1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. 1.1 Introduction

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1 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Introduction As part of the Second East Sussex Local Transport Plan (LTP2) an accompanying Accessibility Strategy was published in March The strategy identified a number of Accessibility Strategy Local Assessments (ASLAs) to be carried out between 2005/6 and 2009/10. This Local Assessment of the Southern Coastal Towns (SCT) area of East Sussex is the fifth in the sequence of LTP2 ASLAs The ASLA process involves undertaking a thorough assessment of the current levels of accessibility to key services and opportunities being experienced by the residents of a targeted local area of the county (in this case the Southern Coastal Towns area as shown in Figure 2.1, page 6). This enables specific local issues and priorities to be identified, which otherwise might have been overlooked in the broader, county-wide Accessibility Strategy. The assessment is then used to identify and prioritise value-for-money measures that will improve the most important aspects of accessibility in and around the local study area, while optimising the use of council resources A direct output of each ASLA is a short-term action plan of local accessibility improvement measures. This ASLA also identifies measures for which there is no current allocation of resources but will be pursued in the longer term when funding becomes available, such as through the next Local Transport Plan due to begin in Additionally, ASLA findings can also be of significant benefit to the development of Local Development Frameworks (LDFs), through providing an indication of which potential future development areas would, for example, already have good levels of access to key destinations without major investment being required for new public transport services or other sustainable transport infrastructure. 1.2 Methodology 1.3 Results The following broad approach has been adopted for this ASLA: Assess perceived levels of accessibility to key services, public facilities, jobs and healthcare through a public survey, detailed document review and study area visit; Assess actual levels of accessibility to the destinations identified as having the poorest levels of perceived accessibility, using the Accession accessibility modelling software; Analyse the survey, document review, study area visit and modelling outcomes together to identify the main underlying accessibility issues in the study area; Develop a list of options that would address these issues if implemented, and forecast their impact on actual accessibility levels using Accession where appropriate; Appraise all options and develop an action plan consisting of the most feasible and beneficial options based on their impact on accessibility, barriers to implementation, and ESCC resource / cost implications; Carry out a stakeholder and public consultation on the ASLA and draft action plan before finalising and implementing a finalised action plan; Monitor the delivery of the action against agreed milestones and targets The public survey, document review and study area visit identified the following destinations as difficult to access and/or very important to be able to access by residents of the SCT study area: Employment Sites; Major Centres; Page 1 of 7

2 Leisure Centres; Green Spaces; Hospitals; GP Surgeries; and Supermarkets Accessibility modelling was undertaken for each of these destination types. The modelling revealed clear variations in accessibility depending on: Origin point (home location); Type and location of destination(s); Time of travel; and Mode(s) of transport Options were then developed to target relatively poor levels of accessibility, as well as instances where perceived accessibility was identified to be poor when in fact actual accessibility was found to be relatively good. The options fell into three distinct categories: 1.4 Action Plan Improvements to the provision of transport information; Direct improvements to public transport services and infrastructure; and Smarter choices options, which adopt a more innovative approach to improving perceived and actual accessibility In order to derive an action plan of local accessibility improvements for implementation, a balanced scorecard appraisal process was applied to each initial option with three criteria being assessed: The impact on accessibility; The barriers to implementation; and The resourcing and/or cost implications for ESCC The above criteria were each scored on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the most desirable score). Those options with a total score of 10 or greater, as well as the council resources available for ESCC to support their implementation, have been taken forward for implementation in the ASLA action plan, see Table A There were a number of options which scored enough to pass the appraisal threshold but which have no current allocation of council funds to implement them in the near-term. Such actions have been added to a Long Term Accessibility Action Plan whereby items can be put forward through alternative funding schemes or initiatives when they become available. These schemes are listed in Table B The action plans have been modified as appropriate after the consultation period, and finalised for adoption thereafter. Page 2 of 7

