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1 saqartvelos ekonomikuri ganvitarebis saministro statistikis departamenti MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS saqartvelos sagareo vawroba 2007 EXTERNAL TRADE OF GEORGIA statistikuri publikacia 5 STATISTICAL PUBLICATION

2 saqartvelos ekonomikuri ganvitarebis saministro statistikis departamenti Ministry of Economic Development of Georgia Department of Statistics saqartvelos sagareo vawroba 2007 External Trade of Georgia statistikuri publikacia Statistical Publication Tbilisi 2008 TBILISI

3 statistikuri publikacia momzadda ekonomikuri ganvitarebis saministros statistikis departamentis makroekonomikuri statistikis sammartvelos sagareo vawrobisa da ucxouri investiciebis statistikis ganyofilebis mier. The statistical publication was prepared by the External Trade and Foreign Investments Statistics Section of the Macroeconomic Statistics Division of the Department for Statistics of Ministry for Economic Development of Georgia. redaqtori ekaterine jojisvili pasuxismgebeli gamocemaze lia Zebisauri eliso verulasvili krebulis momzadebasi monawileobdnen nino maisuraze nana TaniaSvili nino mesxeli liana RviniaSvili besik lutize eka jananasvili kompiuteruli damusaveba irma manjgalaze ydis dizaini levan grigalasvili Editor Ekaterine Jojishvili Responsible for publication Lia Dzebisauri Eliso Verulashvili Following persons worked for the edition Nino Maisuradze Nana Taniashvili Nino Meskheli Liana Gviniashvili Besik Lutidze Eka Jananashvili Computer working Irma Manjgaladze Cover design Levan Grigalashvili saqartvelos ekonomikuri ganvitarebis saministro statistikis departamenti Ministry for Economic Development of Georgia Department for Statistics saqartvelo, 0115, Tbilisi, pekinis q. 4 4 Beijing Str., Tbilisi, 0115, Georgia tel./phone: (995 32) (109) faqsi / Fax: (995 32) el. fosta/ veb gverdi/web page:

4 Semoklebebi / Abbreviations l litri m 3 kuburi metri mln. milioni kilovat-saati L Litre m 3 cubic meter mln. million KWh kilowatt-hour Thsd. thousand USD United States Dollar pirobiti arnisvnebi / Symbols - movlena ar arsebobs / Not applicable 0 mcire sididea / Negligible magnitude calkeul SemTxvevebSi umnisvnelo gansxvaveba saboloo Sedegsa da SesakrebTa jams Soris aixsneba monacemta damrgvalebit. The discrepancy between the totals and the sum in some cases can be explained by using rounded data.

5 winasityvaoba statistikuri publikacia `saqartvelos sagareo vawroba 2007~ moicavs 2007 wlis sagareo vawrobis deklarirebul (araorganizebuli vawrobis garese) monacemebs saqartvelosa da danarcen samyaros Soris. publikacia Sedgenilia saqartvelos finansta saministros Semosavlebis samsaxuris, ss saqartvelos eleqtrosistemis da saqartvelos gazis transportirebis kompaniis mier mowodebul informaciaze dayrdnobit. massi gatvaliswinebulia 2007 wlis 1 ivlisisatvis Cvens xelt arsebuli yvela dazusteba da koreqtireba. monacemebi formirebulia saertasoriso standartebis Sesabamisad. publikacia gatvaliswinebulia momxmarebelta farto wrisatvis: saxelmwifo moxeleebis, mecnierebis, studentebis, mewarmeebis, Jurnalistebisa da sxva dainteresebul pirtatvis. Preface The statistical publication External Trade of Georgia 2007 covers declared data on the trade (excluding non-organized trade) between Georgia and the rest of the world in The publication is prepared based on information provided by Revenue Service of Ministry of Finance of Georgia, joint-stock company Georgian Electrosystem and Georgian Gas Transportation Company. All the adjustments available by July 1, 2007 are in it. The data are compiled according to international standards. The publication is designed for a wide circle of users: state employees, scientists, students, businessmen, journalists and other interested persons. 5

