Creating Organizational Culture to Increase Academic Athmosphere in Higher Education Institute

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1 Creating Organizational Culture to Increase Academic Athmosphere in Higher Education Institute Hilda Ainissyifa 1, Ijudin 2, Fakry Hamdani 3 1 Faculty of Islamic Religion, Garut University Jl. Raya Samarang 54A, Garut-Indonesia 2 Faculty of Islamic Religion, Garut University Jl. Raya Samarang 54A, Garut-Indonesia 3 Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Jl. A.H Nasution No. 105, Bandung -Indonesia Abstract Academic atmosphere as an input component and part of the learning process in higher education is believed to be one of the components that will provide a significant influence on the creation of high education quality. This article discusses the improvement of academic atmosphere quality through organizational culture strategy. Analysis methodology used is a qualitative analysis by examining the relationship between variables conceptually based approach to causal effectual analysis. The analysis shows that developing academic atmosphere quality through the culture of organization is done through the various stages of creating culture, setting culture, maintaining culture, and analysis of organizational culture. Key Words Organizational Culture, Academic atmosphere, Higher Education Institute 1 Introduction Principally, the process of Higher Education implementation is a process of productive transformation to produce competent and qualified graduates who are able to meet the satisfaction of their (user) who will use them as a resource in the active production or other employment. The transformation process requires various kinds of prerequisites in order to be able to produce the qualified final output (finished goods output) who are able to guarantee the achievement of specified performance standards. Academic atmosphere constitutes one component that has a substantive influence in achieving higher education. Therefore academic atmosphere has always to be improved and enhanced in a systematic, sustained manner so as to be used as one of the main components in higher education. In other words, Academic atmosphere is a condition that should be created to make the process of learning in colleges run in accordance with the vision, mission, and goals. Academic atmosphere 1

2 International Journal of Islamic Khazanah Vol 01 No. 01, Jan 2013, pp Anissyifa, et. al. creates a conducive climate to academic activities, interaction between lecturers and students, among students, and among lecturers to optimize the learning process. This article discusses the creation model of conducive academic atmosphere through organizational culture approach that can support the implementation of the three responsibilities of higher education institutes optimally. 2. Literature Riview Sutrisno (2010) defines organizational culture as the system of values, beliefs, assumptions, or norms that have long been applied, agreed, and followed by members of an organization as code of conduct and solving organizational problems. Further, Robbins and Coulter (2010) stated that organizational culture is the values, principles, traditions, and ways of working adopted together by the members of the organization that affect the way they act. Hofstede (1980) states that culture is the collective programming of the human mind that distinguishes one group of human beings with other human groups. Culture is described as common values and behaviors of a group that influence the behavior of its members. While Hughes (1996) explained that organizational culture is normative glue" which is a collective agreement and a unifying organization. The result is a social system that is independent, which consists of the values, symbols, rituals, myths which have a strong influence on the behavior of its members. Furthermore, Wahjono (2010) states that there seems a broad agreement which organizational culture refer to a unified system of meanings held by members that distinguishes the organization from other organizations. This system of shared meaning, when observed more closely, is a set of main characteristic that is valued by the organization. Bush (2003) argues that the culture model assumes that the beliefs, values, and ideology are at the heart of the organization. Individuals keep certain ideas and values preferences that affect how they view the behavior of other members. These norms become a common tradition in the group communicated and reinforced by symbols and rituals within the organization. Morgan (1997) argues that the focus of the organization as a cultural phenomenon should lead to different concepts based on the structure of the division of meaning. So the organization is a social reality systems built from many members thinking when they are in the structure, and supported by the creation of relationships and rules. Furthermore, Smith and McKeen (2003) assume the existence of values that complement must be published to external groups in order to support the sustainability of these values. This attitude is important for a successful university autonomy. Every organization has a culture (a set of norms and values) that collectively guide the behavior of academicians. Culture is not associated with a good or bad thing, but it can help the development of values and behaviors that may promote or hinder an organization's goals. 3. Methodology The analysis conducted in this study is a qualitative analysis by reviewing the conceptual relationship between variables based on causal effectual analysis approach. The author acts as a participant observer, the analysis is done by observing and evaluating the various phenomena that occur on the object of research, and then carrying out the discussion of the phenomenon based on the author s logic 2 Islamic State University of Sunan Gunung Djati

