Proceedings of The 1st International Seminar on Management of Technology, MMT-ITS Surabaya, July 30 th, 2016

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1 EFFECT ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE TAM OF (MODEL ACCEPTENCE TECHNOLOGY) USING OF ICT (INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY) SOCIO-TECHNOLOGY APPROACH (CASE STUDY: RSUD. dr. M. SOEWANDHI SURABAYA) Ryan Pramanda 1) Adithya Sudiarno 2) and Nani Kurniati Master s Program in Industrial Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Jl. Raya ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, 60111, Indonesia 1); 2); 3) ABSTRACTS Increasing development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been affected by changes in social life that is consistent in the use of technology. The main objective of this research is to develop TAM (Technology acceptence Model) by adding the social factor is the organizational culture, to be known the influence of organizational culture on the use of ICTs. Instruments to measure is using questionnaires, respondents involved in this study are 135 of medicals. Questionnaire data processing by using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) aided by software lisrel. The results of the study proved that the medic can receive ICT for their benefit and convenience when using ICT. While social factors that include organizational culture influences the perception of ease and actual use of ICT by medicals in RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi Surabaya. Keywords: Organizational Culture, medicals, TAM development, hospital, SEM. INTRODUCTION Rapid technological development in this era of globalization has provided many benefits in various aspects of social progress. The use of technology by humans to help finish the job are things that become a necessity in life. The development of these technologies should also be followed by the development of the Human Resources (HR). Humans as technology users should be able to take advantage of existing technologies, as well as further development of these technologies. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a technology used for data processing, including processing, obtain, compile, store, manipulate data in various ways to produce quality information, ie information that is relevant, accurate and timely, which is used for the purposes personal, business, and government and is a strategic information for decision making. According Ahlan (2014) ICT is rapid technological development and is often used by many hospitals. ICT is also used in the health field that facilitate the exchange of health information among consumers (patients) and providers of health information by using a computer or mobile device in the decision. A-1-1

2 LITERATURE REVIEW Model based on tam, major factors affecting user acceptance against the information system is perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (EU). Perceived usefulness (PU) is perception one against an information system using information system that will improve work performance as well as the organizational context hearts while perceived ease of use (EU) refers on hearts ease using the information system. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) included prayers aspects That the Information Technology and Communication Technology. Information technology covering all matters relating with process, USE as tools, manipulation, and management information. While communication technology is Everything relates with the use tools for the review process and transferring data from device that into one more. By therefore, Information and communication technology is the fruit of prayer is not an integral concept. So the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) that implies size all activities the subscription by processing, manipulation, management, transfer of information antarmedia. The use of ICT RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi wes using Hospital Management Information System (HMIS). HMIS is a System information the integrated to review deal with the whole process of hospital management Starting from administrative (recording registration of patients, scheduling doctor, as well as queues), a master service (emergency room (er), hospitalization, polyclinics) and record medical, billing, medical support facilities (laboratories, radiology, pharmaceutical, surgical, medical rehabilitation, diagnostics, nutrition, and other etc.) as well as supporting facilities such as hospitals onal operations personnel, accounting and finance. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Based on the model TAM, the main factors affecting user acceptance of the information system is perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Perceived usefulness is a person's perception of an information system that uses the information system will improve the performance of the work in the context of the organization while perceived ease of use refers to the ease of use of such information systems as shown in Figure 1 as follows. Perceived Usefulness Attitude Actual Use Perceived Ease of Use Figure 1. TAM METHODOLOGY This research is a quantitative research using explanatory research approach to research that aims to explain the causal relationship between variables by testing the hypothesis with a case study RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi which is a referral hospitals that have used ICT for 3 (three) years. Respondents involved in this study are 135 medicals. The sampling is based on the rules contained in the SEM which is a measure of determining the sample to be met in the modeling of a minimum of 100 samples (Ferdinand, 2002). In the preparation of the questionnaire need to set a variable to a questionnaire of this study, researchers used a variable in the questionnaire based on 5 (five) latent variables. Variable A-1-2

