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1 Effective communication and Oganizational Pefomance: A Study of five selected fims in Anamba State Pat -1 (Business, Economics & Statistics ) Chapte-IX AUGUST/Vol.4.0/Issue-I Abstact: This study centeed on the elevance of effective communication and oganizational pefomance with a focus on five selected fims in Anamba state. The objective of the study is to find out if effective communication has an effect on wokes pefomance. Duing the study, diffeent liteay woks wee consulted. This study employed the suvey eseach design. The fims selected fo the study wee dawn fom the thee senatoial disticts in Anamba state. The population used fo the study was 1141; a sample size of 296 was dawn using tao Yamane fomulae which wee consideed adequate fo the study. The pincipal instument fo collection of pimay data was the questionnaie which was stuctued in five point liket scale. A content validity appoach was adopted. The test etest method was used fo the eliability test. The esult gave a eliability coefficient of 70% which indicated an acceptable consistency. Data collected wee pesented in tables using fequency and pecentages. The Peason poduct moment coelation coefficient was used to test the hypotheses and T-test at 0.05% was adopted to equally estimate fo the significance of the coefficient and to ascetain whethe the claim of the null o altenative hypothesis would still emain valid afte the test. The findings indicate that thee is a elationship between effective communication and oganizational pefomance and communication beakdown negatively affects the pefomance of oganization. It was ecommended that Management should also make use of othe channels of communication so as to enhance not only its poductivity but its image as well since the study found face face, lettes and occasionally, memos as the most used and pefeed choices of channel among wokes. It was concluded that effective communication is a key component to business success because it helps meet challenges such as advances in technology, gowth of globalization and wokplace divesity. Key Wods- Effective communication, Oganizational pefomance, Poductivity, Management techniques, Infomation. ISSN CODE: (Online) (ICV-BES/Impact Value): 2.31 (GIF) Impact Facto: Copyight@IJF 2016 Jounal Code: ARJMD/BES/P-I/V-4.0/C-9/AUG-2016 Website: Received: Accepted: Date of Publication: Page: Name of the Authos: Mbah Stella I. PhD Depatment of Business Administation, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu Univesity, Igbaiam.Nigeia Okeke-Ezeanyanwu Joy A. Depatment of Business Administation, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu Univesity, Igbaiam.Nigeia Okeke Goodfaith Depatment of Business Administation, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu Univesity, Igbaiam.Nigeia INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Business all ove the wold today is vey challenging. To stay pofitable in the highly challenging and competitive global maket economy, all factos of poduction, i.e. men, machine and mateials, should be wisely managed. Among the factos of poduction, the human esouce constitutes the biggest challenge because unlike othe inputs, management demands skilful handling of thoughts, feelings and emotions to secue highest poductivity. The most efficient manages ae those that undestand communication and use it in thei oganizational envionment. Fo coodination between mateial and human elements of oganization as an efficient netwok, good communication is essential. Fo instance, it has been found that effective communication impoves job satisfaction and which in tun impoves poductivity (Holtzhausen, 2002). The competition is heating up; infomation is being disseminated faste than eve thanks to apid development in technology (Dotok, 2006). Dotok (2006) futhe assets that given the changing conditions of the maket, it is now a must that not only poduction, finance and business pocesses, but also communication pocesses ae managed stategically. In paallel with these developments oganization management ae obliged to develop new management techniques to stuggle even hade competition conditions. These moden management techniques to a lage extent aim to aise employees pefomance by using the powe of effective communication (Eoglue, 2011 in Asamu, 2014). A unit of Intenational Jounal Foundation Page I 56

2 Effective communication is egaded as the foundation of oganizations today. Communication is essential to effective team pefomance and fo any oganization is like blood flow in the human body. Manages and eseaches have long ageed that communication pocesses ae a majo facto in oganizational success. Employees who have open lines of communication with manages ae moe likely to build effective wok elationships with those manages, to incease thei oganizational identification and enhance thei pefomance, and to contibute to oganizational poductivity (Gay Laidlaw, 2004, Chuang, and Hsieh, 2009). Thee is stong evidence that diffeent aspects of effective management communication, such as high fequency, openness and accuacy, pefomance feedback, and adequacy of infomation about oganizational policies and pocedues, ae positively elated to employees pefomance (Kacma, Witt, Zivnuska and Gully, 2003). Chen, Silvethone, and Hung, J.Y. (2006) pointed out that eseach is lacking in examining employee satisfaction with communication pocess. Thee is theefoe the need to exploe the elationship between oganizational communication and wokes pefomance since communication integates diffeent units and functions in the oganization. This eseach wok theefoe examined effective communication as a stategy fo enhancing oganizational pefomance in Nigeian oganizations with efeence to selected fims in Anamba state. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Inability of heads o Manages of any oganization to coodinate a pefect and smooth flow of communication inteaction among employee and outside business envionment may likely ceate and facilitate low poductivity with high degee of wokes being in disaay. In communication, thee ae many unwanted intefeence that can distot a message such as communication oveloading which bogs down the entie system, failue to communicate fea, distust to the communicato, mechanical inefficiency which includes lack of public facilities such as telephone, telex, intenet, Pooly designed oganizations, ineffective pocesses, bueaucatic systems, unaligned ewads, unclea custome/patne focus, fuzzy visions, values, and pupose, unskilled team leades and membes, clutteed goals and pioities, low tust levels, and weak measuements and feedback loops all cause communication poblems. This has caused seveal oganizations in divese ways anging fom jobs left undone esulting in low poductivity, to loss of evenue though eduction in sales as well as the company s image (Obe, 2006). Effective stategies have been developed to combat the excesses of ineffective communication. Despite this, oganizations in ecent times ae still faced with all these challenges. It is against this backdop that the study is poised to examine effective communication on wokes pefomance in selected fims in Anamba state. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The oveall objective of this eseach is to investigate effective communication as a stategy fo enhancing oganizational pefomance in selected fims in Anamba state, Nigeia. In ode to achieve this, the eseach attempted to achieve the following objectives; 1) 2) 3) 4) To detemine the impact of effective oganizational communication on wokes pefomance. To detemine the extent to which effective oganization communication affects the level of wokes commitment. To ascetain the impact of effective communication on job satisfaction. To ascetain if the skills of the communicato is vital in managing oganizational pefomance. RESEARCH QUESTIONS The following eseach questions wee fomulated to achieve the objectives of the study: 1) 2) 3) 4) How does effective oganizational communication impact on wokes pefomance? To what extent has effective oganization communication affect the level of wokes commitment in the oganization? What is the impact of effective communication on job satisfaction? Ae the skills of the communicato vital in managing oganizational pefomance? RESEARCH HYPOTHESES HO1: Effective oganizational communication has no significant impact on wokes pefomance. HYPOTHESIS TWO HO2: Effective oganization communication has no significant effect on the level of wokes commitment. HYPOTHESIS THREE Ho3: Thee is no significant impact of effective communication on job satisfaction. HYPOTHESIS FOUR Ho4: Thee is no significant influence of the skills of the communicato in managing oganizational pefomance. A unit of Intenational Jounal Foundation Page I 57

3 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Concept of Effective Communication Communication has been widely accepted by scholas and academics as the life blood of an oganization, because communication is needed fo exchanging infomation, exchanging opinions, making plans and poposals, eaching ageement, executing decisions, sending and fulfilling odes and conducting sales (Blalock, 2005; Alyssa, 2006; Kotle, 2006). Communication is the pocess by which people attempt to shae meanings via the tansmission of symbolic messages (Stone and Feeman2002). Accoding to Hoy and Miskel (2001) they see communication as simply the pocess of tansmitting, infomation fom one peson to anothe. A moe accuate definition of communication can be found by looking at its oiginal meaning. The oxfod English dictionay lists the Latin oot of communicate as communicae, which means to make common to many shaes. Accoding to this definition, when people communicate they expess thei ideas and feelings in a way that is undestandable (Common) to each of them. Accoding to Kotle, (2006), communication is the means by which fims attempt to infom, pesuade and emind consumes diectly o indiectly about the poducts and bands that they sell. In a sense, communication epesents the voice of the band and is a means by which it can establish a dialogue and build elationships with consumes. Liteatue shows that poo communication can esult in missed oppotunities in business and poo pefomance in the office. Poo communication can be a bane fo any company o oganization, small o lage (Siussadapon, 2006). Employees ae ambassados of the company theefoe once they effectively communicate with a client and answe he questions clealy, it can aise the client's confidence in the company as well enhance the company s image. Infomation on its own is quite static and lifeless. It simply exists waiting to be intepeted and have meaning attached by people. In the view of Nabeth et al (2002) infomation needs intepetation by people - knowledge wokes in an oganization. Knowledge he said, could be assimilated to objects that can be identified, sepaated fom thei initial context and handled in infomation system. Accoding to Blalock (2005), thee ae thee easons why good communication is impotant to individuals and thei oganizations. Fistly, ineffective communication is vey expensive and the ability to communicate was ated as the most impotant facto in making a manage pomotable by subscibes to Havad Business Review. Secondly, the changing envionment and inceasing complexity of the 21st centuy wokplace make communication even moe impotant and the collaboation that allows oganizations to capitalize on the ceative potential of a divese wokfoce depends on communication. Thidly, the wold s economy is becoming inceasingly globalized. By the end of the 20th centuy, 80% of U.S. poducts wee competing in intenational makets. The diect investment of foeignbased companies in the U.S gew fom $9tillion in 1966 to moe than $300 tillion in Many poduct assume to be Ameicans, ae made oveseas while many bands thought to be intenational ae made in the United States. In othe wods, the ways in which infomation flows in an oganization is citical to the way that pesonnel undestand thei elationship to and within the oganization. THEORETICAL LITERATURE Effective Communication on Wokes Pefomance Effective communication is needed fo management to develop and sustain a competitive advantage fo oganizational pefomance and impovement (Aviolio, Lado, Boyd and Wight, 1992; Rowe, 2001). Pefomance is defined as a function of individual ability and skill and effot in a given situation. In the shot un, employee s skills and abilities ae elatively stable. Theefoe, fo the pupose of the study, the eseache defines the pefomance in tems of effot extended to the job of an employee. Effective communication between leades and employees is citically impotant fo the potential success of a company. Leades need