended for use by the training incumbents of curates, usually stipendiary, who will seek to take up incumbent status posts following their curacy. Training incumbents completing this report will have previously completed two reports charting the curate s development against the Learning Outcomes between the point of ordination and the completion of IME. This report looks at the fulfilment of the Learning Outcomes at the completion of IME and at the additional requirements for those being licensed to posts of incumbent status.

2 Training Incumbent s Report IME 6 (potential incumbents only). Page Vocation and Ministry within the Church of England At the completion of IME, curates should: 1. Be able to give an account of their vocation to ministry and mission and their readiness to receive and exercise ordained ministry as a priest within the Church of God. 2. Demonstrate proficiency in a broad range of skills and abilities needed to exercise public ministry and leadership of a local church, and the ability to do this in relatively unsupervised settings. Show developed skills as an effective reflective practitioner. 3. Demonstrate working understanding of and good practice in the legal, canonical and administrative responsibilities of those in public ministry with supervised responsibilities. 4. Demonstrate gifts for and proficiency in leading public worship and preaching, showing understanding of and good practice in liturgy and worship in a wide range of settings. 5. Demonstrate working understanding of the practices of Christian ministry in a range of public settings, agencies and faith communities. 6. Demonstrate engagement with ecumenical working relationships, especially with covenanting partners. In addition, to be licensed to a post of incumbent status or equivalent responsibility candidates should: 1. Demonstrate capacity to bear a public and representative role in ministry and mission, and a readiness to exercise oversight and leadership in their ordained ministry. 2. Demonstrate proficiency in the skills needed to exercise leadership and supervision of others in a position of responsibility by being able to show sophisticated skills as an effective reflective practitioner and the capacity to develop these further. 3. Demonstrate working understanding of and good practice in the legal, canonical and administrative responsibilities of those having oversight and responsibility. 4. Demonstrate skill in presiding in public worship in the congregation(s) in ways that foster rich corporate worship. 5. Demonstrate ability to take a leading role in working with other partners, representing the church in public life and other institutions, and working with other faith leaders where possible. 6. Demonstrate the ability to work ecumenically and to encourage ecumenical co-operation. Please comment on your curate s gaining of ministerial skills; growing in ministerial knowledge; and maturing in ministerial character in the area of this Learning Outcome, paying particular attention to their suitability for permanent incumbent-status posts under Common Tenure:

3 Training Incumbent s Report IME 6 (potential incumbents only). Page Spirituality At the completion of IME, curates should: 1. Demonstrate loving service in the Church, expressed in effective and collaborative leadership, discipleship of Christ, and continued pilgrimage in faith in the Holy Spirit. 2. Show evidence of a life and ministry formed, sustained and energised by trust in and dependence on the gifting and grace of God. 3. Be rooted and growing in a life of prayer shaped faithfully within the expectations of public ministry, corporate and personal worship and devotion. In addition, to be licensed to a post of incumbent status or equivalent responsibility candidates should: 1. Demonstrate loving service in the Church, in personal discipleship, in diaconal and priestly ministry, in collaborative leadership and oversight of others, and in faithful response to the leading of the Holy Spirit. 2. Form and sustain a life of prayer that provides sustenance for the strains and joys of leadership. Please comment on your curate s gaining of ministerial skills; growing in ministerial knowledge; and maturing in ministerial character in the area of this Learning Outcome, paying particular attention to their suitability for permanent incumbent-status posts under Common Tenure:

4 Training Incumbent s Report IME 6 (potential incumbents only). Page Personality and Character At the completion of IME, curates should: 1. Show insight, openness, maturity, integrity and stability in the pressure and change entailed in public ministry. 2. Reflect with insight on personal strengths and weaknesses, the gifts brought and vulnerability in response to a new context of public ministry. 3. Exercise appropriate care of self, through developing sustainable patterns of life and work, and effective support networks in the context of public ministry. In addition, to be licensed to a post of incumbent status or equivalent responsibility candidates should: 1. Be able to facilitate and enable change. 2. Engage with others to reflect with insight on a personal style of leadership, its strengths and weaknesses in context, and demonstrate appropriate development. 3. Exercise appropriate care of self, through developing sustainable patterns of life and work, and effective support networks and facilitate the appropriate care of colleagues.

