Khaitan Public School, Sahibabad Winter Holiday Homework Class III

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1 Khaitan Public School, Sahibabad Winter Holiday Homework Class III ENGLISH: Do the worksheet in a ruled A4 size sheet. HINDI: dk;zif=dk, dhft,a MATH: Do attached worksheet no: 1-3. IPC: Do and paste the attached worksheet in IPC notebook. Computer: Do and paste the attached worksheet in computer book. Create the following project in Scratch for practice: Create the script between two girls talking to each other in bedroom. Import background Bedroom1 from Indoors. Take two sprites Girl 4-sitting and Girl 4-standing. Add conversation between them by using say block and think block. (They will talk about their families or hobbies) Take two sprite bat-1 & bat-2. Make it fly by changing its costume. Take one basketball from things and make it move from left to right. Move (10) steps. Take tennis ball from things and make it move from right to left with negative no. in move command. Eg. Move (-10) steps. French: Make a chart on A3 size sheet that features days/months/colours and write the names in French. Revise UT 3 syllabus. Do ascend worksheet IV and V. Make a beautiful French flag on A4 size sheet.

2 KHAITAN PUBLIC SCHOOL, SAHIBABAD WINTER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK CLASS- III WORKSHEET ENGLISH Name: Date: Mix & Match Be the author of Your Own Fairytale. During your winter vacations, choose any three fairytales that you like, read them and make up your own fabulous story by mixing your favourite characters and situations from the stories that you chose. Your story must have a BEGINNING, a MIDDLE and an ENDING. Draw the CHARACTERS you chose and COMPARE them. Make sure to give it an interesting TITLE. 1. Title: Name of the stories I read: A B C

3 3. Characters I chose from each story: Name Name Name From From From Use the Venn diagram given below to compare and contrast the characters of your story. 5. Every story has a problem/task. Think about it and write how the characters solved it. Problem: Solution:

4 Draw the scene: Beginning: Middle: End:

5 KHAITAN PUBLIC SCHOOL, SAHIBABAD WINTER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK WORKSHEET-1 MATHS (ADDITION WORD PROBLEMS) Kabir and his father, an engineer, decided to build a treehouse in their backyard. 1. In order to start constructing the house, Kabir and his father needed to gather some wood from the forest. If they initially have 15 planks of wood in the house and Kabir and his father got 10 planks of wood each, how many pieces of wood planks do they have in total? 2. While building the house, Kabir noticed that they were running out of nails so he told his father that he s going to buy some. If they still have 9 nails left and Kabir bought a box containing 68 nails, how many nails will they have? 3. To have a more stable tree house, Kabir s father decided to tie the corner posts of the house to the tree itself. He used 24 inches of rope for the first post, 20 inches on the second, 14 inches on the third and 12 inches on the fourth. He also had 15 feet of cable, but didn t use that. How many inches of rope were used?

6 Q1. Convert each of the following into metres: a. 500cm c. 850 cm b. 300 cm d. 940 cm Q2. Convert each of the following into centimeters: a. 5m c. 7 m 30 cm b. 8 m d. 4 m 90 cm KHAITAN PUBLIC SCHOOL, SAHIBABAD WINTER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK WORKSHEET-2 MATHS (LONG AND SHORT) Q3. The length of two ropes is 28 m 45 cm and 17 m 29 cm respectively. Which rope is longer and by how much? Q4. The length of one part of a tree branch is 2 m 25 cm and that of the other part is 5 m 35 cm. What is the total length of the branch? Q5. Ankit throws a cricket ball at a distance of 29 m 65 cm and Suman throws it at a distance of 16m 40 cm. Who has thrown the ball farther and by how much?

7 KHAITAN PUBLIC SCHOOL, SAHIBABAD WINTER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK WORKSHEET-3 MATHS (MULTIPLICATION WORD PROBLEMS) Ayaan is having his friends over for game night. So, he decided to prepare snacks and games. 1. He started by making mini sandwiches. If he has 4 friends coming over and he made 3 sandwiches for each one of them, how many sandwiches did he make? 2. He also made some juice from fresh oranges. If he used 2 oranges per glass of juice and he made 6 glasses of juice, how many oranges did he use? 3. He then started to prepare the games for his 4 friends. If each game took 5 minutes to prepare and he prepared a total of 5 games, how many minutes did it take for Ayaan to prepare all the games? 4. Ayaan s 4 friends decided to bring food as well. If each of them brought 4 slices of pizza and 3 bags of chips, how many slices of pizza do they have in total?

8 Q.1 Fill in the blanks from the given help box: KHAITAN PUBLIC SCHOOL, SAHIBABAD WINTER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK GRADE III (IPC) WORKSHEET 1 Spawn, Hedgehog, Siberian crane, Venus flytrap, Polar a) One animal Bear which does hibernation. b) Name one animal which has spines or quills. c) Name one Insectivorous plant. d) The cluster of frog s eggs is called. c) Name one migratory bird. Q.2 Define the Following: a)reproduction: b) Vermicomposting: c) Adaptation:

9 Q.1 Answer the following questions: KHAITAN PUBLIC SCHOOL, SAHIBABAD WINTER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK GRADE III (IPC) WORKSHEET 2 a) Write one feature of aquatic plant? Give one example. b) Draw and label any three factors which help plants to adapt themselves in order to survive. (As shown in example) SUNLIGHT

10 KHAITAN PUBLIC SCHOOL, SAHIBABAD WINTER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK GRADE III (IPC) WORKSHEET 3 Q. 1 Answer the following questions: a) Write one difference between solid and liquid? Give one example of each. Solid Liquid b) Draw a well labelled diagram to represent life cycle of a frog.

