Strengthening Families Programme Lead. Programme Director My Life, Full Life Programme

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1 Strengthening Families Programme Lead Programme Director My Life, Full Life Programme Provide leadership, direction and strategic and operational management of the Strengthening Families Programme comprising the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) Troubled Families element and the European Social Fund element under the Supporting Families with Multiple Problems Back into Employment / Progress! Programme on the Isle of Wight. Manage staff of the Strengthening Families Programme and Accredited Community Support Officers service and facilitate the work of a virtual team of up to 25 Progress! Coaches across seven external service providers under the European Social Fund Progress! Programme. Contribute to the national and regional networks of troubled families co-ordinators and various boards and partnerships to drive a radical step change in the pace and scale of work with troubled families. Ensure that local delivery of the Strengthening Families Programme is informed by and contributes to the most effective service models and cutting edge approaches to service redesign, efficient and non-bureaucratic systems to track results and capture potential savings of this work. Job Summary To strategically lead the flagship programme for adults on the Isle of Wight. To drives and challenge each key working relationship to innovate and reform in order to achieve agreed objectives. Key responsibilities for the post holder will be to work with the above to deliver My Life - A Full Life Programme. To work with localities and primary care to develop integrated programmes which will ensure effective delivery of the programme in a way that is sensitive to local needs and context. Promote innovation and the delivery of proactive integrated care. Key Working Relationships Ensures that the My Life - A Full Life Programme is developed within the direction provided by the CCG Executive. Responsible for ensuring a clear, effective working relationship with relevant organisations regarding commissioning and provision of support and services. Maintains an effective working relationship with other external provider trusts; the local authority and the CCG. Operates effectively and flexibly with a demanding environment and proactively engage with stakeholders. Required to communicate and proactively build good working relationship and provide information and advice to a wide range of internal and external stakeholders on a range of business sensitive issues. Leads as an expert; integrating care and support systems and managing effective working relationships with the appropriate stakeholders. Financial and Physical Resources Budget setting and managing related activity, liaising with the Finance Officer in relevant organisations to support the programme. Responsible for ensuring adherence to the programme budget, with ongoing management of expenditure against budget and ensuring the appropriate documentation is available for scrutiny. Responsible for defining the budget required to scope and implement the programme and operational budget management. Responsible for making recommendations, providing advice and able to prepare strategic reports / briefings as required. Act in a way that is compliant with standing orders and standing financial instructions in the discharge of budget management responsibilities. Constantly strive for value for money and greater efficiency in the use of these budgets and to ensure that they operate in recurrent financial balance year-on-year. Staff Management Motivate and inspire staff to role model leadership and innovation and to demonstrate the values of the My Life A Full Life Programme. 1

2 Deputy Chief Fire Officer Provide strategic leadership, expertise and knowledge across organisation and where applicable. Work across the wider organisation to agree prioritisation of blocks of work and related resource allocation to ensure high priority work / dependencies are completed in a timely manner. To forge positive working relationships, in order to support an effective matrix management approach to achieve CCG objectives. Planning, Information and Organisation Chair or attend as appropriate, meetings with varied internal and external key stakeholders to facilitate the delivery of the strategic objectives. Responsibility for ensuring the strategy is developed, delivered to time, to quality standards and in a cost effective manner, adjusting plans and resources as required. Responsibility for the management of and reporting of information to relevant internal and external stakeholders, at Executive level and across multiple stakeholders including executive sponsors and non-executive authorities. Systems, Policy and Development Lead the implementation of major programmes to achieve desired benefits. Maintains a good knowledge of emerging national policies. Research and identify relevant best practice, this could be UK wide, globally, public or private sector both within and outside the health economy in order to develop appropriate options to implement policies, considering how best practice could be applied to the existing health economy, taking into account the impact on existing relationships between entities and their functions across the health economy. FUNCTIONAL Operational Planning and designing programmes to support the delivery of the relevant strategic objective and organisational goals. Proactively monitoring overall progress, including developing and maintaining key strategic programme documents. Day-to-day management of programmes, including identifying risks and resolving issues. Maintaining the overall integrity and coherence of the programme, developing and maintaining the programme environment to support each individual project within it. Managing programme budgets, monitoring expenditure and costs against benefits that are realised as the programme progresses. Deputy Chief Fire Officer provides gold command level operational cover and deputizes for the Chief Fire Officer in his absence. Maintains the performance, financial and risk priorities of the and manages all prevention, protection and response areas. 2