5 Training Incumbent s Report IME 6 (potential incumbents only). Page Relationships At the completion of IME, curates should: 1. Form and sustain relationships across a wide range of people, including in situations of conflict and disagreement, marked by integrity, empathy, respect, honesty and insight. 2. Demonstrate good practice in a wide range of pastoral and professional relationships. In addition, to be licensed to a post of incumbent status or equivalent responsibility candidates should: 1. Show skill and sensitivity in resolving issues of conflict within the church community and the formation of a corporate life in the presence of diversity within that community. 2. Demonstrate the ability to supervise others in the conduct of pastoral relationships. Please comment on your curate s gaining of ministerial skills; growing in ministerial knowledge; and maturing in ministerial character in the area of this Learning Outcome, paying particular attention to their suitability for permanent incumbent-status posts under Common Tenure:

6 Training Incumbent s Report IME 6 (potential incumbents only). Page Leadership and Collaboration At the completion of IME, curates should: 1. Demonstrate ability to supervise others in a limited range of roles and responsibilities. 2. Exercise effective collaborative leadership, working effectively as a member of team, as an ordained person. 3. Demonstrate ability to use understanding of group dynamics to participate in and lead groups and to reflect with insight on the use and abuse of power. 4. Exercise appropriate accountability and responsibility in a new ministerial context. 5. Demonstrate appropriate use of authority in ways which enable and empower others in their mission and ministry, including colleagues. In addition, to be licensed to a post of incumbent status or equivalent responsibility candidates should: 1. Demonstrate ability to supervise and manage others, both lay and ordained in formal settings of training and practice. 2. Demonstrate effective collaborative leadership and the ability to exercise this in a position of responsibility; 3. Show an integration and integrity of authority and obedience, leadership and service that enables the exercise of collaborative leadership. 4. Exercise appropriate accountability and responsibility in faithfully and loyally receiving the authority of others, consistent with a position of responsibility. 5. Show an integration and integrity of authority and obedience, leadership and service that empowers and enables others in their leadership and service. Please comment on your curate s gaining of ministerial skills; growing in ministerial knowledge; and maturing in ministerial character in the area of this Learning Outcome, paying particular attention to their suitability for permanent incumbent-status posts under Common Tenure:

7 Training Incumbent s Report IME 6 (potential incumbents only). Page Mission and Evangelism At the completion of IME, curates should: 1. Participate in and reflect on the mission of God, identifying and engaging in issues of mission and social justice in the context of ministry. 2. Demonstrate engagement in mission and evangelism in a range of contexts, particularly in the local community and in relation to the local church. 3. Demonstrate an ability to nurture others in their faith development. 4. Demonstrate ability to communicate gospel truth effectively in the context of ministry with different groups in church and community. In addition to be licensed to a post of incumbent status or equivalent responsibility candidates should: 1. Demonstrate understanding of the imperatives of the gospel and the nature of contemporary society and skills in articulating and engaging in appropriate forms of mission in response to them. 2. Demonstrate an ability to lead and enable others in faithful witness and to foster mission shaped churches. 3. Enable others to articulate gospel truths and participate in their proclamation. Please comment on your curate s gaining of ministerial skills; growing in ministerial knowledge; and maturing in ministerial character in the area of this Learning Outcome, paying particular attention to their suitability for permanent incumbent-status posts under Common Tenure:

8 Training Incumbent s Report IME 6 (potential incumbents only). Page Faith and Quality of Mind At the completion of IME, curates should: 1. Be able to engage confidently with the Bible as text and as holy scripture, as skilled interpreters and communicators in relation to fundamental traditions of Christian thought. 2. Form and sustain a life of disciplined study and reflection that sustains in public ministry. 3. Give an account of how personal commitment to Christ and discipleship is being shaped within the roles and expectations of ordained and public ministry. 4. Interpret and use scripture across a wide range of settings, showing developed exegetical and hermeneutical skills, communicating an understanding and engagement with scripture in ways that enable others to learn and explore. 5. Demonstrate continued and disciplined engagement with Christian beliefs and practices. 6. Be skilled reflective practitioners, able to exercise wise and discerning judgment. 7. Demonstrate growing awareness of and reflective engagement with beliefs, practices and spiritualities of other faith traditions. In addition to be licensed to a post of incumbent status or equivalent responsibility candidates should: 1. Demonstrate a readiness and openness for a ministry of oversight and vision, expressed in continued study, reflection, openness to new insights, maturity and physical self care. 2. Form and sustain a life of disciplined study and reflection that sustains in leadership. 3. Give an account of how personal commitment to Christ is being shaped within the roles and expectations of leadership and oversight of others. 4. As skilled reflective practitioners demonstrate ability to energise and enable creative theologically-informed practice. 5. Demonstrate ability to develop and sustain dialogue with representatives of other religious traditions. Please comment on your curate s gaining of ministerial skills; growing in ministerial knowledge; and maturing in ministerial character in the area of this Learning Outcome, paying particular attention to their suitability for permanent incumbent-status posts under Common Tenure:

9 Training Incumbent s Report IME 6 (potential incumbents only). Page Please comment on any other aspect of your curate s ministry: Training Incumbent Name: Signature: Date: PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE NUMBERED THE PAGES OF THIS REPORT. TOTAL NUMBER OFPAGES: Appendix 3: Portfolio Proposal Form

10 IME Year (state 4,5 or 6) Proposal form for work to be submitted (give intended submission date): Ministry being undertaken: Anticipated form of submitted work: Learning Outcome areas to be covered, attending to knowledge, performance criteria and range: Brief statement explaining how work submitted will evidence Learning Outcomes: Indicative resources including reading:

