Evidence Based Planning and Decision Making for Devolved Counties

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1 Recommendations for consideration by the Council of Governors Evidence Based Planning and Decision Making for Devolved Counties Experiences from Turkana County KEY RECOMMENDATIONS People and Issues. Carry out root cause analyses and stakeholder mapping to clarify issues and understand the key actors involved in planning, implementation and monitoring. Communications. Allow easy access to county information and plans via communication channels such as website, posters, radio and community structures to do regular public engagement. Data Inventory. Ensure regular data inventories are carried out to establish existing data and information from multiple sources within the county and ensure clarity on quality, methods and timing of data capture. Information Management and Accessibility. Develop an accessible data and information management system to encourage cross-sectoral linkages and ensure that sectoral targets are based on evidence and measured regularly against set baselines. Evidence into Decision Making. Build capacity for structured facilitation and interpretation of evidence for decision making around annual planning and budget processes The efforts outlined in this brief were carried out jointly by the Turkana County Government and the ICRAF SHARED Team with stakeholders, in partnership with UNICEF, UNWomen and UNDP with financial support for various components from USAID, USAID AHADI, the Turkana County Government, ICRAF and UNICEF. Effective Partnerships. Strengthen joint planning and investment partnerships amongst government, international and national NGOs, UN Agencies, donors, private sector and different government ministries. Learning and Systems. Imbed a culture of learning within the county government, basing investment decisions on evidence and appreciating the linkages between the natural environment and its critical supporting role in social and economic development.

2 2 TRIALLED METHOD AND BENEFITS OF DEVELOPING AN EVIDENCE-BASED CIDP TRIALLED METHOD AND BENEFITS OF DEVELOPING AN EVIDENCE-BASED CIDP 3 Developing an evidence-based CIDP to guide development planning in the County Activities Inception Workshop METHOD FOR TURKANA COUNTY CIDP REVIEW AND REDRAFTING PROCESS nov 2016 dec 2016 Purpose Introduction and agreement on CIDP review process including team composition, timelines and terms of reference for sector working groups. SWG Session 1 A review of activities under CIDP across sectors: document activities, progress and data requirements to validate impact. The Turkana County Government has undertaken an enhanced evidence-based process for the CIDP review through active facilitation and engagement of a wide array of stakeholders and through public participation. These enhanced steps have allowed the Turkana County Government to capitalize on partnerships and cross-sectoral synergies for the forthcoming CIDP ( ) and ensured the County has a clear evidence-based strategy to achieve County Targets as well as contributing to National and Global Goals (Kenya 2030, NDMA EDE Framework, SDGs, Africa 2063, Bonn Challenge, etc.). The Turkana County Government has applied the Stakeholder Approach to Risk Informed and Evidence Based Decision Making (SHARED) methodology developed by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) to review the CIDP and is using the methodology to support drafting the new CIDP. Key partners have included the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), the USAID Agile and Harmonized Assistance for Devolved Institutions (AHADI) program, United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Women (UN Women) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP). KEY STAGES IN PRODUCING AN EVIDENCE-BASED CIDP INCLUDED: Review of sector vision and mission statements to ensure an integrated approach across sectors and understanding the linked biophysical and socio economic dimensions Describe the issues facing the county, differentiating problems and root causes, and articulating the various sectors and actors involved in addressing root causes. Stakeholder and partner mapping to identify existing and proposed stakeholders involved in implementing their respective strategies and the relevant synergies across sectors and stakeholders. Aligning budget allocations with agreed targets based on evidence and data Use of facilitated events and writeshops to consolidate findings and write-ups Development of more holistic, inclusive county and sectoral vision and mission statments Specific emphasis on SDG 5 Gender Equality Review evidence across sectors to underpin sectoral and crosssectoral priorities for implementation and investment. Validate and refine priorities through community and partner consultations Understand and evaluate linkages amongst targets, indicators and goals. Turkana stakeholders and Ministry representatives have reviewed sector targets as the base level and linked these targets and indicators up to the global scale of the Sustainable Development Goals to ensure achievements in the county contribute towards national and global development targets. Working with partners and engaging stakeholders throughout the process Develop cross sectoral strategies along with cross-sectoral integrated flagships that address multiple issues simultaneously through coordination and partnerships for greater return on investment. Nesting county targets within national and global goals Sectoral working group reflection and prioritization Cross-sectoral