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1 SHRIMATI INDIRA GANDHI COLLEGE, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION QUESTION BANK ENTREPRENEURIAL DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT CODE: 8CCBB13 Section A 1. who is entrepreneur? 2. Distinguish between a manager and an entrepreneur. 3. How does social recognition influence entrepreneurship? 4. What is motivation? 5. What is speed capital loan? 6. What are the functions of SISI? 7. What is project management? 8. What do you understand by the term marketing feasibility? 9. Define incentives. 10. How can rural entrepreneurship be developed? 11. What is EDP? 12. Who is an Innovative Entrepreneur? 13. TCO Explain. 14. What is the project selection? 15. What is meant by project? 16. What do you mean by SIDO?

2 17. What is meant by Entrepreneur? 18. What are the functions of an Entrepreneur? 19. What are the basic elements of the process of motivation? 20. How do develop achievement motivation? 21. State any two objectives of EDPs. 22. What are the phases of EDPs? 23. What are the problems faced by the EDPs? 24. What is the expansion of DIC? 25. What is ITCOT? 26. What are the course contents and curriculum of EDPs? 27. What is project identification? 28. What is project formulation? 29. What is project description? 30. What are the project life cycles? 31. What do you mean by Subsidy? 32. What do you mean by bounties? 33. What are the needs for incentives? 34. What do you mean by tax holiday? 35. What are the problems of incentives? 36. State two advantages of incentives 37. What are the types of duty drawback? 38. mention two objectives of incentives

3 39. What are the types of motivating Sectors? 40.What are the barriers of Entrepreneurship? 41. What are the different types of sectors affected in Entrepreneurship? 42. Mention any two qualities of successful entrepreneur. 43. What is Fabian Entrepreneurs? 44. What is imitative Entrepreneur? 45. What is the expansion of SISI? 46. What is project idea? 47. What is project design? 48. What are the different types of factors affected in Entrepreneurship? 49. What is project? 50. Mention any four environmental factors.

4 Part B 1. State briefly the role of an entrepreneur towards economic growth of a country. 2. On what basis,the characteristics of an entrepreneur are developed? 3. Mention about the internal and external factors that influence entrepreneurship. 4. Describe the personal factors which influence entrepreneurship. 5. Discuss the role played by Government in entrepreneurial development. 6. Discuss the support provided by NSIC. 7. Describe the benefits of Industrial units located in backward areas 8. Describe the features of Industrial estates. 9. Describe the different types of entrepreneurs. 10. what way do commercial banks help small scale business in India? 11. Write a notes on EDP institutes? 12. Discuss the various factors influencing location of a project 13. Discuss the steps in preparation of project report 14. Who is rural entrepreneur? What are his traits? 15. Explain three phases of EDP. 16. Explain the functions of TCO. 17. What are different types of project? Explain its steps involved in project identification? 18. Explain the needs of project formulation. 19. What are the objectives of subsidies? 20. Explain the motivation factors. 21. Describe the socio cultural factors that influence entrepreneurship. 22. Explain the various incentive schemes to SSIs. 23. What are the course content and curriculum of EDPs? 24. Explain the Functions of DIC. 25. What are the types of Incentives?

5 Part C 1. Discuss the relationship between the terms entrepreneur, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial. 2. Discuss the factors affecting entrepreneurial growth. 3. Discuss the difference between business idea and business opportunity. 4. Discuss the problems of rural entrepreneur and develop a rural scheme to attract small entrepreneurs in rural areas. 5. Discuss the techniques of evaluation of EDP. 6. What are the Sources of finance for a small business? 7. What remedial measures are required to arrest the growing industrial sickness in India? 8. What are barriers faced by entrepreneur? 9. Explain the problems of incentives and subsidy. 10. Discuss the role of NGOs in the entrepreneurial development. 11. Discuss the need and importance of promoting women, rural and small entrepreneurs in our country. 12. What are the difference between entrepreneur and Entrepreneur? 13. Explain the role of Entrepreneur. 14. Explain the project life cycle. 15. Difference between project formulation and project report. 16. Explain about the incentives to facilities to exports. 17. Explain the Tamilnadu of incentives and subsides. 18. What are the incentives available to small scale units in backward areas? 19. Explain about the taxation benefits. 20. Explain about the incentives for development of Industries in backward class.

6 21. Briefly explain the needs for incentives. 22. Describe the features of Industrial estates. 23. Discuss the differences between business idea and business opportunity. 24. What are the methods of project appraisal? 25. Explain the project formulation and financial institutions.

7 SHRIMATI INDIRA GANDHI COLLEGE, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SUBJECT CODE: NMEBB2 QUESTION BANK BANKING PRACTICES Part A 1. Define a Bank. 2. Define Bill of Exchange. 3. What do you mean by traveler s Cheques? 4. Define Cheque. 5. What is unit bank? 6. What is group bank? Give example as prevailing in India. 7. What is chain bank? 8. What is saving Account? 9. What is Secured Loan? 10. What is cash credit? 11. What is ATM? 12. What is a teller system? 13. What is green card? 14. Define negotiable instruments. 15. Define payment in due course 16. What are the different types of crossing cheques? 17. Define Special cheque. 18. What is endorsement? 19. What is Garnishee order? 20. What do you mean by paying banker? 21. State the meaning of Holder in due course. 22. Who is a collecting banker? 23. Define a passbook. 24. What is cash credit? 25. Define a pledge. 26. What is overdraft.

