Comparative Discussion LinkedIn Vs Facebook

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1 Comparative Discussion LinkedIn Vs Facebook Which is Better For Business Networking? Student Full Name: Mithila Selvadurai Student Number: Course Code: WM7MD Assessment Code: CMN Date of Submission: 24.Nov Word Count: 2206 Words Declaration: I hereby declare that this is my own work, and does not use any materials other than the cited sources and tools. All explanations that I copied directly or in essence are marked as such. This work has not been previously submitted. 24.Nov 2017, SAE Institute London, Mithila Selvadurai.

2 Table Content page Introduction: What is LinkedIn? What is Facebook? The Comparative Discussion between LinkedIn and Facebook: Conclusion Harvard References List lll V Vll lx Xlll XlV Image list - Image 1: LinkedIn Vs Facebook logo s (2017) lv - Image 2: LinkedIn for business (2017) Vl - Image 3: Facebook (2017) Vlll 2

3 Introduction Social media: Social media means media where users are social. In traditional media, there is a sender and a recipient of messages. For example, be a newspaper - here's a journalist writing an article (sender) as you read (recipient). In social media, there is no sender and receiver. The media are based on dialogue, where all users are on an equal footing and can communicate with each other. LinkedIn: LinkedIn was founded in 2002 and is a business-oriented social networking site there officially was launched May 5, LinkedIn currently has well over 400 million registered users. LinkedIn's purpose is to provide users with business contacts and professional contacts, where more companies are employed to recruit employees. LinkedIn has a big focus on information, work experience and education. That is, it's the user's profile that is in focus all the time. You can recommend and confirm each other at LinkedIn qualifications and competencies based on the social factor. Problem Formulation: (LinkedIn) 1. What purpose and advantage does the user have on LinkedIn? 2. What rights does a user have? 3

4 Facebook: Facebook was created in February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, who studied at Harvard, with support from Andrew McCollum and Eduardo Saverin. Facebook is the world's most visited website. Over 2.5 billion photos are uploaded a month. At the same time, Facebook is also the most blocked website at workplaces. On Facebook, various applications, such as quizzes, games and movie reports, can be used. Applications can be sent to one's contact list, and the user can compare any results. Since April 2008, the users have been able to chat with friends online. Initially, there was only access for students with a college or university address. But then Facebook has been made available to everyone. The user can choose to sign up for one or more networks, such as schools, jobs or geographical regions. The page allows users to gather in groups and exchange text and images that can be put on their profile page. At the same time, one can comment on others' profiles by leaving notes on their pages. Problem Formulation: (Facebook) 1. What purpose and advantage does the user have on Facebook? 2. What rights does a user have? LinkedIn Vs Facebook logo s (2017) 4

5 What is Linkedin? LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with over 400 million users. To understand what LinkedIn can offer, we need to understand, what LinkedIn is in the first place. 1. Connect. Find. Be Found: - Keep in touch with colleagues and peers and employers using a professional identity. 2. Speed up your career: - Many have great luck with business deals and opportunities they find through the professional opportunities LinkedIn can offer them. 3. Learning and sharing: - In order to be even better at work, LinkedIn offers countless updates on the latest news, as well as inspiration and knowledge to be updated 24 hours a day. 4. The purpose of the LindkedIn network: -The whole purpose of the LinkedIn website is that, as a member, you get a large database of millions of users who will be able to associate connections with professionals throughout the world. In this way, the user gets a more productive and successful network. Once you become a LinkedIn user, you get access to job opportunities, news, people and updates, and a complete insight into what you're doing nowadays, which can help one's dreams come true. 5