prioritization and coordination Broad public participation in priority setting with an emphasis on communities, gender, culture and youth Use of data and evidence for review and prioritization, and for establishing baselines to measure future progress Above: Method for Turkana County CIDP review and redrafting process Steering Committee Meeting Data Team Meeting SWG Session 2 Review, Priority Setting and Data Needs Workshop Public Participation Planning Meeting Data Synthesis SWG Sessions Cross-Sectoral Prioritization Workshop Prepare Communication Materials Public Participation Community Fora Stakeholder Workshops Writeshop Draft CIDP Validation Meeting jan feb march april DEC feb 2018 Review first output sheets of SWGs and named data needs. Additional Steering Committee Meetings to be scheduled 2 per month. Data meeting with one representative from each SWG, to determine data entry templates, data availability and priorities and to determine data input options in the CIDP review process timeline. Discussion of emerging issues, critical review of vision, mission, strategies, stakeholders, roles and priorities for the sector. Enhanced vision and mission, process for root cause analysis and priority setting. SWGs review their priorities. Review data sets available for immediate transfer to diagnostic tool, templates and data needs. Consultation strategy to easily communicate and present progress and identified priorities to communities and receive their feedback and input. Capture and entry of essential data into the Resilience Diagnostic Tool/Dashboard. Finalization of sectoral materials and interaction with stakeholder groups as needed. To compare proposed solutions and look for synergies and effective ways to coimplement across sectors. Feedback on progress to date and identified priorities moving forward to take to the community for public participation exercises in each sub-county. Prepare feedback and prioritisation materials for distribution to the communities during public consultations. Public consultations in all the Sub-counties to provide information on CIDP progress, propose priorities for the new CIDP and receive feedback. Meet with key stakeholders from UN, NGO s, donors, TPA and political positions to share CIDP review process and outputs and identified priorities for the new CIDP. Incorporate public inputs into the review and planning process. Finalize review documents by sector and clearly identify priorities and projects for the future. Critical review and planning for drafting of the Turkana Country Integrated Development Plan Draft CIDP validation meeting with all key stakeholders engaged in the review and planning process. Amended templates for SWGs for CIDP review Data review and prioritisation Redrafted mission and vision statements, provisional priorities for new CIDP and data review and prioritisation Updated tool including new information to inform decision making Evidence based sectoral and cross-sectoral targets and selection of cross-sectoral flagship projects Community feedback and priorities at ward level to input into the review and planning process Stakeholder feedback and input into the review and planning process Finalized review document and contributions towards the Draft CIDP

3 4 guidelines on citizen engagement meetings how to establish A sector-based AND SYSTEMS-BASED APPROACH 5 Development planning based on a systems approach Turkana County has approached integrated planning to understand the role of the supporting natural resource base to social and economic systems. This includes understanding key trends such as land degradation, drought and climate change and how these impact and how they can be addressed through integrated interventions. The illustration to the right emerged from the workshop session and participants contributions, and encapsulates aspects of life within Turkana County that were then used in the Public Participation material for the CIDP, including the importance of the water cycle for supporting pastoral livelihoods. Inclusive public participation The proposed plan for public participation is to engage village and ward level public participation to be lead by implementing partners in relevant locations they have on-going activities within. Two larger meetings to be held at sub-county level will complement the village and ward level community meetings. The following guidelines are suggested outlines for these citizen engagement meetings, and will be discussed and amended as necessary within the public participation planning meetings. Above: Consultation meetings at village and ward level Below: Example of Sub-County maps produced to summarize public participation process GUIDELINES FOR TOPICS TO COVER IN PUBLIC PARTICIPATION MEETINGS FOR CIDP DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW Understand the CIDP Explain what the CIDP means Legal background of the CIDP The progress made in reviewing and drafting of the new CIDP Review the current CIDP Highlight the successes and benefits of the current CIDP Identify projects that did not work and why they did not work Propose the kind of projects that they would want to feature in the next CIDP and rank them in the order of priority Key challenges faced during the implementation of the current CIDP Assess implemented projects Key activities Community feedback Assess non-implemented projects Community feedback on why projects did not work and input into sectoral plans SHARED tools for sector-based planning Root cause analysis Root cause analysis is an important mechanism for ensuring that