Performance against the public sector target and levy spend 2017/18 Apprenticeship target 116

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1 Report to: Public Board of Directors Agenda item: 17 Date of Meeting: 27 June 2018 Title of Report: Apprenticeship Levy Status: For discussion and approval Board Sponsor: Claire Radley, Director of People Author: Angela Hayday, Associate Director of Organisational & People Development Nardina Storey, Learning & Development Manager (Widening Participation) Appendices Appendix 1: Summary of Apprenticeship Levy Spend, May 18 Appendix 2: Off the job training guidance Executive Summary of the Report This report outlines the RUH performance in the first year of the Apprenticeship Levy which was introduced in April 2017, with payments commencing in May The Enterprise Bill 2017 sets a public sector target for apprenticeship recruitment. The target is formed as a percentage of total staff headcount as at the 31 March each year, excluding some staff e.g. zero hours & bank staff. The RUH s public sector target for 2017/18 was 116, as defined in Meeting the Public Sector Apprenticeship Target Statutory guidance for bodies in scope of the Public Sector Apprenticeship Target - Revised February To support the achievement of the apprenticeship recruitment target the RUH accrued an apprenticeship levy of 861, up to 30/4/18. The apprenticeship levy was charged at 0.5% of the total pay bill, monthly. It remains available for use for 24 rolling months. RUH Apprenticeship Year End Position Performance against the public sector target and levy spend 2017/18 Apprenticeship target 116 The RUH has spent 90% of the levy funds available in 2017/18 and has achieved 87% of the public sector target. Public sector targets are aggregated over the four years of Author : Angela Hayday, Associate Director of Organisational & People Development & Nardina Storey, Learning & Development Manager (Widening Participation) Document Approved by: Claire Radley, Director of People Date: 13 June 2018 Version: Final Agenda Item: 17 Page 1 of 8

2 our commitment to achieving apprenticeship starts in support of the government target of 3 million by Last year the RUH target was 116, as 2.3% of our eligible headcount. Next year our target will be 133 and incorporates this year s deficit as well as the headcount figure. This element of the apprenticeship transformation agenda requires greater awareness and engagement within the Trust if we are to build the necessary momentum to achieve our 2020 target. Reporting against this target will impact our public perception and influence people s views of us as an employer of choice. 2. Recommendations (Note, Approve, Discuss) For noting 3. Legal / Regulatory Implications Public Sector Apprenticeship Target 4. Risk (Threats or opportunities, link to a risk on the Risk Register, Board Assurance Framework etc.) Not applicable 5. Resources Implications (Financial / staffing) Within existing budgets 6. Equality and Diversity Not applicable 7. References to previous reports 22 nd March 2017 Apprenticeship Levy report to Trust Board 8. Freedom of Information Public Author : Angela Hayday, Associate Director of Organisational & People Development & Nardina Storey, Learning & Development Manager (Widening Participation) Document Approved by: Claire Radley, Director of People Date: 13 June 2018 Version: Final Agenda Item: 17 Page 2 of 8

3 1. National context Apprenticeship recruitment has not grown as per Government expectations:- Exactly half way into the five year Manifesto commitment target to achieve 3 million public sector starts, the figures show an 18 percent (266,000 starts) shortfall nationally. Nationally, public sector organisations are expected to achieve 3 million starts by Where an organisation doesn t meet its target, the shortfall will be carried forward to the next year. All levy paying organisations are required to report each September on their annual progress to Department for Education, via the apprenticeship levy digital account. Funding review As the first financial year closes it has been confirmed the 10% government incentive will not be repeated, this means the RUH s predicted levy for 2018/19 will decrease to 783,000. In addition to the decrease in funding the cost of some apprenticeships may be amended. This will have implications for the number of apprenticeships which can be funded from the levy as it is assumed the cost of apprenticeships will increase. The incentive payments for recruiting all young people will be withdrawn; only disadvantaged priority groups will attract an incentive uplift payment i.e. looked after children, young carers, project search students. Education reform The Government is undertaking major reforms to the technical education system in England. Under the proposals, there will be two education routes from age 16: a technical option and an academic option. The technical option will group together occupations with Author : Angela Hayday, Associate Director of Organisational & People Development & Nardina Storey, Learning & Development Manager (Widening Participation) Document Approved by: Claire Radley, Director of People Date: 13 June 2018 Version: Final Agenda Item: 17 Page 3 of 8

