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1 Time: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm PRESENTATION 4: VALUE FOR MONEY DRIVERS IN PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP SCHEMES Presented by Y.Bhg. Dato Dr. Ali Hamsa Director General, Public Private Partnership Unit Prime Minister s Department Views Highlighted: Was introduce during 9 th Malaysian Plan as another mode of Government project procurement. Aimed at facilitating greater participation of private sector to improve the delivery of infrastructure facilities and public service. PFI & PPP have often been used inter-changeably but in our context, PFI is a subset to PPP. The definition of PPP which value for money is optimized through efficient allocation of risks, whole life service approach, private sector innovation and management skill. Better delivery through effective allocation of risk for Zero completion risk to the Government, zero rework risk to the Government, quality service delivery to the Government and best financing rate for project. Quick delivery of public sector projects without capital investment by the Government which is private initiative to tap funding from local market. A whole life approach through integration of design and service to great desire and incentive for private sector to undertake careful planning right from the design stage as it has direct implication on service quality.

2 Generally, value for money is achieved through risk transfer which allocate risks optimally between the public and private sectors, long term nature of contracts, the use of output specification which allows bidders to innovate. Value for money which is the optimal combination of whole life cost and quality to meet the users requirements, not the lowest cost bid. 4 factors to realizing value for money which is project selection, project structuring, procurement strategy and contract management. Project procurement under 10 th Malaysia Plan will be expanded to PPP through the possible sectors included education, health, tourism/health tourism. PPP in 10 th Malaysia Plan also for socialization programme for ministries and private institutions. As a conclusion PPP will be implemented and approaches to many Government projects, ministries or agencies to plan for the projects to be implemented instead of the private sector driven approach. And also, the selection of PPP projects will be based on the proposed criteria subject to affordability of the Government.

3 Time: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm PRESENTATION 5: PPP IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT BUILDING SCHOOLS FOR THE FUTURE - A UK CASE STUDY Presented by Professor Keith Alexander Director, Centre for Facilities Management Manchester, UK. Views Highlighted:! Using school projects as a catalyst for regenerating good facilities. These programs have great social impact and fit the People First theme. People are the main stakeholder and are vital to success. The speaker hopes 3PU of EPU will embark on education programme.! The main objective of the paper is how to transform education programs, because education can change the society, involve multiple deprivation and delivery of benefits (not only output).! NAFAM initiatives kick-off the formation of policies and practices for better facility management and in-line with new theme People First, Performance Now.! Strategic process and sustainable in social perspective.! PPP in UK was introduced since 2000, with over 900 projects worth 70 billion pounds for health, education and housing programs.! Education strategies; process must be in-place with partnership! Building School For Future (BSF) 15 to 20 years strategic national investment programme involving 3,500 schools across 150 local authorities.! The structure is Local Education Partnership (LEP)

4 ! Building School for Future (BSF) Process involves strategic project implementation process with timelines; a process of 30 months from initiation to completion similar to Gateway Project Implementation Review Process.! Manchester BSF programme is the living proof of successful implementation of PPP. It involves the Manchester Education Partnership (MEP), refurbishing secondary schools, installing ICT, bespoke delivery model, design & build framework, facilities management through existing joint ventures and usability evaluation.! Example of PFI programme is 43million pounds of Manchester Wright Robinson College. Examples of BSF programs are Gorton Education Village, Newall Green High School. All are very impressive.! Lesson learned are transforming education more than bricks and mortar, vision and strategy for change; combine and improve public services, community engagement, benefits realisation process and strategic facilities management role.! The speaker believe implications for NAFAM are contributing to 10 th Malaysia Plan agenda, link facilities to quality of public services, leverage added value across entire facilities value chain, create strategic partnerships, develop FM processes and introduce a benefits realisation processes.! BSF proves that it can be expanded to research collaboration with related subjects of usability of learning environments, service excellence, community-based FM (CFM) and benefits realisation.! It is imperative to note that projects deliver outputs/ products, programmes deliver outcomes. Benefits realisation fills the gap between the two.