6 5. User-friendliness and advantage of LinedIn: - The advantage of LinkedIn is that user is always in focus all the way through the site. That's why LinkedIn is a very user-friendly website when it comes to navigating. LinkedIn has a user-friendly site because they have users in the fork, and they have a clear structure on their website, which is easy to use and understand when useing the site. All users get a good experience and understanding when they use the LinkedIn website, and as a bonus, they get the millions of new contacts that they can follow as directed to their needs. 6. What rights does a user have on the LinkedIn website? - When you are a user on the LinkedIn website, you have all the rights. You own content, feedback and personal information that you give to LinkedIn. It is only non-exclusive license that LinkedIn owns one's account. LinkedIn is committed to respecting the choices that a user can make with regard to who must see one's information and content, etc. LinkedIn for business (2017) 6

7 What is Facebook? To understand what Facebook can offer, we need to understand, what Facebook is in the first place. If we click on, we can read Facebook's own goal: Facebook helps you share and get in touch with the people around you. It is beautifully formulated and an honourable task they have set themselves for. 1. Facebook is fun: - Most of us know enough about or have heard about Facebook. We can call it an online network where the user can chat, share photos and status updates with friends and family. The user can also play games, also called apps, participate in different quizzes, and "like" (likes) groups, places, photos or celebrities. 2. Sharing Function: - One of the things that made Facebook very attractive to be a part of is the sharing function. One billion photos will be uploaded to Facebook a month. The user will, therefore, have the opportunity to see what others are doing and the user can display their lovely holiday pictures themselves. It's a great tool if the user wants to quickly show the pictures from family celebrations or the Friday bar. The possibilities for sharing with others are endless and therefore are not only pictures. We share videos and knowledge as well as a lot more. 3. Updating and Maintaining a friends list: - Because Facebook is built around networks and groups, it's easy to find people you know. Old schoolmates or colleagues appear when the user joins a group, or you will find friends in their name. On Facebook, the user is called his real name. It makes it easy to identify people, but also hard to hide. One thing worth thinking of when using 7

8 Facebook is that opposing many other social sites, so people who you have as friends can really follow what you do on the site. 4. The purpose of the Facebook network: - Facebook is a website with many opportunities to make or see something that you think is important, fun or a place where you can ask your next question. It's free, fun and easy to use when you get started. 5. What rights does a user have on the Facebook website? - Facebook has a license to use your content in any way it sees fit, with a license that goes beyond merely covering the operation of the service in its current form. Therefore a Facebook user doesn t have any rights to their Facebook content. Facebook (2017) 8

9 LinkedIn Vs. Facebook - Which is better for Business Networking? Before we can start to compare between LinkedIn and Facebook Which is better for business networking, we need to know some basic stuff about the business marketing strategy: 1. Mouth-to-mouth marketing: - Mouth-to-mouth marketing is one most famous one, which most business people use the most effective way to create new business. And that does not cost a lot of money. 2. Trustworthy relationships: - It is about creating good, strong and trustworthy relationships with business people in the area in which you and your company operate. Building relationships are about getting people to know you, think about you and trust you. Once you've done that, they will help you, recommend you and trade with you. 3. Successful business people: - You need people who can help you achieve your goals and make you successful. You cannot do it alone. All successful business people have made use of networking to reach where they are today. 4. Your target audience: - Be visible to your target audience. It's not enough to be the best for your subject. 5. Strategy for survival: - It has been said that the strategy for survival is visibility. There are business people who are half as proficient as you, but they earn double. The reason? They have a large and strong network. 9

10 6. New opportunities and kick-start: - There are no other ways to get to know new people. In order to get in touch with the right people and become known, networking should be your primary tool 7. Knowledge and ideas: - It is about gathering people, knowledge, ideas and resources. Others before you have probably done everything you want to do in your life. Almost all questions have been answered and almost all problems have been solved. Unless you want to make your own mistakes and reinvent the wheel, you can find the answer in your network for sure. 8. It sounds easy? - It's about asking and listening. Does it sound easy right? But why does the majority of business people talk too much? Listening skills are generally underdeveloped. Ask the right questions and you will knock the competitors off the pitch. Networking events are therefore the perfect forum to do business. 9. Education: Tell your network who you are, and what you are doing. And ask yourself the people you're talking to. When you know each other and trust each other, it is also easier to create a business with each other. There is no business scam at being the world's best-kept secret. You will need to get the messages forward. Because this is where the taste of your success lies. 10