implementation strategies, practices and policies address the root cause of the problems and issues versus the symptom of problem. In identifying priority areas for the new CIDP, root cause analyses were carried out on identified priority issues of the County. A number of root causes emerged for the county to prioritize for both sectoral and cross-sectoral priorities. These include: low capacities or weak institutions, cultural norms, inequality of gender and vulnerable groups and low education of youth, land degradation and lack of implementation of sustainable land management practices related forestry, agriculture, pastoral economies, and uncontrolled development. Cross-sectoral planning Sector-based development priorities Since November 2016, Sector Working Groups have been using guided templates and meetings to outline prioritised investments for the new CIDP and define what evidence is used to structure sector plans. Turkana County has been engaged in adapting their planning, budgeting and decision-making processes to be more inclusive, cross-sectoral and evidence-based. Multi-stakeholder collaboration consists of a mix of representatives or stakeholders from public, civil and private domains of society. Cross-sectoral coordination refers to involvement, promotion and management (including planning and implementation of activities to deliver development outcomes; e.g. food security, nutrition, sustainable agriculture) conducted across two or more different thematic sectors (e.g forestry, agriculture, and health). Multi-stakeholder and cross-sectoral approaches are important for building problem solving synergies and for a greater potential return on investments in sustainable development. Evidence-based decision-making employs the best available scientific and experiential evidence in making decisions about a program, practice or policy.

4 6 A SHARED TOOLKIT ON THE Sustainable development goals A SHARED TOOLKIT ON THE Sustainable development goals 7 LINKAGES AMONGST TARGETS AND GOALS: FROM GLOBAL TO COUNTY SCALE ECONOMIC SOCIETY ENVIRONMENT POLITICAL Integrated development planning and nested targets 2030 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS On September 25th 2015, countries adopted the Sustainable Development Goals 1 (SDGs): a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all, as part of a new sustainable development agenda, with each goal having a specific set of targets to be achieved. Through the integrated planning approach by the SHARED facilitation team, Turkana County s capacity building now supports the SDGs, as well as African Agenda 2030 and Kenya Vision AFRICAN AGENDA 2063 FIRST TEN YEAR GOALS High standard of living, well being Healthy, well-nourished citizens Blue/ocean economy United Africa Transformed economies, job creation Educated citizens, Science, Technology and Innovation Environmentally sustainable climate resilience Democratic values, justice, rule of law Modern agriculture, production Empowered Youth and children Capable institutions Financial and monetary institutions Full gender equality Peace, Security, Stability preserved World class infrastructure Cultural renaissance Stable and Peaceful Africa Africa financing development Partner in global affairs 1 sustainabledevelopment/sustainabledevelopment-goals/ The (SDGs) provide a global development blueprint, in which countries, national level plans, decentralised government units and stakeholders all fit within to achieve development targets. On 5th May 2016, an executive order was signed giving the mandate to the Ministry of Devolution and Planning to co-ordinate the SDGs within Kenya. This included the establishment of a specialised SDG unit acting as the national focal point, for co-ordination with development partners, civil society organisations and UN agencies. SHARED TOOLKIT FOR MAINSTREAMING INTO COUNTY PLANNING KENYA VISION 2030 Aims to achieve an average economic growth rate of 10 % per annum and sustaining the same until Engender just, cohesive and equitable social development in a clean and secure environment. Realize an issue-based, peoplecentred, result-oriented and accountable democratic system. Tourism Trade Education and Training Environment, Water and Sanitation Devolution Oil and Other Financial Services Health Governance and Rule of Law Minerals Financial Services Infrastructure Population, Urbanization and Housing Business Manufacturing Gender, Youth, and Vulnerable Groups Processing, ITES Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Sports, Culture and Arts ENDING DROUGHT EMERGENCIES - COMMON PROGRAMMING FRAMEWORK Building on the SHARED tailored facilitation and toolkit that has been developed on integrated development planning to build Advocacy and sensitisation of the SDGs 4. Sustainable Livelihoods 3. Human Capital Development: Education and Health 2. Climate Proofed Infrastructure 6. Institutional Development and Knowledge Management TURKANA COUNTY 5. Drought Risk Management and Coordination 1. Peace and Human Security 3 Domestication and localisation of the SDGs Right: The Sustainable Development Goals (2030) and Ending Drought Emergencies Framework, the First 10-Year Goals for the African Agenda (2063), the Kenya Vision 2030 Goals and Pillars, and the Turkana County Sectors. The Pillars of the Kenya Vision 2030 Economic, Society and Political with the environmental dimensions separated out are used as the organizing principle to demonstrate the linkages across the different levels. These dimensions of sustainability are difficult to separate and do need to be addressed in an integrated