3 manifest used as a measure of latent variables are variables manifest that already have a strong theoretical basis and has been tested in previous studies can be seen in Table 3 below. Tabel 1. Variable manifest as a measure of latent variables Variabel laten Variabel manifest Kode SEM 1. Helpful PK1 2. Adding produktfitas PK3 3. Improving the effectiveness PK4 perceived usefulness perceived ease of use Attitude 1. Easy to learn 2. It is clear and understandable 3. Improve the skills PKP1 PKP3 PKP5 Tabel 2. Variable manifest as a measure of latent variables (advanced) Variabel laten Variabel manifest Kode SEM 1. Convenience interact SI1 2. Glad to use SI2 3. Enjoy the use of SI3 actual use Organizational culture 1. Frequency of use 2. Timeliness of data pengentrian 3. Use function 1. Initiatives / given of innovative ideas 2. Control 3. Voluntary use PA1 PA2 PA3 BO1 BO6 BO9 1. Research Instruments Instruments to measure is using questionnaires with Likert scale of 1 (one) up to 6 (six), the answer to 1 (one) is very much agree with the score of 6 (six) up to answer six (6) are strongly disagree. Questionnaire data processing is done by using calculations Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) aided by software lisrel. 2. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is a multivariate analysis which are used to perform a series of tests simultaneously. First, analyze the relationship between variables in a complex way, which are the latent variables and the dependent or independent construct. Secondly, test the measurement model (measurement model), relations (loading value) between the indicator variables (observations) with latent variables. This relationship is expressed with a loading factor that showed a great correlation between the indicators with latent variables. The purpose of the measurement model (measurement model) is to describe how well these indicators can be used as a measurement instrument of latent variables. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is a statistical analysis technique that combines confirmatory factor analysis with path analysis making it possible to simultaneously test and estimate the relationship between multiple exogenous and endogenous variables with many indicators. Data analysis by using SEM serves to elucidate a thorough relationship between variables that exist. SEM are used to examine and justify a model (Hair, 2006). MODEL DEVELOPMENT Based on the literature that has been done shows that TAM is a model that has been tested in identifying factors along with the relationships among the user acceptance of ICT- A-1-3

4 related factors. The model proposed user acceptance will refer to the TAM model and a modification to the TAM model by adding the culture of the organization in accordance with the characteristics of users of ICT in RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi Surabaya. Based on this determination, there are eight (8) hypothesis, and there are six (6) the latent variables in the development of TAM, the next can be seen in Figure 2 as follows. Socio factor Technology factor Organizational culture H5 H6 Perceived usefulness H3 Perceived usefulness H1 H2 H8 Attitude H4 H7 Actual use Socio-technology approach Figure 2. Development of TAM The hypothesis is analyzed in this study is TAM was developed by David (1989), which aims to contribute to the management of the hospital, in order to know the attitude of medicals in using ICT in their work, and the development of TAM aims to determine the influence of organizational culture on the use of ICTs in RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi. TAM definition of development can be seen in Table 2 below. Variabel perceived usefulness perceived usefulness Attitude actual use Organizational culture Tabel 3. Variables and definitions in this study Definisi where a person believes that the use of certain ICT can enhance the work where a person believes that ICTs are easy to understand without specifically enforced when the user That is the feeling you get someone to accept or reject ICT That is the real conditions of use of ICT That pattern of beliefs and values of the organization are understood, animated and practiced by the organization so that the pattern of giving its own meaning and became the basis of the rules of behavior in the organization No. The hypothesis is built can be seen in Table 4 below. Tabel. 4. The study hypothesis Relationships between variables latent Hipotesa development TAM 1 H1 perceived usefulness has a positive relationship with his stance on the use of ICT Information Ahlan (2014), Gardner dan Amoroso (2004) 2 H2 perceived ease of use has a positive relationship Ahlan (2014), A-1-4

5 No. Hipotesa 3 H3 4 H4 5 H5 6 H6 7 H7 8 H8 No. Hipotesa 4 H4 5 H5 6 H6 7 H7 8 H8 Relationships between variables latent Information development TAM with his stance on the use of ICT Budi (2010), Iqbaria (1994) Ahlan (2014), perceived ease of use has a positive relationship Chin dan Todd with the perceived usefulness on the use of ICT (1995) Attitude has a positive relationship with the actual usage of ICT Organizational culture positively related to perceived usefulness. perception of perceived ease of use. Ahlan (2014), Alexander dan Morlock (2000) Chanasue (2012), Schein (1992) Chanasue (2012) Indriantoro (2013), O Oconnor (1995), Hoftstate (1991) The hypothesis developed Tabel. 5. The study hypothesis (advanced) Relationships between variables latent development TAM Information Ahlan (2014), Attitude has a positive relationship with the Alexander dan actual usage of ICT Morlock (2000) Organizational culture positively related to Chanasue (2012), perceived usefulness. Schein (1992) perception of perceived ease of use. Chanasue (2012) Indriantoro (2013), O Oconnor (1995), Hoftstate (1991) The hypothesis developed RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. Demographic descriptions : Based on the results of the questionnaires were distributed, can be obtained data on the characteristics of the respondent use of ICT. Here are presented the data characteristics of respondents by sex, age, and education is as follows. A-1-5