6 s a r C e v i CONTENTS mokle metodologiuri ganmartebebi da komentarebi... 7 Short describing methodology... 8 saqartvelos sagareo vawrobis ZiriTadi macveneblebi General data on Georgian external trade... 9 saqartvelos sagareo vawrobis macveneblebis zrda (%) Growth of Georgian external trade (%)... 9 saqartvelos sagareo vawroba qveynebis jgufebis mixedvit Georgian external trade by groups of countries msoflios teritoriebis wili saqartvelos sagareo savawro brunvasi 2007 wels, % Georgian external trade shares of different territories in 2007, % saqartvelos umsxvilesi savawro partniori qveynebi 2007 wlis eqsportis mixedvit Largest partners of Georgia by exports in saqartvelos umsxvilesi savawro partniori qveynebi 2007 wlis importis mixedvit Largest partners of Georgia by imports in saqartvelos eqsporti qveynebis mixedvit Georgian exports by countries saqartvelos importi qveynebis mixedvit Georgian imports by countries umsxvilesi saeqsporto sasaqonlo poziciebi 2007 wlis eqsportis mixedvit Major commodity positions by exports in umsxvilesi saimporto sasaqonlo poziciebi 2007 wlis importis mixedvit Major commodity positions by imports in saqartvelos eqsporti harmonizebuli sistemis sasaqonlo poziciebis mixedvit 2007 wels Georgian exports by HS commodity positions in saqartvelos importi harmonizebuli sistemis sasaqonlo poziciebis mixedvit 2007 wels Georgian imports by HS commodity positions in produqciis eqsporti wlebsi eqsportis mixedvit umsxviles savawro partnior qveynebsi Exports of goods to largest partner countries by exports in produqciis importi wlebsi importis mixedvit umsxvilesi savawro partniori qveynebidan Imports of goods from largest partner countries by imports in ZiriTadi sasaqonlo poziciebis eqsporti qveynebis mixedvit wlebsi Exports of major commodity positions by countries in ZiriTadi sasaqonlo poziciebis importi qveynebis mixedvit wlebsi Imports of major commodity positions by countries in

7 mokle metodologiuri ganmartebebi da komentarebi sagareo vawrobis statistikis monacemta formireba xorcieldeba gaertianebuli erebis organizaciis statistikis ganyofilebis rekomendaciebis gatvaliswinebit SemuSavebuli me- Todologiis: `saertasoriso vawrobis statistika. koncefciebi da ganmartebebi~ (gaertianebuli erebis organizacia, niu iorki, 2000 w.) Sesabamisad. sagareo vawrobasi saqartvelo iyenebs arricxvis `zogad metods, rac nisnavs, rom saqonlis eqsport-importis arricxvis ZiriTadi kriteriumia mis mier qveynis ekonomikuri teritoriis gadakveta. eqsportsi igulisxmeba rogorc erovnuli warmosobis produqciis gatana, ise importirebuli saqonlis reeqsporti. importsi igulisxmeba qveyanasi produqciis Semotana da eqsportirebuli saqonlis reimporti. eqsporti arricxulia FOB, anu eqsportiori qveynis franko-sazrvris fasebsi (moicavs eqsportiori qveynis sazrvramde tvirtis transportirebisa da satransporto sasualebis bortze datvirtvis xarjebs), xolo importi _ CIF, anu importiori qveynis franko-sazrvris fasebsi (garda FOB fasisa moicavs saertasoriso fraxts da dazrvevis xarjebs). partniori qveynis dadgenis kriteriumebia: importis dros saqonlis warmosobis an gamomgzavni qveyana, eqsportis dros saboloo danisnulebis qveyana. sagareo savawro operaciebis Sesaxeb informaciis ZiriTad wyaros warmoadgens satvirtosabajo deklaraciebis monacemta baza, romelsac statistikis departamenti yoveltviurad irebs saqartvelos finansta saministros Semosavlebis samsaxuridan. amastan, informacia bunebrivi airisa da eleqtroenergiis eqsport-importis Sesaxeb miireba Sesabamisi wyaroebidan. statistikis departamenti Semosavlebis samsaxuridan mirebuli informaciis safuzvelze axorcielebs: - satvirto-sabajo deklaraciebis monacemta bazis kontrols ZiriTadi informaciuli velebis mixedvit - saqonlis, fasi, wona, damatebiti zomis erteuli, transportis saxe, gamgzavni/mimrebi qveynis ; - ZiriTadi saqonlis mixedvit zrvruli fasis kontrols da Sesabamisad, raodenobis, Rirebulebis an damatebiti zomis erteulis koreqtirebas; - im saqonlis amorebas Semosavlebis samsaxuris monacemta bazidan, romelic ar ganekutvneba saqonlit sagareo vawrobas (mimoqcevasi myofi fasiani qaraldebi, banknotebi da monetebi; saqonlis droebit Semotana-gatana; diplomatiuri da sxva saxis tvirtebi, romlebic saertasoriso metodologiis mixedvit ar Sedis saqonlit sagareo vawrobasi). saqonlis eqsport-importis arricxvisatvis gamoiyeneba `sagareo ekonomikuri saqmianobis sasaqonlo nomenklatura (ses sn)~, romelic agebulia saqonlis arwerisa da rebis harmonizebuli sistemis bazaze. RirebulebiTi macveneblebi mocemulia ass dolarebsi. statistikuri Rirebulebis gaangariseba ass dolarebsi xdeba sabajo organoebis mier satvirto-sabajo deklaraciebis gaformebis momentsi Tbilisis banktasoris savaluto birjaze dadgenili oficialuri gacvliti kursit. 7