3 Anissyifa, et. al. International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 01, No. 01, Jan 2012, pp who later confirmed the theoretical framework in the literature and / or research results that are relevant to the main topic of this study. The object of research is the private higher education institutions held by a foundation. Based on these results, if the conceptual link between organizational culture and academic atmosphere is found, the discussion will be done by analyzing the organizational culture development strategy, which consists of four main phases, namely (1) creating culture, (2) determining culture, (3) maintaining the culture, and (4) analyzing organizational culture. 4. Discussion Organizational culture can be a contributing factor as well as an obstacle to the creation of academic atmosphere effectiveness. Therefore, the most important thing is how the organizational culture does not inhibit the interaction between workers because it is the basis of knowledge creation. Wong and Aspinwall (2004) state that in order to achieve organizational goals, it is necessary to create conducive and comfortable organizational culture. In creating academic atmosphere, higher education needs to articulate the values in order to shape and give meaning to academic activities. In this case, the analysis of the influence of organizational culture is an important tool for management in achieving increasing growth and organizational effectiveness. That organizational culture has a positive and significant impact on the creation of academic atmosphere has been well known and based on literature Review and the results of this research. Furthermore, we discuss the formulation of a model of organizational culture that supports the development of academic atmosphere creation in order to improve the quality of higher education institutions. To create a framework that can be agreed upon, it will first discuss on the definition of organizational culture which focus on the development of this strategy. Culture is a pattern of basic assumptions invented and developed by a particular group, culture therefore discuss, learn, and master the problems of internal adaptation and internal integration. On the other hand, culture consists of mental program with the stated individual responses to the environment. This gives a sense that culture is an everyday behavior, but controlled by a mental program embedded very deep. Culture is not only the surface behavior, but it is deeply embedded within the individual human being. Webster's news Collegiate Dictionary defines culture as an integrated pattern of human behavior, including thought, speech, action, and artifacts and depends on the capacity of people to listen and pass on knowledge to the next generation. Organizational culture is a cognitive framework consisting of attitudes, values, behavioral norms, and expectations received by the organization. The root of every organizational culture is a set of core characteristics valued collectively by the members of the organization. Organizational culture as a common perception held by the members of the organization and a system of meaningfulness. Cultural organizations are concerned with how employees feel characteristics of an organizational culture. A difficulty in changing the culture is one of the challenges in improving the quality of education. The difficulty of changing bad organizational culture is described in the Qur'an Surah al-maida verse 104, the messenger of Allah made cultural reform during his struggle. 3

4 International Journal of Islamic Khazanah Vol 01 No. 01, Jan 2013, pp Anissyifa, et. al. Meaning: and when it is said to them: come to what Allah has revealed and to the messenger (Muhammad for the verdict of that which you have made anlawful). They say: enough for us is that which we found our fathers following, even though their fathers had no knowledge whatsoever nor guidance. Figure 1 Strategies of Organizational Culture Formation Furthermore, the discussion frame of strategies development is done by analyzing the development strategies of organizational culture (Figure 1), which consists of four main phases, namely (1) creating culture, (2) determining culture, (3) maintaining culture, and (4) analyzing organizational culture. 4 Islamic State University of Sunan Gunung Djati

5 Anissyifa, et. al. International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 01, No. 01, Jan 2012, pp Creating a Culture A culture originated from this time custom, tradition, and common ways for carrying out the work are mostly from what has been done before and of success of the efforts that have been achieved. It brings the creation of organizational culture to the main source of the culture of an organization, which is its founders. Furthermore, the organizational culture is formed through the interaction of four factors: the characteristics of the people who are in management, organizational ethics, the rights of workers, and organizational structure. Figure 2 Factors of Organizational Culture shaping 1 Characteristics of the people involved in the organization The main source of an organization's culture is the people who are involved in the organization. If you want to know why the culture of an organization's culture is different from other organizations, it can be observed from the character of its members. An organization has a different culture because they attract, select and recruit people who have different personalities and ethical values. The founders and leaders in the university (eg: the professor) have a great influence in the culture of higher education because of the values and beliefs they have. The founders and leaders university set subsequent cultural development because they are not only the founders of the organization, but also have an important role in recruiting members of the organization (academicians). 2. Ethics of the organization Organizational ethics are moral values, beliefs and rules which establish the right path for organizational stakeholders to work together with other organizations, and environmental organizations. The factors that influence the formation of the organization's ethics are as follows: 5

