Seniors Advisory Council (SAC) 2015 Presentation Feedback Form

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1 Seniors Advisory Council (SAC) 2015 Presentation Feedback Form Priority: Information Access and Resource Awareness Date: 4/21/2015 SAC Member: Combined Member Feedback What have you learned from the panel discussion? There is a great need to provide information to the Seniors of Sarasota County. There are available services that address information access and resource awareness for seniors. However, the coordination of these resources need expansion and further implementation e.g. how do the clients who call for assistance find out about services, are they satisfied with the information/referrals offered? Although we do not know whether seniors referred for services actually receive the assistance they need, it would be important to have this information, and, consider researching this area. The necessity of finding ways to improve the ease at which information and resources are available to the public. That there are several organizations available to dispense informatioon but there are not good connections or coloboration between them. That lack of awareness and coordination exist among community and national resources for seniors. Having been a committee member of the Scope- Continuing the Conversation Health Sub Committee that existed for approx. 3 years, this need for helping seniors access resources has not changed, as this was a key priority then. Several agencies presented then (211 and AARP). The same need for seniors to know locally and regionally how to get information and link to services with funding for marketing dollars is still is an unmet need. What was added by this presentation was hearing more about The Senior Blue Book, new to Sarasota in the last year or so. The Sarasota County Communications Department presentation was new. Their services though do not reach the seniors we are trying to serve. The need is to have the community leadership embrace its older population by establishing a concentrated effort in linking seniors to the right services, and then supporting the creation of a multi faceted marketing campaign, slogan, and system to link The Area Agency on Aging of South West Florida (AAA) is advised. This is not a new request but remains the bridge needed to spotlight the array of services going underused which has impact on the community in many ways. From a preventive health perspective of the 38% older population that contributes to this community, efficient access to services before Need/crisis arises, is from a quality of life perspective, sound. It is also an efficient use of resources /expertise of the professionals who can help. Economically, creating in the know seniors is less taxing on local health and services budgets too. Page 1 of 5

2 Why is it important to seniors in Sarasota County -- how can seniors in our community be better served? As it was pointed out by Samantha Hersch, Senior Blue Book, there are many stumbling blocks to get information distributed. Hospitals, etc. are reluctant to put materials in the facilities for fear of being inundated with junk flyers,etc. It was also suggested that perhaps billboards could be used to advertise 211. We need to insure that seniors in our community know where to go to receive the specific financial emotional and social resources they need as individuals. It would also be helpful to track the trends in service requests over time, so that information/referral service gaps in community resources regarding information and referral can be identified. Information access is especially crucial to seniors since they are the ones who may need it the most. To have resources available, yet unknown to the target audience, would not be utilizing them to their fullest potential. We need more publicity explaining which organiations connet with resources Linking resources to those in need. First identify the needs then get the resources to them. This question has been answered above but in honoring our seniors, keeping them healthy and taking advantage of the Sarasota Quality of Life from birth, adulthood, and then older life, recognizes seniors as an important constituency too. The infrastructure is here of a wide variety of services contributing already, but it is fragmented by not having the initial marketing program reaching this age group. What is missing is the budget to create this component. Are there other individuals or groups who have presented or might be asked to present on the priority that was discussed? Bill Clark, a representative of AARP is an excellent resource. The Florida Elder Helpline may have additional overall information on how seniors learn about resources. Sarasota County may have employees /departments who specialize in information awareness and referral in general, or within their own departments. There are groups of clergy and professionals (e.g. the Florida chapter of the National Association of Social Workers) that meet, who might be interested in sharing what they have learned about community outreach. I am not sure. Not to my knowledge. Not that I am aware of at this time. AAA is the key agency the federal and state government has put in place to be the starting point in elder services in the state of Florida. The challenge is it is no longer a local presence, so the ability of AAA to truly know local resources (like earlier in time when the system was different) is missing. AAA has spoken to our SAC before and lamented the lack of resources ($$$) too, in getting the word out of this important starting point. Page 2 of 5

