Operational Plan National CPC Coordinator

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1 December 2011 Paper 4 (item 7c) Operational Plan National CPC Coordinator Background and Context: This paper sets out the relationship between the National CPC Co-ordinator, the Multi Agency Resource Service (MARS) the Scottish Child Care and Protection Network (SCCPN), individual Child Protection Committees (CPCs), the Scottish CPC Chairs Forum and the Scottish Government. The workplan has been determined by the responsibilities set out within the job description and the strategic priorities agreed by the national forum, the operational and strategic plan for the MARS, reference to an SCCPN future options paper and following discussion with some interested parties and colleagues. It is provided as a starter and a template to be shaped and amended by Chairs and Lead Officers to ensure it is fit for purpose The post was designed by members of the Scottish CPC Chairs forum in response to increasing business and a need for better coordination of CP processes. The post is located within the University of Stirling and forms part of the hub of CP activity and new developments. Initial funding is for three years, and issues regarding long-term sustainability will be taken forward as part of the emerging strategy and developing model. Overarching aim of the Multi-agency Resource Service (MARS) The overarching aim is to deliver a coordinated national resource that will assist agencies and practitioners to protect children. MARS will actively work in close partnership with the Scottish Child Care and Protection Network (SCCPN) to disseminate child protection research and practice developments and work with the National CPC Coordinator to ensure partnership with CPCs. Role of the National CPC Coordinator The National CPC Coordinator will support the work of the Child Protection Committees (CPCs) and provide maximum value by increasing consistency and reducing duplication of effort. The Coordinator should add value to the work of CPCs by ensuring collaboration, facilitating learning across CPCs and identifying where a national lead is the most appropriate way of tackling issues or advancing knowledge and practice. The National Coordinator is line managed within the MARS reporting to the Director of the MARS and has a distinct remit to work with CPCs on specific issues, to work with the wider child protection community and to work on priority areas within the MARS. The post is funded for three years.

2 CPC Functions The Coordinator will assist with overall strategic planning around the functions identified in the 2005 guidance for CPCs: Protecting Children and Young People: Child Protection Committees and updated in the draft 2010 Child Protection guidance. The functions are continuous improvement, strategic planning, public information and communication. Continuous Improvement Policies, Procedures and Protocols Assist with overall strategic planning and participate in issues/activities with a national focus relating to policies, procedures and protocols. Strategic Objectives Timescale Achieved through Participate in activities Y1 E.g. Involvement in with a national focus human trafficking event relating to policies, testing whether a Human procedures and Trafficking Protocol is fit protocols for purpose Y2 This will be filmed and training notes written up to be available on MARS webspace for use by other Helping to Monitor testing the national risk assessment toolkit during pilot-testing phase CPCs or interested parties Y1, 2 Support lead officers to develop monitoring system and feedback information on wider implementation to CPCs (How will we know?) Other CPCs learn from this experience in using aspects for their own protocols or for training purposes National risk assessment toolkit is fit for purpose Management Information and Statistics Assist in the overall strategic planning and participate in initiatives with a national focus relating to management information. Strategic Objectives Timescale Achieved through Participate in national initiatives relating to management information Ensuring data changes are achievable by local areas and assist in monitoring changes Work with CPC Chairs and the Y1 initially Participate in SLWG to consider developing a data set of management information Y1,2 and 3 Work with CPC/Consortia Y1, 2 and 3 Working with Lead Officers to assist and (What is the difference?) Data set being agreed nationally Consistency and improved collation of data will lead to better identification of trends Annual reports provide information

3 Scottish Government to improve the value of CPC Annual Reports identify best practice which underplans child protection planning Self Evaluation, Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement Assist with the overall strategic planning and participate in issues/activities with a national focus on quality assurance. Strategic Objective Timescale Achieved through Actively participate in issues/activities with a national focus on QA Collation of information on self evaluation and audit Self-evaluation tools are developed and shared Collation of annual reports from CPCs Quarterly thematic pieces of work priorities to be agreed YI,2 and 3 Y1,2 and 3 YI Gathering and analysing information for discussion by Chairs of CPC or SG E.g. What makes a CPC effective; E.g. Evolving role of lead officers; Analysis of CPC minutes to review issues discussed such as CAPSM; Review arrangements for joint working/ discussions between CPCs and APCs; Map voluntary sector representation; Liaison with QA sub groups and LO s to identify good material for disseminate through website By working with LOs and Consortia and also assisting CPCs with self evaluation if requested Annual reports available on MARS web site. (What is the difference?) Decision making is improved and more consistency of practice, allowing for local diversity HMIe identify increased standardisation of self evaluation methods, which are embedded in work programmes Promotion of Good Practice Assist in the overall long term planning and participate in work, with a national focus, which will contribute to improved practice. Work with the seconded Professional Adviser to the Scottish Government on implementation of the 1998 national child protection guidance.

