Global Assessments Peer Reviews Sector Reviews

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1 Global Assessments Peer Reviews Sector Reviews Mihaela Bogatu Cooperation with Africa, Asia, Latin America, Caribbean and Pacific Bangkok, 13 December 2016

2 Overview The European statistics Code of Practice (CoP) sets the standards for developing, producing and disseminating European statistics for all members of the European statistical system (ESS). ESS s quality assurance framework (QAF) describes the tools and procedures put in place to ensure that statistics that are produced are of high quality. It serves as guidance on how to implement the CoP. Assessments form the essential elements of evaluation within the overall quality assurance framework.

3 Global Assessments, Peer reviews, Sector Reviews What are they? Why do them? How to do them? What kind of results do you get? What to do with the results? What is the resource impact on you?

4 Global Assessments - What are they? Broad strategic reviews of statistical systems, covering (inter alia): - Institutional environment - Engagement with users and also respondents - Practice in individual statistical domains - Whether resources are efficiently used, and well directed main objective : To evaluate the level of conformity vis-à-vis European and international standards, incorporating: - the European statistics Code of Practice, - the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics - the Eurostat Statistical Requirements Compendium.

5 Global Assessments why do them? To get a picture of the current health of official statistics in a country To better direct system strengthening efforts To assess quality of process compared to international standards in selected domains To support the NSI in strengthening its position and coordinating role in the NSS To promote official statistics and the need for good quality statistics in the country One way to strengthen culture of continuous quality assessment in your country

6 Global Assessments how to do them? A GA is not imposed on a country. It is only done at the request of the NSI of the country. - Flexible and highly consultative approach (external experts are selected in agreement with the country) - Early step country completes a self-assessment questionnaire and provides key documents - First expert mission clarifying and preparing a first draft report - Time for all to review the draft report - Second expert mission - consolidating info and agree possible recommendations - Final report agreed and published - Annual monitoring of the implementation of recommendations

7 Peer reviews: What are they? Qualitative assessments of how compliant a country's statistical system is with the European Statistics Code of Practice. Organised outside and inside ESS Outside ESS: target countries with relatively well-developed statistical systems that are typically on the way to join the EU (candidate countries and potential candidates): Focus on the national statistical authority plus some selected other national statistical authorities (ONAs)

8 Peer reviews Why do them? Outside ESS : - to assess compliance of the reviewed national statistical authority and some other national statistical authorities (ONAs), with respect to all Principles of the Code of Practice - to evaluate the coordination role of the national statistical authority within the statistical system; - to highlight transferable practices suitable to foster compliance with the Code of Practice; - to recommend actions needed to comply fully with the CoP

9 Peer Reviews - How to do them? conducted upon request from a country. the countries conduct a self-assessment using a selfassessment questionnaire based on the one used by ESS members. Self-assessment questionnaires is used also for ONAs (audit like approach: answers supported with suitable evidence) A team of independent experts ( statisticians ) conduct the review The team conducts the review in a single visit Reports structured around issues - governance, efficiency, impact The report includes recommendations The improvement actions are formulated by the national statistical authorities.

10 Sector reviews: What are they? Detailed analysis of the statistical production processes in specific sectors Specifically tailored to countries that aim to align important sectors of statistics with European standards. Sector reviews: Why do them? to assess the administrative and technical capacity of the reviewed statistical systems to produce statistics in the sector concerned; to assess the statistical production in the relevant sector; to assess the statistical production against the EU acquis; to review the medium and long-term planning within the sector;

11 Sector reviews: How to do them? Initiated on the basis of a request made by a statistical office Usually conducted by 2 experts (one leading and the second one supporting) The team designs the self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ) to assess the compliance of the reviewed statistical sector with the principles of the CoP and with specific EU Regulations for the reviewed sector.

12 Sector reviews: How to do them? The SAQ covers: - institutional environment, - statistical processes, - statistical outputs, - orientation on future actions. The filled-in questionnaire is the starting point of the review. Mission (usually 4 days) The review is based on: - documentation provided by the Statistical Institute - information collected and discussed during the mission.

13 Results GA: A comprehensive overview of the NSS A set of recommendations Some proposals for possible improvement actions that could be considered Peer reviews: An evaluation of the compliance with the CoP a set of recommendations, followed by improvement actions proposed by NSIs, the implementation of which is followed up and monitored Sector reviews: A detail analysis of a statistical sector a list of recommendations to be undertaken in order to improve the data delivery and functioning of the sector under review

14 What to do with the results? Some ideas to use the results: Develop a picture of areas most in need of improvement Use final report as a basis for internal reflection on improvement actions and monitoring of improvement actions Changes to resource use (human and financial) how resources are aligned to priority statistical tasks ; Changes to working arrangements internally and with key partners.

15 What is the resource impact on you? Translation costs of key documents Staff time (often senior staff) for the expert missions Value in appointing an internal coordinator Important to have full support and involvement of top office

16 Summary Global assessment Peer review Sector review Institutional coverage National Statistical System Focus on National Statistical Institute and some ONAs in the context of the NSS NSI and other producers involved in the statistical sector Topics covered Horizontal topics, statistical infrastructure (classifications, etc.) and some sector statistics Only horizontal topics (legislation, human resources, IT, governance) Statistical production processes in specific sectors in detail

17 Global assessment Peer review Sector review Self-assessment questionnaires Are not systematically used Formal part of the process Tailored to the needs of the statistical institute and to the statistical sector under review Main purpose Strategic orientation and re-design of statistical system. Basis for multi-annual works programmes. Planning of assistance by donors Benchmarking against other members of the ESS and identification of best practices Align important sectors of statistics with European standards

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