6 International Journal of Islamic Khazanah Vol 01 No. 01, Jan 2013, pp Anissyifa, et. al. Figure 3 Factors of Organizational Ethics Shaping a. Social Ethics. Social ethic where people stand is an essential determinant of the organization's ethics in higher education. Social ethics are form moral values in legitimated social systems, either in form and practice or in norms and values espoused in everyday life. When social ethics codified into a legal obligation, it should be followed by everyone. b. Professional ethics are moral values in which a group of people who have the same skills developed to monitor the performance of their duties or in the use of resources. c. Individuals Ethics. Personal moral values that individuals use in interacting with other people. 4.2 Determination of Culture 1 Ethical values of organization The values that elevate the culture of an organization, ethical values currently believed to be the most important. Ethical standards become the part of a formal policy. Ethics is a code of moral principles and values that influence the behavior of someone or a group who values true or false. Ethical values form the standardization for what is good or bad on the behavior and decision-making. Ethical behavior is manifested by the development of the law that can be designed by the leaders of higher education. Laws arise from the development and regulation principles that describe how people act, which are generally accepted in society, and whether they can implement sanction and punishment. 2. Sources of ethical values in organization Standards for ethical values and behavior are manifested for every academician in Higher Education institutes. 6 Islamic State University of Sunan Gunung Djati

7 Anissyifa, et. al. International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 01, No. 01, Jan 2012, pp Figure 4 Sources of Ethical Values in Organization a. Personal Ethics, each individual brings personal beliefs and values into the workplace. Personal values and moral reasoning that translate these values to behaviors are important aspects of ethical decision-making in higher education. b. Cultural Organization, general behaviors of academicians in higher education institutions describes the values, attitudes, and behavior patterns of organizational culture. c. Organizational Systems, the third category affecting higher education ethics is a system of formal organization. this Includes basic organizational forms, such as ethical values contained in the policies and rules; explicit code of ethics established by the higher education; reward from the head of higher education including praise, attention and promotion in the code of conduct and ethics as a consideration in selecting and training educators. Formal efforts could strengthen ethical values that exist in the informal culture. d. The External side, the ethics and social responsibility of higher education are also influenced by outsiders, groups outside the organization that have a stake in the performance of higher education. Ethical and socially responsible decision recognizes that the organization is part of a larger community that consider the effects of a decision or action to all stakeholders, such as the accreditation of study program in higher education. 3 Formalization of organizational culture Organizational structure is the formal system of task and authority relationships within the organization to control its activities. Different structures lead to different cultures. The foundation along with university needs to design certain things within an Organizational structure to establish the university culture. 7

8 International Journal of Islamic Khazanah Vol 01 No. 01, Jan 2013, pp Anissyifa, et. al. 4.3 Maintaining and Socialization of Organizational Culture Once culture exists, there will be forces in the organization preserve by ways of giving experience to its academicians. The three powers playing the most important role in maintaining an organization's culture is the practice of selection, top management action (foundation and leaders of university), as well as the methods of organizational socialization. 1. Selection Explicit goal of the selection process is to find and employ individuals who have knowledge, smartness, and the ability to achieve maximal result in educational institutions. Selection is an effort to ensure there is a match between the individual and the university culture that has been built, to generate acceptance from people who have the same value or at least have most sameness of the values. In addition, the selection process is to inform the applicants about the organization, and if they feel a conflict between their values and the values of the organization, they may withdraw from the nomination. Selection, therefore, becomes a way with two destinations that allow the employee and job seekers to make a marriage if they appear to fit each other. Thus, the selection process is maintaining the organizational culture by filtering out individuals who might probably disrupt its core values. 2. Foundation and university leaders Top management actions, in this case the Foundation or the university leaders have an important impact on organizational culture. The educators noticed management behavior, "one got warning, even he has a good job, just because he disagreed with the views of the university." These events then will set norms may be fair and applied in the institutions. 3. Socialization How well an institution makes recruitment and selection, the academic community such as employee/student will not be entirely doctrinased by organizational culture. The most important assumption held is that they do not know the culture of the organization, the new employees/ students are those who are potentially to disrupt existing beliefs and practices. Therefore, the organization wants to help employees/ students to adjust to university culture. Organization will always socialize itself to the members during the interaction within the organization. Socialization is the most important if new employee/ student entering the university. The employee and new student are required to undergo a form of orientation where they are informed about how to do something in college. 4.4 Analysis of Organizational Culture After reviewing the conditions in which culture can be implemented and accepted. Furthermore, how the university management should also be able to absorb the values of internal and external changes that lead to a new culture. The challenge is to dilute the existing culture. There is not a separate action that has the possibility of an impact that can melt something has been so deeply rooted. Therefore, 8 Islamic State University of Sunan Gunung Djati