4 shared training requirements into 15 technical education routes, which will continue to be delivered by a combination of college-based education and apprenticeships. This will have implications for recruitment practices in the future. Education Secretary Justine Greening said: We are transforming technical education in this country, developing our home grown talent so that our young people have the world class skills and knowledge that employers need. 2. Progress made to date The RUH has made good progress with utilising the apprenticeship levy to support its workforce development plans. Figure 1: RUH Apprenticeship starts and values by Division Clinical , The Widening Participation Team (WPT) has developed manager toolkits and an application process to support managers to utilise the apprenticeship levy in support of workforce plans. A communications plan has been developed and implemented including information sessions, face to face meetings with managers, apprenticeship network meetings, publicity materials and additional courses to meet the literacy and numeracy needs of those wishing to enter an apprenticeship. An RUH wide apprenticeship network has been established. Young apprentices come together each month for support, to learn about career opportunities and to share experiences. This network has enabled the Trust to retain apprentices e.g. a Business & Admin apprentice moved into a health & social care apprenticeship role in a clinical setting. The WPT has supported all managers wherever possible, but has spent some targeted time where Workforce Development Plans have indicated a fresh approach may benefit. Examples of the positive impacts are evident in: Author : Angela Hayday, Associate Director of Organisational & People Development & Nardina Storey, Learning & Development Manager (Widening Participation) Document Approved by: Claire Radley, Director of People Date: 13 June 2018 Version: Final Agenda Item: 17 Page 4 of 8

5 Supporting innovative practice in Critical Care to design and deliver a bespoke programme for bands 5 7 which combines leadership and management with specialist practice modules to achieve a compliant and developed nursing team. Supporting the Finance Department in creating their own talent pipeline to meet their current and future workforce needs. Design and create an apprenticeship post to attract over 14 eligible candidates for the Respiratory Labs hard to fill vacancy. Supporting the Nursing Workforce team to transition the pilot programme for Nursing Associates to apprenticeship funding. Supporting the Facilities and Estates Division to identify and maximise the opportunities for Workforce Development Plans funded by the apprenticeship levy to increase the uptake and frequency of skills development and training. Expanded opportunities to access the Spring Conference to ensure attendance from a wider group of young people to explore the potential to enter careers at the RUH via apprenticeships The widening participation lead now attends key workforce planning and educational forum groups. This has led to opportunities for joint and creative workforce solutions to be explored and developed, particularly where the needs are identified and led by the managers requesting support. The RUH has played a key role in creating collaborative procurement system with Sustainability Transformation Plan (STP) partners. 3. Opportunities The apprenticeship levy continues to provide funded opportunities for the RUH to attract new staff including young people and retain our existing workforce in a grow your own solution for hard to recruit posts and career pathway development, such as Nursing Associates into Nurses. We have been able to widen access to apprenticeships across the Divisions. The increasing availability of standards across all levels of education and career development has begun to challenge pre-conceived ideas around vocational education as a meaningful answer to career development needs in teams. We have engaged informal champions who have supported the WPT to actively engage and grow confidence across the teams with developing bespoke and tailored solutions where we can engage sufficient support from external training providers to create local solutions e.g. Critical Care. We have received a planned commitment from managers and teams to spend all of our levy for 2018/19 plus the shortfall from year one, (appendix 1). We continue to gather interest and may need to seek to expand our offer, if possible through the levy transfer process to accommodate this growth. Nursing & Midwifery Career pathways are actively being designed and developed from Entry to Masters level. Although there remains some barriers to access due Author : Angela Hayday, Associate Director of Organisational & People Development & Nardina Storey, Learning & Development Manager (Widening Participation) Document Approved by: Claire Radley, Director of People Date: 13 June 2018 Version: Final Agenda Item: 17 Page 5 of 8