11 KHAITAN PUBLIC SCHOOL, SAHIBABAD WINTER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK GRADE III (Computer) RECAPITULATION WORKSHEET Q 1) Think and write. a) Scratch is a language. b) Sprites move and interact with one another on c) mode is used to view the project in full screen. d) Background can be imported by selecting the icon. e) tab has a Record and Import button. f) Objects in scratch are also known as Q 2) Answer the following questions: a) What do you mean by stage? Ans. b) What is the use of green flag? Ans. c) Difference between Scanner and Printer. Ans. d) Define broadcasting? Ans. Q 3) Distinguish the icon of file and folder.

12 ख त न पब ल क स क,स ह ब ब द सत र : श तक न अवक श ग क र य क र यपत रत रक 1 प रश न 1 ननम नल खखत प रश न क उत तर ल खखए- क) न र यल क प रय ग ककस- ककस प रक ककय ज सकत ह? ख) भ ख लगन प त न भ ई न ख न ककस प रक ख य ग) द स औ त स भ ई न अपन -अपन झ पड़ कह बन ई? प रश न -2 प ठ क आध र पर स /ग त प च ननए क) आम पक ह ग, त हम अच बन ए ग ( ) ख) टप-टप... प न ब सन लग ( ) ग) क ल ख न म अच छ ह त ह ( ) घ) बड़ क प ड़ क द त न अच छ ह त ह ( ) प रश न 3 उचचत शलद द व र ख स थ न भररए क) च क तल म एक ख द त ख) ग ल क त ल औ ह च ज बन न क क म आत ह ग) त स भ ई उस म ब ठ गय घ) म प सकत ह प रश न 4 हदर गए शलद क अथय ल खखए क) तल ग) तल श ख) प क घ) जत ए

13 ख त न पब ल क स क,स ह ब ब द सत र : श तक न अवक श ग क र य क र यपत रत रक 2 प रश न-1 ननम नल खखत शलद म स ववश षण और स ज ञ छ टकर ल खखए क) म ठ आम ख) च इम त ग) क ल ब दल घ) ग स स ल श ड़) घन व क ष च) स व ददष ट भ जन छ) ल ब ल ज) ल ल कम ज़ स ज ञ - ववश षण प रश न 2 ननम नल खखत स ज ञ क ल ए एक एक ववश षण ल खखए- क) स ब ख) च य ग) बच च घ) ककस न प रश न-3 वगय प म स ववश षण छ ट कर ल खखए- च म ख त ह भ ह ज व ल स न

14 ख त न पब ल क स क,स ह ब ब द सत र : श तक न अवक श ग क र य क र यपत रत रक 3 प रश न-1 हदए गए गद र श क पढ़ कर प रश न क उत तर द - गम क ददन ब त गए थ ब स त श र ह गय थ कई ददन स लग त प न ब स ह थ च ट न अपन बच च क स थ आ म स ब स त क आन द ल ट ह थ तभ एक दटड ड भ गत ह आ उसक प स आय वह सद म दठठ ह थ उसन च ट स कह, अपन घ म म झ भ जगह द द बषष र कत ह म चल ज ऊ ग च ट न दटड ड क ब त स न क कह, त मन स स ल क छ नह ककय बस इध उध उछ लत क दत ह त मन न अपन घ बन य औ न म स बत क वक़ त क ललए अन न जम ककय ज ओ म त म ह मदद नह कर ग ज आलस ह त ह, म स बत आन प उनक यह दश ह त ह (1) कई ददन स क य ह ह थ? mrrj (2) बरस त क आन द क न ट र थ? mrrj (3) क न सद म हठठ र र थ mrrj (4) च ट न हटड ड क अपन घर म आर म करन क र न हदर? mrrj

15 (5) स म न लय व ल द -द शब द ललख - ब त स घ (6) उपय षक त गदय श स द स ज ञ शब द छ दटए- (7) उपय षक त गदय श स द सवषन म शब द छ दटए - व क र बन इए- बरस त= आ स =

16 ख त न पब ल क स क,स ह ब ब द सत र : श तक न अवक श ग क र य क र यपत रत रक 4 प रश न-1 र ख ककत शलद क पर यर व च ल ख कर व क र क द ब र ल ख - (क) म आज स क ल नह गय (ख) दहत म द स त ह (ग) म आ ख म क छ चल गय (घ) म झ ठ ड प न प न पस द ह प रश न-2 ननम नल खखत शलद क द -द पर यर व च ल ख - (क) ददन (ख) स बह (ग) जल (घ) त (ड) श म प रश न-3 ननम नल खखत प ब क तर क पढ़कर प छ गए प रश न क उत तर द - मन क त ह चचड़ड़य बनक च -च च -च श मच ऊ मन क त ह चख ल क प ल -ल ल पत ग उड़ ऊ (क) कववत औ कववक क य न म ललखखए? (ख) कवव चचड़ड़य बनक क य क न च हत ह? (ग) कवव चख ल क क य क न च हत ह? (घ) कवव ककस ग क पत ग उड़ न च हत ह? (च) व क र बन इए - (क) मन (ख) श