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1 PILOT ACTION IN THE PROVINCE OF TYROL In the province of Tyrol actors from waste management and work integrated social enterprises carried out re-use collec on days in various municipali es all over Tyrol. The ac vi es took place from Mid- to Mid- and covered all main steps within the process of repair and re-use: procurement (through special collec on ac ons on waste collec ons sites and housing estates) prepara on for re-use (cleaning, minor repairs, ) retail (in re-use shops of WISE). In one year of pilot phase in total re-use collec ons have been carried out either on waste collec on sites or at housing estates (City of Innsbruck). With these ac ons. inhabitants have been reached and more than. kg collected. From collected goods more than. kg have been brought to shops and could be re-used by ci zens again. Pilot ac ons in Tyrol showed the great poten al to reduce waste and create green jobs in the field of re-use.

2 RE USE BOX GRAZ The Re-Use Box is the first collec on system in Austria for small reusable items. With its special design and eco-friendly produc on the cardboard box improves several logis cal condi ons in the field of transporta on, storage and cost-efficiency. Through several promo onal ac vi es people can become The employees of the social enterprise BAN are sor ng, repairing and selling all the collected reusable goods in their own re-use shop. With the use of the Re-Use Box as a prac cal collec on system for small reusable items, the protec on of resources and as well as the crea on of green jobs, are guaranteed. arge Abfallvermeidung Ressourcenschonung und nachhaltige Entwicklung GmbH mo vated to get their own Re-Use Box for free. Filled-in boxes can be returned to one of the several collec on points in the City of Graz.

3 E REUSE BUDAPEST As one of the main recyclers in Hungary, the Fe-Group PLC has relevant experience on collec on/treatment of WEEE. On the consequences of preliminary economic calcula ons, in. the FeGroup PLC decided to make a spin-off company for the ac vity of prepara on for re-use as a pilot: the e-reuse Ltd. prepares mainly WEEE for re-use. Their ac vity is pioneer in Hungary covering the complete chain from taking over the WEEE to the supply of refurbished products. is a test period for their opera on. In this ini al phase they intend to fulfil the local demand on reusable items. Products are being sold a er repairing, cleaning and safety checking. Products are available in their shop having op on to book on-line on their web catalogue. -day or half year replacement warranty is given with their sold products depending on the selling price. Number of the sales indicates increasing trends, posi ve public feedbacks, to which the proper marke ng ac vity greatly contributes. The long-term goals of the pilot are to become industrial-wide dimension, to meet the needs at na onal level and to operate as an economical, growing business to achieve the goal of environmental sustainability.

4 CIT MA BON The pilot experiment is a project called CIT MA BON (small but good). Its goal is to raise awareness on the topic of re-use, promo ng it family by family. The project is a pilot ac vity presented within the network of CERREC, in the framework of research to implement virtuous and replicable ac vi es for the diffusion and promo on of the of re-use culture and its integra on in the management system of used material flows. The peculiar trait of this project is the idea of entrus ng households with a commitment to define and test a door-to-door collec on of fused goods that escape separate collec on but could be re-used. It is about the small and medium objects that because of their mixed material composi on, would end up in the mixed good collec on but which could become a resource if they were re-used.

5 CENTRAL EUROPE PILOT ACTION IN KUJAWSKOͳPOMORSKIE The Polish pilot ac on in Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region was run by Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship and two non-governmental organiza ons. One is mostly interested in electric and electronic equipment, whereas the other uses furniture, ar cles of everyday use, books etc. Many of the goods collected are used for art or design and both organiza ons deal with handicapped people in their ac vi es. We produced re-use boxes which are distributed by our partner organiza ons. It is s ll too early to say if the are u lized as we ini ally an cipated, but as we have already seen some boxes returned which indicates some preliminary levels of success. As for now all boxes are in distribu on (either already given away or in the seats of our NGO partners). The second collec on event took place on the th of Sept, during the Social Economy Forum. It was preceded by similar promo onal ac on as the one in June. The promo onal and informa on campaign which preceded the two collec ons was successful proven by that we receive regular phone calls from people who would like to donate different things that are not in use in their households anymore. This project is implemented through the ÄãÙ ½ çùêö Programme co-financed by the Ù.

6 RIMINI RIUTILIZZA! Rimini Riu lizza! is a network of two public en es, four social coopera ves, one waste managing company. It offers three services: a collec on point for re-usable products open days a week and pick-up re-usable products on demand; four second hand markets where it is possible to buy second hand products. The main objec ves of Rimini Riu lizza! are: to higher the quan ty of re-used products within the Province of Rimini; to lower the number of disposed products; to offer more re-used products to the market of people in need; to offer a new service to the ci zens of the territory.

7 MOBILE WEEE COLLECTION IN SENEC In coopera on with ENVIDOM (Collec ve Schemes of EEE Producers) and the municipality, the town of Senec realized the first pilot ac on in Slovakia. The main topic of the pilot ac on was the mobile collec on of used electrical appliances. A er promo on through informa on leaflets and through adver sement in local newspapers, we collected approx., tons of WEEE and, tons of non-weee (EEE). Collec ve Schemes ENVIDOM performed sor ng of collected WEEE to directly reusable goods, non-reusable WEEE or for reusable Results and numbers: a er revision of pcs of good condi on EEE were suitable for direct dona on pcs, for dona on a er repair pcs (costs for repair amounted Eur) and pcs were not suitable for dona on. In total were donated for charity % of EEE which were collected in Senec. From total of pieces of electronic appliances we managed to immediately donate pieces, pieces a er refurbishing and the rest, pieces, had to be thrown away for recycling or other disposal. goods a er repair.

8 ZDROJOVNA Zdrojovna is a crea ve community re-use centre founded in Prague, Czech Republic. Quite fundamentally, it s an alterna ve to scrap yards, where dysfunc onal or broken things get simply thrown away. Our core belief is that things should be reused, again and again, while they are s ll able to fulfill a purpose. Zdrojovna is not just any old junk shop; apart from discarded things we provide our customers with This project contributes to the preven on of waste crea on and leads people to the ideas of sustainable development and R principles. Zdrojovna also focuses on the integra on of marginalized people, since the project gives them a chance to feel useful and accepted again. We ac vely cooperate with other Prague ini a ves and companies that deal with recycling, sharing and public space ac vi es. space, tools, paints and the advice of experienced teachers, who help clients repair and redecorate old things themselves and breathe a new spirit in them.