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1 GREATER MANCHESTER HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP BOARD 16 Date: 24 February 2017 Subject: Report of: Report of the GM Transformation Portfolio Board Nicky O Connor PURPOSE OF REPORT: The purpose of this report is to summarise the business of the January Transformation Portfolio Board and outline the current progress, challenges and key risks of the Greater Manchester transformation portfolio and its constituent programmes at a locality and a GM level. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Strategic Partnership Board is asked to note the content of the report. CONTACT OFFICERS: Nicky O Connor Helen Ibbott 1

2 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1. The purpose of this report is to summarise the business of the January Transformation Portfolio Board and outline the current progress, challenges and key risks of the Greater Manchester transformation portfolio and its constituent programmes at a locality and a GM level. 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1. The GM Transformation Portfolio 3.0 TRANSFORMATION PORTFOLIO PROGRESS 3.1. Transformation metrics The meeting considered a set of reports outlining progress, challenges, risks and key achievements for each of the programmes in terms of narrative and metrics: GM Balanced Scorecard transformation metrics Transformation portfolio highlight report January All localities have submitted a locality workforce plan to inform the development of the GM workforce plan and GM workforce prospectus. More detail is provided later in the report. 2

3 Transformation Fund investment agreements have now been signed with Stockport and Tameside and Glossop localities The Integrated Support and Assurance Process (ISAP) provides a co-ordinated approached to reviewing the procurement and transactions related to complex contracts. GM HSCP, in partnership with NHS England and NHS Improvement, want to support commissioners and providers to identify, understand and manage the risks in developing such contracts. The dual purpose of the ISAP is to guide the work of local commissioners and providers in creating successful and safe schemes and provide a means of assurance that this has happened. The process depends on: Competent local executives designing complex contracts, along with providers successfully implementing services under those contracts; Well-informed commissioner governing bodies and provider boards holding them to account and shaping the solution; and An integrated process carried out by NHS England and NHS Improvement providing final assurance that the complex contract arrangements have been robustly constructed according to defined good practice. The ISAP process has commenced in GM. Early engagement meetings have taken place with Stockport and Manchester, and Checkpoint meetings arranged with priority localities Highlight report key challenges and key achievements Each programme within the portfolio completed a 1-side highlight report detailing progress, challenges, risks and key achievements. An analysis of those reports summarised a set of key challenges for the TPB to consider Some of the key milestones to take place in February are: Theme 2 - GM Primary Care Reform Framework through GM governance Theme 2 - First LCO development network meeting Theme 2 - GM medical standards draft changes to AGG Theme 2 - Outline Adult Social Care (ASC) transformation plan through the GM governance Bury locality plan refresh finalised Manchester ISAP checkpoint 1 3

4 Stockport ISAP checkpoint 1 and rapid outpatient testing pilot go live Theme 3 (Healthier Together) Transformation Fund proposal submitted. Theme 4 1 st meeting of Programme board and Hospital Pharmacy plan to be approved Mental Health GM Suicide Strategy for approval GM Workforce Prospectus principles and structure for approval IM&T Digital Collaborative established and Local Digital Maturity Assessment rolled out The challenges are building into a set of key issues for the Board to consider and work through The achievements are shared through the locality SROs with the wider programme resource community The Board also noted that the Partnership team Portfolio Management Office (PMO) team have been meeting with the programme resource within each programme in order to develop a GM Portfolio management community. The aim of the community will be to share skills, experience and knowledge in the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of the transformation portfolio across GM. 4.0 TRANSFORMATION PORTFOLIO DECISIONS / RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1. Transformation theme 2 Transforming community services Adult Social Care programme The Board considered a presentation on the development of the Adult Social Care programme, which will form a key component of transformation theme 2, along with primary care reform and the development of new models of care within localities. It was noted that the development of the programme to date has been the result of extensive consultation across key GM leadership and professional groups It is by its very nature a standalone programme of reform, but will be a key component informing the development of LCO models across GM. The Board noted the ambition of the programme, and the types of outcomes that could be achieved if action is taken at the GM level The key priorities for the programme were highlighted as: Residential and Nursing Care Care at Home 4