8 Short describing methodology External trade statistics data are collected according to recommendations of United Nations Statistics Department International Trade Statistics (United Nations, New York, 2000). For External Trade Georgia uses the general method, which means that crossing a border of the economic territory of the country is the main criterion for determining exports and imports. Export implies both the export of domestic production and the reexport of imported goods. Import implies importing of the production and reimport of imported goods. Export is valued at FOB prices, are used to value export i.e. prices at the border of the exporting country (this term means that the seller s obligation to deliver is fulfilled when the goods have passed over the ship s rail at the named port of shipment), while import is valued at CIF prices, that is, transportation costs to the border of the importing country included in the prices as well as insurance costs. There are following criteria to determine the partner country: for imports the country of origin or the sending country, while for exports the country of destination. Database of Customs Declarations (DBCD) is the main information source on external trade transactions. Department of Statistics receives DBCD monthly from Revenue Service of Ministry of Finance of Georgia. Information on gas and electric power is obtained from corresponding sources, to complete the data. Based on obtained information, Department of Statistics carries out the following activities: - Checks DBCD commodity codes, prices, weights, dates of customs declarations, country codes for origin/destination, non-existent codes of country and commodity; - Controls the limits on prices main commodities and adjusts quantities or prices or supplementary unit; - Removes from the database commodities which according to internationally approved methodology should not be classified as external trade in goods (securities, bank notes and coins in circulation; diplomatic and other analogous goods). Commodity Nomenclature for External Economic Activities founded on the Harmonized Commodity Coding and Description System, is used of export registration The value indicators are given in USD. The calculation of the statistical value in USD is carried out by Customs Services during the registration of Customs Declarations according to the official exchange rate established by the Interbank Monetary Exchange at the moment of the registration. 8

9 saqartvelos sagareo vawrobis ZiriTadi macveneblebi General data on Georgian external trade (mln. ass ) (mln. USD) eqsporti Exports importi Imports brunva Turnover saldo -679, , , , ,0 Balance ÄØÓÐÏÒÔÉ ÉÌÐÏÒÔÉ ÁÒÖÍÅÀ saqartvelos sagareo vawrobis macveneblebis zrda (%) Growth of Georgian external trade (%) eqsporti 133,4 140,2 133,8 108,2 131,7 Exports importi 143,5 161,7 134,9 147,7 141,8 Imports brunva 140,4 155,5 134,6 137,5 139,7 Turnover saldo 151,2 176,3 135,5 168,8 145,2 Balance 9