to enact stategies to impove communication that could lead to positive wok consequences (Gay and Laidlaw, 2002). Impovements in supeviso-subodinate communication will assist oganizations towad the goal of managing divesity by pomoting equality and integation in the wokplace. Foong (2001) concludes that manages use leadeship behavious to influence employees. Lee and Chuang (2009) explain that an excellent leade not only inspies subodinates, giving them the potential to enhance efficiency, but also meets thei equiements in the pocess of achieving oganizational goals. How a leade communicates is as impotant as to how he leads. The leade is the guiding foce within a goup and oganization. A leadeship style that esonates with followes will allow the leade to achieve geate employee poductivity. Convesely, poo leadeship styles lead to poo communication and can have negative effects on oganization pefomance and in tun poductivity. Thus, the flow of communication can ceate identification with wokes intenalizing desiable values, as egading an oganizations goals and objective. Howeve, bette pefomance can be achieved only when thee is a easonable level of expectation-fit and when the social exchange between manages and employees is fai and equal (Wang, 2005). Within the pespective of human esouce management, it has often been theoized that employees knowledge, abilities and skills will enable them to be good pefomes when they ae hied. Thus, the management must gea its policies and objectives in such a manne that employees pefom thei wok and do thei assigned task.. Effective wokplace pefomance is the key element in the success of an oganization and the effectiveness of the wokes employed will detemine just how successful the oganization will be. A unit of Intenational Jounal Foundation Page I 58

4 Effective communication between employees and manages is cucial in that employees will need to know what is expected of them, manages will need to povide a clea job desciption fo evey employee which would make employees have immediate access to the necessay tools to complete each assignment given to them. Communication coves all activities that the management does to enhance wokes pefomance. Despite the above numeous advantage of effective communication business all ove the wold today is vey challenging. Effective Communication and Its Effect on the Level of Wokes Commitment Effective communication it s something the whole oganisation is esponsible fo and is at the heat of achieving business outcomes. It is also a citical aspect of employee commitment, which in tun pomotes bette pefomance, employee etention and wellbeing. It is the pocess by which employees ae made awae of oganizational goals and thei involvement in the achievement of them is ecognized to play an impotant ole in fosteing job commitment (Andeson and Matin; Haskins in Asamu, 2014). Employees ae moe committed when infomation flows feely and they ae awae of oganisational activities and management decisions that affect thei job. The association between employee satisfaction and job pefomance suggests that an impotant contibuto to the employee s commitment within the oganization is the leade employee elationship. The success o failue of an oganization is closely elated to the effot and motivation of its employees. The motivation of employees is often the poduct of thei commitment towads thei job. Caiee and Bouque (2009) expess that satisfaction fom oganizational communication is an intemediate vaiable in influencing wok commitment. Chen et al. (2006) find that in oganizations whee oganizational communication is moe continuous and open, wok commitment is highe. They conside oganizational communication in the fom of communication netwoks, find that subodinates who show a simila degee of wok commitment, tend to establish communication netwoks among them and that negative supeio-subodinate elationship educes wok commitment seiously. Employees, who peceive that they ae espected and that thei ideas ae allowed to contibute to the oganization, tend to wok moe willingly. In addition, thanks to the democatic appoach, the employees may have the opinion that they can have communication with diffeent levels of management and such communication allows thei ideas to ciculate in a widespead manne thoughout the oganization. In this case, employees ae expected to act moe caefully and show moe sensitive appoaches to thei woks. Effective Communication on Job Satisfaction Communication is one of the most impotant elements of the management pocess. Effective and pope communication in oganization has always been essential pat of success in management. Communications at all levels of the oganization impove oganizational success and employee elations. Asamu (2014) conside job satisfaction as a psychological facto and define it as a kind of emotional adjustment to the job equiements, meaning that if the job povides ideal conditions, the peson will be satisfied with the job. But if the job does not povide satisfaction and joy, the peson stats epoaching job and will possibly leave the job. Oganizational communication, in the fom of open communication, is beneficial fo job satisfaction. An example belongs to Yüksel (2005), who finds that factos such as openness in communication, eceiving feedback and constuctive citicism have a diect positive effect on the job satisfaction. Similaly, Halis (2000) concludes that job satisfaction inceases when supeios establish a couteous and continuous communication with subodinates; eceive feedback accoding to the natue of the wok pefomed, and when the paticipation of the employees to achieve oganizational goals ae maintained (Pettit J. in Asamu, 2014) expess that oganizational communication significantly affects job satisfaction and an open, positive communication inceases the satisfaction. Ayancı (2011) acts with a diffeent appoach and while he chooses the job satisfaction of business ownes as his subject, he eveals that communication of business ownes with the employees theeof is by itself a job satisfaction facto, and the fact that business ownes conside communication as one of the deteminants of oganizational pefomance. Job satisfaction is a key facto in many individual behavio featues and affects oganization functions; job satisfaction inceases poductivity and commitment to the oganization, ensues the peson's physical and mental