4 Work with the MARS and SCCPN to develop and disseminate learning from significant Case Reviews and to ensure that information on the work of the national CPC Forum is widely disseminated and appropriately posted on the Child protection shared Webspace. Strategic Objective Timescale Achieved through Work with the seconded Y 1.2 Initially participate in some professional adviser to consultation events with the SG on subsequent involvement in implementation of the implementation 1998 CP Guidance Work with the MARS to develop and disseminate learning from SCRs. Ensure that information on the work of the Forum is widely disseminated and appropriately posted on the CP shared webspace Work with MARS to disseminate learning and assist in planning small group discussions at conference Progress suggestions by CPCs for working groups to consider issues Y1 Y1 Y1 Y2 Participate in SLWG or as CPC Chairs decide to progress Make links with all CPC groups and activities and the wider child protection community Involvement in MARS conference on SCRs Encourage and identify examples of developing practice for CPCs to submit to the MARS E.g. Establish SLWG to discuss and make recommendations to Chairs forum Measuring Impact (how will we know?) Gaps in knowledge are identified. Effective partnerships established. Guidance embedded in practice. Work agreed is followed through within agreed timescales Information is available and widely known. Examples should be available on MARS website Number of working groups progressing and completing work within timescales Work with the SG on SLWGs YI Participate in SLWG on CAPSM Improvement in processes for children affected by parental substance misuse Training and Staff Development Assist with the overall strategic planning and participate in initiatives with a national focus relating to inter agency training. Contribute to development and promotion of national training and continuing professional development. Strategic Priority Timescale Achieved through Supporting the Y1 Attend CP Training development of training Coordinators meeting and Measuring Impact (How will we know?) Perceived as adding

5 and CPD support the development of national training strategies value to Training Strategy Strategic Planning Communication Collaboration and Cooperation Work in partnership with internal and external stakeholders to take forward the recommendations of the national Forum in relation to coordinating, developing and disseminating best practice nationally and promoting joint working between CPCs Support the quarterly CPC Chairs Forum meetings, helping the Chair of the forum in developing and structuring an agenda, and coordinating working groups. Take forward work around identifying concrete outcomes from the work of CPCs and how to measure this objectively. Develop and maintain links with existing forums, including the Scottish CPC Chairs Forum and the National CPC Lead Officers Network. Broker and facilitate links across the child protection community Strategic Priority Timescale Achieved through Support the quarterly Regular meetings with CPC forum meetings, September the Chair of the CPC helping the Chair of the 2010 and forum, Chief Constable Forum in developing and quarterly Colin McKerracher structuring an agenda, First meeting by video and coordinating working Y conference and follow up groups meetings. Take forward identified work including from Undertake mapping exercise to provide a framework of Child Protection activity Take forward work around identifying concrete outcomes from the work of CPCs and how to measure this objectively Y1 Initially by March2011 Y1.2.3 strategic assessment Mapping exercise and follow up activity Maintain close links with Consortia and CPCs and develop methods of identifying work, which could be shared nationally. Support, initiate and participate in developmental local work identified by CPCs to add (How will we do know? Improved business processes and working groups within agreed timescales Network of Child Protection activity will be visible, improving transparency and enabling more affective work planning CPCs and Coordinator develop good working practices, which demonstrate sharing of work leading to increased consistency and methods of measuring success