10 saqartvelos sagareo vawroba qveynebis jgufebis mixedvit Georgian external trade by groups of countries (mln. ass ) eqsporti, sul 461,4 646,9 865,5 936, ,9 Total Exports mat Soris: Of which: dst-is qveynebi 224,8 327,6 407,2 390,9 462,2 CIS countries Savi zrvis ekonomikuri TanamSromlobis organizaciis qveynebi 250,3 343,2 498,8 499,0 634,7 * 27 qveynis mixedvit By 27 countries (Mln. USD) Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization countries suamis qveynebi 46,7 41,1 120,6 145,6 232,5 GUAM countries evrokavsiris qveynebi* 82,7 128,2 216,8 225,4 268,5 European Union countries* ekonomikuri TanamSromlobisa da ganvitarebis organizaciis qveynebi 212,4 272,0 360,7 390,5 612,9 Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development countries importi, sul 1 141, , , , ,9 Total Imports mat Soris: Of which: dst-is qveynebi 370,1 654,9 996, , ,1 CIS countries Savi zrvis ekonomikuri TanamSromlobis organizaciis qveynebi 499,4 853, , , ,0 Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization countries suamis qveynebi 175,0 300,5 456,8 642,1 961,1 GUAM countries evrokavsiris qveynebi* 439,2 657,2 740, , ,9 European Union countries ekonomikuri TanamSromlobisa da ganvitarebis organizaciis qveynebi 625,3 946, , , ,6 Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development countries msoflios teritoriebis wili saqartvelos sagareo savawro brunvasi 2007 wels, % Georgian external trade shares of different territories in 2007, % azia Asia 40,6 amerika America 8,6 0,7 afrika Africa 0,6 evropa Europe 50,0 avstralia da okeaneti Australia and Oceania 0,1 10

11 saqartvelos umsxvilesi savawro partniori qveynebi 2007 wlis eqsportis mixedvit Largest partners of Georgia by exports in 2007 % mtlian eqsportsi qveynebi* Thsd. USD % in total Exports Countries * eqsporti, sul Total Exports mat Soris: Of which: TurqeTi Turkey ass United States azerbaijani Azerbaijan somxeti Armenia ukraina Ukraine kanada Canada bulgareti Bulgaria germania Germany ruseti Russian yazaxeti Kazakhstan danarceni qveynebi Other countries * qveynebi dalagebulia 2007 w. eqsportis mixedvit Countries are ranged by exports in 2007 saqartvelos umsxvilesi savawro partniori qveynebi 2007 wlis importis mixedvit Largest partners of Georgia by imports in 2007 qveynebi* % mtlian importsi Thsd. USD % in total Imports Countries * importi, sul Total Imports mat Soris: Of which: TurqeTi Turkey ruseti Russia ukraina Ukraine germania Germany azerbaijani Azerbaijan arabta gaertianebuli emiratebi United Arab Emirates CineTi China ass United States bulgareti Bulgaria TurqmeneTi Turkmenistan danarceni qveynebi Other countries * qveynebi dalagebulia 2007 w. importis mixedvit Countries are ranged by imports in

12 saqartvelos eqsporti qveynebis mixedvit Georgian exports by countries ( ) eqsporti, sul Total Exports mat Soris: Of which: dst-is qveynebi CIS countries azerbaijani Azerbaijan belarusi Belarus TurqmeneTi Turkmenistan moldova Moldova ruseti Russian somxeti Armenia tajiketi Tajikistan uzbeketi Uzbekistan ukraina Ukraine yazaxeti Kazakhstan yirgizeti Kyrgyzstan evrokavsiris qveynebi* EU countries* avstria Austria belgia Belgium bulgareti Bulgaria gaertianebuli samefo United Kingdom germania Germany dania Denmark espaneti Spain estoneti Estonia irlandia Ireland italia Italy kviprosi Cyprus latvia Latvia litva Lithuania luqsemburgi Luxembourg malta 2 1 Malta niderlandebi Netherlands poloneti Poland portugalia Portugal rumineti Romania saberzneti Greece safrangeti France slovaketi Slovakia slovenia Slovenia ungreti Hungary fineti Finland SvedeTi Sweden CexeTi Czech Republic sxva qveynebi Other countries avstralia Australia avraneti Afghanistan albaneti - 1 Albania aljiri Algeria angola Angola arabta gaertianebuli emiratebi United Arab Emirates argentina 5 - Argentina (Thsd. USD) 12

