Nomination to Building and Civil Engineering Training Board Vocational Training Council

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1 Nomination to Building and Civil Engineering Training Board Vocational Training Council Background Vocational Training Council is inviting HKIA to nominate a member to serve on Building and Civil Engineering Training Board of VTC for the new term of 2 years commencing from 1 April The terms of reference and composition of Building and Civil Engineering Training Board of Vocational Training Council is enclosed for your reference. Invitation for Expression of Interest The above nomination is open to all general members for registering interests for being nominated. Members are advised to note the following points for the nomination : The term of office is two years commencing 1 April As per advice of the VTC, the criteria for consideration of appointments to the Building and Civil Engineering Training Board are that the member : Should truly represent the industry who is well aware of the developments and the manpower needs of the industry; is prepared to contribute to the work of the Building, Civil Engineering and Built Environment Training Board and the work of YTC; and has not already served on the Building, Civil Engineering and Built Environment Training Board in the same position for a continuous period of more than six years (' 6-year rule' ). Appointed HKIA nominee is required by the Institute to fulfill meeting attendance rate of at least 60%, and to submit written reports / summary statements to the Institute after each meeting and/or from time to time for Council s / Board s information and distribution to general members where appropriate. Members are advised to read the enclosed HKIA guidelines on Nominating Members to External Government / Advisory and Statutory Bodies.. Should you be interested in being nominated, please register your interest by returning the completed reply form with your brief CV to HKIA Secretariat via to not later than 5:30pm, 21 January 2019 (Monday). Board of Local Affairs The Hong Kong Institute of Architects

2 Building, Civil Engineering and Built Environment Training Board Terms of Reference* Annex I 1. To determine the manpower demand of the industry, including the collection and analysis of relevant manpower and student/trainee statistics and information on socio-economic, technological and labour market developments. 2. To assess and review whether the manpower supply for the industry matches with the manpower demand. 3. To recommend to the Vocational Training Council (the Council) the development of vocational and professional education and training (VPET) facilities to meet the assessed manpower demand. 4. To advise the Council on the strategic development and quality assurance of its programmes in the relevant disciplines. 5. To prescribe job specifications for the principal jobs in the industry defining the skills and knowledge and advise on relevant training programme specifying the time a trainee needs to spend on each skill element. 6. To tender advice in respect of skill assessments, trade tests and certification for in-service workers, apprentices and trainees, for the purpose of ascertaining that the specified skill standards have been attained. 7. To advise on the conduct of skill competitions in key trades in the industry for the promotion of VPET as well as participation in international competitions. 8. To liaise with relevant bodies, including employers, employers associations, trade unions, professional institutions, training and educational institutions and government departments, on matters pertaining to the development and promotion of VPET in the industry. 9. To organise seminars/conferences/symposia on VPET for the industry. 10. To advise on the publicity relating to the activities of the Training Board and relevant VPET programmes of the Council. 11. To submit to the Council an annual report on the Training Board s work and its recommendations on the strategies for programmes in the relevant disciplines. 12. To undertake any other functions delegated by the Council in accordance with Section 7 of the Vocational Training Council Ordinance. * All Training Boards (TBs) except the following: (i) Apprenticeship Training Board, (ii) Chinese Culinary Institute Training Board; (iii) Innovation and Technology Training Board, and (iv) Vocational Training Board for People with Disabilities (1 April 2017 ver.)

3 建築 土木工程及建設環境訓練委員會 訓練委員會職權範圍 * 1. 確定業內的人力需求, 包括收集 分析相關的人力和學生 / 學員統計數字, 以及關於社會經濟 科技及人力市場發展的資料 2. 評估及研究本業的人力供求是否平衡 3. 就發展業內職業專才教育及訓練設施應付人力需求, 向職業訓練局 ( 下稱 局方 ) 提供意見 4. 就相關學科的課程發展策略及質素保證, 向局方提出建議 5. 擬訂本業主要職務的工作範圍, 界定所需的技能及知識, 審議訓練方案, 包括訂定每種技能所需的訓練期 6. 對技術評估 技能測驗及認證制度提供意見, 以確定從業員 學徒及見習員的技能水平 7. 就本業主要行業舉辦技能比賽提供意見, 以推廣職業專才教育和派員參加國際賽事 8. 與僱主 僱主聯會 工會 專業團體 訓練及教育機構 政府部門等聯絡, 共商本業職業專才教育的發展與推廣事宜 9. 為本業舉辦有關職業專才教育的研討會和會議 10. 就訓練委員會工作和相關職業專才教育課程之推廣宣傳, 向局方提供意見 11. 每年向局方呈交訓練委員會工作報告, 以及相關學科課程發展策略建議 12. 根據 職業訓練局條例 第 7 條, 負責局方所委派的其他工作 * 涵蓋所有訓練委員會, 學徒訓練委員會 中華廚藝學院訓練委員會 創新及科技訓練委員會 殘疾人士職業訓練委員會除外 (1 April 2017 ver.)