health and also inceases a peson's hope. Some of the consequences of lack of job satisfaction include pefomance, absenteeism, tanspotation, delay fo job and desetion. Undoubtedly manages must be sensitive about employees dissatisfaction. The impotance of job satisfaction and consequences of job dissatisfaction in the wokplace and consequently in society cause the special attention of diectos and offices of each company to that. Manages can find a solution to poblems by measuing job satisfaction and identifying employees majo issues. Communication Skills and Oganisational Pefomance Communication skill is vey impotant and is needed fo efficient management; though which manages establish and maintain inteactions between employees to pefom necessay daily tasks popely (Abbas poo and Baootian, 2010). Kass and PatyksvnBamba (2010) in a study done in Austalia on the executive diectos concluded that effective communication skills, ae poblem solving, being elastic, fluid speech, intepesonal skills, witing skills, and poficiency. But one of the most compehensive intenal investigation conducted eseach to identify the communication skills of manages ZaeiMatin and Yusef- Zadeh (1389) ae Self-openness, positivism, selfawaeness, self-discipline, A unit of Intenational Jounal Foundation Page I 59

5 motivation, empathy, social skills, idealized influence, inspiation, stimulate the development oiented educatos and suppot goups. In this eseach the needs of each of the seven components wee used in the following explanation (fom ZaeiMatin, Yusef-Zadeh, 1389) explains: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Self-openness: This nomally contains infomation about you. Geneally, individuals ae esponsible fo thei own feelings and thoughts and do not ty to sepaate it and give it to othe people unless they ae foced to have a specific pupose. Empathy: Empathy is the ability of a peson to undestand anothe peson's expeience. It is also the point to feel compassion fo anothe peson, o in othe wods to ceate a diffeent feel on the inside. Positivism: Positivism in an intepesonal elationship with vaious factos elies on at least thee aspects. Fist, the elationship between the individual, when popely fomed, and will foste a positive and a cetain espect fo ouselves in the mind. Second, the elationship between the individual, when popely fomed, and its development appoach, which feel good to level of you opponent to move. Thid, a positive and pleasant feeling about the geneal condition govening communications between two o moe pesons to engage o act effectively is vital and impotant. Social skills: Social skills enables individual to lean and inteact with one anothe people. It enables people to communicate with othes, to sti emotions and inspie othes to be. Idealized influence and inspiation: Idealized influence, which includes the influence of beliefs, ideals and influence beyond the odinay. "Idealized influence" as a eplacement fo the wod "chaisma" is a cut scene. Chaacteistics that leades inspie followes ae facing many expectations and stimulating thei emotions to fulfill the expectations of pofits acoss the boad. Inspiation can be as a esult of inceasing enegy and stimulating the mind. Intellectually Stimulating: These include those that pomote individual and collective initiative and ceativity leads followes. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The theoetical foundation of this study is anchoed on systems theoy. Fist identified in the 1940s, systems theoy achieves insights into communication (Heath & Byant, 2000). Especially influential on oganizational communication, systems theoy explains how and why people fom goups, each of which is a system as well as pat of a lage system. Its focus is on the whole system athe than on its pats, and how these pats inteact to affect the whole system. Rance and Womack (1997) define a system as a hieachical set of intedependent units woking togethe to adapt to a changing envionment. It can be divided into smalle subsystems o incopoated with othe systems to ceate lage systems, efeed to as supa systems o envionments (Heath & Byant, 2000). A systems appoach to oganizational communication expands the basic model of sende-eceive to featue communication netwoks; this explains how systems adapt to thei envionments (Heath & Byant, 2000). Rance and Womack (1997) explain it, evey system is like a cake in the sense that if you take away o change one individual pat, the entie system is affected. The focus of oganizational communication is on the whole system, athe than on pats of the system (Katz & Kahn, 1996). Communication systems, such as public affais, ae open systems they inteact with thei envionments. Open systems continually take in new infomation, tansfom that infomation and give infomation back to the envionment (Shockley-Zalabak, Ellis, and Winogad 2000). By contast, closed systems ae chaacteized by a lack of input communication, making it difficult to make good decisions and stay cuent with the needs of the envionment (Shockley-Zalabak, Ellis, and Winogad 2000). Closed systems lean towad entopy, chaos o total disoganization (Rance & Womack, 1997). Applying the open systems appoach to oganisations equies a puposeful sensing of the envionment to anticipate and detect changes that affect the oganization s elationships with its publics (Cutlip, Cente & Boom, 1985). Ultimately, the systems appoach should seve as the foundation fo a moe effective management pactice. EMPIRICAL REVIEW Caoline (2014) examined the elationship between communication stategies and oganizational pefomance. The study aims at investigating the effects of communication stategies on oganizational pefomance at Kenya Pots Authoity. Desciptive eseach design was used in this study. The taget population consisted of 200 employees deived fom the copoate sevice division specifically the copoate development depatment. Fom the 200 questionnaies distibuted, 132 employees esponded. The findings fom the eseach is that Communication stategies ae common in the business wold, whee they ae used as pat of a business plan, detailing how to communicate with vaious goups of people. The main conclusion dawn fom the eseach was communication stategies play a cental ole in high-pefomance. Pedo and Eisenbege (2012) examined Management Communication and Employee Pefomance: The Contibution of Peceived Oganizational Suppot. The study used acoss-lagged panel design to examine the tempoal elationship between management communication and peceived oganizational suppot (POS), and its consequences fo pefomance. A unit of Intenational Jounal Foundation Page I 60

