Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud. Warehouse Management Cloud RF Receiving Enhancements

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1 Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Warehouse Management Cloud RF Receiving Enhancements

2 Agenda Enhancements Overview Enhancements Detail Demonstration Implementation Advice

3 Enhancements Overview Receiving Auto-generate Inbound LPN Override item s Standard Case Quantity or Pack Quantity Skip Trailer scan Skip Dock Door scan Locate LPN after Receiving Auto Print Label

4 Auto-generate Inbound LPN What Does it Do? LPN Prompt is not displayed The system will auto generate the LPN number You must set LPN-Prompt parameter to: Not Mandatory: LPN Prompt is displayed, but no required Auto-Generate: LPN Prompt is not displayed User scans the SKU After scanning the SKU, system auto generates Inbound LPN On ending LPN, system displays confirmation message. The message is configurable. Navigation: RF Receiving Load or RF Receiving Shipment

5 Override item s Standard Case Quantity or Pack Quantity What Does it Do? You can receive cases or packs with different quantity as standard quantity You must set screen parameter confirm-uom-qty to: Prompt per SKU per LPN User will be able to override Do Not Prompt Ctrl Q lets them override standard Case/Pack quantity Provision to override item s standard case qty per LPN for each SKU. Updated case qty/pack qty will be retained for the current LPN for the SKU Navigation: RF Receiving Load or RF Receiving Shipment

6 Skip Trailer Scan What Does it Do? You can receive inventory faster. It will not show the trailer field on the screen You must set Screen parameter Prompt-trailer to: Do Not Prompt Trailer prompt will not be displayed. User can skip trailer scan. Navigation: RF Receiving Load or RF Receiving Shipment

7 Skip Dock Door Scan What Does it Do? You can receive inventory faster. It will not show the trailer field on the screen. You must set Screen parameter Prompt-trailer to: Do Not Prompt Trailer prompt will not be displayed. User can skip trailer scan Navigation: RF Receiving Load or RF Receiving Shipment

8 Locate LPN After Receiving to Active Location What Does it Do? You can locate LPN to Active location. Previously, it only allowed Reserve or Dock location You must set screen parameter Prompt-Location to: Prompt if not know If you don t want to be prompt for a location. You must set screen parameter to: Do not prompt

9 Auto Print Label What Does it Do? Users can print LPN label, Case label, or Pack label through RF You must set screen parameter Print-labels to one of the following value: Inbound LPN Label UOM Case Label UOM Pack Label LPN Label and UOM Case Label LPN Label and UOM Pack Label Blank Navigation: RF Receiving Load or RF Receiving Shipment

10 RF Receiving What is the Business Value? Improves the receiving process and documentation Ability to operate with various levels of vendor compliance

11 RF Receiving Demonstration

12 Summary of Enhancement Capabilities The features covered in this training are: Auto-generate Inbound LPN The system will create the LPN number Override item s Standard Case Quantity or Pack Quantity Ability to receive various standard quantity for cases or packs Skip Trailer Scan User will not be prompt for trailer Skip Dock Door Scan User will not be prompt for Dock Door

13 Summary of Enhancement Capabilities The features covered in this training are: Locate LPN after receiving The system will create the LPN number Auto Print Label Configure type of labels to print after receiving

14 Implementation Advice

15 Feature Impact Guidelines Feature Name Automatically Available Included with Shipped Job Roles* Any (Optional) Setup Needed RF Receiving Yes Yes Yes * See later slide for exact job role

16 Implementation Decision Points Feature Name Decisions Impact RF Receiving Do you want the system to generate the IBLPN number? Do you want the user to override case/pack item standard quantity? Do you want the user to skip the trailer scan? Do you want the user to skip the dock door scan? Do you want the user to be prompted for a location after receiving? Do you want the user to create a label after receiving? Your users will be more efficient and save time during receiving because they be able to follow a process that is more specific to your particular business flow.

17 RF Receiving Setup Detail Available in RF Recv Shipment & RF Recv Load Screens Go to Screen Parameters to set up Set up Module parm choice according to your business need

18 RF Receiving Setup Demonstration

19 Job Roles Shipped Job Role Receiving Personnel

20 Business Process Information The features covered in this training session are part of the following business processes: Detailed business process: RF Receiving Activity: Receive Shipment Task #1: Dock Task #2: Shipment Task #3: Trailer Task #4: LPN Activity: Receive Load Task #1: Dock Task #2: Load Task #3: Trailer Task #4: LPN