B.V. Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer & Information Technology, Uka Tarsadia University

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1 Chapter 1 Answer the following. (1 Marks) 1. What is organization? 2. Who is manager? 3. Who are responsible for designing an organization s goals? 4. Who direct and coordinate the people in organization? 5. What is planning? 6. Define organizing. 7. What is leading? 8. What is controlling? 9. Who identified management roles? 10. List the main three roles performed by mangers. 11. Define technical skills. 12. Who identified three essential management skills? 13. Why managers must have good human skills? 14. What is conceptual skill? 15. Who found out the four essential managerial activities? 16. What is involved in networking? 17. According to the Luthan s study which managers received more promotion? 18. Who are known as successful managers? 19. How much percentage of time successful managers spend on networking activity? 20. Name the company who developed a software for emergency services called 108 emergency services.

2 21. Define ethical dilemmas and ethical choices. 22. Mention two levels of diversity. 23. Define discrimination. 24. Name the biographical characteristics that have relevance with organizational behavior. 25. Diversity has concerned with what? Briefly answer the following. (2 marks) 1. List the key management functions. 2. List the various role performed by manager under the head of interpersonal role. 3. List the roles performed by managers under the head of informational role. 4. List the role performed by managers under the head of decisional role. 5. Which activities are involved in organizing? 6. Which activities are involved in leading? 7. State the managerial roles given by Henry Mintzberg. 8. Explain human skills. 9. What activities are required for managers in decision making? 10. List the four managerial activities found by Luthans and his associates. 11. Define the term organizational behavior. 12. What is required to work effectively with people from different cultures? 13. What is workforce diversity? 14. Give any two reasons for work life conflicts. 15. Which are the various work life conflicts faced by employees? 16. Define surface level diversity.

3 17. Define deep level diversity. 18. Explain the concept of discrimination. 19. Give example for discrimination- (a) Discriminatory policies or practices (b) Exclusion Answer the following (limit 250 words). (5 marks) 1. What is interpersonal skill? Discuss in detail various managerial roles. 2. Explain in detail various functions and skills of managers. 3. Write a short note on effective vs. successful managerial activities. 4. Discuss in detail various challenges of organization behaviour faced by managers. 5. Explain the major forms of workforce diversity. 6. Discuss the various forms of discrimination with help of examples. 7. Discuss various diversity management strategy.

4 Chapter 2 Answer the following. (1 Marks) 1. Define organizational culture. 2. What is used by organizational participants while interacting with one another? 3. Give the typical example of dominant values. 4. What is dominant culture? 5. Define sub culture. 6. How job mastery can be achieved? Job mastery can be achieved through extensive and carefully reinforced field experience. 7. What is the final step for the process of maintaining organization culture? 8. Define attitude. 9. What describes by behavioural component? 10. What is job satisfaction? 11. What is measured by job involvement? 12. Define organizational commitment. 13. What is employee engagement? 14. When people perceive their organization supportive? 15. What is the full form of OCB? 16. What is meant by organizational citizenship behaviour? Briefly answer the following. (2 marks) 1. List any two characteristics of organization culture. 2. Define organizational climate. 3. List three factors that are considered for measuring and rewarding performance at Procter & Gamble. 4. Why any organization has to change its organizational culture? 5. Mention three components of attitude. 6. What are the major job attitudes?

5 7. Differentiate between person with high job satisfaction and person with low job satisfaction. 8. Explain psychological empowerment. 9. List three dimensions to organizational commitment. 10. Differentiate between highly engaged and disengaged employees. 11. List the factors affected to OCB. 12. List any four focus area for encouraging favourable employee attitude. Answer the following (limit 250 words). (5 marks) 1. Define organizational culture and explain its characteristics. 2. How do organizational cultures develop? What four steps commonly occur? 3. Explain the process of creation of organizational culture and discuss the example of Motorola. 4. Discuss various steps to maintain organization culture through socialization. 5. Write a short note on changing organizational culture. 6. Discuss the organizational cultural change in case of Merger and Acquisition. Describe the guidelines for managing change. 7. What is attitude? Discuss the main components of attitude with the help of example. 8. Discuss in detail major job attitudes. 9. Discuss various focus areas of encouraging favourable employee attitudes.

6 Chapter 3 Answer the following. (1 Marks) 1. Define perception. 2. Define attribution theory. 3. What is externally caused behavior? 4. List the three factors that determine the individual behavior. 5. What is selective perception? 6. What is halo effect? 7. What is contrast effect? 8. Define stereotyping. 9. Define projection. 10. In which professions anchor are widely used by people? Briefly answer the following. (2 marks) 1. List the situational factors that influence perception. 2. Which are the factors in the perceiver that influence perception? 3. What is explained by attribution theory? 4. Explain self serving bias. 5. Give any two examples of stereotypes. 6. Explain self serving bias. 7. What is anchoring bias? Answer the following (limit 250 words). (5 marks) 1. What is perception? Explain the factors that influence it. 2. Discuss the relationship between perception and organizational behaviour. 3. Explain in detail perceptual process. 4. Write a short note on attribution theory. 5. Write a short note on various short cuts that individuals use in making judgements about others. 6. Discuss in detail various attribution errors.

