3.5(N): Structure Matrix (SERVQUAL-Managers) (O): Unstandardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients (SERVQUAL- 224 Managers)

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1 List of Tables Chapter 1: Problem Definition & Approach to the Problem : Public Sector Scheduled Banks in India : Private Sector Scheduled Banks in India : Foreign Sector Scheduled Banks in India : HDFC Bank Ltd. (Brief) : Axis Bank (Brief) : History of ICICI : State Bank of India (Brief) : Bank of Baroda (Brief) : Commodity Marketing Vs. Brand Marketing : Top 50 Brands of India (2010) : Branding Challenges : Comparison of Brand Personality with Brand Image (A): Brand Intangibles of Indian Companies (B): Brand Intangibles of Global Companies (A): Aaker s (1997) Brand Personality Dimensions and sub Dimensions (B): Brand Personality Examples (C): Brand Personification of Different Banking Brand In India (A): Well-Known Service Brands in India (B): Role of Extended Ps in Service Branding 102 Chapter 2: Research Methodology (A ): Population of Gujarat State (B): Top 10 City of Gujarat State (population wise) (A): Sample Size (No. Of Bank Customers and City) (B): Sample Size (No. of Bank Manager and City) 178 Chapter 3: Data Analysis & Interpretations (A): Customer s Bank Name and City (B): Customer s Gender and Bank Brand (C): Customer s Age and Bank Brand (D): Customer s Education and Bank Brand (E): Customer s Occupation and Bank Brand (F): Customer s Total Experience with Bank Brand (G): Customer's Average Annual Balance in his Bank A/C and Bank Brand (H): Customer s proportion of total financial needs bank with his Bank Brand (I): Manager s Bank Brand and City (J): Manager s Age and Bank Name (K): Manager s Education Qualification and Bank Brand (L): Manager s Experience and Bank Name (A): Important Reasons behind banking with existing bank brand- Customers 201

2 3.2(B): Meaning of the Brand Logo of various banks as per managers view (C): What is most unique about your Bank Brand- Mangers (A): Top of the mind Bank Brands (Overall) (B): Top of the mind Bank Brands (Foreign Sector) (C): Top of the mind Bank Brands (Private Sector) (D): Top of the mind Bank Brands (Public Sector) (E): Indentify the following of logos of a bank brand (q.17) (F): Identify the corporate color of your bank brand? (q.19) (G): Match the Brand Slogan (Punch line) with Respective bank (H): Rank of Use of Bank Accounts (I): Bank Logo Identification By Managers (J): Bank Brand Punchline Identification By Managers (A): Interbrand s Brand Valuation (Means for Banks) (B): Interbrand's Brand Valuation Model (C): Reliability Statistics (Interbrand s Brand Valuation) (D): Item-Total Statistics (Interbrand s Brand Valuation) (E): KMO and Bartlett's Test (Interbrand s Brand Valuation) (F): Communalities (Interbrand s Brand Valuation) (G): Component Matrix (Interbrand s Brand Valuation) (H): Rotated Component Matrix (Interbrand s Brand Valuation) (I): Group Statistics (Interbrand s Brand Valuation) (J): Eigenvalues (Interbrand s Brand Valuation) (K): Wilks' Lambda (Interbrand s Brand Valuation) (L): Structure Matrix (Interbrand s Brand Valuation) (M): Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients (Interbrand s Brand Valuation) (N): Functions at Group Centroids (Interbrand s Brand Valuation) (O): Classification Resultsa (Interbrand s Brand Valuation) (A): Service Quality Parameters (B): Reliability Statistics (SERVQUAL-Managers) (C): Item-Total Statistics (SERVQUAL-Managers) (D): Inter-Item Correlation Matrix (SERVQUAL-Managers) (E): KMO and Bartlett's Test (SERVQUAL-Managers) (F): Communalities (SERVQUAL-Managers) (G): Component Matrix Communalities (SERVQUAL-Managers) (H): Rotated Component Matrix (SERVQUAL-Managers) (I): Group Statistics (SERVQUAL-Managers) (J): Pooled Within-Groups Matrices (SERVQUAL-Managers) (K): Eigenvalues (SERVQUAL-Managers) (L): Wilks' Lambda (SERVQUAL-Managers) (M): Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients (SERVQUAL- Managers) (N): Structure Matrix (SERVQUAL-Managers) (O): Unstandardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients (SERVQUAL- 224 Managers)