6 to NMC consultation work we have maximised opportunities in relation to the Nursing Associates. In 2017 the RUH was a pilot site funded by HEE for 14 Trainee Nurse Associates (TNA), 10 of these were recruited from within the RUH. In May 2018, an Apprenticeship funded Trainee Nurse Associate programme commenced, 13 out of 18 on the programme were existing RUH staff. The focus now must be on attracting external recruits to future TNA programmes to ensure a pipeline of recruits. The WP team are working closely with a group of sisters to support this work. In addition, creating career progression pathways for individuals who have the potential to become registered nurses will support future workforce plans. A workshop for sisters/charge nurses to understand the opportunities and challenges is planned. Young people New entrant apprenticeships have increased from 5 to 15 in the last year. However there is significant room for growth within this area. External engagement events have demonstrated young people s interest in apprenticeships. However the RUH s current workforce planning process does not routinely consider the option of apprenticeships as a talent pipeline. A pilot traineeship programme is underway to support those who are not ready for direct entry to an apprenticeship or employment. This programme can scale up to support more departments. Promotional materials The WP team has worked collaboratively with colleagues across the Trust to produce Apprentice & Work Experience films to showcase the Trust and its opportunities. Follow link below and scroll down page to view: Working with the BSW STP The WP team has contributed to the work of an STP apprenticeship working group, which has developed a joint procurement approach. This will in turn support smaller organisations across the STP to benefit from the collaborative expertise of the partner organisations in terms of accessing tried and tested training providers to support their workforce development plans. This group is now developing support to provide educational placements for Nursing Associates and in time Nurse Training. 4. Risks There is a low take up currently of new to care starters onto apprenticeship programmes. Author : Angela Hayday, Associate Director of Organisational & People Development & Nardina Storey, Learning & Development Manager (Widening Participation) Document Approved by: Claire Radley, Director of People Date: 13 June 2018 Version: Final Agenda Item: 17 Page 6 of 8

7 The very low conversion rate of new to care starters indicates additional support is needed for the clinical teams to engage and utilise the apprenticeship to support recruitment and retention of Health Care Assistants. Without a vibrant apprenticeship we will struggle to create and maintain the talent pipeline required to impact positively the Nursing Associates to Nurses through our inhouse career pathways. There is a struggle to provide the Off the Job (OTJ) requirements (appendix2) in clinical settings, where the pressures of service delivery erode the best of intentions. Our plan for 2018/19 is to co-create solutions with nursing colleagues to address this challenge. Although progress in year one has exceeded our initial expectations the pace and scale of changes in national apprenticeship policy means the RUH needs to remain fully committed to recoup its investment in the early years. Without ongoing engagement to maintain current levels of development activity we could still fall short of utilising our available funds within the rolling 24 month cycle of funding availability. Government priorities and funding levels are under review for academic year 2018/19. National constraints Deliverable availability of nursing standards, due to NMC decision making processes and programme criteria. Ongoing availability of both high quality and local training and End Point Assessment due to the scale and pace of change. Funding updates and reductions form the Employment and skills Funding Agency (ESFA) Local constraints No dedicated HR recruitment process in place which requires managers to consider if a vacancy can be offered as an apprenticeship where appropriate. Proportion of time (20%) required to undertake paid training in order to complete the qualification standard (apprenticeship).this has implications for service delivery and skills level available for backfill. The profile of our workforce means that unless the Trust is viewed as an attractive proposition for young people then we will struggle to replace the workforce eligible to retire in future years. Mindset There remains some mind-set work to do around the following areas, if not it could limit our possibilities for recruiting apprenticeships. Some managers believe existing staff should have development opportunities over a new recruit versus development opportunities should be part of a planned workforce approach which provides opportunities where they are needed. Author : Angela Hayday, Associate Director of Organisational & People Development & Nardina Storey, Learning & Development Manager (Widening Participation) Document Approved by: Claire Radley, Director of People Date: 13 June 2018 Version: Final Agenda Item: 17 Page 7 of 8