13 saqartvelos eqsporti qveynebis mixedvit (gagrzeleba) Georgian exports by countries (Continued) ( ) (Thsd. USD) ass United States belizi Belize bosnia-hercegovina - 5 Bosnia and Herzegovina brazilia Brazil gvatemala Guatemala gibraltari Gibraltar dominika Dominica dominikelta respublika Dominican Republic egvipte Egypt ekvadori Ecuador erayi Iraq vatikani 1 - Holy See vietnami - 7 Viet Nam virjinis kunzulebi, britaneti Virgin Islands, British TurqeTi Turkey iaponia Japan iemeni Yemen indoeti India indonezia Indonesia iordania 3 7 Jordan irani Iran israeli Israel kamboja 1 - Cambodia kameruni 2 - Cameroon kanada Canada kolumbia Colombia koreis respublika Korea, Republic of koreis saxalxo demokratiuli Korea, Democratic People's Republic respublika of libani Lebanon liberia 5 - Liberia libia Libya makedonia - 7 Macedonia malaizia 17 4 Malaysia maroko 17 - Morocco marsalis kunzulebi 4 - Marshall Islands meqsika Mexico mongoleti Mongolia nigeria - 19 Nigeria nikaragua 9 - Nicaragua norvegia Norway omani - 2 Oman pakistani Pakistan panama Panama samxreti afrika 2 65 South Africa saudebis arabeti 2 6 Saudi Arabia seiselebi Seychelles serbia-montenegro Serbia and Montenegro sieraleone Sierra Leone singapuri Singapore siria 0 31 Syrian Arab Republic somali Somalia sudani 37 6 Sudan 13

14 saqartvelos eqsporti qveynebis mixedvit (gagrzeleba) Georgian exports by countries (Continued) ( ) taivani, CineTis provincia 5 85 Taiwan, Province of China tailandi 4 - Thailand urugvai Uruguay filipinebi Philippines yatari 1 - Qatar Sveicaria Switzerland Srilanka - 3 Sri Lanka Cile Chile CineTi China xorvatia 4 3 Croatia hondurasi 1 - Honduras honkongi, CineTis specialuri administraciuli raioni Hong Kong, SAR of China * 27 qveynis mixedvit By 27 countries (Thsd. USD) 14

15 saqartvelos importi qveynebis mixedvit Georgian imports by countries ( ) importi, sul Total Imports mat Soris: Of which: dst-is qveynebi CIS countries azerbaijani Azerbaijan belarusi Belarus TurqmeneTi Turkmenistan moldova Moldova ruseti Russia somxeti Armenia tajiketi Tajikistan uzbeketi Uzbekistan ukraina Ukraine yazaxeti Kazakhstan yirgizeti Kyrgyzstan evrokavsiris qveynebi* EU countries* avstria Austria belgia Belgium bulgareti Bulgaria gaertianebuli samefo United Kingdom germania Germany dania Denmark espaneti Spain estoneti Estonia irlandia Ireland italia Italy kviprosi Cyprus latvia Latvia litva Lithuania luqsemburgi Luxembourg malta Malta niderlandebi Netherlands poloneti Poland portugalia Portugal rumineti Romania saberzneti Greece safrangeti France slovaketi Slovakia slovenia Slovenia ungreti Hungary fineti Finland SvedeTi Sweden CexeTi Czech Republic sxva qveynebi Other countries avstralia Australia avraneti Afghanistan albaneti Albania aljiri 10 - Algeria andora Andorra arabta gaertianebuli emiratebi United Arab Emirates argentina Argentina 15 (Thsd. USD)