6 It assessed management communication and POS 2times, sepaated by a 3-yea inteval, in a social sevices oganization (N=236). The esult shows that management communication was positively associated with a tempoal change in POS. In addition, that POS fully mediates the elationship between management communication and both in-ole and exta-ole pefomance. The conclusion indicates that management communication affects pefomance mainly because it signals that the oganization caes about the well-being and values the contibutions of its employees. Oladele and Osibanjo (2011) examined effective communication as a stategic tool fo managing oganizational conflict. The main aim of the study was to establish if effective communication exets a significant influence on the management of oganizational conflicts and ascetain whethe o not the communication skills of the manage ae vital in putting such conflicts unde contol. It adopted the suvey method with stuctued questionnaie, distibuted in two multinational oganizations in Lagos, Nigeia. The esult of the study shows that effective communication is vital in educing oganizational conflicts and that the skills of the communicato ae cucial in managing o esolving the conflicts. It emphasizes the need fo oganizations to popely communicate thei objectives to staff that will help in actualizing thei vision. It stesses they must endeavou to educe communication baies, ceate good appot between management and staff and constantly pomote upwad communication within the system as a way of facilitating feedback infomation. Udegbe, Udegbe, Ogundipe and Akintola (2012) examined the impact of Business Communication on oganizational pefomance in Nigeian companies. This study was caied out to investigate the elationship between business communication and oganizational pefomance in Nigeia (a less developed economy) using a contextualized and liteatue based eseach instument to measue the application of the investigated constucts. Using the suvey method, the study obtained sample data fom 100 small and lage manufactuing and sevice companies opeating in Lagos State of Nigeia. Data wee analyzed using desciptive statistics, pecentages and t- test analysis. The study found that effective business communication is emphasized to a easonable extent in the suveyed Nigeian companies. Howeve, the level of emphasize is a question of degee. It was also found that the extent of pactices of effective business communication, wee elated to the categoy of business (sevice vesus manufactuing) and its size. Yuksel (2005) examined communication skill levels in Tukish pospective teaches. The autho tested whethe Tukish pospective teaches levels of communication skill diffeed significantly accoding to submissive acts, selfimages dawn fom social compaisons, and seveal othe pesonal vaiables. A total of 274 pesons paticipated in the study. The communication skills assessment scale (kokut, 1996), the submissive acts scale (gilbet and allan, Tukish vesion sahin and sahin, 1992), the social compaison scale (gilbet and allan, Tukish vesion sahin and sahin, 1992) and a pesonal infomation fom developed by the autho wee used fo data collection. Results showed that individuals with a positive self-image, those who peceived themselves as popula and assetive, those coming fom a highe income status, and individuals with peceived democatic paental styles epoted highe levels of communication skills. No significant diffeences wee found in pospective teache s communication skills accoding to submissive acts. Sheikh and Kandlousi (2010) examined communication satisfaction: the ole of fomal and infomal communication. Social sciences (SPSS) pogam was used fo desciptive analysis. Statistical packages fo these elationships wee tested by 231 suvey completed by espondents fom electical manufactuing industy in Ian. The esults of the study found out that Fomal and infomal education wee found to pedict communication satisfaction. He concluded that communication satisfaction in wok envionment is positively elated to OCB which is an aspect of job pefomance. Abdullahi Z. (2014) examined the elationship between communication satisfaction and teaches job satisfaction in the Malaysian pimay school. The model of communication satisfaction questionnaie which was developed by Downs and Hazenin 1977 was used in the study to examine the elationships. 226 questionnaies wee completed by pimay school teaches fom Joho, Malaysia. The data analysis used was infeential analysis (Peason coelation coefficient analysis) to study the elationship between supevisoy communication and job satisfaction. The main findings show thee is a small but significant positive elationship between communication satisfaction and job satisfaction. He concluded that thee is still a necessity fo school management to develop good quality communication envionment fo teaches in ode to impove job pefomance even though the influence o effect of communication satisfaction on teaches job satisfaction is small o almost negligible. Asamu (2014) examined the Impact of Communication on Wokes Pefomance in Selected Oganizations in Lagos State, Nigeia. The data analysis uses was Chi squae. This study examined the elationship between communication and wokes pefomance in some selected oganizations in Lagos State, Nigeia. Data fo the study wee collected though questionnaie with sample population of 120 espondents. The esult of this study eveals that a elationship exists between effective communication and wokes pefomance, poductivity and commitment. The study ecommended that manages will need to communicate with employees egulaly to impove wokes commitment and pefomance. Ogunola (2015) examined the elationship between oganizational communication and job pefomance of employees in selected Nigeian bewing industies. The study focuses on the elationship between oganizational communication and job pefomance of selected Nigeian bewing industies. The study made use of two bewing industies in Oyo and Osun states of Nigeia. A unit of Intenational Jounal Foundation Page I 61

