Build Your Best Brand

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1 Build Your Best Brand A no-nonsense guide to creating a truly valuable, credible and durable brand 01 DESIGN + BUSINESS SERIES Insight on the Impact of Design on Business David Alan Price Design Director Modern SBC

2 We ve put together 14 pages (with lots of pictures) to help you get to the essential knowledge you need to build a great brand. TOOT YOUR HORN IF YOU DON T, WHO WILL? Branding is about persuading outsiders to buy and persuading insiders to believe. If you want to move products, services or ideas, you must learn how to move people. And people are picky, fickle and opinionated. But, they all love beauty and a great story. And that s what branding is all about. It s why consistent messages, images and brand personalities elevate great ideas and quality products to be the dominant brands in every category. Good branding is good business. Tap into the power of smart brand design, purposeful marketing and an understanding of what motivates, inspires and drives people s choices.

3 IDENTIFY. INSPIRE. INFLUENCE. Ultimately, branding boils down to three things: (1) Identify, (2) Inspire, (3) Influence. It doesn t matter what industry you re in: politics, finance, healthcare, education, engineering, law, technology, consumer goods, manufacturing, retail, hospitality or the arts. The companies and products who win have brands that identify, inspire and influence. Think of it this way: Inspiration can intrigue, excite, convince, convert and change. When something inspires, it influences one s thinking, beliefs, desires and actions. And, if you re going to be inspired and influenced, it makes sense to know who is doing it. So, make your mark, and identify yourself.

4 The Power of Difference: This page illustrates an important marketing lesson: Don t try to highlight everything you think is important. By just highlighting the words visual impact in the paragraph below, it commands attention and creates interest. If we highlighted 3, 5 or 10 phrases, we wouldn t highlight anything. It would distract the reader s flow and lesson the impact. CREATE DIFFERENCE Why on earth would you want to look like your competitors when difference is essential to command attention? Why tailor your message to perfection just to package it in a trendy, forgettable package, website or brochure? What s the point of working so hard just to blend into the background? If you want to get attention, visual impact is the best way to do it. It s the single most important lesson in marketing. Yet, it is the hurdle that most organizations race up to right before stumbling. Getting noticed is essential for marketing success for logos, brands, messages, advertising, fund raising, events and anything else that expresses who you are and what you do. DIFFERENCE PENETRATES DIFFERENCE ACCELERATES DIFFERENCE DOMINATES

5 IDENTITY Artistry, wit, character and simplicity is not common. Find a talented brand designer.

6 Is your name an asset or a liability? Fact is, it s either one or the other. Today, too many organizations create strange obscure names simply for their legal availability. In a marketplace that penalizes obscurity, that s an unwise shortcut that can cost you in the long run. Naming. Put some sweat into the creation of your business or product name. Think about cadence, rhythm, meaning, sound, curiosity, originality, cultural nuance and perhaps even a little silliness. (Avoid strange or obscure... unless you have a Names with Purpose Google budget). Is there a terrific website name available? Are there pronunciation issues or spelling complications? What about cultural sensitivities? Names with the most value are memorable, meaningful and evoke an appropriate personality. Is your name an asset or a liability? ACROSS 3. Compass Engineering 5. Corridor Data Systems 7. Elite Rehabilitation 8. Acclaim Financial 9. Solaqua Travel 11. GatoGordo Restaurant 16. Spearhead Consulting 17. Traverse Staffing 18. FlexHive Artist Management DOWN 1. Two Hams Entertainment 2. Vitaform Fitness 4. Onelight Education 6. Teratron Consulting 10. GreenAvenue Recycling 11. Gridwerk Design 12. Wrapsody Gifts 13. Prosol Laser Systems 14. WaterWatch Security 15. DocuSense

7 When you have no (or poor) printed literature, doubt immediately creeps in. It s true whether you re selling professional services or skateboards. Think ink next time you want to leave a lasting impression. Imagine entering a meeting to see the prospect collecting the beautifully printed brochures and folder packages left behind by your competitor. And you have nothing but some office-printed PDFs, or worse, a Powerpoint deck stapled in the corner. FOR THE ULTIMATE IN CREDIBILITY PUT YOUR BELIEFS ON PAPER It s a sign that you actually believe what you say. And you don t have to be Shakespeare. Think Print still seals the deal. Tactility engages the senses beyond sight and sound. Touch and tangibility impacts emotions and emphasizes integrity. In short, companies who put their beliefs on paper are perceived as more credible than those who claim to be paperless or print everything in-house. Try writing a love letter in your to see just how sterile your screen can be. You can t remove the message from the medium. The internet has become the convenience store of communication (a fact, not a slight). Websites, blogs and have earned their rightful place in the marketing realm, but when it comes to meaningful expression they lack gravity. How many times do you wish your could contain your inflection and tone of voice. Print has that power.

8 Your website says a lot about your brand especially how you feel about your customers. Smart, simplified navigation and thoughtful content says we care. Popups, clutter, commonplace stock art and photos, tech gimmicks and too many offers turn people off and send them clicking. Think about your content and be yourself. Entertainment is fine if you re an entertainment company, but if you re not, stick with what you do well. If you consult, build a smart site with loads of information. If you re a retailer, build a website to show off products and sell using proven practices established by big sales websites. Let your buyers use the habits they know and trust on your site. Don t upset a decade of online usability insight. A visitor s experience to your site will either encourage them to stay or send them clicking for competitors. WEBSITES Put your website into perspective. Where does it fit in your marketing plan? How can it simplify your operations? What would sales like it to do? How much should it cost? Will SEO benefit you? It may not. There are lots of questions and lots of paths to completion. Make your website a centerpiece for your brand and a hub for customers and you ll be off to a good start. Websites Are Asked To Do Quite A Lot. FRONT DOOR INFO HUB HANDSHAKE SHOWCASE SALES REP BILLBOARD STORE FRONT CLUBHOUSE FLAG-WAVER

9 A mind that is stretched to a new idea never returns to its original dimension Oliver Wendell Holmes Branding Identity Naming Web Design Publications Editorial Design Advertising Events Signage Trade Displays Apparel Promotions DESIGN + BUSINESS SERIES Insight on the Impact of Design on Business To learn more about the relationship between design and business, visit the INSIGHTS section of our website. We routinely publish commentary, case studies and strategic advice about branding, design, marketing and advertising. Printing (Traditional + Digital) Print Management