16 saqartvelos importi qveynebis mixedvit Georgian imports by countries ( ) (Thsd. USD) ass United States axali zelandia New Zealand bangladesi Bangladesh bahamebi 63 - Bahamas bahreini 5 - Bahrain belizi Belize bermuda - 41 Bermuda bosnia-hercegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina brazilia Brazil britanetis teritoria indoetis British Indian Ocean Territory okeanesi burundi 58 - Burundi butani 1 - Bhutan gana Ghana gibraltari Gibraltar dominika 6 - Dominica egvipte Egypt etiopia 1 - Ethiopia ekvadori Ecuador erayi Iraq vietnami Viet Nam virjinis kunzulebi, ass Virgin Islands, U.S virjinis kunzulebi, britaneti Virgin Islands, British zimbabve Zimbabwe TurqeTi Turkey iaponia Japan iemeni - 12 Yemen indoeti India indonezia Indonesia iordania Jordan irani Iran islandia 0 8 Iceland israeli Israel kamboja Cambodia kanada Canada kolumbia Colombia koreis respublika Korea, Republic of koreis saxalxo demokratiuli respublika Korea, Democratic People's Republic of kostarika Costa Rica kotdivuari Cote d'ivoire kuba - 4 Cuba laosi - 1 Lao libani Lebanon lixtenstaini Liechtenstein mavritania - 38 Mauritania makedonia 85 1 Macedonia malavi Malawi malaizia Malaysia maroko Morocco meqsika 0 36 Mexico mozambiki 1 - Mozambique 16

17 saqartvelos importi qveynebis mixedvit Georgian imports by countries ( ) (Thsd. USD) monako Monaco mongoleti - 20 Mongolia nauru 2 - Nauru nepali 1 1 Nepal niderlandebis antilebi 18 - Netherlands Antilles norvegia Norway omani Oman pakistani Pakistan panama Panama paragvai Paraguay peru Peru puertoriko 1 - Puerto Rico salvadori EL Salvador samxreti afrika South Africa sanmarino San Marino saudebis arabeti Saudi Arabia seiselebi Seychelles sentelena 2 - Saint Helena serbia-montenegro Serbia and Montenegro singapuri Singapore siria Syrian Arab Republic sudani 1 - Sudan taivani, CineTis provincia Taiwan, Province of China tailandi Thailand tanzania - 59 Tanzania tunisi 0 - Tunisia urugvai Uruguay filipinebi Philippines quveiti Kuwait yatari - 10 Qatar Sveicaria Switzerland Srilanka Sri Lanka Cile Chile CineTi China xorvatia Croatia hondurasi Honduras honkongi, CineTis specialuri administraciuli raioni Hong Kong, SAR of China * 27 qveynis mixedvit By 27 countries 17

18 umsxvilesi saeqsporto sasaqonlo poziciebi 2007 wlis eqsportis mixedvit Major commodity positions by exports in 2007 sasaqonlo poziciebi* % mtlian eqsportsi Thsd. USD % in total Exports Commodity positions* eqsporti, sul Total Exports mat Soris: Of which: ferosenadnobebi Ferro-alloys Savi litonebis narcenebi da jarti Ferrous waste and scrap spilenzis madnebi da koncentratebi Copper ores and concentrates msubuqi avtomobilebi Motor cars oqro daumusavebeli an naxevraddamusavebuli, an fxvnilis saxit Gold unwrought or in semimanufactured forms, or in powder form kakali sxva, axali an gamxmari Other nuts, fresh or dried cementi Cement spirti etilis aradenaturirebuli 80 moc. % -ze naklebi spirtis koncentraciit da spirtiani sasmelebi sasuqebi mineraluri an qimiuri, azotovani Undenatured ethyl alcohol, spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages Mineral or chemical fertilizers, nitrogenous spilenzis narcenebi da jarti Copper waste and scrap danarceni produqcia Other products *sasaqonlo poziciebi dalagebulia 2007 w. eqsportis mixedvit Commodity positions are ranged by exports in

19 umsxvilesi saimporto sasaqonlo poziciebi 2007 wlis importis mixedvit Major commodity positions by imports in 2007 sasaqonlo poziciebi* % mtlian importsi Thsd. USD % in total Imports Commodity positions* importi, sul Total Imports mat Soris: Of which: navtobi da navtobproduqtebi Petroleum and petroleum oils msubuqi avtomobilebi Motor cars navtobis airebi da airisebri Petroleum gases and other gaseous naxsirwyalbadebi hydrocarbons samkurnalo sasualebebi Medicaments xorbali da meslini Wheat and meslin aparatura gadamcemi radiosatelefono, radiomauwyeblobisa Transmission apparatus for radio-telephony, radiobroadcasting da televiziisatvis and television Saqari Sugar gamomtvleli manqanebi da mati Automatic data processing machines blokebi and units thereof rkinisa da foladis wnelebi Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel satvirto avtomobilebi Motor vehicles for the transport of goods. danarceni produqcia Other products *sasaqonlo poziciebi dalagebulia 2007 w. importis mixedvit Commodity positions are ranged by imports in

20 saqartvelos eqsporti harmonizebuli sistemis sasaqonlo poziciebis mixedvit 2007 wels Georgian exports by HS commodity positions in 2007 eqsporti, sul Total Exports mat Soris: Of which: 0101 cxenebi, virebi, jorebi da jorcxenebi, cocxali Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies 0106 sxva cocxali cxovelebi 2 0 Other live animals 0202 xorci msxvilfexa rqosani pirutyvis, gayinuli Meat of bovine animals, frozen 0203 xorci Roris axali, Seyinuli an gayinuli Meat of swine 0204 xorci cxvris an Txis, axali, Seyinuli an gayinuli Meat of sheep or goats 0207 xorci da kvebis subproduqtebi Sinauri frinvelis, axali, Seyinuli an gayinuli Meat and edible offal, of the poultry, fresh, chilled or frozen 0301 cocxali Tevzi 1 0 Live fish 0302 Tevzi axali an Seyinuli Fish, fresh or chilled and other fish meat 0303 Tevzi gayinuli Fish, frozen 0304 Tevzis file da Tevzis sxva xorci axali, Seyinuli an gayinuli Tevzi xmeli, damarilebuli an marilwyalsi, Sebolili rze da narebi, Sesqelebuli an Saqris damatebit Fish fillets and other fish meat, fresh, chilled or frozen Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish, fish meal fit for human consumption Milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar Buttermilk, curdled milk and other fermented or acidified milk and cream 0403 do, iogurti, kefiri narebis karaqi da rzis sxva cximebi; rzis pastebi yveli da xawo Cheese and curd 0407 frinvelis kvercxi, nawuwit, axali, dakonservebuli an moxarsuli (1000 cali) naturaluri Tafli 3 0 Natural honey 0504 cxovelebis nawlavebi, bustebi da kuwebi, mtliani an nawrebad bolqvebi, tuberebi, tuberisebri fesvebi da sxva sxva cocxali mcenareebi, kalmebi da gadanawvenebi; sokos miceliumi Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk Birds' eggs, in shell, fresh (1000 p/st) Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals, whole and pieces thereof Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, in growth or in flower Other live plants, cuttings and slips; mushroom spawn 0603 mowrili yvavilebi da kokrebi Cut flowers and flower buds 20