8 Off the Job Training means time away from the department, should be re-branded as on the job development opportunities. Need to consider educational placement opportunities at all levels. Selection for access to training opportunities. Need to give consideration to staff survey results around perceived lack of opportunity where managers are not engaged, also equality considerations where BAME staff have less opportunity objective monitoring. 5. Recommendations Conclusion a) Continue with engagement activities to ensure apprenticeships are widely used to support workforce development needs of the organisation, particularly around recruitment, talent management and retention b) Maintain the development work to identify and expand the number and range of career pathways available at the RUH so the benefits of the apprenticeship levy are optimised. c) Identify roles and associated career progression routes which can be, but are not traditionally, undertaken by young people aged using the apprenticeship standards, as direct entries on fixed term contracts in order to complete their apprenticeships before gaining substantive employment in permanent roles. d) Advertise all vacancies with an explicit expectation that the relevant apprenticeship standard will be undertaken where qualifications are requires in a development programme (where available & where appropriate). e) Investigate the potential for sub-contract partnership delivery where our team already invests significant amounts of time to ensure smooth programme delivery. We can utilise this income to deliver consistent quality internally by using generated income to fund a fixed term post, such as Level 2 clinical skills and leadership. f) Implement robust reporting and action to enable all new to care starters to complete the Care Certificate within 3 months of joining the RUH. This will aid retention and provides recruits with the entry requirements to enter an apprenticeship. Maximised utilisation of the apprenticeship levy will be realised when it is considered alongside creative workforce solutions to our local needs. The RUH needs to maintain its efforts and commitment to use this significant funding source to support our workforce plans and gain a return on its investment, while at the same time, addressing retention and recruitment issues. Author : Angela Hayday, Associate Director of Organisational & People Development & Nardina Storey, Learning & Development Manager (Widening Participation) Document Approved by: Claire Radley, Director of People Date: 13 June 2018 Version: Final Agenda Item: 17 Page 8 of 8

9 Appendix 1 Apprenticeship Levy May 2018 Forecast levy figures from expressions of interest - NOT in year figures (totals to date) Standard Number of starts requested Total value 's each Total levy committed Estates & Facilities Clinical Corporate Healthcare Support L , Healthcare support L , Healthcare Support L , Healthcare Science L , Healthcare Science L , Business Admin L , Customer Service L , Hospitality L , Team Leader L , , , Operations Manager L , Chartered Manager L , , , Public Sector Commercial L , Engineering , Nursing associate L , Groundsperson L , Groundsperson L , Maintenance operative L , Healthcare Science L , , , , , *public sector target is circa 133 starts by march /18 levy allocation surplus 88, /19 forecast levy 782, Total levy funds available 2018/19 871,151.22

10 Apprenticeship offthe-job training Policy background and examples June 2017

11 Contents Summary 3 Who is this publication for? 3 Policy background 4 Definition of off-the-job training 5 Delivering off-the-job training 6 When the 20% off-the-job training take should place 6 Where the 20% off-the-job training should take place 7 Inductions 7 The role of progress reviews and assessment in off-the-job training 8 Judging whether an activity should be classed as off-the-job training 8 Blended learning 9 English and maths 10 Measuring and recording off-the-job training 11 Further illustrative examples of off-the-job training 12 2

12 Summary This publication provides policy context and some best-practice examples around off-thejob training. Who is this publication for? This guidance is for: Employers that wish to understand the off-the-job training requirements involved in an apprenticeship. Providers that wish to ensure that they are offering off-the-job training in accordance with the funding rules and policy intent. 3