11 1. I know about (state Learning Outcome Area) : Appendix 4: Overview of Gifts and Competencies (p.1/2) and I am demonstrating this learning in my portfolio as follows: I can do this by I am doing this myself I can describe my personal experience... Appendix 4: Overview of Gifts and Competencies (p.2/2)

12 I can evaluate the resources of the Christian tradition I can help others in the Christian community and in society develop awareness in this area I can do this by... IME Summary Learning Sheet Appendix 5 : Summary Learning Sheet

13 Learning Outcome Area: Year: (State IME 4, 5 or 6) I have demonstrated learning in this Learning Outcome Area this year by... I aim to develop in this Learning Outcome Area in the coming year by... Appendix 6: Personal Details

14 Name Benefice/Parish: Deanery: Training Incumbent: Address: Phone home/mobile: Anticipated deployment after curacy Primary or Assistant leadership: Training Course/College including dates and academic award: Sponsoring Diocese: Date of ordination to the diaconate: Date of ordination to the priesthood: Anticipate end of IME 7: Appendix 7: Overview of Skills and Experience brought to Ordained Ministry

15 1. Academic and Professional qualifications 2. Church Experience Authorised Roles undertaken before ordination: (Churchwarden, Reader, Minister of another denomination, Youth Leader etc) 3. Workplace Experience Directly Related to Ordained Ministry 4. Workplace Experience Indirectly Related to Ordained Ministry 5. Other information or experience relevant to your training and development 6. Other interests or abilities not mentioned above Appendix 8: Annual Summary Supervision Sheet

16 It is good practice for a curate to take notes in supervision which are then agreed by the incumbent. This sheet summarises those records Subjects covered in supervision for the year 20 Issues raised in supervision: Action taken: Key motivational feedback (describes what a person does well so that he or she will continue doing it, in order to build confidence): Key developmental feedback (describes what a person could do differently in order to change what he or she is doing, to build competence): Other significant areas e.g. of vocational learning or spiritual discernment etc

17 Appendix 9: Receiving Feedback The forms below may be used to seek feedback from members of your congregation, parishioners, colleagues, or others concerned in your ministry. You should expect to seek three pieces of feedback for work included in your portfolio, and you should submit the portfolio with the feedback included. You should tell those from whom you seek feedback that this is the use to which it will be put. If you wish to design an alternative feedback form, please show this to the Canon Chancellor before you use it for assessed work. The forms below cover three generic areas: 1. Liturgy: you could use this for occasional offices, Sunday services and special events. 2. Preaching: for Sunday, weekday or occasional use; 3. Teaching/leading sessions: you could use this for small or large groups.

18 Observation and Feedback (Worship) Name of Curate: Occasion: Beginning Ensured books/technology available Suitably dressed Set appropriate tone/atmosphere Gave all necessary information Extended welcome Name of Observer: Date: + - Notes During Conveyed suitable confidence Could be heard Could be seen Could use books/technology Enabled prayer in others Enabled worship and praise in others Familiar with order of service Managed time Presided with dignity After Appropriate farewell Receptive/approachable Suitable clearing away

19 Observer notes: Strengths Suggestions for improvement a. a. b. b. c. c. d. d. Feedback and suggestions for action: Observer s signature: Date:

20 Curate response to notes and feedback Curate planned action Curate s signature: Date:

21 Observation and Feedback (Teaching/Presentation/other led session) Name of Curate: Occasion: Name of Observer: Date: Beginning Established mood and climate (rapport) Motivated students to learn Explained usefulness of skill/knowledge Stated teaching objectives clearly + - Notes Body Made organisation explicit Controlled amount of content Clarified technical terminology Emphasised major points Used visuals, examples, illustrations Introduced resources/changed stimuli Involved students Used questioning techniques Accepted student responses Encouraged student-student interaction Managed time Exhibited enthusiasm Closure Summarised major points Related to objectives Provided sense of achievement General Helpful room layout Useful handouts

22 Observer notes: Strengths Suggestions for improvement a. a. b. b. c. c. d. d. Feedback and suggestions for action: Observer s signature: Date:

23 Curate response to notes and feedback Curate planned action Curate s signature: Date:

24 Appendix 10: Curate Supervision notes a suggested template Parish: Notes taken by: Subject discussed: Motivational feedback (describes what a person does well so that he or she will continue to do it well and will gain in confidence): Developmental feedback (describes what a person could do differently in order to change what he or she is doing, to build competence): Notes (BEHAVIOUR OBSERVED OBJECTIVE SPECIFIC TIMELY BOOST) Training Incumbent Name: Signature: Curate Name: Signature: Date:

25 Supervision Record Sheet Date Subject Covered Substantive issues raised Motivational feedback (comments on what has been done with a view to continued action) Developmental feedback (comments on what has been done with a view to changed action) Notes taken by (curate signature) Agreed by (incumbent signature) Date Date