6 Develop and maintain links with existing forums, including the National Chairs Forum and the National Lead Officers network Maintain links with Scottish Government Policy Team Work with CPCs requesting support to develop particular initiatives Link with forums in the wider child protection community include the voluntary sector, universities and further education establishments Y1.2.3 capacity and develop consistency. Link with HMIe and scrutiny bodies Attend the Lead Officers Meetings and Chairs Meetings on a regular basis to develop methods of working which add capacity and value to work being undertaken Aim to give this priority and develop working practices during year 1 Y1.2.3 Meet with SG representatives and become involved in progressing identified themes or areas of work and additionally influencing or initiating work. Y1,2,3 Responding to requests or offering to work with CPCs where a national interest is identified or work can be rolled out by other areas Y1, 2, 3 Initiative on responding to contact to ensure inclusion in CPC activity Survey of Chairs and Lead Officers in 2011 would establish whether there was any qualitative and quantitative improvement. The development of improved processes should evidence that work identified by the Chairs is being progressed as agreed As above -work would require to meet identified timescales and progress agreed priorities Work will be available and implemented by other CPCs Improved communication with the wider community should lead to economies of effort and inclusion of a full range of perspectives and knowledge Planning and Connections Work in partnership with the MARS and SCCPN to provide a continuum of policy development from the strategic to the specific. Work with individual CPCs and Consortia, West of Scotland, ELBEG, Central and North East Scotland Consortium, Coordinate knowledge exchange and expertise Identify gaps in service provision or training needs to inform local and national policy developments

7 Broker and facilitate links across the child protection community Work with CPCs to build stronger local and national networks improving in particular links with Community Planning Partnerships, the new Alcohol and Drug Partnerships, Adult Protection Committees and Domestic Abuse/Violence against Women partnerships and including all the connections specified in the 2010 guidance Section 171 Maintain links with national initiatives relevant to child protection and working with others, coordinate Chairs responses, reflecting the need for coherence across policy areas Strategic Priority Timescale Achieved through (How will we know?) Work in partnership with the MARS and SCCPN to provide a continuum of policy development from the strategic to the specific. Y1.2.3 Working in partnership with existing networks Link with specialist child protection networks across the UK Contribute to this process by providing strong link to CPCs to develop links with MARS and SCCPN Promote use of the MARS and Marstalk to Chairs and Lead Officers, as a communication tool for CPCs Assist in linking MARS and SCCPN to practice forums and other practice elements. Evidence of solid partnership working within MARS and SCCPN and with existing networks should be collated Use of MARS and SCCPN by CPCs e.g. dissemination strategy for research (SCCPN) Monitor use of webspace as discussion forum Communicating and networking, identifying stakeholder needs Part of regular partnershi p working Working in partnership identify emerging common issues or themes Act as conduit between CPC Chairs Forum, Lead Officers Network and SLWGs to MARS in identifying themes CPCs share knowledge of developing practice with the CPC Coordinator

8 Work with CPCs to build stronger local networks, improving in particular links with Community Planning Partnerships and the new Alcohol and Drug Partnerships July August 2010 Y1.2.3 Make connections with other national coordinators to identify shared and joint responsibilities requiring to be progressed. Assist CPCs with any local initiative which develops stronger networks. Meet with National Alcohol and Drug Partnership Coordinators. National Violence against Women Training Coordinator Attend Adult Protection and Support Committees Forum Meetings with other interests to be arranged and work identified Evidence of work being progressed and of improved joined up practice As above Develop National Voluntary Sector Forum Use web site as collation point for information of good practice examples November 2010 Tackling Inequalities Promoting Health and Well being for Edinburgh s Children and Young People. Facilitating World Cafe event 2011 Meeting with voluntary sector to plan best model for full inclusion in business of CPCs 2011 Set up sub group to determine and quality assure suitable content Improved links with Community Planning partners should address the wider safeguarding agenda and evidence child protection s link to the wider children s safety agenda. Full inclusion of voluntary sector in subgroups and partnerships should reflect best practice Contribution to consistency of practice throughout Scotland Public Information and Communication Public Information Assist with overall strategic planning and participate in national initiatives, which raise awareness of child protection issues, promote the work of agencies and provide information on reporting concerns. Strategic Objective Timescale Achieved through Participate in national Y1 Participate in SLWG initiatives, which raise By considering future national information of CP December campaigns or initiatives issues, promote the 2010 Measuring Impact How will we know? Success of initiatives(s) should be evaluated

9 work of agencies and provide information on reporting concerns Listening to Children and Young People and their Families Strategic Objectives Timescale Achieved through Develop national work Y1,2,3 Participate in Scottish and links in respect of Government/national advocacy and initiatives or develop community engagement initiatives and ensure the views of Work with CPC Chairs young people and forum, CPC Consortiums families are represented and the Voluntary Sector (How will we know?) Success of initiatives should be evaluated Summary This workplan has been developed around the job description for the National CPC Coordinator, the operational and strategic plan for MARS, reference to an SCCPN future options paper and following discussion with some interested parties and colleagues. It is provided as a starter and a template to be shaped and amended by Chairs and Lead Officers to ensure it is fit for purpose.