13 Policy background An apprenticeship is a job with a formal programme of training. As set out in English apprenticeships: our 2020 vision, published in 2015, the requirement for at least 20% off-the-job training is one of our core, and well established, principles that underpins a quality apprenticeship. The 20% threshold is the minimum amount of time that should be spent doing off-the-job training during an apprenticeship and this applies to both apprenticeship frameworks and apprenticeship standards. All apprenticeship standards have been developed under the guidance that they are sufficiently stretching to require at least a year of employment, with off-the-job training accounting for at least 20% of the apprentice s employed time. This requirement applies to apprenticeships at all levels. The importance of this training to a quality apprenticeship was emphasised in the Richard Review in Ofsted have also pointed to off-the-job training as a vital feature of a quality apprenticeship. Training is distinct from assessment and off-the-job training reinforces practical, work-based learning with technical and theoretical learning. The focus of off-the-job training is on teaching new skills rather than assessing existing skills. A key element of Ofsted s inspection regime is a judgement about how well apprentices make progress from their starting points: what can they do because of their training and experience on the apprenticeship that they could not do before? HEFCE will also quality assess apprenticeships at level 6 and above on the off-the-job training element, with input from the QAA. Some employers may prefer that their provider offers all of the required off-the-job training as part of the agreed cost for the apprenticeship training. Other employers may also undertake off-the-job training with an apprentice themselves. It is the responsibility of both the main provider and the employer to ensure that an apprentice spends a minimum of 20% of their employed time doing off-the-job training, as set out within the funding rules. 4

14 Definition of off-the-job training The definition of off-the-job training is set out in the ESFA funding rules. This definition is reproduced below. This document is not intended to further define off-the-job training, rather it is intended to demonstrate the flexible ways that this definition can be applied. Off-the-job training is defined as learning which is undertaken outside of the normal dayto-day working environment and leads towards the achievement of an apprenticeship. This can include training that is delivered at the apprentice s normal place of work but must not be delivered as part of their normal working duties. The off-the-job training must be directly relevant to the apprenticeship framework or standard and could include the following. The teaching of theory (for example: lectures, role playing, simulation exercises, online learning or manufacturer training), Practical training: shadowing, mentoring, industry visits and attendance at competitions, Learning support and time spent writing assessments/assignments. Off-the-job training does not include: English and maths (up to level 2) which is funded separately, progress reviews or on-programme assessment needed for an apprenticeship framework or standard, training which takes place outside the apprentice s paid working hours. 5

15 Delivering off-the-job training When the off-the-job training should take place Apprenticeships must last a minimum of 12 months and involve at least 20% off-the-job training. This 20% off-the-job training requirement is measured over the course of an apprenticeship (as opposed to over an academic year). The off-the-job training is an essential part of an apprenticeship and therefore must take place during employed time. If training must, by exception, take place in an evening, or outside of contracted hours, we would expect this to be recognised (for example, through time off in lieu). We recognise that some apprentices may wish to undertake study or training outside of their working hours, however training undertaken outside paid employment (and therefore outside the apprenticeship) cannot be counted towards meeting the 20% requirement. It is up to the employer and provider to decide at what point during the apprenticeship the training is best delivered (for example, a proportion of every day, one day a week throughout, one week out of every five, a proportion at the beginning, middle or end). This will depend on what is best for the organisation and the apprentice and on the technical or theoretical requirements of the apprenticeship standard. However the training is delivered, it is important to remember that the apprentice must receive off-the-job training for a minimum of 20% of the time that they are paid to work. Varied models of delivery: A training provider in the accountancy sector ensures that their apprentices attend learning centres on a weekly basis on a day release model. A training provider in the engineering sector ensures that their apprentices undertake 6 months at a dedicated training centre, followed by a day-release model. 6