3 Is there additional information that SAC needs to review before making a recommendation on this priority? The need for PSAs. Yes. We need to do more research about what is helping and/or limiting information access and resource awareness for seniors. I think this topic was covered in great detail and no additional information is needed. Not to my knowledge Is there a comprehensive resource and where do the links exist in connecting them already. The additional information needed would be a plan for obtaining more information on what a budget amount might be needed and to commence talks with AAA. Other local resources such as were in attendance at the SAC meeting in April could be involved and other agencies invited per SAC guidelines. What recommendation(s) would you suggest the Council forward to the Board of County Commissioners? It would be a good idea to appropriate monies for billboards, flyers, etc. We need to let them know that this is an area of concern, and, that we will be forwarding our recommendations to them after further study as we collect additional information. To make Sarasota County residents more aware of the types of resources out there, this Council could recommend to bring to attention these resources in public places, such as on the bulletin of a community center or even include them in report card envelopes; thus, allowing parents who know elderly that would benefit from these resources to become aware. Set up a senior Hot line that combines all services. Provide a budget to support advertising of community resources to where the seniors are located - I think we need some further discussion planning to suggest a succinct recommendation. To embrace a regionally integrated marketing campaign aimed at making seniors aware of services and include and a user friendly way to access them. This system could be a clearing house for education, education, and support, using a framework that starts with AAA and then links to Sarasota County. What may be some of the financial impacts of the recommendation(s) -- potential cost reduction(s) or increase(s)? More monies appropriated. To be assessed after recommendations are clear. See below. Page 3 of 5

4 This recommendation would require the printing of numerous pamphlets, flyers, etc There needs to be a budget item to pay for this and a couonty coordinator position. That will need to be explored - Depends upon our recommendations. The needs of the total population must be addressed as well as social issues such as homelessness also must be factored in a budget. The older population as a significant benefactor would increase the demand for consideration. The effect would be an increase in marketing dollars but hopefully offset by the reduction in acute or chronic health care costs incurred. Would additional Sarasota County staff time or non-financial resources be required to further or implement the recommendation(s)? No comments. Yes. Although SAC may initially form a Ad Hoc or Work Group to work in this area, additional staff time will eventually be needed for meeting attendance /documentation, data collection, coordination, oversight. Although a part-time position may need to be created on a temporary or permanent basis in this regard, a social work student intern can be of help initially if assigned to Sarasota county for their field work placement. That persons supervisor can provide oversight, and, be an additional resource to SAC in making beginning project suggestions, developing research protocols etc. It would take time to contact community organizations. Yes Same as answer above. Yes, to both questions. If it is a priority, then Sarasota County would become a member of the team. If budgetary allotments could be procured, the human services community would come together to participate, along with regional involvement of AAA. A pilot program could be developed here, through the (Age Friendly Sarasota initiative) and serve as a template for state wide change that rewards the seniors who flock to this state and add to its economy. What are the time frame(s) involved with the recommendation(s) -- less than one year, 1-to-3 years, 3-to-5 years, greater than 5 years, greater than 10 years? One year A time frame of less than one year should suffice in sharing our initial progress and recommendations with the Board of County Commissioners. However, if a student intern is used we would need to keep the dates of their school calendar in mind. The overall time frame of this project would be at least one year. It depends on the willingness of the organizatiions involved, but it will be quick to implement if they agree. Therefore, the time frame is less than one year. 1-3 Page 4 of 5

5 Would suggest a 1-3 year plan One to three years and ongoing. What measures may be used to review any outcome(s) from the recommendation(s) and who would be responsible or accountable for measuring its progress and success? When inquiries are made to 211 or any other requests for information, the caller should be asked how they got the numbers. I do this in tracking my inquiries in my business to find out what is working in my advertising. Data collection via telephone surveys, community outreach, questionnaires, the summarizing and sharing of agency experiences would be helpful. Hopefully, a part-time, paid employee would be hired to complete this work. A county employee already familiar with data collection and research would eventually be assigned to oversee this project. Feedback from individuals who have been affected by the information access and resources. Community Alliance Volume of access to resources based on the numbers of seniors participating. Methods of evaluation would have to be worked out, but local/ regional human services agencies, hospitals, and local university faculty have the talent to create the tools of evaluation of outcomes (such as which marketing tools draw the most clients to accessing, and preventive measurements to health and social needs along the lines of chronic disease management) would be part of the evaluation of success. Page 5 of 5