3 Commissioning Adult Social Care PAN Neighbourhood Renewal Legal s Commissioning for Building Community Capacity Economic Development and Assets Responsible for taking the commissioning overview of the needs of disabled people, people with long term health conditions and older people at risk of losing their independence; advising IWC on how those needs are best met, ensuring that services are in place as agreed and to assess their impact. Responsible for providing the senior directorate management team with regular and specific analyses of the performance of commissioned services. Responsible for leading the development, commissioning and provision of services to support vulnerable adults and carers. To lead the Authority s integrated approach to commissioning including the development and delivery of specialist services which contribute to social care on the Island. Undertake analysis of needs and identify gaps and duplications that inform the development of resources and the commissioning / decommissioning of services. Provide advice, guidance and strategic support to the Nominated Director / Head of Commissioning Adult Social Care, Elected Members, partner organisations and contractors on Adult Social Care. Act as the lead officer for statutory duty under relevant Adult Social Care legislation. Promoting the regeneration of Pan improving the lives of residents and closing the service provision gap. Contributing to the wider development of relevant neighbourhood management strategies. Managing all aspects of the Downside and Community Learning Centre. Supporting the continued development of local community groups. To lead and manage Legal s ensuring the delivery of high quality, cost effective legal services across the Council, in accordance with the Council s corporate objectives. To act as deputy monitoring officer and to deputize for the Head of Corporate Governance as required. Arts commissioning. Statutory Library and support to community libraries. Isle of Wight Heritage (archaeology, archives including new Record Office project, heritage education, museums, local studies). Youth and Community to 30 September Award for Duke of Edinburgh programme on Isle of Wight. Client officer liaison for Ventnor Botanic Garden Community Company CIC. Isle of Wight Music and client officer liaison for Isle of Wight Music Education Hub (from 1 September 2014). Commissioning regeneration advice on Council assets in Bay and Ryde. Work in partnership with other agencies to deliver, develop and commission activities, projects and initiatives to grow the Island s economy, provide the management and maintenance of the Council s buildings, land and property portfolio, lead on sustainability and green energy initiatives as well as deliver public, civic and corporate event management, public consultation, and awareness campaigns. 3

4 Recreation, Leisure and Public Spaces Business Improvement Finance Procurement and Contract Management Lead People Management s ICT and Digital s Transformation Shared s Strategies for and management of leisure, parks, sports, beaches, car parking, bereavement services, public realm, and commercial services ensuring that services are consistent with the expectations of the local community and visitors to the Island. Including contract arrangements with third parties, maintenance and improvement of all facilities. Council lead responsibility for performance management, risk management and corporate priorities, lead for internal audit and other audit related matters. Deputy S151 Officer. of management accounting, corporate finance and technical finance teams. Contributes to the development of the Medium Term Financial Strategy and other strategic financial planning documents to support the Managing Director and S151 Officer. Provision of financial information and advice to members. finance lead for Adult Social Care including membership of various groups dealing with health partnership arrangements and integration. To manage the provision of a full procurement and contract management service across the Council and, in particular: Lead and direct the establishment and ongoing development of the procurement and contract management unit; Oversee the development, implementation and operation of the Council s sourcing strategies; Lead the development and implementation of a consistent and co-ordinated approach to contract management; Provision of legal advice and support to Directors / Senior s on all matters of procurement, contracts and commercial; Lead the delivery of the Council s waste function; Lead the delivery of the concessionary fares obligation; Lead the procurement of the new waste contract. Responsible for providing strategic leadership and management to the advisory services of the human resource service (including the HR Business Partnering Team, the Health, Safety and Welfare Team and the HR Support s Team). To act as Council s lead professional advisor on employee relations matters and lead officer in the development and implementation of people management projects. Responsible for the overall delivery and development of the ICT service to support the operational activities of the Authority and to develop the service to support the changing organisation in future years. The department provides enabling technologies supporting business change across the Authority. Responsible for the overall ICT budget including staffing resource, contracts and centralized ICT equipment and Telephony related purchasing. Additionally responsible for provision of and development of digital services for the Council to enable better access to customers and efficiencies through streamlined and automated processes both internally and externally to the Organisation. To be responsible for the development of and leadership for the delivery of a programme of business transformation projects across the Council which enable the Council to become more agile and responsive to customer needs as well as secure the necessary savings required to fulfil the Council s budget strategy by reducing organizational complexity, fragmentation and duplication and increasing innovation, collaboration and being commercially astute. Responsible for the overall strategy and improvement initiatives for the Shared s Centre, both medium and long term, in order to continually deliver responsive, value for money effective services making a major contribution towards the service planning process and to lead and manage the Shared s team delivering the Council s transactional activities. 4