7 A sample of 200 employees was selected fom the two industies. Two eseach instuments, the communication satisfaction questionnaies (CSQ) and the ole-based pefomance scale (RBPS) wee used in geneating data. The esults showed that thee is a significant elationship between oganizational communication and job pefomance. The study ecommended that manages need to ensue that the tansfe of infomation within the oganization is well oganized and povide feedbacks fo the employees fo the qualities of the pefomance they puts into thei jobs. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The population of the study was dawn fom five selected fims in Anamba state. Thee wee Intafact Beveages Limited, Onitsha, Juhel Phamaceutical Limited, Awka, Innoson goups of company, Ibeto Goups Limited, Nnewi and Millennium Industies Limited, Awka. The population of the study was estimated to about Tao Yamane will be the fomula used fo detemining sample size and it was estimated to about 295. Random sampling technique was used fo the selection of the espondents. Infomation was gatheed fom espondents though close-ended stuctued questionnaies. The questionnaie was divided into two pats i.e. demogaphic chaacteistics of the espondents and the analysis of the suvey questions on effective communication. It followed the liket attitudinal odinal measuement scale of; stongly ageed (SA) = 5points, Ageed (A) = 4 points, Undecided (UD) = 3 Points, Disageed (D) = 2 points, stongly ageed (SD) = 1 point. The eliability of the questionnaies used fo data collection was tested. This was done by administeing 40 copies of it to 40 wokes of the selected oganizations chosen andomly. Also, the eseache distibuted the same set of questionnaie to the same people afte a 2-weeks inteval to discove if the esponses ae simila in the two cases. The esulting sets of esponses fom the sample wee analyzed using speaman ank ode coelation coefficient and the sectional coefficients and the aveage wee espectively 0.70, 0.60, 0.80, and The implication of this esult is that the espondents wee 70% consistent in thei opinions on the issues suounding the study. DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS Demogaphic Pofile of the Respondents. This table epesents the analysis of the socio-economic pofile of staff of the selected fims in Anamba state. Table DEMOGRAPHIC DATA OF RESPONDENTS ITEM RANGE (YEARS) FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE % No: Males Females Total AGE Below 25 yeas yeas yeas yeas and above TOTAL Maital Single status Maied Total Educational Qualification GCE/WASCE A LEVEL/OND BSC/HND/BA MSC/MBA TOTAL Wok status Manage - Senio administative staff Junio administative staff Othes 21 9 TOTAL Wok Expeience 1 yea yeas yeas and above Total SOURCE: Field Suvey, staff ae males while 76 ae females. This is pesented by 68% and 32% espectively. Concening the age, majoity is within the age ange of and 41 yeas and above. These ae epesented by 85 espondents and 36% and 64 espondents and 27%. The minoities ae within the ange of yeas epesented by 56 and 24% and below 25 yeas epesented by 32 and 13%. Concening the educational qualification, majoity of the wokes shows that they obtained tetiay educational qualification. This is epesented by 40%. Concening the wok status, 71% ae senio administative staff, 145% ae junio administative staff while othes ae 21%. About wok expeience, most of the staff has about 6 yeas expeience and it is epesented by 118 espondents and 50%. The minoities ae within the ange of > 1 yea epesented by 18 and 7% and 1-5 yeas epesented by 101 and 43%. TESTING OF RESEARCH HYPOTHESES Unde this section, the eseach hypotheses will be tested. Hypothesis One Hypothesis one sought out to detemine if effective oganizational communication has an effect on wokes pefomance. Ho: Effective oganizational communication has no significant effect on wokes pefomance. A unit of Intenational Jounal Foundation Page I 62

8 Hi: Effective oganizational communication has a significant effect on wokes pefomance. To test the null hypothesis, elevant data that suggest opinions of the espondents on the issue of effective Oganizational communication has an effect on wokes pefomance. Table Calculation of Coelation Coefficient fo Hypothesis one S/ N OPTIONS X POINTS Y RESPONSES XY X 2 Y 2 1 Stongly Agee Agee Undecided Disagee Stongly Disagee TOTAL SOURCE: Field Suvey, 2016 Using the Peason poduct moment coelation coefficient fomula given as: Hi: Effective oganizational communication has a significant effect on wokes commitment. To test the null hypothesis, elevant data that suggest opinions of the espondents on the issue of effective oganizational communication has an effect on wokes commitment. Table Calculation of Coelation Coefficient fo Hypothesis two S/N 1 OPTIONS X POINTS Y RESPONSES XY X 2 Y 2 Stongly Agee Agee Undecided Disagee Stongly Disagee TOTAL Souce: Field Suvey, 2016 Using the Peason poduct moment coelation coefficient fomula given as: Fom the data of table 4.1.2, we have R= 0.87 The coelation coefficient = 0.87 as shown above is an indication that effective oganizational communication has a significant effect on wokes pefomance. Nevetheless, thee was a need to equally estimate fo the significance of the coefficient and to ascetain whethe the claim of the null hypothesis would still emain valid afte the test. T-test fo test of significance was adopted as follows: T cal = But t 0.05, 3= 2.35 Theefoe the null hypothesis was ejected since T cal = > T tab =2.35, and the altenative which suggest that effective oganizational communication has a significant effect on wokes Pefomance will be accepted. Hypothesis Two Hypothesis two sought out to detemine if effective oganization communication affect the level of wokes commitment. Ho: Effective oganizational communication has no significant effect on wokes commitment R= 0.89 The coelation coefficient = 0.89 as shown above is an indication that effective oganizational communication has a significant effect on wokes commitment. Nevetheless, thee was a need to equally estimate fo the significance of the coefficient and to ascetain whethe the claim of the null hypothesis would still emain valid afte the test. T-test fo test of significance was adopted as follows: Substituting the value of the coelation coefficient = 0.87 in the above fomula. We obtained the esult: T cal = 3.36 But t 0.05, 3= 2.35 Theefoe the null hypothesis was ejected since T cal = 3.36 > T tab =2.35, and the altenative which suggest that effective oganizational communication has a significant effect on wokes commitment. A unit of Intenational Jounal Foundation Page I 63

