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1 CASE STUDY 10 Total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) / ZIP commences April NZ s largest energy retailer - electricity, natural gas, LPG and renewable energy - >1,000 employees TOTAL RECORDABLE INJURIES Total Recordable Injuries TRIFR (Rolling 12 Month Total) ROLLING 12 MONTH TRIFR 89%q TRIFR * 55%q LTIFR * 1517%q reduction in average compensation claim cost* *Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate, *Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate *Average claim $404.34, compared to national average of $ This document remains the intellectual property of Sentis Pty Ltd and is protected by copyright and registered trademarks. No material from this document is to be reproduced or used in any format without express written permission. i800

2 P.2 Training Transfer 94% 90% 90.2% 98% For of participants agreed that ZIP training would increase their personal safety and their organisation s safety of participants agreed that they were eager to put what they have learned into practice of participants agreed that ZIP training is given a high priority at Genesis Energy of participants would recommend the ZIP Safety Training Program to others The one initiative that Genesis has rolled out in recent times where there has been universal embrace and positive experience and feedback across the organisation. Albert Brantley, CEO, Genesis Energy greater detail on the methodology behind Sentis compelling results, read on! Testimony The ZIP programme is a major contributor to Genesis Energy s dramatically reduced recordable injury rate.*

3 P.3 CONTEXT Genesis Energy Limited Sentis partnership with Genesis Energy commenced in 2009, initially in the development of a bespoke safety intervention that would empower Genesis Energy to take control of safety outcomes on both an individual and organisational level. Built around Sentis Zero Incident Process (ZIP), grounded in proven psychology and evidenced through our research and assessments, Sentis and Genesis Energy have worked together to implement an enduring safety culture change solution. A State-owned enterprise, Genesis Energy represents New Zealand s largest energy retailer and employs more than 1000 people locally. As a generator of electricity also, Genesis has production sites in both the North and South Island, including renewable sources: hydro, themal, wind; LPG and natural gas. Genesis diverse operation - vertically integrated across energy generation, trading, and retail - required a flexible and customised approach on the part of Sentis to ensure the ZIP learnings connected with the entirety of the organisation. OBJECTIVES Based on Sentis scoping activities of May 2013, objectives are identified in collaboration with Genesis Energy: - Increase personal accountability for safety - Minimise risk - Create and foster an injury-free workplace Guided by the findings of Sentis Safety Culture & Leadership survey, input from key stakeholders, and site scoping visits, strengths and opportunities in working towards the goal of Zero Incidents were identified. Primarily established were the objectives of increasing ownership of safety outcomes through a sense of personal accountability with employees; minimising risk through effective engagement with risk assessment tools. With a comprehensive understanding of Genesis broad safety culture objectives and unique organisational circumstances and challenges, Sentis developed a three phase strategy for implementing a contextualised ZIP roll-out to ultimately achieve lasting safety culture change and the accompanying safety performance indicator results. ind Sentis compelling results, read on! SOLUTION Sentis partners with Genesis Energy to deliver a 3 Phase ongoing safety intervention roll out continuing through This intervention consists of: - The cornerstone of Genesis Energy s Health and Safety strategy. * - Part of the culture of the organisation - Integrated with existing safety observation tools - Championed by internal Zero Incident Process (ZIP) Navigators - Supported with safety leadership development - Embedded using ongoing one day induction programs, Tookits for leaders, and Sentis new elearning platform *2013 Genesis submission to Deloitte Energy Awards Following an initial ZIP roll-out to just over 150 Genesis employees, Sentis again met with the client in 2012 to develop a joint strategy whereby ZIP could be rolled out to the entire organisation. To bolster the roll-out and ensure consistency, previous ZIP participants were engaged in Stop, Start, Continue two hour refresher workshops, before both teams and leaders experienced the two day ZIP Module one course, and leaders further the two day Module two ZIP programme.