3 3.5(P): Functions at Group Centroids (SERVQUAL-Managers) (Q): Classification Resultsa (SERVQUAL-Managers) (A): Items, Loadings and communalities, Mangers (Corporate Image) (B): Group Statistics (Corporate Image) (C): Tests of Equality of Group Means (Corporate Image) (D): Pooled within Group Correlation (Determinants of Corporate Image):Pooled (E): Eigen values (Corporate Image) (F): Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients (Corporate Image) (G): Structure Matrix (Corporate Image) (H): Unstandardized Canonical Discriminant Function (Corporate Image) (I): Functions at Group Centroid (Corporate Image) (J): Classification Resultsa (Corporate Image) : Important Factors while Bank Selection (A): Steps taken by Managers for Brand Management on day to day basis at Branch- Level (B): New Product Developments (C): Efforts Put In By Bank To Enhace Its Brand Image In Recent Times (A): Communalities (Factors for Banking with Existing Bank) (B): Component Matrix (Factors for Banking with Existing Bank) (C): Rotated Component Matrix (Factors for Banking with Existing Bank) (D): Correlation (Factors for Banking with Existing Bank) (E): Model Summary (Factors for Banking with Existing Bank) (F): ANOVAg (Factors for Banking with Existing Bank) (G): Coefficients Variables in the equation (Factors for Banking with Existing Bank) (A): Effective Advertising Media (B): KMO and Bartlett's Test (Effective Advertising Media) (C): Items, Laoding and Communcalities (Rotated Component Matrixa)- (Effective Advertising Media) (A): Reliability Statistics (Important Factors of a Bank Brand) (B): Inter-Item Correlation Matrix (Important Factors of a Bank Brand) (C): Summary Item Statistics (Important Factors of a Bank Brand) (D): Item-Total Statistics (Important Factors of a Bank Brand) (E): KMO and Bartlett's Test (Important Factors of a Bank Brand) (F): Communalities (Important Factors of a Bank Brand) (G): Component Matrixa (Important Factors of a Bank Brand) (A): Correlation (Brand Loyalty Factors) (B): ANOVAb (Brand Loyalty Factors) (C): Coefficientsa (Brand Loyalty Factors) (D): Model Summary (Brand Loyalty Factors) (E): ANOVA (Brand Loyalty Factors) (F): Coefficientsa (Brand Loyalty Factors) (A): Group Statistics (Perception for various banking sector) (B): Eigenvalues (Perception for various banking sector) (C): Wilks' Lambda (Perception for various banking sector) 258