9 HYPOTHESIS THREE Hypothesis thee sought out to detemine if effective oganization communication affect the level of wokes commitment. Ho: Effective oganizational communication has no significant effect on job satisfaction. Hi: Effective oganizational communication has a significant effect on job satisfaction. To test the null hypothesis, elevant data that suggest opinions of the espondents on the issue of effective oganizational communication has an effect on job satisfaction. Table Calculation of Coelation Coefficient fo Hypothesis thee S/N OPTIONS X POINTS Y RESPONSES XY X 2 Y 2 1 Stongly Agee Agee Undecided Disagee Stongly Disagee TOTAL Souce: Field Suvey, 2016 Using the Peason poduct moment coelation coefficient fomula given as: HYPOTHESIS FOUR Hypothesis fou sought out to detemine if the skills of the communicato is vital in managing oganizational pefomance. Ho: Thee is no significant influence of the skills of the communicato in managing oganizational pefomance. Hi: Thee is a significant influence of the skills of the communicato in managing oganizational pefomance. To test the null hypothesis, elevant data that suggest opinions of the espondents on the issue on if the skills of the communicato is vital in managing oganizational pefomance. Table Calculation of Coelation Coefficient fo Hypothesis fou S/N OPTIONS X POINTS Y RESPONSES XY X 2 Y 2 1 Stongly Agee Agee Undecided Disagee Stongly Disagee TOTAL SOURCE: Field Suvey, 2016 Using the Peason poduct moment coelation coefficient fomula given as: [ = 0.88 The coelation coefficient = 0.88 as shown above is an indication that effective oganizational communication has a significant effect on wokes pefomance. Nevetheless, thee was a need to equally estimate fo the significance of the coefficient and to ascetain whethe the claim of the null hypothesis would still emain valid afte the test. T-test fo test of significance was adopted as follows: Substituting the value of the coelation coefficient = 0.87 in the above fomula. We obtained the esult: T cal = 3.21 But t 0.05, 3= 2.35 Theefoe the null hypothesis was ejected since T cal = 3.21 > T tab =2.35, and the altenative which suggest that effective oganizational communication has a significant effect on job satisfaction = 0.89 The coelation coefficient = 0.89 as shown above is an indication that effective oganizational communication has a significant effect on wokes pefomance. Nevetheless, thee was a need to equally estimate fo the significance of the coefficeient and to ascetain whethe the claim of the null hypothesis would still emain valid afte the test. T-test fo test of significance was adopted as follows: Substituting the value of the coelation coefficient = 0.89 in the above fomula. We obtained the esult: T cal = 3.38 But t 0.05, 3= 2.35 Theefoe the null hypothesis was ejected since T cal = 3.38 > T tab =2.35, and the altenative which suggest that thee is a significant influence of the skills of the communicato in managing oganizational pefomance. A unit of Intenational Jounal Foundation Page I 64

10 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS To inspie wokes into highe level teamwok, thee ae things you must be, knowhow and do. These do not come natually but ae acquied though had wok and study. The esults of the hypotheses tests fomulated fom the fou objectives of this study wee discussed below The fist is that effective oganizational communication has a significant effect on wokes Pefomance will be accepted. Howeve a futhe test to ascetain whethe the claim of the null hypothesis would still emain valid using T- test fo test of significance was adopted and it showed validity. This is consistent with the views of Halis (2000), he assets that oganization pefomance inceases when supeios establish a couteous and continuous communication with subodinates; eceive feedback accoding to the natue of the wok pefomed, and when the paticipation of the employees to achieve oganizational goals ae maintained. Management must endeavo to seek ways to incease communication channels and always update thei mode of communication to avoid been obsolete. The second esult of the hypothesis shows that effective oganization communication on the level of wokes commitment. A futhe test to ascetain whethe the claim of the null hypothesis would still emain valid using T-test fo test of significance was adopted and it showed validity. Employees, who peceive that they ae espected and that thei ideas ae allowed to contibute to the oganization, tend to wok moe willingly. This implies that thee is a modeating effect of effective communication on wokes commitment and the success o failue of an oganization is closely elated to the effot and motivation of its employees. The thid esult of the hypothesis shows that effective communication has an impact on job satisfaction. A futhe test to ascetain whethe the claim of the null hypothesis would still emain valid using T-test fo test of significance was adopted and it showed validity. This is consistent with Yüksel (2005), who finds that factos such as openness in communication, eceiving feedback and constuctive citicism have a diect positive effect on the job satisfaction. This goes to pove that thee is a modeating effect of effective communication on job satisfaction job dissatisfaction, pimaily educes efficiency and inceases costs in the wokplace, but when continues it will weaken individuals commitment to the values, noms, and social tust and goals. The fouth esult of the hypothesis shows that the skill of the communicato is vital in managing oganizational pefomance. A futhe test to ascetain whethe the claim of the null hypothesis would still emain valid using T-test fo test of significance was adopted and it showed validity. Ielevant details causes confusion to employees and Positivism, self-discipline, motivation, empathy, social skills of the communicato affects oganizational pefomance. This eseach found out that Communication skill is vey impotant and is needed fo efficient management. The wold is becoming a global village and management needs to meet up with this challenges. In the old times, manges elied on memos, face to face inteactions but now intenet; telephones ae now the most commonly used mode of communication. Manages have to be good leades who can influence thei employees in a positive way. It was found out in the study that effective leadeship communication behavio affects employee pefomance. Management can motivate employees by communicating with them in a polite way. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The majo findings of the eseach wok ae as summaized below: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) CONCLUSION That thee ae elationship between effective communication and oganization pefomance. That communication beakdown negatively affects the pefomance of oganization. That poo listening skill of employees affect oganizational pefomance. Employee taining pogams impove wokes pefomance. That effective oganizational communication impact on wokes satisfaction. That effective communication in oganization affects poductivity level in the oganization. Empowement and tanspaency impoves woke s pefomance. That management can motivate employees by communicating with them in a polite way. That thee effective communication affects the level of wokes commitment. The significance of effective oganizational communication is vey citical in etaining woke satisfaction and consequently woke pefomance in oganizations. Effective ogani zational communication can be possible if oganizational leadeship impove on thei communication methods and ceate unesticted access of communication media to thei wokes. The consequences of poo oganizational communication would esult in an inceased tunove ate of employees in the oganization due to a lowe level of woke satisfaction. Conclusively, effective communication is a key component to business success because it helps meet challenges such as advances in technology, gowth of globalization and wokplace divesity (Bovee et al., 2004). It equally, defines most oganizations in tems of thei maketing campaigns, poductive intepesonal elationships among co-wokes and successful custome sevice esolutions. A unit of Intenational Jounal Foundation Page I 65

11 5.4 RECOMMENDATIONS In view of the findings, the following ecommendations ae made to impove business communication at the selected fims in Anamba state. 3) Asamu, F.F. (2014). The Impact of Communication on Wokes Pefomance in Selected Oganisations in Lagos State, Nigeia. IOSR Jounal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) ISSN: ) 2) 3) 4) Management should also make use of othe channels of communication so as to enhance not only its poductivity but its image as well since the study found face face, lettes and occasionally, memos as the most used and pefeed choices of channel among wokes. The inte-pesonal communication among employees should be impoved so that accuate and timely infomation can be passed on fo completion of tasks to cut out on wasted time so that the objectives of the oganization can be met. Oganizations should egulaly aticulate it policies, goals and objectives to it wokes in othe to impove wok pefomance. Manages need to communicate with employees egulaly to get feedback and offe suggestions in othe to pevent confusion about futue job assignments. 4) 5) 6) 7) Ayancı, E. (2011). A Study on the Factos of Job Satisfaction among Ownes of Small and Medium-Sized Tukish Businesses. Intenational Jounal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 2, No. 5 (Special Issue), pp Blalock, M. (2005). Listen up, why Good Communication is Good Business, Wisconsin Business Alumni update. Caoline, W.K. (2014). The Relationship between Communication Stategies and Oganizational Pefomance. Euopean Jounal of Business and management. ISSN Vol.6, No.11, 2014 Caiee, J., & Bouque, C. (2009). The Effects of Oganizational Communication on Job Satisfaction and Oganizational Commitment in a Land Ambulance Sevice and the Mediating Role of Communication Satisfaction, Caee Development Intenational, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp ) 6) 7) REFRENCES Oganizations should eliminate the baies on communication and ceate efficient, paticipative, and tanspaent communication medium to impove wokes commitment. Management must continually allow matuity and humility to be his guiding pinciples, since these two elements would help temendously in instilling confidence in the mind of subodinates and at the same time command thei espect and gain thei loyalty. The leade must be intelligent, disciplined, of high integity, sensitive enough to eceive and ecognize danges, detibalized, honest must have the willingness to foge ahead and ability to husband all the esouces at his disposal so to achieve the set oganizational goals. 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Chen, J.C., Silvethone, C., & Hung, J.Y. (2006). Oganization Communication, Job Stess, Oganizational Commitment, and Job Pefomance of Accounting Pofessionals in Taiwan and Ameica. Leadeship & Oganization Development Jounal, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp Cutlip, s.m.,cente, a.h. & bom, g. (1985). Business and Economics. Pentice-hall Dotok, (2006). The Poblems of Infomation and Communication Technology on Pesonnel Development in Nigeian Tetiay Institutions. Jounal of Mobile Communication Foong, J. (2001) Leadeship Behavious: Effects on Job Satisfaction Poductivity and Oganizational Commitment. Jounal of Management. Gay, J. & Laidlaw, H. (2002). Pat-Time Employment and Communication Satisfaction in an Austalian Retail Oganization. Employee Relations.24 (2), ) 2) Abasspoo,A. & Bavtyan, H. (2010). Investigate the Relationship between Effective Communication and Oganizational Pefomance (Based On the Model Achyv) at the Headquates of the National Ianian Gas Company in Jounal of Human o Resouces Management in the Oil Industy, Issue 10, Pp 738 Abdullahi, z. (2014). The Relationship between Communication Satisfaction and Teaches Job Satisfaction in the Malaysian Pimay School. Asian Jounal of Humanities and Social Sciences (AJHSS) Volum 2. ISSN: ) 14) Gay, J. & Laidlaw, H. (2004). Impoving the Measuement of Communication Satisfaction. Management Communication Quately, 17, Halis, M. (2000). Ögütsel İletişim ve İletişim Tatminine İlişkin Bi Aaştıma *A Reseach about Oganizational Communication and Communication Satisfaction]. Atatük Univesity Jounal of Economics and Administative Sciences, Vol. 14, No.1, pp A unit of Intenational Jounal Foundation Page I 66