Cucomedia. Sample Employee Opinion Report

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1 Cucomedia Sample Employee Opinion Report February 2007

2 Contents Introduction 2 Statements at a glance 3 The rating scale 4 Overview of statements 5 Statements in detail 6 Statement overview 8

3 Introduction This report is designed to help you understand your employees' views about your company. It is structured around a number of pre-selected statements relevant to various aspects of working for your company. It will enable you as a company to identify your strengths and opportunities for change/development. So far employees will have completed a questionnaire that asked them to rate their opinion against selected statements. This report looks in detail at each of the statements. The report is based on the average ratings awarded by each of the respondents for each statement. If you have identified separate groups of employees to complete the questionnaires the report will compare the responses from the different groups. The following notes will guide you through the report and enable you to understand the messages it contains. Learning how others see the company and comparing their views to your own can help you understand how to improve. page 2 of 11

4 Statements at a glance Company Nr. Statement 1 The leaders of our company know what they are doing Job Nr. Statement 2 My job does not cause stress or anxiety in my life Management Nr. Statement 3 I am very satisfied with my manager Pay & Reward Nr. Statement 4 Employee performance evaluations are fair and appropriate People Nr. Statement 5 Information and knowledge are shared openly within our company page 3 of 11

5 The rating scale The following rating scale was used in the questionnaire that you completed. rating performance 1 Strongly disagree 2 Disagree 3 Moderately disagree 4 Moderately agree 5 Agree 6 Strongly agree The same ratings are used within this report. Gaps are calculated by deducting performance ratings from the excellence rating of 6. The average of any ratings used by other respondents is used when calculating the 'others' score. page 4 of 11

6 Overview of statements The first section of the report provides an overview of the average answers respondents replied to the questionnaires. A number represents each of the selected statements. This is the same number that is listed on the statements at a glance. Each separate group of employees is identified by a different coloured line. The closer the line appears to the edge of the circle the stronger their opinion is to strongly agree. This graph is designed to help you establish how the respondents have marked the exercise overall and help pinpoint strengths and possible change/development opportunities. A more detailed analysis is contained in the next section of the report. page 5 of 11

7 Statements in detail Underneath each bar chart a table will be displayed which contains the statement number (this corresponds with Statements at a Glance) and the statement itself. It also contains the average mark of all respondents (AVG All) and then displays the average gap (GAP) from the highest rating of 6. The selected statements are represented by a series of bar charts. Within each bar chart coloured bars represent each respondent group. These bars represent the average of the marks awarded by each group asked to complete questionnaire about employee opinion. The gap shown in the column to the right is calculated by deducting the average score awarded by the group from the 'strongly agree' total of 6. page 6 of 11

8 You should examine each of the practices to help identify Strength Opportunities for Development Discussion points Where respondents have indicated there is a low/no gap between current situation and excellence. Where respondents have indicated a significant gap between current situation and excellence. Where different groups' opinions differ significantly. A significant gap is defined as 1.00 or greater. page 7 of 11

9 Statement overview page 8 of 11

10 Nr. Statement AVG All GAP 1 The leaders of our company know what they are doing Comments This is where your employees can answer honestly about the above statement. They get approximately 50 words to comment. This is to help identify quickly any route causes of problems Nr. Statement AVG All GAP 2 My job does not cause stress or anxiety in my life page 9 of 11

11 Comments Nr. Statement AVG All GAP 3 I am very satisfied with my manager Comments page 10 of 11

12 Nr. Statement AVG All GAP 4 Employee performance evaluations are fair and appropriate Comments Nr. Statement AVG All GAP 5 Information and knowledge are shared openly within our company Comments page 11 of 11