5 Deputy Head of Planning (Policy) Regulatory s Quality Improvement Performance Commission Commissioner for Alternative Education Provision and Virtual School Headteacher Planning Policy Conservation and Design Tree Team Coastal Policy Transport Policy Flood investigation and ordinary watercourse consents Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Team S106 monitoring Local Sustainable Transport Fund delivery To act as the lead advisory officer for the Council s Environmental Health, Licensing and Trading Standards functions. Responsible for the management, delivery, budget control, income, performance and development of regulatory and enforcement services including Licensing, Environmental Protection, Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Permitting regime, Food Safety and Standards, Health and Safety at Work, Trading Standards, Consumer advice and Animal Health. To effectively manage and deploy resources in relation to Commissioning function, Business information, ICS, Children s participation and Rights, Children s statutory complaints, business support function. Lead on delivery of the Quality Assurance performance framework for monitoring services for children and young people. Produce and analyse performance data for internal performance meetings and key strategic partnerships, to inform the direction of travel, service planning and commissioning strategy. Ensure the ICS systems effectively support the recordings and analysis of individual children s data. Develop and co-ordinate the commissioning arrangements for Children s social care services which are evidenced informed in partnership with Hampshire key strategic objectives. Ensure that the voice of the child and participation contributes to service improvement and delivery. Ensure lessons learnt from complaints inform improvements in practice delivery. To lead on the implementation of the inclusion strategy for the Isle of Wight Local Authority covering vulnerable children and young people from 0 to 25 by championing their needs with partners and leading on initiatives that significantly accelerate their educational progress. To ensure that the Authority meets its statutory requirements with regard to those pupils who are looked after. To provide a full curriculum entitlement to all pupils who are excluded from school and those who are at risk of exclusions and need alternative provision to school. 5

6 Commissioner for Learning and Development Commissioning for To provide strategic leadership for the effective learning and development of all staff within the Council and partner agencies as appropriate. To be responsible for a team of specialists who commission a range of effective professional development opportunities which build upon both the needs of the Council and personal professional needs of staff. To deliver workforce development plans which meet the identified needs of Children s s staff (including children s social care, schools and early years), Adult Social Care and corporate aims and objectives. To lead the development, implementation and review of the Local Authority Adult Learning Plan for the Isle of Wight. To be responsible for the planning, organization, commissioning, delivery and review of staff development programmes designed to facilitate interdepartmental interagency working meet organizational development needs. To collate training and continued professional development information across agencies to encourage training to cross professional boundaries. To ensure that there is a programme of training that enables the Council to demonstrate that it meets its statutory requirements (e.g. health and safety, safeguarding). To be responsible for managing the Local Authority Skills Funding Agency contract for Adult Community Learning programmes to ensure quality of provision, best practice models and equality of opportunity for adult learners. To ensure the effective business planning and delivery of a parenting and behaviour support service offering services to schools, and professional workforce development to agencies working with children and parents. Working with education providers (11-19) providing curriculum and leadership which secures both high quality and appropriate learning opportunities for all students leading to the achievement of high standards and supports progression pathways for all. Lead and monitor the quality of provision across education providers working with the senior officer of the participation team through the strategic plan and working with external agencies such as the Skills Funding Agency, Education Funding Agency and Solent LEP. To secure sufficient suitable education and training opportunities to meet the reasonable needs of all young people including LLDD (Learners with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities) in their area and provide a strategic lead for the RPA (Raised Participation Age) across the Island s providers, employers, parents and carers. Identify the strategic training needs for the curriculum and work with providers to devise appropriate development opportunities. Work with local businesses to identify skill gaps and encourage providers to respond positively to the demand. Actively support the drive to expand the use of the apprenticeship scheme amongst Island businesses. Provide advice and support to schools regarding national developments and research in relation to the curriculum. Secure the effective and independent provision of information, advice and guidance for students for NEET young people and provide a commissioned service to the providers. To contribute to the development of and implement arrangements for providing high quality advice, support and challenge for schools and education / work based providers on curriculum, teaching and learning, assessment, leadership and management matters enabling sustained improvement and effective provision To promote achievement and high standards in education and identify and address barriers to improvement through the development and implementation of appropriate quality assurance procedures with regard to schools and related areas including the Monitoring, Challenge and Intervention Framework and to work with secondary schools that are in Ofsted category to identify and where appropriate, provide support in partnership with Hampshire County Council. To support schools in the development of effective transition strategies 6