3 Table A: Southern Coastal Towns ASLA Action Plan Action IP1. Work with public transport providers to provide up to date and relevant information at key bus stop interchanges within the SCT study area. Information Provision Passenger Transport will engage with to identify key bus stop interchanges within the study area and encourage the provision of up to date and relevant information. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of the Passenger Transport Team, but prioritised accordingly. IP2. Enhance bus/rail interchange information and signage at and around rail stations. IP3. Regularly review existing town-based bus maps to ensure they are up to date (to include online East Sussex bus network maps). IP4. Provide access to information promoting the use of the existing PlusBus and Downlander schemes. IP5. Ensure opportunities for future developments to include real-time bus information as part of the planning application are fully explored. IP9. Encourage the use of the Traveline tool to develop bespoke bus information leaflets about services operating to/from bus stops across the study area. IP11. Provide communities with access to travel information either through existing community forums and meetings or through appropriate promotional events. IP12. Engage with international and national sustainable transport activities. Can include National Walking Day, National Bike Week, and Walk to School Week. /Train Operating Companies Passenger Transport & Transport Policy to engage with Bus and Train to identify possible enhancements with Bus /Train Operating Companies. This will be undertaken within the existing work programmes for Passenger Transport & Transport Policy, but prioritised accordingly. Passenger Transport to engage with to existing provisions and identify necessary improvements as required, also updates to be reflected in the online East Sussex bus network map. This is a key task undertaken by the Passenger Transport Team, and will be delivered through their existing work programme. Passenger Transport to initially determine existing usage of these schemes, and provide relevant information on the County Council website. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of the Passenger Transport Team, but prioritised accordingly. Along the south coast there is an existing RTBI system between Brighton & Eastbourne (A259). Transport Policy and Development Control will ensure funding could potentially be sought through the Local Sustainable Accessibility Improvement Contributions secured as part of planning permissions on developments. The funding would be required for additional real time bus stop information boards and the ongoing revenue maintenance costs. Passenger Transport will identify how this can be promoted to residents within the county and propose appropriate promotion. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of the Passenger Transport Team, but prioritised accordingly. Transport Strategy and the Travel Planning and Education Team to identify suitable meeting locations and events to attend, to improve access to travel information. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of these teams, but prioritised accordingly. Work to be undertaken as part of the Community Transport Strategy will continue to involve residents to identify improvements to transport opportunities in their areas. The Education and Travel Planning Team to continue to engage with these activities and promote to the relevant stakeholder and community groups. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of these teams, but prioritised accordingly. Page 3 of 7

4 IP15. Complete an area wide audit of bus stop information, ensuring information provisions are up to date, clear and correct, and include the signing and naming of bus stops. IP16. Through partnership working with the County Council, Brighton and Hove City Council and the local PCTs, ensure public transport information notice boards are displayed in a prominent location inside hospitals and are kept up to date. IP21. Forthcoming Community Transport Strategy (Summer 2010) to deliver an interactive website containing contact information on the Community Transport schemes. This will also include the promotion of dial-a-ride services. IP22. Engage with local Job Centres to provide access to appropriate travel information. IP24. Working with partners, continue to develop appropriate transport information relating to the South Downs National Park IP29. Ensure train/ferry passengers are aware that Newhaven Town Station is the most convenient for accessing the ferry terminal. IP34. Establish and advertise a number of guided walks designed specifically for disabled visitors to the South Downs National Park. IP35. Develop and distribute an Access to Hospitals by Public Transport leaflet. IP36. Investigate the feasibility of including Bus route information and timetables on buses. PCTs Community Transport The Job Centre Network Rail Train Operating Companies EDGH This measure is currently in progress and being undertaken by the Passenger Transport Team, this includes a programme of improvements to bus stop flags, posts and timetable information which is being rolled out across 1, 500 bus stops across the entire county, this will be completed by the end of this financial year. Transport Promotions Officer to continue to work with the local PCT s and engage with Brighton & Hove City Council to review existing information provisions and identify necessary improvements. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of this officer, but prioritised accordingly. This measure has been delivered during Spring 2010, see link:- transport/map.htm. The proposed new post of Community Transport Officer will monitor and review information. A toolkit developed by ESCC will also be available to Community Transport to assist with the promotion of CT schemes. This is currently being developed and will be available by the end of the financial year. The Travel Planning and Education Team will engage with Job Centres in the study area to determine existing level of information provision and identify improvements. i.e. promotion of Traveline. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of this team, but prioritised accordingly. Transport Policy will discuss this measure with Southern, to determine the existing level of information provision and identify improvements.. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of this team, but prioritised accordingly. The Travel Planning and Education Team will engage with the EDGH to promote appropriate information by incorporating this within appropriate existing leaflets/brochures that are delivered to local households. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of this team, but prioritised accordingly. Passenger Transport to engage with to identify a solution for the delivery of this measure. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of this team, but prioritised accordingly. Smarter Choices Page 4 of 7