way. The figure also demonstrates that a number of the Turkana County sectors support more than one of the Pillars of Vision Mainstreaming the SDGs within the County CIDP process Linking targets across scales, and how the SDGs fit within the national targets in Kenya and Turkana County s development targets Building an understanding of systems and how the SDG targets are inter-related across themes and prioritisation of SDGs relevant to Turkana MINISTRIES Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning Ministry of Trade, Gender and Youth Affairs Ministry of Agriculture, Pastoral Economy and Fisheries Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Natural Resources Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Public Office of the Governor Ministry of Education, Sports and Social Protection Ministry of Health and Sanitation Ministry of Lands, Energy, Housing and Urban areas management Ministry of Water Services, Environment and Mineral Resources Ministry of Public Service and Disaster Management

5 8 cross-sectoral coordination through integrated flagships HOW TO ASSESS NEW COUNTY PROPOSALS 9 Integrated flagships for new CIDP Developing Turkana County Testing Questions when assessing new proposals for county projects, programs and interventions The CIDP Priorities Inclusivity Is it in line with CIDP? Who are the stakeholders and claimholders? Is it a priority to/for our county and aligned to our vision? Is there key stakeholder/target community input and buy in? An integrated flagship describes an implementation effort requiring joint implementation of three or more government sectors along with diverse stakeholders and partners multiple stakeholders and intended to positively impact large part of the population and natural resource in a transformative, adaptive and realistic way. The Turkana County Government and partners have elaborated integrated flagships that demonstrate the interconnected nature of the dimensions of sustainability at the County to National to Continental to Global Goals and the importance of cross-sectoral coordination and multistakeholder collaboration to promote synergies and return on investments related to sustainable development. Indicative cross-sectoral, multi-stakeholder and integrated flagships were designed based on the following criteria: relevant to needs and aspirations of the county linked to local and national goals and targets; address the priorities of the majority of the population, are community driven and have potential for return on investment; challenge have been identified as root causes and are faced by multiple sectors (minimum 3); interventions are realistic, transformative and adaptive; inclusive of sustainable partnerships; sectoral role based on mandates; managed by an integrated team; use and monitor SMART indicators; and are jointly and realistically budgeted. Developing integrated flagships - key sections to consider Overall Objectives Development Challenges Root causes Expected county-wide impact Relevant County Indicators (Turkana County Indicators Handbook) Sustainable Development Goals National Goals Bonn Challenge Medium Term Plan Ending Drought Emergencies Indicative Sectors and Partners Above: Sectoral representatives assessing land degradation maps for the county produced by ICRAF Geoscience Laboratory Below: Draft integrated flagships for consideration in CIDP What is the integration with other sectors involved? What is the theory of change? What are the motives and intent of the developers? Is it evidence-based? What evidence is available? Sustainability and Resilience What is the need addressed? What is the anticipated positive impact and reach potential? Does it address the root cause of the problem (not just a symptom)? How is the project sustainable? Does it take into account the dimensions of sustainability? Is it economically viable, socially just and equitable, culturally appropriate, and support ecosystem processes and services? What are the environmental considerations? Are there environmental impacts? What evidence/indicator that resilience is included? Is there an environmental impact assessment? Legal and Policy Dimensions What are the legal and policy considerations? Is it conforming to the existing laws? What will be the contribution to county and national policies? What is the relevance to the target stakeholders through need assessment? What is the ownership of the project? Is it inclusive? Is there gender sensitivity (or any other special group)? Is it conflict sensitive? Sustainable Return on Investment What are the project values and returns? What is the return on investment in terms of time and money spent? Are these resilient and sustainable returns on investment? What is involved in terms of time, finances, human resources, and technical expertise? Is it affordable for the county to get involved? Transaction costs? What are the levels of associated risk and uncertainty? What are the existing resources/infrastructure to support the new intervention? What is the exit strategy? Project Management and Monitoring, Evaluation and Feedback How will the project be governed/managed? Does this effort build programming (3years plus) rather than piloting? Does the M&E plan involve participatory data collection and analysis? Is there a responsive M&E system to be applied? capacity development Do the indicators match the county indicators (fit with data needs and CIDP priorities)? Will it strengthen county and local capacities? Will data fit tools used by the county? Can the indicators be used for rapid reporting and feedback?

6 10 data management data management 11 Data management in Turkana County Access to data and information A data and information inventory builds a foundation for the visualization of data through an interactive dashboard, with evidence and data being at the base of any decision making process.the Turkana Resilience Diagnostic and Decision Support Tool (RDDST) is a custom built dashboard and serves as a focal point for the data management system in Turkana County. In fully embracing evidence based planning and decision making, access to data and information has been a strong focus within the County, to imbed processes to improve the way we collect and use data and information to inform decisions and monitor progress. The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, through the SHARED methodology and partners, has undergone facilitated engagements to develop a robust data and information system for the county. Key current outcomes of this on-going activity include: Initial data inventory carried out by sector Clear understanding of use of data and barriers to use by sectors in Turkana County Government Prioritised data for digitisation and visualisation by sectors Recommendations for the development of a Turkana Data and Information System Assessment of the roles and responsibilities within the County in relation to data usage, production, storage, collection and dissemination. Capacity needs for data and information management Using data to establish sector baselines to track and monitor progress within the CIDP KEY STAGES KEY STEPS IN A COUNTY-BASED DATA INVENTORY 1 What data is collected? Scale of data collection (e.g. school, district, community) and format e.g. digitized via a computer or tablet entry or hard copy via paper records Frequency of data collection and extent of record Responsible personnel along the data collection chain including reporting and interpretation of data Data availability and accessibility Dissemination of data to relevant stakeholders IN ESTABLISHING A DATA AND INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR TURKANA SUMMARY OF THE TURKANA COUNTY DASHBOARD Custom built through stakeholder engagement within the County to integrate multiple existing data sources Open source platform to allow free access to data Thematic modules such as land health; security and education have been built to allow for easy visualization of the data to assist with decision-making Has improved the availability and reliability of basic data required for development planning in the County Powerful analytical engine behind the dashboard allows the decision maker to select the desired visualizations of the data and carry out various queries and subsequently able to download and print the required information Located on the County Website Programming and Coding: Integrating of Data: Formatting: DASHBOARD PROCESS Operational data management Data streams Structured data Data processing Data visualisation through customised modules Data analysis Near-realtime structured database Unstructured data Data execution Interactive analytics Evidence generation for decision making i MONITORING FRAMEWORK - SELECTING INDICATORS Rationalisation of monitoring frameworks Indicators at Monitoring framework, showing linkage of indicators across global, national and County scale Global National County BASELINES AND TARGETS Establishing evidence based baselines for each indicator and time bound targets Evidence based baselineb and target setting Outcome targets Modules/themes containing interactive data DATA INVENTORY Robust inventory of all data sources under each of the selected indicators. Data can be inferred as both qualitative and quantitative. Data across stakeholder Sector based data inventory Inventory of data within County from key stakeholders such as development partners, NGOs, CBOs, private sector Interactive Turkana County map updated in real-time Use of SHARED for evidence-based decision making in Turkana County CAPACITY ASSESSMENT EVALUATION OF DATA COLLECTION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Track within each sector the chain of data collection and usage to evaluate human resource and capacity gaps. Assess technical and managerial skills. Analysis of existing data collection systems including technology used, responsible personnel. Quality Assurance Evaluation. Tailored training program and on-the-job skills enhancements program Recruitment plan for a robust data and information management system at County level Quality Assurance Protocol Evaluation of data collection modes Templates for data collection and standardisation The Resilience Diagnostic & Decision Support Tool is located in the Resource Centre tab Explanation of the tool VISUALISATION AND INTERPRETATION Co-design with County decision makers for an interactive dashboard. Intensive capacity building program for interpreting data for decision making and budget allocation negotiations. Interactive dashboard Facilitated training to interpret data

7 The efforts outlined in this brief were carried out jointly by the Turkana County Government and the ICRAF SHARED Team in partnership with UNICEF, UNWomen and UNDP with financial support for various components from USAID, USAID AHADI, the Turkana County Government, ICRAF and UNICEF. turkana county Department of Economic Planning