6 Figure 3. Gender of respondents Figure 3 shows that the majority of the female gender who use ICT as much as 63%, meaning RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi Surabaya recruit more women working as medicals use of ICT. Figure 4. Age of respondents Figure 4 shows that respondents in RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi Surabaya mostly in the age range years of the 104 respondents (77%), meaning that means RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi Surabaya more trusting in the age range of early adulthood (early adulthood) who works as medicals use of ICT. Figure 5. Education of respondents From Figure 5. can be seen that most respondents have a background in education D3 / Bachelor of as many as 89 respondents (73.3%), meaning RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi Surabaya recruit more educated medicals D3 / Bachelor for more experience in using ICT. 2. Normality Test On multivariate analysis, the results of testing the assumptions of normality Kolmogorov-Smirnov multivariate multivariate normal distribution of data is significant if the value> Results of testing the assumption of multivariate normality Kolmogorov- Smirnov obtained t-value of 0.090, which means> It can be concluded that the data A-1-6

7 were normally distributed, Figure 6. The following is a scatterplot test of Kolmogorov- Smirnov normality assumption. Figure 6. Plot multivariate normality test (Minitab output results) 3. Correlation factor loading TAM development According to Ferdinand (2002) observed the correlation between the variables that are not allowed is 0.9 or more. Rating is based on the correlation coefficient is great value Loading Standardized Factor (SLF), while testing the significance based on the value of the t- value generated in the trajectory (path) that connects these variables. Model analysis in this study multikolinieritas problem does not occur, the following output results lisrel Figure 7. Structure Factor Model Loading TAM Development. Figure 7. The test results of Lisrel is factor loading TAM development Interpretation of test results loading factor TAM development can be seen in Table 4 below. Table 6. Summary of test results loading factor TAM development. Hypothesis Loading factor Information H1 0,23 Valid H2 0,67 Valid A-1-7

8 H3 0,57 Valid H4 0,68 Valid H5 0,10 Valid H6 0,49 Valid H7 0,30 Valid H8 0,15 Valid In Table 7 it is known that all the hypothesis is valid or has a good reliability, since all hypotheses are not on the value of the loading factor> 0.9 and all are positive, will result in a test hypothesis t-value can be trusted. 4. Goodness of fit test index for development TAM Once known rate reliability hypothesis, then the structure of this model testing goodness of fit index, the output results of SEM analysis using LISREL have been summarized in Table 5 below. Tabel 7. Goodness of fit test index for development TAM Goodness of fit index Cut off value Significant Specification X2-Chi Square Small expected 149,97 Model fit Significance Probability 0,05 1,0000 Model fit RMSEA 0,08 0,0058 Model fit GFI 0,90 0,9300 Model fit AGFI 0,90 0,9700 Model fit CMIN/DF 2,00 1,9690 Model fit TLI 0,90 1,0000 Model fit CFI 0,95 0,9500 Model fit Measurement of the overall goodness of fit of the above indicates that the model proposed in this study can already be. Based on Table 5 it can be concluded that the model is very good because of all the testing models show conformity with the goodness of fit, so the model is said to have a good or appropriate. 5. Testing the hypothesis development TAM Once the criteria for goodness of fit of the structural model is estimated to be fulfilled, then an analysis of structural relationships model (hypothesis) can be done. Relations between the latent variables in the hypothesis indicated by the t-value if 1.96 means between variables have a significant relationship or, if 1.96 means that between these variables do not have a relationship or do not have a significant, and the output value lisrel marked with color red means insignificant viewable output abalisis SEM results using lisrel can be seen in Figure 8 as follows. A-1-8

9 Figure 8. The test results of Lisrel is t-value development TAM Results LISREL model output structure is P-Value for Test of Close Fit = benchmarks considered fit when it is at (RMSEA <0.05). This value indicates that the structure of this model is considered good in the P-value of for less than <0.05. More have been summarized in Table 8 below. Table 8. Results of hypothesis development TAM Hipotesa Pernyataan t-value H1 H2 H3 perceived usefulness has a positive relationship with his stance on the use of ICT perceived ease of use has a positive relationship with his stance on the use of ICT perceived ease of use has a positive relationship with the perceived usefulness on the use of ICT 4,24 5,35 4,13 Table 9. Results of hypothesis development TAM Hipotesa Pernyataan t-value H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 Attitude has a positive relationship with the actual usage of ICT Organizational culture positively related to perceived usefulness. perception of perceived ease of use ,81 4,10 2,68 1,65 Hasil Hipotesis Hasil Hipotesis Not significant, un Not significant, un A-1-9