4 3.13(D): Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients (Perception for various banking sector) 3.13(E): Structure Matrix (Perception for various banking sector) (F): Unstandardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients (Perception for 259 various banking sector) 3.13(G): Functions at Group Centroids (Perception for various banking sector) (H): Prior Probabilities for Groups (Perception for various banking sector) (I): Classification Resultsa (Perception for various banking sector) (A): 7ps of Service Marketing (Perception for Various Banks) (B): Group Statistics (Perception for Private Sector Banks on 7ps) (C): Eigenvalues (Perception for Various Banks of Private Sector) (D): Wilks' Lambda (Perception for Various Banks of Private Sector) (E): Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients (Perception for Various Banks of Private Sector) (F): Structure Matrix (Perception for Various Banks of Private Sector) (G): Unstandardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients (Perception for 265 Various Banks of Private Sector) 3.14(H): Functions at Group Centroids (Perception for Various Banks of Private Sector) (A): Group Statistics (Perception of Various Banks) (B): Correlation Pooled Within-Groups Matrices (Perception of Various Banks) (C): Eigenvalues (Perception of Various Banks) (D): Wilks' Lambda (Perception of Various Banks) (E): Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients (Perception of Various Banks) (F): Structure Matrix (Perception of Various Banks) (G): Unstandardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients (Perception of 270 Various Banks) 3.15(H): Functions at Group Centroids (A): Reliability Statistics (Brand Personality Measures) (B): Item-Total Statistics (Brand Personality Measures) (C): Statement, Loadings and Communalities (Brand Personality Measures) (D): Group Statistics (Brand Personality Measures) (E): Tests of Equality of Group Means (Brand Personality Measures) (F): Correlation: Pooled Within-Groups Matrices (Brand Personality Measures) (G): Eigenvalues (Brand Personality Measures) (H): Wilks' Lambda (Brand Personality Measures) (I): Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients (Brand Personality Measures) (J): Structure Matrix (Brand Personality Measures) (K): Unstandardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients (Brand Personality 280 Measures) 3.16(L): Functions at Group Centroids (Brand Personality Measures) (M): Steps for improving the existing brand image of the bank as per 283 managers view 3.17(A): Brand Loyalty Level and Recommendation Cross Tabulation

5 3.17(B): Chi-Square Test (Bank Loyalty Level and Bank Recommendation Cross tabulation) 3.17(C): Symmetric Measures (Bank Loyalty Level and Bank Recommendation Cross tabulation) 3.18(A): Future Product Purchase Intention and BRAND AWARNESS Cross tabulation (B): Chi-Square Tests (Future Purchase Intention and BRAND AWARNESS) (C): Directional Measure (Future Purchase Intention and BRAND AWARNESS) (D): Symmetric Measures (Future Purchase Intention and BRAND AWARNESS) (A): Perceived Quality and Customer Loyalty cross Tabulation (B): Chi-Square Tests (Perceived Quality and Customer Loyalty) (C): Symmetric Measures (Perceived Quality and Customer Loyalty) (A): Chi-Square Tests (Brand Association and Customer Satisfaction) (B): Directional Measures (Brand Association and Customer Satisfaction) (C): Symetric Measuers (Brand Association and Customer Satisfaction) (A): Relative Advantage and Competitive moves Cross Tabulation (B): Chi-Square Tests (Relative Advantage and Competitive moves) (A) Correlations (Satisfaction Level and Compatibility) (B): Satisfaction Level and Compatibility Cross Tablutation (C): Chi-Square Tests (Satisfaction Level and Compatibility) (D): Symmetric Measures (Satisfaction Level and Compatibility) (A): SATISFACTION LEVEL and COMPLEXITY LEVEL Crosstabulation (B): Correlations (Complexity Level and Satisfaction Level) (C): Chi-Square Tests (Complexity Level and Satisfaction Level) (D): Symmetric Measuresa (Complexity Level and Satisfaction Level) (A): Purchase Intention for Future Products/Services and TRIALABILITY LEVEL Crosstabulation (B): 3.24(C): 3.24(D): Chi-Square Tests: (Purchase Intention for Future Products/Services and TRIALABILITY LEVEL) Directional Measures (Purchase Intention for Future Products/Services and TRIALABILITY LEVEL) Symmetric Measures (Purchase Intention for Future Products/Services and TRIALABILITY LEVEL) 3.25(A): SATISFACTION LEVEL AND RESULT DEMONSTRABILITY Cross tabulation (B): Chi-Square Tests (SATISFACTION LEVEL AND RESULT DEMONSTRABILITY) (A): Group Statistics (Brand Loyalty and Total Bank Score) (B): Independent Samples Test (Brand Loyalty and Total Bank Score) (A): Group Statistics (Total Bank Score of Private and Public Sector) (B): Independent Samples Test (Total Bank Score of Private and Public Sector) (A): Group Statistics (Total Bank Score of Private and Foreign Sector) (B): Independent Samples Test (Total Bank Score of Private and Foreign Sector) (A): One-Sample Statistics (Bank Service Parameters Importance Level) (B): Independent Samples Test (Bank Service Parameters Importance Level) (A): I have never seriously considered changing my bank (B): One-Sample Statistics (Customer s Willingness To Change Bank Account) (C): One-Sample T- Test (Customer s Willingness To Change Bank Account)