5 Time: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS SESSION Q 1. (To Y.Bhg. Dato' Dr Ali Hamsa): a) It seems that it requires a lot of effort from private sector because of risk factors imposed. While private sector has to accommodate changes required by the government, how do we ensure fairness for both parties. When concessionaires gets the job, what happens when there is any mishap? b) RM150 billion for PFI, what will happen to medium based companies? c) New assets as needed by the government for green building status? A 1. a) Green buildings has some cost implications and need to be addressed during planning. b) The range of projects are meant for the main developer while smaller contractors can benefit for the projects. However, under 5 Malaysia Plan programme, there are enough projects for the small contractors. c) The risks that we are referring involves risk taking with different mode of procurements. The evolution of procurement models will necessitate the issue of risk taking. In the UK, the procurement system involves joint-venture contractors and local employment in the form of Community-based Facility Management that supports risk sharing. Q 2. (To Y.Bhg. Dato' Dr Ali Hamsa): The policy that contractors should be financially strong in order to be considered for PPP project is not quite right. Shouldn't it be reviewed? A 2. PPP programmes are by proposal. Q 3 (To Presenter 4: Y.Bhg. Dato' Ali Hamsa): Refurbishment programmes are seldom sizeable. What needs to be done to opt for PPP programme? A 3. PPP are for projects more than RM100 million. Thus the programme can be applied for cluster of schools and not done individually.

6 Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Presentation 6 (Special Keynote): PENGURUSAN ASET KERAJAAN TANGGUNGJAWAB BERSAMA Presented by Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Bin Hassan Ketua Setiausaha Negara Views Highlighted: Menekankan bahawa, betapa pentingnya isu pengurusan asset kepada Kerajaan dan perkara ini perlu di beri perhatian dan di hayati serta di ambil berat oleh semua penjawat awam. Bermula dari NAFAM 2007, satu Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Aset Negara (JPAK) telah berjaya ditubuhkan bertujuan utama untuk meningkatkan mutu pengurusan asset secara strategic, teratur dan berkesan. Berdasarkan kepada JPAK, terdapat 2 output penting yang perlu di fokuskan iaitu Dasar Pengurusan Aset Kerajaan yang menggariskan hala tuju dan pelaksanaan pengurusan aset Kerajaan dan kedua Manual Pengurusan Aset Menyeluruh yang menyediakan garis panduan bagi menjelaskan konsep pengurusan aset Kerajaan secara menyeluruh. Dasar dan Manual tersebut telahpun di lancarkan pada 31 Mac 2009 untuk digunapakai oleh semua agensi Kerajaan bagi memastikan nilai penggunaan dan keberkesanan aset Kerajaan mencapai tahap optimum. Bagi mecapai Wawasan 2020, bidang perkhidmatan berteraskan pengurusan aset adalah antara bidang yang diberi perhatian untuk di majukan. Bagi memastikan Pengurusan Aset Kerajaan secara menyeluruh dapat dilaksanakan dengan jayanya aspek integriti dan ketelusan amatlah penting terutama dalam proses perolehan Kerajaan. Anggota perkhidmatan awam juga di tekankan agar selalu membudayakan sifat precision dalam melaksanakan dasar-dasar dan program yang telah di rancangkan.

7 Pemantauan projek yang berkesan dan teliti perlu dilakukan bagi memastikan tidak berlaku sebarang kelewatan. Kerapkali projek-projek Kerajaan tidak dapat disiapakan mengikut jadual sebenar kerana wujudnya kelemahan dari segi pemantuan. Dasar-dasar dan garis panduan yang telah sediada adalah komprehensif dan mencukupi dan ianya perlu dikuatkuasakan dengan sewajarnya. Pihak Kerajaan telah berjaya melaksanakan pembayaran bil dan tuntutan dalam tempoh 14 hari di semua agensi dan Kementerian bermula tahun Pihak Sub Kontraktor yang telah menyiapkan kerja-kerja sepenuhnya untuk Kerajaan tidak mendapat bayaran daripada pihak Kontraktor utama. Kontraktor utama akan disenaraihitamkan oleh Kerajaan jika sekiranya di dapati dengan sengaja dan tanpa sebab yang munasabah tidak menjelaskan bayaran kepada pihak sub kontraktor. Aset Kerajaan khususnya bangunan hendaklah digunakan dengan optimum yang berkonsepkan monetization of government asset, selaras dengan Belanjawan 2010 yang menggalakkan jabatan dan agensi Kerajaan menyewakan ruangan bangunan, dewan, asrama, makmal dsb kepada sector swasta dan orang ramai. Aspek penyenggaraan adalah merupakan aspek penting dalam pengurusan aset secara menyeluruh dan ianya perlu menyemai dan membudayakan prinsip penjagaan dan penyenggaraan adalah tanggungjawab semua pihak. Perlu juga di pastikan agar harta benda kerajaan tidak dirosakkan, diconteng mahupun dicuri oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab.