Preparing for EOFY in Retail Express Webinar

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1 Preparing for EOFY in Retail Express Webinar

2 Clean up your Stock Allocations Clean your data Clean up your ITO s that are in a In Progress state Mass Download ALL your Products and inspect (Missing attributes and Products with no BuyEx Prices) Remove Stock Quantities before uploading. Once clean advise staff of lock down times on ITO s and PO s

3 Prepare your hardware Make sure your scanners are working and charged if Wireless Make sure your label printer is working and correct templates selected (encase you come across a product that is not labelled) Make sure Laptops and PC s have Excel installed and scanners are communicating with them If using the Wireless Method make sure Internet Explorer is setup correctly (Compatibility View etc) Do a dummy run on each computer to make sure it works as expected VERY IMPORTANT

4 Understanding the different stocktaking methods Wireless Scan or Excel that is the question both have positives and negatives Wireless Scan Method: Process Generate and Save, Send for Authorisation, Authorise - Done Positives Wireless Scan Easy and fast, security around authorisation, generate stocktakes ahead of time Negatives Wireless Scan Max 5000 unique products (use Product Search Report to find out how many products exist with the filters you chose), unique product list required, live counting, IE dependant Excel Method: Process Generate and Save, SaveAs CSV, Upload - Done Positives Excel 50,000 product limit per file, multiple lists with same products that can merged easily, can work with batch scan methods Negatives Excel Not as easy, requires Basic Excel knowledge and in some cases advanced, formatting can cause issues

5 Understanding the filters Outlet self explanatory, Product Type very import as is Supplier as this allow you to generate the stocktakes required for each team member Sort Orders what is this for? Product PLU Stock Take a given Style of Clothing for example, Include Disabled Products Default Counts to Zero- Very important option (everything that I don t count make it s new count 0) Show Only Negative Stock Show me everything that s in negative, default counts to 0 and then disable them with PS&M Include Core Products I only want to stocktake core or non core products

6 Stock Take Method The most important option when stocktaking is whether to choose: Adjust Stock on Hand Count what is Available to Sell as well as any stock that has been put on Layby or put aside to Transfer to another store but not yet sent out (i.e. the stock that is sitting has been Dispatched but not yet Received at the to location) Adjust Available Very straight forward, only count what is physically available to sell (do not include anything that has come in on a ITO that has not yet been received in through Retail Express).

7 Generating your Stock Takes Before you generate your stock takes you should know when and how your going to be stocktaking Are you closing the store or doing your stocktake out of hours Are stocktaking while trading (mark as you count i.e. stockers or marker pen, staff should not sell anything that is not yet stocktaken or if they do they need to advise you so you can allow for it) If closing store or doing it out of hours you can generate the stocktake days before (ideally the day before) If stocktaking while trading generate the stocktake before trade (i.e. the day before after close or in the morning before opening) Why? Next Slide SAVE, SAVE, SAVE Always save your stocktakes regularly no matter the method your using and use smart names

8 Absolute or Variance Method The first (and the simplest) is the Absolute method (Excel Method Only), used when stocktaking out of hours and submitting at the same time before trade starts again: If the count is 1 for a given product then either my SOH or Available figure will be changed to 1 (depending on what option was selected earlier). The second method is the Variance method, this should be used when you plan on trading while stocktaking or: Your stocktake has been completed but it won t be uploaded immediately as it needs to be verified or uploaded by head office and the store needs to trade whilst the stocktake is being approved. Or Another scenario where the variance method should be used is when the stocktake happens outside of trading hours and all products that have been stocktake are marked as they are done (e.g. with a sticker or some other indicator) but the store has to open before the stocktake is complete. At this point you would need to advise your staff that if they sell an unmarked product then they need to advise you before they sell it so you can keep track of these and take them into account when you do stocktake those products. Essentially the variance method is used when you have sold products after the count has been completed but before it s been uploaded. This uses the variance column to calculate the new stock value as opposed to the count column. For example if when I produced the original stocktake file it said I had 6 available but in store I counted only 4 this would leave me with a variance of 2. Then if after I counted but before it was uploaded, a staff member sold 1 the system would think it currently has 5. When I upload the stocktake file using the variance method the system will say I have a variance of 2 so it will take this off my current stock level of 5 which will leave me with 3 which is correct.

9 Reporting Stock Take Report Variance Totals and Totals for Counts Stock Value vs Sales Report Total Sales Value Live, Total Stock Value Live and Total PO Value for Made Available PO s Run this after trade on the day your need it (example 30 th June) Voucher Creation Report Total Value of Outstanding Vouchers Run this after trade on the day your need it (example 30 th June) Don t forget to run these reports on the day you need them as there is no historical report for Stock Value or Sales Value with out spending hours minuses stock movements and sales to get a estimate. Current Awaiting Payment Invoices (Debtors) in Retail Express Sales Report > Sales Status Awaiting Payment all of time

10 That s all folks Questions?