4 P.4 Our Process PHASE 1: PREPARATION PHASE 2: IMPLEMENTATION PHASE 3: MAINTENANCE This phase focusses on diagnosis and assessment, setting the vision, designing the solution and preparing the organisation for change. Based on a deep understanding of human behaviour and the psychology of change, our solutions are designed to engage and empower all levels of the organisation. Change requires sustained focus and continuing support. We work with organisations to integrate solutions into systems and processes to ensure a lasting return on your investment. Phase 1: Preparation During the initial scoping and ZIP roll out preparation phase, Sentis worked with Genesis in the conducting of site scoping activities as a barometer of the organisational safety culture. Subsequent reporting from our research and assessment team, as well as consultation at both teams and leadership level, was used to guide implementation strategy. Sentis Consultants in conjunction with Genesis Energy stakeholder input also identified ZIP Navigators within the organisation internal champions of ZIP who would help ensure dissemination of the core concepts and promote participation across employees. Leadership support, particularly from CEO Albert Brantley and the Genesis Leadership Team, was also instrumental in contextualising the ZIP intervention and achieving internal momentum. Phase 2: Implementation Initially, Sentis assessed individual safety attitudes using the proprietary ZERO Scale survey, designed to enable participants to better understand their position helpful or hindering toward key safety contributors. Following the two day Module One facilitated learning programme during which the key ZIP concepts are introduced - participants were then guided through their ZEROScale results individually to assist in determining strategies more likely to achieve safe outcomes. Additional learning opportunities were provided with the applied ZIP Teams program Influencing Minds, which builds on ZIP to offer insights into the brain science behind influencing behaviours. Leaders also experienced the initial two day ZIP Module One programme, followed by ZIP Module Two, an additional two day workshop which builds on the knowledge of Module One and provides participants with powerful practical leadership strategies. Leaders further benefited from one-on-one post-programme coaching from Sentis consultants, as well as applied ZIP leadership program Leading Minds. Phase 3: Maintenance With the initial ZIP roll out complete, in 2014 Genesis continue their safety journey toward Zero Harm and Zero Incidents. At the team level, employees are applying ZIP concepts to take control of both their own and others safety. Genesis leadership continues to promote ZIP and are supported through Sentis toolkits, Safe Days board safety performance tracking, pre start training, and ongoing coaching from Sentis Consultants. - Embedding and Evaluation As a key component in the application and maintenance of ZIP, concepts and desired behaviours are now reinforced through internal processes (e.g. Recruitment, Inductions and Performance Discussions). ZIP will become part of the induction process with a customised one day workshop facilitation experience for new employees. Consideration has been made for the future implementation elearning and full suite of supporting Innovation services.

5 P.5 Impact Across all Genesis Energy sites, a significant reduction in the frequency of injuries Central to Genesis Energy s Health and Safety programme, since the introduction of ZIP: - Decrease in TRIFR 1 of 89% - Decrease in LTIFR 2 of 55% - 82% increase in Safety Observations - 94% of participants agreed that ZIP training would increase their personal safety and their organisation s safety - 90% of participants agreed that they were eager to put what they have learned into practice - The ZIP programme is a major contributor to Genesis Energy s dramatically reduced recordable injury rate.* - The one initiative that Genesis has rolled out in recent times where there has been universal embrace and positive experience and feedback across the organisation. Albert Brantley, CEO, Genesis energy Limited 1. Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate 2. Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate *2013 Genesis submission to Deloitte Energy Awards Participant feedback has been notably positive, with over 90% of participants agreeing that ZIP training would increase their personal safety and their organisation s safety, and importantly, 94% of participants agreeing that they were eager to put what they have learned into practice. Qualitative support for the roll out includes Genesis Energy s submission to the 2013 Deloitte Energy Awards: The ZIP a major contributor to Genesis Energy s dramatically reduced recordable injury rate, as well as comment from CEO Albert Brantley that ZIP is the one initiative that Genesis has rolled out in recent times where there has been universal embrace and positive experience and feedback across the organisation. Conclusions Sentis initial ZIP safety intervention with genesis Energy has been a resounding success both in terms of participant engagement and safety outcomes. Ongoing embedding and maintenance activities to continue to drive safety culture change, and subsequently improved safety performance, will continue as part of the partnership through 2014 and beyond. ZIP Impacts Individual, Team, and Organisational Safety Performance Sentis ZIP implementation has had a significant, measurable impact on Genesis Energy s safety performance and will continue to do so as concepts are embedded in organisational culture. Initial lag indicators of safety performance since the introduction of ZIP are impressive, with a decrease of 89% in the Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate and a 55% drop in the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate of 55% to April I.See.It, Genesis s Health & Safety reporting tool, has further seen an 82% increase in safety observations post-zip. Genesis Energy and Sentis remain committed to driving this safety result towards Zero Harm through and beyond Phase 3 of the roll-out.