5 SC1. Encourage the development of workplace travel plans at all major employment sites. SC2. Encourage employers to promote bus/rail travel. SC6. Encourage the development of cycle storage facilities at Southease train station SC7. Encourage the expansion of existing cycle storage facilities at Seaford train station. SC13. Complete an audit of the current footpaths, subways and road crossings providing access to Newhaven Town Centre. SC17. Encourage new cycle hire providers, particularly in and around the SDNP. SC18: Encourage Southern to allow for Downlander tickets to be purchased on the day of travel and at the train station. SC22. Continue to work with local schools to ensure young people are involved in the development and delivery of school travel plans. SC23. Work with local employers and public transport providers through the travel plan process to identify accessibility issues to workplaces. SC24. Encourage local PCT s to co-ordinate appointment times with available transport provision. Major Employers Major Employers Train Operator Train Operator Schools and Employers District Planning Departments PCT s The Travel Planning and Education Team will identify major employment sites without a current travel plan and engage with major employers in the study area to encourage the development of Workplace Travel Plans. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of this team, but prioritised accordingly. The Travel Planning and Education Team will deliver this measure through the Travel Planning Process. Transport Policy has suggested this to Southern Trains, and this is currently being considered alongside other requests for cycle storage at Southern Stations. Transport Policy has engaged with Southern and requested additional cycle parking at Seaford, this has been confirmed and will be delivered by the end of the financial year. This scheme will be assessed alongside other competing transport schemes and measures for the potential inclusion in the Integrated Capital Programme. This will contribute to the implementation plan element of the third Local Transport , using the Transport Appraisal Framework for prioritising small transport schemes. Transport Policy will engage with Southern to determine existing usage of these schemes, and identify where improvements to the Downlander Ticket scheme. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of this team, but prioritised accordingly The Education and Travel Planning Team will continue to work with schools within the county in the promotion of sustainable travel. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of this team, but prioritised accordingly. The Education and Travel Planning Team will deliver this measure through the Travel Planning Process, along with advice from the Development Control Team. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of this team, but prioritised accordingly. The Transport Promotions Officer to continue to work with the local PCT s to encourage the development of this system. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of this team, but prioritised accordingly. PT1. Support the promotion of integrated ticketing schemes for all public transport services in the area. Improved Passenger Transport will discuss the promotion of integrated ticketing schemes with bus operators in the county, e.g. Plus Bus. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of this team, but prioritised accordingly. Page 5 of 7

6 PT2. Investigate the feasibility for Seaford and/or Lewes to be included in the Brighton Plus Bus scheme, by engaging with Brighton and Hove bus company. PT7. Encourage operators to introduce a weekend and bank holiday SDNP specific transport service visiting key towns and places of attraction throughout the SDNP. PT11. Investigate the feasibility of improving the 145 service at morning peak times. PT12. Investigate the feasibility of introducing a distance-based ticketing system by bus operators. Passenger Transport will discuss this measure with Brighton & Hove Buses. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of this team, but prioritised accordingly. Passenger Transport will discuss the potential delivery of this measure with Renown. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of this team, but prioritised accordingly. Passenger Transport will discuss the feasibility of introducing distance based ticketing systems with bus operators in the county. This will be undertaken within the existing work programme of this team, but prioritised accordingly. Table B: Southern Coastal Towns Long-Term Accessibility Action Plan Action Comments Information Provision IP6. Promotion of existing online real-time public transport information. Would require external funding IP7. Support the establishment of real-time public transport information via mobile phones. IP8. Enhance the availability and detail of public transport information (public transport taxi and tourist travel information) including County Council Offices/District/Borough/Parish Councils and libraries across the study area. IP10. Promote the Travel Choice website through local publications. IP20. Work with Sustrans and other organisations to develop detailed cycling leaflets for each SCT town containing information as to all the cycle facilities and cycle routes. IP31. Work towards the implementation of appropriate measures to allow for disabled people to safely access destinations such as supermarkets, GP surgeries and Town Centres throughout the study area. IP32. Work with appropriate groups to develop a map showing pedestrian routes appropriate for disabled residents and wheelchair users. This map will be available in both standard and large print versions, and it will be accessible to wheelchair users. IP33. Ensure there are a number of dedicated Disabled Parking Spaces at popular green space car parks. Smarter Choices SC5. Continue undertaking of an audit of existing cycle tracks in the study area to identify sections for potential upgrades. Page 6 of 7

7 Comments SC14. Investigate the feasibility of increasing the cycle lane network throughout the study area. In particular: Would require external funding A) Investigate the development of a shared walking/cycleway between Newhaven and Lewes including the settlements and villages located along the C7. B) Work towards ensuring that all leisure centres, green spaces and tourist destinations (especially the newly designated SDNP), are interconnected through a network of footpaths and cycle ways. SC19. Investigate the feasibility of implementing quality cycle parking at significant town-to-town bus stops. SC20. Consider increasing the amount of cycle parking in town centres, particularly near to key facilities. SC21. Engage with employers and encourage their participation in the Can be delivered through workplace travel planning and government s Cycle-to-Work Scheme. through LTP3 Improved PT3. Support the approval of future proposals to re-develop the area around Newhaven Train station. Ensure future development in the area is compatible with efficient sustainable transport provision and associated transport infrastructure. Page 7 of 7