Accounting Master Jeopardy

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1 Accounting Master Jeopardy Presented by: Accounting Master Software Support Updated August

2 Accounts Payable & General Ledger Payroll Materials Management Wildcard Final Jeopardy 2

3 General Ledger for $100 Use this screen to set workstation preferences for the GL Processing Reminders 3

4 General Ledger Revealed for $100 And the answer is: What is the GL Period Processing Preferences? 4

5 Period Processing Return 5

6 Accounts Payable for $200 In the Recurring Invoice Select Screen use this button to auto populate the Invoice Number field 6

7 Accounts Payable Revealed for $200 And the answer is: What is Auto-Assign Invoice Number? 7

8 AP Recurring Invoices Return 8

9 General Ledger for $300 Where can you flag an account to require a Work Order 9

10 General Ledger Revealed for $300 And the answer is: What is Chart of Accounts Require WO flag? 10

11 Chart of Account Flag to Require WO Number Return 11

12 General Ledger for $400 This key combination allows me to delete CM Cash JE Imports 12

13 General Ledger Revealed for $400 And the answer is: What is Ctrl + Alt + D? 13

14 Deleting CM Cash JE Imports Return 14

15 General Ledger for $500 In the Financial Report Viewer, how do I print financials on an open period? 15

16 General Ledger Revealed for $500 And the answer is: What is Estimated Financial? 16

17 Financial Report Options Return 17

18 Payroll for $100 This screen allows you to designate which reports to display and save during the payroll cycle process 18

19 Payroll Revealed for $100 And the answer is: What is Payroll Cycle Report Save Options? 19

20 Save PR Process Reports 20

21 Save/Display PR Process Reports Return 21

22 Payroll for $200 In the Employee screen this icon will allow you to assign Pay Types 22

23 Payroll Revealed for $200 And the answer is: What is Assign Employees? 23

24 Pay Type Assign Employee 24

25 Pay Type Assign Employees Screen Return 25

26 Payroll for $300 With this tool you can make mass Deduction updates 26

27 Payroll Revealed for $300 And the answer is: What is Global Deduction Change? 27

28 Global Deduction Tool 28

29 Global Deduction Changes Select Employee 29

30 Global Deduction Change Preview Report Return 30

31 Payroll for $400 This checkbox allows an employee to save labor entry records that exceed allowed benefit time 31

32 Payroll Revealed for $400 And the answer is: What is Allow Negative Hours? 32

33 Payroll Benefit Pay Types Return 33

34 Payroll for $500 If this option is checked when a Pay Type is selected only associated Distribution Codes will be available 34

35 Payroll Revealed for $500 And the answer is: What is Filter Distribution Codes by Pay Type 35

36 Payroll TMS Preferences 36

37 Payroll Distribution Matrix 37

38 TMS Distribution Code Return 38

39 Materials Management for $100 This report compiles a list of received Purchase Orders that have yet to be reconciled 39

40 Materials Management Revealed for $100 And the answer is: What is Outstanding PO Report? 40

41 Outstanding Received PO Report Return 41

42 Materials Management for $200 If a transaction has been entered in error, use this option to auto create a reversing entry of the record 42

43 Materials Management Revealed for $200 And the answer is: What is Manual Transaction Reverse? 43

44 Reverse - Manual Transaction Screen Return 44

45 Materials Management for $300 How can you find the history on a Purchase Order 45

46 Materials Management Revealed for $300 And the answer is: What is Purchase Order History Report? 46

47 Purchase Order Search 47

48 Return 48

49 Materials Management for $400 How can I limit security within the Manual Transaction screen 49

50 Materials Management Revealed for $400 And the answer is: What is Manual Transaction User Preference? 50

51 User Preferences & Security Return 51

52 Materials Management for $500 Which report will help you look for Inventory item history 52

53 Materials Management Revealed for $500 And the answer is: What is Inventory Transaction Listing Report? 53

54 Inventory Transaction Listing 54

55 Inventory Transaction Listing Report Return 55

56 Wildcard for $100 What icon can you use to find text within a Print Preview report 56

57 Wildcard Revealed for $100 And the answer is: What is Binoculars? 57

58 Find Text Toolbar Return 58

59 Wildcard for $200 Use this screen to set user preferences for retained field information as well as customize a process 59

60 Wildcard Revealed for $200 And the answer is: What is Preferences? 60

61 AP Invoice Preferences Return 61

62 Wildcard for $300 How can you personalize Accounting Master 62

63 Wildcard Revealed for $300 And the answer is: What is Customization? 63

64 Style & Skin 64

65 Ribbon Custom Section 65

66 Return 66

67 Wildcard for $400 Where do you setup the path for attached documents in Accounting Master 67

68 Wildcard revealed for $400 And the answer is: What are Electronic Documents? 68

69 Electronic Documents 69

70 Attach Document Return 70

71 Wildcard for $500 Where can I reprint previous years tax forms? 71

72 Wildcard Revealed for $500 And the answer is: What is Aatrix File History Options? 72

73 Tax Forms and efiling 73

74 Aatrix - Tax Processing 74

75 Aatrix - Tax Processing 75

76 Aatrix - Tax Processing Return 76

77 Who are your Accounting Master Support Representatives 77

78 Accounting Master Software Support Kate Behrendt Amy Larsen Payton Nichol 78

79 Other Support Julie Riecken Training Support Manager Kim Miller Training/Conversion Analyst Kelly McIntosh Training/Conversion Analyst 79