10 From Table 9 Ferdinand (2000), cutoff values used to assess significant received is 1,96. So it can be said that the hypothesis can be accepted. Testing the hypothesis can be taken with a decision that there are six (6) accepted hypothesis is H1, H2, H3, H4, H6, H7 and there are two (2) rejected that hypothesis H5, H8. DISCUSSION Research Davis (1989) explains that a person can be deemed to have received the ICT, it is known that their relationship with each other every TAM latent variables (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, the attitude of use and actual use). This means that with a sense of benefits and services, users will be to accept ICT, so that ICT is always used actually in daily life. Actual conditions in RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi Surabaya, it is known that the role of organizational culture have direct effects on the use of ICT (H11), but the organizational culture does not directly influence the attitude of the use of ICT (H7). This means that organizational culture has no effect on the attitude of medicals to accept ICT, but the organizational culture influence on medicals to use ICT in their current job. Of the real conditions tested with SEM that is rejection H7 (hypothesis seven) that organizational culture has no relation to the attitude of ICT usage in RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi. This means that the organizational culture is not to influence the attitude of use, as seen from the questionnaire that was distributed that medicals has not been able to give the idea of innovation (BO1) for the development of ICT because it is not the background level of IT (information technology) to suit the needs of medicals on every unit medical, so it can be concluded that medicals act not obtain significant values (reject) in the development of ICT in RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi Surabaya. Being from the real conditions of acceptance tested with SEM H11 (eleven hypothesis) that organizational culture has a relationship to the actual use of ICT in RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi. This means that organizational culture influences the actual use, as seen from the questionnaire that was distributed namely medicals voluntarily use ICT (BO9) which has been used for 3 (three) years. Medicals feel comfortable with ICT has been used until now, even though medicals has not been able to give the idea of innovation for ICT development in accordance with medicals needs of an increasingly complex. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Each latent variable TAM (H1, H2, H3, H4) each have a relationship, meaning medicals felt that ICT is indispensable at work. Their benefits, ease of making medicals (attitude) to receive and use the actual ICT in their work in RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi Surabaya. 1. An organizational culture influence the ease (H6) and actual use (H7) ICT This is because the medic is able to present data in accordance with the instructions SIMRS, and as well as medicals feel voluntery use of ICT, this is because ICT is used more than three years they have to feel comfortable 2. An organizational culture had no effect on the perception of the usefulness (H5) and the attitude of the use (H11) This is because the medic has not been able to provide innovative ideas about other benefits corresponding to his job, medicals (attitude) to receive ICT was limited to just the A-1-10

11 job, But is not influenced by the BO for the medic not a set of IT education that is able to utilize the function another of ICT (ICT development needs). Recommendations of organizational culture on the use of ICT by medicals in RSUD. dr. M. Soewandhi namely: 1. The need guidance or motivation from the management to medicals 2. The management needs to make a policy brainstorming. 3. The need for a special team was formed in an effort to develop appropriate ICT medical needs. 4. The need for organized reward system, which awards to medicals system that is able to give suggestions on the ideas and innovations of ICT development. REFERENSI Ahlan, Abd Rahman (2014) An overview of patient acceptance of Health Information Technology in developing countries: a review and conceptual model. International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Alexander, J. A., & Morlock, L. L. (2000).Power And Politics In Health Services Organizations, In Health Care Management: Organization Design And Behaviour (4th Ed.).Albany, Ny: Thomson Learning. Budi Santoso (2010) Pengaruh Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease Of Use, Dan Perceived Enjoyment Terhadap Penerimaan Teknologi Informasi (Studi Empiris Di Kabupaten Sragen).UNS. Solo. Chanasuc, Suthilux., Praneetpolgrang, Prasong., at al; (2012). The Acceptance Model for Adoption of Information and Communication Tehnology in Thai Public Oragnizations. International Journal of Computer Science. Issue Vol9 No 2 July ISSN: Bangkok. Thailand. Chin, W. W dan Todd, P. (1995). On the Use, Usefulness, and Ease of Use of Structural Equation Modeling in MIS Research: A Note of Caution.Journal MIS Quarterly, vol. 19, issue 2, hlm Ferdinand, A, (2000). Structural Equation Modelling dalam Penelitian Manajemen. Semarang : Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro Gardner, C. & Amoroso. D.L. (2004). Development of an Instrument to Measure the Acceptance of Internet Technology by Consumers, Proceedings ofthe 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,USA. Hair, Joseph F. et al. (2006). Multivariate Data Analysis. Fifth Edition. Gramedia. Pustaka Utama: Jakarta. Hofstede, Geert, Michael Haris Bond and Chung-Leung Luk, (1993). Individual Perception of Organization Cultures: A Methodological Treatise on Level of Analysis. Organization Studies, 14/4, Indriantoro, N. dan Supomo, B Metodolodi Penelitian Bisnis untuk Akuntansi & Manajemen. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis UGM. Iqbaria, Pasuraman.S., dan Baroudi J.J., (1994), A Motivational Model of Microcomputer Usage, Journal of Management Information Systems, Nugroho, E. (2012. Sistem Informasi Manajemen: Konsep, Aplikasi, dan Pengembangannya. Andi, Yogyakarta. O Conner, N.G (1995). Culture versus Non Culture Influences on the use of Performance Evaluation system in Singapore and South Korea, paper. A-1-11