9 Anissyifa, et. al. International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 01, No. 01, Jan 2012, pp there must be a comprehensive strategy and coordination to manage the culture with cultural analysis efforts. The best place to begin an assessment of the effectiveness of the cultural organization toward the organizational achievement is through cultural analysis. Among them are a cultural audit to assess the existing culture, the comparison of the current culture to culture expected and the evaluation to the present boundaries to identify elements of culture that must be replaced. At least, there are three basic questions to be answered in order to take the contents of that culture. First, how is background of the founders and those who substitute them. Second, how is the organization responding to the crisis in the past or other crisis, and what can be learned from these experiences. Third, who are considered deviant from the organizational culture and how it responds them. The answers to the previous questions will show how a particular value is formed in the order form values, and where are the limits of culture. The next step is that cultural analysis requires new cultural values to be clearly explained. Desired culture can then be compared with the values of the existing organization at this time. The final step in the analysis is to find out cultural dimension and cultural values inappropriate and need to change. It is impossible for all core values not to be acceptable. Thus, this step focuses attention only on the specific values that apply and require modification. Once the gaps have been found, attention can be given to specific actions that will directly improve the differences. Dealing with overall series of development above, it is hoped that the organizational culture at the university can be created. Some of the benefits to be gained from the university culture development efforts, including: a. ensuring a better quality of work; b. opening all communication channels of all types and levels of communication both vertically and horizontally; c. more open and transparent; d. promote unity and a high sense of belonging; e. enhancing solidarity and kinship; f. fixing an error immediately, and g. Being able to adapt well to the development of science and technology. In addition to some of the above benefits, other benefits to the individual and the group are: a. Increase of job satisfaction; b. socially more familiar; c. increased discipline; d. lighter functional supervision; e. a desire to always to do something proactively; f. continuous learning and achievement as well, and g. Wanting to give the best for the university, family, others and yourself. In the context of improving the quality of education, the development of the university culture refers to the following principles. a. Focusing on the Vision, Mission and Goals of the University. The development of university should be in line with the vision, mission and objectives of the university. The function of vision, mission, and goals guide the development of university culture. Vision of quality excellence, for example, must be accompanied by real programs on university culture creation. b. Creating Formal and Informal Communications. Communication is the basis for the coordination at the university, including the importance of conveying messages of university culture. Informal communication is as important as formal communication. Thus both lines of communication need to be used in conveying the message effectively and efficiently. 9