11 How are each of the networks used according to the business networking strategy? - LinkedIn is being used by people, who have a professional education, jobs and private business people. Linkedin is used by people in an age group of 18+. Ones the user have an account, he or she will get a large database of millions of users who will be able to associate connections with professionals throughout the world. LinkedIn gives the user a network that is so productive and successful because of the opportunities the user gets ones they are online. In a few step, the user will have access to jobs related to or similar to his or her education, which can help them achieve their dream jobs. Its basically a complete insight look into your life nowadays, which is what the people with jobs are looking for. On the other hand, taking a look at Facebook, it is a bit different. The people who use Facebook is to find their old friends and distant relatives, and have a contact with them. On the other hand, Facebook is mostly used by people who look for entertainment and news around the world. However, the business-related people use Facebook wisely as an advertising tool to promote their business to make a huge online market. How Business is Using Facebook and LinkedIn: - LinkedIn is used by many independent people and companies to marketing their business online. By marketing their business on the social media platform such as LinkedIn gives them a huge profit and a geographical network, not only in their country but also a worldwide network. LinkedIn s main purpose is to connect you to a geographical social media networking system with people, who is in your experience or interest. Which means both you and the business people get a benefit out of this connection. People who use LinkedIn is mostly people with a full education, somehow. There are no children as a user on LinkedIn, which makes and gives the whole website a professional look, and excellent experience for all the users. On the other hand, looking at Facebook there are some differences when it comes to the social media network marking. Facebook is a more open forum, which means even small teenagers have an account on Facebook. By that, it means its a 11

12 forum where uneducated people have a bigger value then people with an educated or professional experience have. Facebook is mainly used to find people and use as entertainment and to chat with people and uni friends during the class time. But however, there is still some small business, who uses Facebook for their business marketing strategy. If we look at the way LinkedIn is working, there is a big difference between the way Facebook is used for the business networking. Here the user gets to find their business networking through adds and fan pages and groups, which makes Facebook less professional then LinkedIn. Because the person, who is searching for a business network will get in connect with people, who don't have any experience or education in that field if they use Facebook. 12

13 Conclusion LinkedIn and Facebook have a huge impact on the world culture, economic status, and geographic locations. From this comparative discussion paper, the business networking has a major role in our daily basis in different ways. The Facebook, where the people get entertained at the same time do their favourite shopping. The LinkedIn is, where the professionals find and build their career. The economic value of Facebook and LinkedIn are both almost the same, where the seller and the consumer can gain more advantage out of it. I conclude this by the social media networking system is unavoidable for any sort of business nowadays. 13

14 Harvard Reference List Images that i used: LinkedIn vs Facebook logo s (2017) Anon, (2017). [image] Available at: < [Accessed 23 Nov. 2017]. LinkedIn for business (2017) Anon, (2017). [image] Available at: < [Accessed 23 Nov. 2017]. Facebook (2017) Anon, (2017). [image] Available at: < Xe2tRgrvl3g/WG3hTxdrMrI/AAAAAAAAcJk/S8MKq2VtrpcftR6BvxMd7nj1SXu K9wvnACLcB/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/364.jpg> [Accessed 23 Nov. 2017]. Websites I used: - Lavi, A. (2017). Facebook vs. LinkedIn - Who Will Rule the B2B World?. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 23 Nov. 2017]. - (2017). Facebook vs LinkedIn - Difference and Comparison Diffen. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 23 Nov. 2017]. - Lewis, B. (2017). Pros and Cons of Facebook vs. LinkedIn for B2B Marketing. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 23 Nov. 2017]. 14