7 7. Write a short note on specific applications of shortcuts in organization. 8. List and explain the common biases and errors in decision making.

8 Chapter 4 Answer the following. (1 Marks) 1. Define personality. 2. What is extraversion? 3. What characteristics describe the openness to experience personality dimension? 4. Define stress. 5. From where individual stressors arise? 6. Which is the most obvious psychological effect of stress? 7. List three levels at which stress can be handled. 8. A secondary intervention addresses what? 9. Give the two alternative names of secondary interventions. 10. On what basis specific actions and the detail of the intervention is designed in primary intervention? 11. Which service is widely used in tertiary intervention? Briefly answer the following. (2 marks) 1. Explain the concept of personality. 2. Describe the characteristics of emotional stability. 3. Why individuals that working in groups feel stress? 4. List the categories of organizational stressors. 5. List the categories of stress symptoms. 6. Which are the various physiological symptoms of stress? 7. Which are the various symptoms of psychological stress? 8. What include in behaviour related stress symptoms? 9. What is the focus area of primary interventions? 10. What is the aim of secondary interventions? 11. What is the concern area of tertiary intervention? 12. What are the suggested measures for primary interventions? 13. Write three examples of secondary interventions.

9 Answer the following (limit 250 words). (5 marks) 1. Write a short note on determinants of personality. 2. Write a short note on five factor model of personality. 3. Discuss in detail causes of stress. 4. List and discuss the consequences of stress. 5. Explain in detail various ways to cope with stress.

10 Chapter 5 Answer the following. (1 Marks) 1. Define group. 2. What is required to ensure that groups work effectively? 3. How formal groups are created? 4. Define cohort. 5. What is the full form of COP? 6. Define task groups. 7. Define committee. 8. When social compensation occurs? 9. Define cohesiveness. 10. Which words are used by managers to describe cohesiveness? 11. Define team. 12. What is the full form of CFT? 13. What is the highly recognised advantage of cross functional teams? 14. Write the full form of SDWTs. Briefly answer the following. (2 marks) 1. What are the limitations of group working? 2. Explain the concept of informal groups. 3. Explain the concept of coalitions. 4. Differentiate between formal and informal groups. 5. Explain social facilitation. 6. List any two characteristics of cohesive group. 7. How teams are differ from groups? 8. List the types of teams. 9. Why cross functional teams are become more popular? 10. What are the advantages of self directed work teams? 11. List the types of teams.

11 12. What are the advantages of virtual team? 13. What is the limitation of virtual team? Answer the following (limit 250 words). (5 marks) 1. Discuss the importance of groups for organizations and individuals. 2. Explain in detail process of group formation. 3. Discuss the advantages of working in a group. 4. Discuss the disadvantages of working in a group. 5. Write a short note on social compensation and group cohesiveness. 6. Discuss in detail factors affecting to group effectiveness. SR 7. How teams are different from groups? Discuss the various types of teams.

12 Chapter 6 Answer the following. (1 Marks) 1. Sociological approach focuses on what? 2. Define conflict. 3. Descriptive approach to conflicts deals with what? 4. What is the focus area of normative approach? 5. Name the two types of intra individual conflict. 6. Define goal conflict. 7. What is the outcome of gaol conflict? 8. Why role conflict arises? 9. Why interpersonal conflict arises? 10. Who identified various styles of handling interpersonal conflict? 11. List two dimensions for handling interpersonal conflict. Briefly answer the following. (2 marks) 1. List two psycho social approach of conflict. 2. Psychological approach focus on what? 3. Explain the economical approach for understanding conflict. 4. Differentiate between competition and conflict. 5. Give any two reasons why people see conflict as a problematic situation. 6. Why some amount of conflict is regarded as inevitable and even valuable? 7. List the three levels of conflict. 8. Give any two reasons for role conflict. 9. What are the outcomes of relationship conflict? 10. Why structural conflict arises? 11. Explain two dimension for handling interpersonal conflict.

13 Answer the following (limit 250 words). (5 marks) 1. List and explain sources of conflicts at various levels. 2. Explain the concept and causes of conflict. 3. Discuss in detail various styles of handling interpersonal conflict. 4. Write a short note on cultural context for conflicts (a) Western Perspective (b) Eastern Perspective