16 Illustrative example: Sarah is undertaking an apprenticeship in professional accounting. Her training provider informs her of a lecture taking place on Wednesday evening that will cover some of the knowledge that is fundamental to the apprenticeship standard that she is working towards. The lecture is taking place outside Sarah s core hours of 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday. Sarah s training provider contacts her employer and agrees that if Sarah attends the two hour lecture on Wednesday evening, that she can leave two hours early on Friday to make up the time. Where the off-the-job training should take place As set out in the funding rules, off-the-job training can take place at an employer s workplace or off-site (e.g. in a classroom or from home via distance learning, as part of a blended approach). It is the activity, rather than the location that determines whether the training meets the funding rules definition. Varied models of delivery: One retail provider has a programme of training that is not suited to the classroom including till-work and visual merchandising. Therefore they deliver off-the-job training at the employer s premises (away from the apprentice s dayto-day duties), using the employer s environment to develop the relevant practical skills. One training provider in the automotive sector provides off-the-job training at the employer s workplace as the specialist equipment that they need is not available anywhere else. Many construction and the built environment providers deliver training offsite as the environment is safer. They provide appropriate and relevant tools, resources and support to develop the apprentice s skills before they are applied in the work place. This model allows more time, more intense direction and support and the opportunity for the apprentice to learn outside of the commercial constraints of the employer. Inductions An induction does not necessarily count as off-the-job training, for example a tour of the office or picking up a building pass are not activities that would count as off-the-job training. However, inductions could include an educational element that provides some basics of the skills, knowledge and behaviours that are core to the apprenticeship. This 7

17 would count as off-the-job training. As with all off-the-job training, we would expect any induction activities that were counted towards off-the-job training to adhere to the definition set out in the funding rules. The role of progress reviews and assessment in off-the-job training Off-the-job training must teach new knowledge, skills and/or behaviours that will contribute to the successful achievement of an apprenticeship. By progress reviews, we mean reviewing and testing what an apprentice has already learnt, rather than teaching new knowledge, skills and behaviours. A progress review does not therefore count as off-the-job training. It is important that training providers monitor the progress of their apprentices and although progress reviews do not count towards the 20% off-the-job minimum requirement, they are fundable as an eligible cost in the funding rules. Determining whether an activity should be classed as off-thejob training Off-the-job training is outside of normal working duties. However, it is possible to be undergoing training activities outside of normal working duties while physically at your normal workstation. For example, being taught how to operate a new machine or undertaking e-learning at your desk. To decide whether a training activity constitutes off-the-job training, it may be helpful to consider it in comparison to activities undertaken by other staff that are fully occupationally competent. Illustrative Example: Lisa is an engineering apprentice. She has weekly training with interactive feedback while she learns to use a core piece of equipment. Learning how to use this equipment forms part of the knowledge, skills and behaviours she needs to achieve the apprenticeship. This activity would count as off-the-job training. Lisa works with David who is a fully qualified engineer. As part of their health and safety requirements, they must each have an observation once a quarter, to ensure they follow the correct procedure when using the equipment that Lisa has been trained on. Conforming to this requirement would not count as off-the-job training for Lisa as it is a compulsory requirement for all employees and is not part of her apprenticeship. 8

18 Blended learning Distance learning can be used effectively as part of the off-the-job training requirement, when it is used as part of a blended learning package. This can take place wherever it suits the apprentice and the employer. The funding rules do not permit all off-the-job training to be delivered via distance learning, it must be as part of a blended approach. The following illustrative examples demonstrate what a blended approach may consist of. Illustrative Example: Ayo is employed as an apprentice software development technician. The majority of his job is desk-based, at his computer. He has a suite of on-demand learning including: high-quality videos, animations, check learning questions, quizzes, case studies and external resources that are available to him. This is also supported by face-to-face learning. Ayo s employer likes that they can track his progress as he learns at his own pace and that he has the flexibility to use quieter periods of work to access his distance learning. A record of Ayo s distance learning is automatically recorded, so the training provider can monitor his progress and evidence his training. As Ayo works 40 hours per week, his training provider can ensure that at least 8 hours per week are spent on off-the-job training. Illustrative Example: Sarah is an apprentice solicitor, working full-time, studying a four year practice focused law degree, which is delivered by online distance learning. She attends a two day tailored induction at her university every year and attends university for two days per term to consolidate learning and assess progress. Sarah participates in a dedicated weekly virtual forum with her peers, where she can also access virtual seminars, academic resources and case studies, share experiences with peers and project work. Sarah has been assigned a work based trainer who supports Sarah with her studies and observes her working practices which inform her academic learning and assessment processes. 9