6 3.31(A): I consider myself to be a loyal customer of this bank (B): One-Sample Statistics (Customer s Loyalty Level) (C): One-Sample Test (Customer s Loyalty Level) (A): I will switch to a competitor bank, that offers more attractive benefits (B): One-Sample Statistics (Customer s Readiness To Switch To Competitor Bank) (C): One-Sample Test (Customer s Readiness To Switch To Competitor Bank) (A): Frequency Statistics (I will switch to a competitor bank when there are problems with this bank's services) 3.33(A): 3.33(B): Frequency Statistics (I will switch to a competitor bank when there are problems with this bank's services) One-Sample Statistics (I will switch to a competitor bank when there are problems with this bank's services) 3.33(C): One-Sample Test (I will switch to a competitor bank when there are problems with this bank's services) 3.34(A): Satisfaction Level * Bank Brand Name Cross tabulation (B): Chi-Square Tests (Customer s Satisfaction Level of Various Banks) (C): Directional Measures (Customer s Satisfaction Level of Various Banks) (D): Symmetric Measures (Customer s Satisfaction Level of Various Banks) (A): Bank Name * Education Qualification Crosstabulation (B): Chi-Square Tests (Bank Brand and Education Qualification) (C): Directional Measures (Bank Brand and Education Qualification) (D): Symmetric Measures (Bank Brand and Education Qualification) (A): Bank Name and Customer's Age Cross tabulation (B): Chi-Square Tests (Bank Brand and Age group) (C): Directional Measures (Bank Brand and Age group) (D): Symmetric Measures (Bank Brand and Age group) (A): Future Purchase Intention and Bank Loyalty Cross Tabulation (B): Chi-Square Tests (Future Purchase Intention and Brand Loyalty) (C): Symmetric Measures (Future Purchase Intention and Brand Loyalty) (D): Directional Measures (Future Purchase Intention and Brand Loyalty) (A): Group Statistics (Bank Brand and Total Brand Score) (B): One-Way ANOVA -(Bank Brand and Total Brand Score) (C): Bank Name and mean of Total Score (D): Tests of Between-Subjects Effects(Bank Brand and Total Brand Score) : ANOVA (Sales Promotion and Customer Loyalty) (A): Dependent Variable (Bank Branch Facilities and Customer Satisfaction) (B): Frequency: Between-Subjects Factors (Bank Branch Facilities and Customer Satisfaction) (C): Univariate ANOVA: Tests of Between-Subjects Effects (Bank Branch Facilities and Customer Satisfaction) (D): ANOVA (Bank Branch Facilities and Customer Satisfaction) (A): Satisfaction Level (customers) (B): Inter correlation (Customer Satisfaction Level and affecting Variables) (C): Multiple Regression Analysis of nine factors with Satisfaction Level (D): Excluded Variablesb ( nine factors with Satisfaction Level) 346

7 3.42: Correlations (Various Service Factors and Location) (A): One-Sample Statistics (Responsibility of Managing a Bank Brand) (B): One-Sample Test (Responsibility of Managing a Bank Brand) (C): Correlations (Responsibility of Managing a Bank Brand) (A): Group Statistics (Importance of Brand Image of Bank) (B): One-Sample Statistics (Importance of Brand Image of Bank) (C): One-Sample Test (Importance of Brand Image of Bank) 353 Chapter 4: Conclusion & Recommendations : Overall Evaluation of Different Banking Brands on Various Brand Valuation Models Chapter 5: Limitations of Study and Direction for Future Research