8 27. Who is minor customer? 28. Who is an insolvent person? 29. Define mortgage. 30. What is debit card? 31. What is e business? 32. What is e Commerce? 33. What is e banking? 34. State any two advantages of e banking. 35. Define assignment.

9 Part B 1. What is a bank? What are the functions of a bank? 2. Differentiate the cheque from draft. 3. What are the components of the banking system? 4. How will you classify banks on the basis of ownership? 5. Discuss the merits and demerits of unit banking. 6. What are the primary functions of the commercial banks? 7. What do you understand by teller system what are its uses? 8. Define a negotiable instrument and mention the main features? 9. Differentiate between negotiability and transferability. 10. Define bill of exchange and state of features. 11. What are the salient features of a promissory note? 12. What is the liability of the paying banker on a crossed cheque? 13. Explain payment in due course. 14. What are the points to be considered by the banker before honoring a cheque? 15. Explain in detail the duties of a collecting banker. 16. State the advantage of e banking. 17. Briefly explain the difference between e business and e commerce.

10 Part C 1. What are the various types of banks? Explain each of them briefly? 2. Discuss the merits and demerits of branch banking. 3. What is meant by branch banking system? 4. Explain the agency services rendered by the commercial banks. 5. State the differences between a bill of exchange and a permissions note? 6. What are the various forms of crossing? 7. State the difference between a cheque and bill of exchange. 8. Explain the different kinds of endorsement. 9. Explain the duties and responsibilities of paying banker. 10. State and explain the protection available to the paying banker. 11. State briefly the protection available to the collecting banker under section 131 of the negotiable instruments Act. 12. Explain the relationship between a banker and Customer based on debtor creditor relationship. 13. State the procedure to be followed for opening savings bank account and current account in a bank. 14. What is the meaning of credit card Explain its working. 15. State the different types of credit cards and their uses. 16. Mention the steps involved in withdrawal of cash in ATMs. 17. State the various activities under e banking. 18. List out the benefits of e banking 191 discuss the various types of crossing.

11 SHRIMATI INDIRA GANDHI COLLEGE, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SUBJECT CODE: SECBB 1:3 QUESTION BANK INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Part A 1. What is TRIMS? 2. What is TRIPS? 3. Name any two MNC. 4. What is Trans National Cooperation? 5. What is Dumping? 6. What is Liberalization? 7. What is Globalization? 8. What is Economy? 9. What is business Ethics? 10. What is Global Warming? 11. What is GAATs? 12. What is multi lateral trade agreement? 13. Define a multinational corporation. 14. Define international trade. 15. What is trade agreement? 16. What is management contracting? 17. What is Turnkey Project? 18. What do you mean by Social responsibility business? 19. What is environment pollution? 20. What is counter trade? 21. What is LPG? 22. Write The Stage of Internalisation? 23. What is environmental ethics? 24. What is meant by international business? 25. What is licensing? 26. What is franchising? 27. What is joint venture?

12 28. What is liberalization? 29. What is WTO? 30. Expand the term OPEC? 31. What is meant by foreign direct investment 32. What is tariff? 33. State any advantage of GATT. 34. Write any two objective of WTO? 35. Write the Approaches to International Business? 36.List out Any Four Export Incentives Available to an Indian Exporter..

13 Part B 1. Write short notes on Uruguay Round? 2. Write short notes on TRIMs? 3. Differentiate MNC with small scale Industry. 4. Explain the Indian policy options for Globalization. 5. Explain any one international trade model. 6. Explain the import of globalization in Indian business. 7. What are the dimensions for liberalization? 8. War in Libya affect the Economy of India Discuss. 9. Examine the concept of business ethics in global business. 10. Explain the meaning for global warming due to globalization. 11. What are the salient features of UR agreement? 12. What are the features of multifibre agreement? 13. What is nature of MNC? 14. Assess the working of MNC in India. 15. What are the characteristics of global company? 16. State the pros and cons of globalization. 17. Offer your views in favour of liberalization 18. What is importance of ethics in business? 19. What are the different environment issues? 20. Elucidate india is emerging market in global trade 21. What are the differences between GATT and WTO? 22. How technology helps in the growth of MNCs? 23. What are the benefits and problems of MNC? 24. What is the nature of globalization. 25. What are the features of current globalization? 26. What are the consequences of liberalization?

14 Part C 1. Explain the content of GATT. 2. Describe dominance of MNC in India. 3. Discuss the recent trends in Globalisation. 4. Examine the role of integration in a global business. 5. Elaborate the concept of corporate social Responsibility. 6. Discuss the methods of dispute settlement under WTO. 7. Describe the implications of globalization. 8. To what extent india s integration with global economy is achieved discuss. 9. Describe the important features of international HRM. 10. Analyses the difficulties and problems in international business. 11. Briefly state the scope of International business. 12. Write a note on corruption in international business. 13. Discuss the advantages of international trade. 14. What do you mean by division of labour and specialization? 15. Mention some of the top ranking MNCs with their headquarters and the industry in which they are related. 16. Write a note on revolution in transport and communication. 17. Discuss the role of TATA Group of india as an international business player. 18. Explain the functions of WTO. 19. What is joint venture? Why do the firms prefer joint venture to go global? 20. How does the contract manufacturing differ from the management contracts? 21. Economic Integration is an alternative to the police of free trade discus the statement. 22. Analyses the benefit of Economic integration. 23. Where is the need for Economic Integration. 24. Explain the principle of WTO. 25. International trade changes the quality of labour and capital: Explain and illustrate.