10 International Journal of Islamic Khazanah Vol 01 No. 01, Jan 2013, pp Anissyifa, et. al. c. Innovative and willing to take a risk. One of organizational culture dimensions is innovation and willingness to take risks. Every university culture change causes the risk that must be accepted, especially for the reformers. Fear will cause less courageous risk taking attitude of a leader in making decision soon. d. Having a clear strategy. University cultural development is supported by strategies and programs. Strategy includes ways taken while the program involves operations that need to be done. Strategies and programs are two things that are always related. e. Performance oriented. University cultural development should be directed at targets that can be measured wherever possible. Measurable targets will facilitate the achievement of the performance measurement at a university. f. Clear evaluation systems. To determine the performance of university cultural development should be evaluated regularly and gradually: short term, medium and long term. Because it is necessary to develop evaluation systems, especially in the case: when the evaluation is done, who is doing and follow-up mechanisms to do. g. Having a strong Commitment. The commitment of the leaders and the academic community will determine the implementation of the development programs of the university culture. Much evidence suggests that the weak commitment of the leadership make programs not work well. h. Decision based-consensus. Positive organizational culture traits participatory decision that led to the decision making by consensus. Although it depends on the situation of the decision, but in general the consensus increases organizational members' commitment in implementing the decision. i. Clear Beneficial System. University culture development should is accompanied by a system of rewards although it is not always in the form of goods or money. Another form is the award or loan points, especially for lecturers and students who exhibit positive behavior in line with the development of the university culture. j. Self-Evaluation. Self-evaluation is a tool to find out the problems faced by the university. Evaluation can be done by using a brainstorming approach or use a self-assessment scale. University leaders can develop a self-assessment method that is useful for the development of the university culture. In addition to referring to principles above, university cultural development efforts should also stick to the following principles: a. Cooperation team (team work). Basically a university community is a team / a group of individuals working together to achieve goals. In this regard, the value of teamwork and cooperation is a necessity and is an activity that aims to build the forces or resources owned by the university academicians. b. Capability. It Refers to the ability to perform tasks and responsibilities at the department, faculty, or university. In a learning environment, professional skills of lecturers are not only demonstrated in the academic field but also in attitude and action that reflects private educators. c. Desire. The desire here refers to the willingness or readiness to perform the duties and responsibilities for the satisfaction of students and community. All values above do not have meaning if they dont denotes desire. Desire should be directed at efforts to improve and enhance the capability and competence in carrying out the duties and responsibilities as the culture emerging in the leaders of the university, faculty, and staff in providing services to students and public. d. Excitement (happiness). This excitement value must be owned by the entire academic community with the hope that will have implications on the environment and friendly university climate and foster a sense of satisfaction, comfort, happiness and proud to be part of the academic community. e. Respect (respect). Respect is a value that shows appreciation to either anyone in the university or to education stakeholders. Complaints arising due to not appreciated or not treated fairly will make university not trusted. The attitude of respect can be expressed in a way of smiling and 10 Islamic State University of Sunan Gunung Djati

11 Anissyifa, et. al. International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, Vol. 01, No. 01, Jan 2012, pp greeting to anyone who is met, or by providing an attractive gift as an expression of respect and appreciation for work well done. f. To be honest (honesty). The value of honesty is the most fundamental value in the university environment, both honesty to themselves and honesty to others. The value of honesty is not limited to doing the job or task correctly, but it includes the best way to establish personal objectives. Without honesty, trust will not be obtained. Therefore, a culture of honesty in every situation everywhere must always be maintained. Honest in assessments, honest in managing finances, honest and consistent in spending time on duty and personal responsibility are strong personality in creating a good culture of university. g. Discipline. Discipline is a form of obedience to rules and sanctions that apply in the university. The discipline meant in this principle is the attitude and behavior of the discipline that comes from the awareness and willingness to live orderly and tidy and be able to put something appropriate in appropriate conditions. h. Empathy. Empathy is the ability to put yourself or to feel what is perceived by others but not involved in the feeling. This attitude should be possessed by the entire academic community in order to interact with anyone. And anywhere they can understand the root of problem other people have and are able to put themselves in accordance with the expectations of others. i. Knowledge and Modesty. Knowledge and modesty of the academicians, along with the ability to gain the trust of anyone will give a convincing impression to others. This dimension requires lecturers, staff and university leaders to be skillful, well-trained and professionals in meeting the demands and needs of students, parents and community. 5 Conclusion There are practical steps to create a conducive academic atmosphere that cover observing and evaluating the supporting components, especially in the organizational culture. Organizational culture is believed to be a component that will provide a significant influence on academic improvement in higher education atmosphere. The organizational culture creation method on the implementation of higher education focused on culture related to academic activities, access to learning resources, the adequacy and accuracy of learning resources, student participation in curricular activities (including research) as well as co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, etc. References Bush, T Theories of Educational Leadership and Management. New York: SAGE Publications. Hofstede, G Cultures Consequences: International Differences in Work-related Values. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications Hughes, D NHS Managers as Rhetoricians: A Case of Culture Management?, Sociology of Health and Illness Vol. 18, No. 3 Morgan, G Images of Organization. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Robbins, S P dan M Coulter Manajemen. Jakarta: Erlangga Smith, H A and J D McKeen. Instilling a Knowledge-Sharing Culture, (2003), avalaible at: down load: 16 Agust Sutrisno, E Budaya Organisasi. Jakarta: Kencana 11

12 International Journal of Islamic Khazanah Vol 01 No. 01, Jan 2013, pp Anissyifa, et. al. Wahjono, S I Perilaku Organisasi. Jogyakarta: Graha Ilmu Wong, K Y dan E. Aspinwall Knowledge Management Implementation Frameworks: A Review. Knowledge and Process Management, Vol. 11, No.2 12 Islamic State University of Sunan Gunung Djati


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