5 Learning Disabilities Support for Carers The Transformation Portfolio Board noted the update, requested that more detail is provided to a future meeting outlining the key actions, roles and responsibilities to take this forward, as Board recommended that this programme is taken forward across GM as a priority and that all organisations and leaders across the system needed to support the development and delivery to effect the change identified Transformation theme 2 LCO network Terms of Reference The Board received draft terms of reference for the GM LCO network, which it was proposed would be effective from February. It was noted that this network would be a core feature of the implementation of our strategic objectives through transformation theme 2 and it would ensure that the development of LCOs across GM was tracked, supported, facilitated and connected to wider programmes of reform and assurance (such as the national ISAP process) The GM Transformation Portfolio Board: Supported the proposed terms of reference and establishment of the network, recognising this would be the formal transformation theme 2 overarching governance. The Board provided comments about the proposed membership to be taken forward Transformation theme 3 Standardising acute and specialist services next steps The Board noted that work had progressed in the development of a formal programme plan outlining key milestones and interdependencies with other programmes within the portfolio and that the Board would receive a finalised version following consideration and approval by the transformation theme 3 delivery board at the end of January. There were a number of key developments that the Board was informed about: Terms of reference for the transformation theme 3 delivery board have been amended, as membership of the board has been extended to include the transformation theme 2 SRO (Warren Heppolette), a representative from the estates enabling work programme, Dr Richard Preece and a representative from NHS Improvement. Transformation theme 3 programme staff are in the process of developing an outline GM clinical services strategy, which will bring all the work relating the theme 3 into one overarching strategy (Healthier Together, OG cancer and the design and development of clinical pathways for the transformation theme 3 priorities). 5

6 An assessment of benefits (financial and clinical) for each of the prioritised clinical pathways (Benign Urology, Breast Services, Vascular, Neuro-rehab, MSK/Orthopaedics, Paediatrics) is being undertaken to inform the development of the strategy The Transformation Portfolio Board noted the update and requested clarity on the decision making governance for the clinical strategy implementation, so that timescales are not adversely affected where delegated decision making processes need to be adhered to, but that has not been factored in Transformation theme 5 enabling reform Workforce The Transformation Portfolio Board considered a substantive item on the workforce enabling programme of the transformation portfolio. The item outlined the process and content of an emerging GM workforce strategy and workforce prospectus and noted that the intention was to: Launch a new GM workforce collaborative in April 2017 Agree a GM workforce strategy by May 2017 To facilitate the implementation of locality workforce plans and transition planning The Board noted that all localities have submitted workforce plans and that these have been analysed to support the development of a GM workforce strategy. In light of this, a 3 rd version of locality workforce plans would need to be submitted to the Partnership team in March 2017 and that a range of workshops would be run by the Partnership team to support the development of plans The Board also received an outline of a GM workforce prospectus. The prospectus has 5 strategic priorities: grow your own; flexible workforce; filling difficult gaps; leadership and talent development; employment offer The Board noted that it would be presented through the GM governance in February Transformation Portfolio Board noted the update and all SROs were asked to take the prospectus back into their localities for comment and feedback on the principles and strategic priorities of the prospectus. 6

7 4.5. GM Portfolio Management Office review The Board noted that the recommendations from the GM Portfolio Management Office review would be presented to the February meeting. 5.0 NEXT STEPS 5.1. The February meeting of the Transformation Portfolio Board will consider: The output and recommendations from the GM Portfolio Management Office review and agree process and timescales for progressing them. An update on the development of the GM workforce strategy and prospectus, including feedback from portfolio programme The transformation theme 3 programme plan outlining key milestones and interdependencies with other programmes within the portfolio A detailed item on the IM&T enabling work stream 5.2. The Transformation Portfolio Board will work to identify and recommend the transformation priorities for the GM system in 2017/18, built from the work across all portfolio programmes in localities and at a GM level. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1. The Strategic Partnership Board is asked to note the content of the report. 7