19 Illustrative Example: Dave works full-time for a large employer, currently studying a three year Chartered Management Degree Apprenticeship. This is a bespoke apprenticeship, where the employer and the university work very closely to design and deliver a contextualised programme relevant to its business operation. Much of the degree apprenticeship is currently delivered at the employer s premises, as core components of delivery. Dave also attends a series of intensive block release weeks throughout the year at the university that supplements his on-the-job training to support his apprenticeship studies and develop new learning. Dave builds up a portfolio of evidence through his assignments, reflective journal log, work place observations and projects. English and maths Apprenticeships are designed to have sufficient stretch to require 20% off-the-job training. They are designed on the basis that an apprentice already has the required levels of English and maths and therefore training for English and maths must be on top of the 20% off-the-job training requirement. Illustrative Example: Zoe and Imran both have the same employer. They are working towards their level 3 dental laboratory assistant apprenticeship. Their training provider has agreed the same programme of off-the-job training for both apprentices with their employer, to teach them the knowledge, skills and behaviours that they will need to successfully achieve their apprenticeships. Imran already has a GCSE in maths and English, whereas Zoe needs to pass a level 2 qualification in English and maths before she can take her end-point assessment. Both apprentices spend equal amounts of time doing their off-the-job training getting an equal opportunity to learn the core elements of their apprenticeships. Zoe studies for level 2 English and maths on top of this. Although her formal English and maths training takes place separately, their provider uses the opportunity whenever they can through off-the-job training to consolidate Zoe s functional skills training. 10

20 Measuring and recording off-the-job training As well as being a core principle of a quality apprenticeship, the requirement for all apprenticeships to include a minimum of 20% off-the-job training is included in the ESFA funding rules. Compliance with this requirement will therefore be considered as part of normal audit arrangements. More information about the ESFA audit and financial assurance processes can be found here. In order to comply with the funding rules, each apprentice should have a commitment statement that, amongst other information, outlines the programme of training that the apprentice should receive. This statement should set out how the provider intends to fulfil the 20% off-the-job training requirement. As set out in the funding rules, the funding recipient (usually the main provider) is the custodian of the relevant evidence files. The ESFA do not prescribe the type of evidence that should be retained as they prefer training providers and employers to use naturally occurring evidence where this is available. All training providers that deliver levels 2-5 apprenticeships are subject to Ofsted inspection 1 where they will judge the quality of training. All providers that deliver apprenticeships at levels 6 and above are subject to the HEFCE quality assessment regime. HEFCE will work with Ofsted to reach a judgement for apprenticeship providers at level 4 and/or 5 where the apprenticeship standard or framework contains a prescribed HE qualification. These regimes are primarily focused on making judgements on the quality of teaching and learning. As part of this process they may also request evidence of how the upfront planned and agreed off-the-job training is being delivered as well as observing the delivery of off-the-job to make judgements on the quality of it and the value to each apprentice s learning experience

21 Further illustrative examples of off-the-job training Illustrative Example: A pharmaceutical company is looking to expand the number of existing staff that they offer apprenticeships to. They already have a successful learning curriculum that operates on a 70:20:10 system, where 70% of time is spent in work assignments, 20% of time is spent on developmental relationships and 10% is classroom based coursework and training. Examining the ESFA funding rules, the company identifies that their classroom based activities would all count as off-the-job training, as would many of the activities that sit under the developmental relationships heading, such as shadowing and mentoring. The company is confident that their exisiting model more than meets the minimum requirements and are happy to expand their apprenticeship programme to existing staff. Illustrative Example: Joe is undertaking an apprenticeship to become a creative venue technician. He attends college for one day per week. This time covers some of his off-the-job training and meets his English and maths requirements. In addition to this time, Joe s training provider agrees with his employer that he is given 5 hours per week to complete course work, assignments and online learning activities. These activities are flexible and takes place where weekly Joe and his line manager agree this will be least disruptive to Joe s day-to-day role. Joe also has one-to-one sessions once a quarter with his mentor. This time ensures that the all of the necessary off-the-job training is delivered, in addition to English and maths requirements, and accounting for college holidays. 12

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