4 Composition of Building, Civil Engineering and Built Environment Training Board Annex II 1 member nominated by the Construction Industry Council 1 member nominated by the Green Council 2 members nominated by the Hong Kong Construction Association 2 members nominated by the Hong Kong Federation of Electrical and Mechanical Contractors 1 member nominated by the Hong Kong General Building Contractors Association 1 member nominated by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects 1 member nominated by the Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers 1 member nominated by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors 1 member nominated by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers 1 member nominated by a building/civil engineering contracting firm 1 member nominated by a civil/structural engineering consulting firm 1 member nominated by an environmental firm 1 member nominated by a local education/training institution 1 member nominated by a worker union of the industry 2 members on ad personam Director of Buildings (or his / her representative) Secretary for Development (or his / her representative) Director of Housing (or his / her representative) Commissioner for Labour (or his / her representative) Executive Director of the Vocational Training Council (or her representative) (Apr 2017 ver.)

5 建築 土木工程及建設環境訓練委員會成員組合 建造業議會提名一人環保促進會提名一人香港建造商會提名兩人香港機電工程商聯會提名兩人香港建築業承建商聯會提名一人香港建築師學會提名一人香港營造師學會提名一人香港測量師學會提名一人香港工程師學會提名一人建造 / 土木工程承建商提名一人土木 / 結構工程顧問公司提名一人環保公司提名一人本地教育 / 訓練機構提名一人工會提名一人獨立人士兩名屋宇署署長 ( 或其代表 ) 發展局局長 ( 或其代表 ) 房屋署署長 ( 或其代表 ) 勞工處處長 ( 或其代表 ) 職業訓練局執行幹事代表 (Apr 2017 ver.)

6 HKIA Guidelines on Nominating Members to External/Government Advisory and Statutory Bodies 1. Guidelines 1.1 The nomination principle is based on merit, under which a candidate's ability, expertise, experience, integrity, previous performance and commitment to act diligently in representing the Institute would be the important consideration in the nomination process. Persons with implicated names or in the midst of disciplinary proceedings should not be considered. 1.2 Taking on the principle in 1.1 for individuals, the nomination process should be able to effect a reasonable turnover of representation and membership participation but at the same time, providing the necessary continuity to the external boards and committees. 1.3 At the beginning of each year, the President, in consultation with the Office Bearers, the relevant Board Chairs and the Registrar, shall lead the Council to work out a strategy and plan ahead on all nominations that are expected in that particular year, based on an analysis of current serving members on various external boards and committees. The same nomination principle will also apply to any new requests for nomination that are received in the course of the year. 1.4 The Council may request the relevant Boards to carry out the Nomination Process on its behalf in one of the following ways: a) by way of re-nomination of existing representative, following the 4 years' rule. b) by way of invitation for nomination/express of interest to i) general membership and/or ii) members of relevant Boards/ Committees In such case, the manner of short-listing from nominated/interested individuals for recommendation to the Council should be left to the decision of the Board Chair of the relevant Board. However, voting among members of the Board should normally be considered. c) by way of invitation to individuals whom the Council may think appropriate. 1.5 All proposals for nomination, whether they are from the President, the Office Bearers, and Board Chairs, as individual or on behalf of the Board requested by the Council to make such nomination, should be approved by the Council. Approval by circulation will be arranged in urgent case. 1.6 Normally, no individual shall sit on the same external/government body for more than a consecutive period of 4 years and shall not serve on more than 6 external advisory and statutory bodies nominated by HKIA at any one time (not including serving as 'alternate member'). 1.7 Before making nominations to the Council, agreement of the individual nominee should be sought, particularly in respect of serving diligently when appointed to represent HKIA by attending meetings and providing written reports and summary statements to the HKIA from time to time for information of the Council/ relevant Boards or sometimes to the general membership when appropriate. 1.8 The Principle of Transparency should be carried throughout the process of nomination as far as practicable. 2. Declaration of Interest 2.1 When accepting nomination from the Council, the nominee should be aware and made aware to the Council whether the acceptance of such nomination would constitute a direct conflict with other External/Government Advisory Statutory Bodies that he/she is serving. e.g. One should not accept nomination to an appeal board of a statutory body that one is serving in. 2.2 Each HKIA nominee, when appointed, is required to sign a statement declaring situation(s) of conflict of interest, if any, for information of the relevant Board and for record by the Secretariat. 1 st version endorsed by Council on 16 December nd version endorsed by Council on 17 May 2014

7 Nomination to Building and Civil Engineering Training Board Vocational Training Council REPLY FORM To : HKIA Secretariat ( (not later than 5:30pm, 21 Janaury 2019 Monday) I would like to register my interest for being nominated by HKIA for appointment to be a member of Building and Civil Engineering Training Board of Vocational Training Council, and undertake to perform the duties of being the HKIA nominee as required by the Institute if appointed. My contact information are as follows :- Name: HKIA Membership. no. & Full Member since: Company Name and Position : Details for introducing you (Please provide brief CV) : No. of External / Government Advisory & Statutory Bodies currently serving : (please state no. & list) Office Tel / Mobile : Fax : Signature :