7 Safeguarding Unit Early Help Virtual Headteacher Education and Inclusion Eastern Disabled Children s Third Officer Head of Operations Operations and Fire Resilience Principal Lawyer and Deputy Monitoring Officer Safeguarding Unit which covers (IR/CP, LADO and LSCB) - responsible for the Independent Reviewing and Child Protection, Safeguarding Business Support Team leader, Local Authority Designated Officer and the IOWSC Board and Partnership. Social Care representative on the LSCB SCR, CSE and PQA sub Group. Auditing, developing policies and procedures for service area, oversight and completion of statutory annual reports. Safeguarding representative for Licensing. Health and Safety Board member. Directly supervises eight members of staff and complete their 1:1 s and PDR s and am responsible for a total of 16 staff within my teams. Create and develop the team and am involved in the development of service plans and plans to the improvement board. Managing the Early Help, including CAF team, Early Help Team, FIZ service and Targeted Youth Support. Lead commissioner for Children s Centre s, Parenting and Family Support, Early Childhood Support, the Youth Offer and Young Carers. lead for the Early Help and Child Poverty. The progress and achievements of Looked After Children is monitored by the Virtual Headteacher, who maintains an overview of the Virtual School and the Local Authority s strategic direction. Key responsibilities are: To support Children and Young People in the care of Isle of Wight Council in educational and pre-school settings on the Island, or in placements and schools off the Island, and to offer support to those in the care of other Authorities but placed in Isle of Wight schools or settings; To raise the educational attainment and achievement of LAC; To ensure that LAC have equal access to educational, training and employment opportunities; To ensure that LAC participate and progress within a wide range of educational and broader activity within and extending beyond schools; To ensure that the services are responsive to and informed by the voice and needs of LAC. The Virtual Headteacher also heads a virtual school and has five Social Care Educational Professionals who work with the head to challenge education settings in improving outcomes for LAC. This process is informed by the production of a Personal Education Plan (PEP) for every LAC a document that brings together the views of all stakeholders and ultimately produces mutually approved targets. Primary responsibilities include Principal Duty Officer for emergency incidents and member of the SMT. As Head of Operations strategic responsibilities include the delivery of a safe and effective operational response to all emergency incidents across the Island at all times, responsibilities also include the provision of a competent workforce and the continued health and safety of all staff. Line management responsibilities for six Station s and four departments. To manage the litigation team in providing advice and advocacy on legal issues including planning, licensing, crime, employment, civil litigation, Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act and information law. To manage the Corporate Information Unit and ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act. To act as deputy monitoring officer and author of the constitution. 7

8 Principal Lawyer Social Care Team To lead and manage the Legal s Social Care Team, to ensure the delivery of high quality and cost effective advice and representation in the areas of Child Care Law, Education, Adult Safeguarding and other identified areas. 8