21 saqartvelos eqsporti harmonizebuli sistemis Georgian exports by HS commodity positions in 2007 (Continued) 0604 fotlebi, totebi da mcenareebis Foliage, branches and other parts of plants, for ornamental purposes sxva nawilebi pomidori, axali an Seyinuli 3 10 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled xaxvi Taviani, xaxvi-saloti, prasi, niori da sxva xaxvismagvari bostneuli kombosto Taviani, kolrabi, brokoli da sakvebad vargisi analogiuri bostneuli stafilo, Talgami, Warxali da sxva analogiuri sakvebad vargisi Zirnayofebi 2 6 Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks and other alliaceous vegetables Cabbages, cauliflowers, kohlrabi, kale and similar edible brassicas Carrots, turnips, salad beetroot, radishes and similar edible roots 0709 bostneuli sxva, axali an Seyinuli Other vegetables, 0710 bostneuli gayinuli Vegetables, frozen 0802 kakali sxva, axali an gamxmari Other nuts, fresh or dried 0803 bananebi, plantainebis CaTvliT, axali an gamxmari Bananas 0805 citrusebis nayofi axali an gamxmari Citrus fruit, fresh or dried 0808 vasli, msxali da komsi, axali Apples, pears and quinces, fresh 0809 gargari, alubali da bali, atami, qliavi da RoRnoSo, axali Apricots, cherries, peaches, plums and sloes, fresh 0810 nayofebi sxva, axali Other fruit, fresh 0811 nayofi da kakali Saqris damatebit an mis garese Fruit and nuts, frozen 0813 nayofebi gamxmari Fruit, dried 0902 Cai, aromatizebuli an araaromatizebuli Tea 0910 kowa, zafrana, urci, dafnis fotoli, kari da sxva saneleblebi Ginger, saffron, turmeric, thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices 1001 xorbali da meslini Wheat and meslin 1003 qeri Barley 1005 simindi Maize 1008 wiwibura, fetvi da sxva marcvleuli Buckwheat, other cereals 1102 fqvili sxva marcvleulisa 2 3 Other cereal flours 1104 marcvleuli datexili an damsxvreuli wmindad da uxesad dafquli fqvili da fxvnili gamxmari parkosani bostneulisagan Cereal grains otherwise worked; germ of cereals Flour and meal of the dried leguminous vegetables 1107 alao moxaluli an mouxalavi Malt, whether or not roasted 21

22 saqartvelos eqsporti harmonizebuli sistemis Georgian exports by HS commodity positions in 2007 (Continued) 1108 saxamebeli; inulini 3 6 Starches; inulin 1201 soios marcvali, damsxvreuli an daumsxvreveli 2 5 Soya beans 1206 mzesumziris Tesli, damsxvreuli an daumsxvreveli Sunflower seeds 1208 fqvili wmindad da uxesad dafquli, zetovani kulturebis Teslis an nayofisagan Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits 1209 Tesli, nayofi da sporebi dasatesad mcenareebi parfiumeriis, farmacevtuli da analogiuri miznebisatvis Selaqi; gumfisebi bunebrivi, fisebi, gumfisebi da ZivTi 3 0 Seeds, fruit and spores, of a kind used for sowing Plants and parts of plants, of a kind used in perfumery or similar purposes Lac; natural gums, resins, gumresins and balsams 1302 mcenareuli wvenebi da eqstraqtebi Vegetable saps and extracts 1401 masalebi mcenareuli warmosobisa, ZiriTadad dasawnavad gamosayenebeli Vegetable materials of a kind used primarily for plaiting 1404 masalebi mcenareuli warmosobisa, sxva adgilas dausaxelebeli Vegetable products 1504 cximebi, qonebi da mati fraqciebi, Fats and oils and their fractions, Tevzis an zrvis ZuZumwovrebisa of fish or marine mammals 1510 sxva zetebi da mati fraqciebi, Other oils and their fractions, mirebuli mxolod zetisxilisagan obtained solely from olives 1512 zeti mzesumzirisa, alisarculisa an bambisa da mati fraqciebi zeti qoqosisa, palmis nayofis gulisa an zeti babasusi da mati fraqciebi Sunflower-seed, safflower or cotton-seed oil and fractions thereof Coconut, palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions thereof 1515 cximebi sxva da cximovani mcenareuli Other fixed vegetable fats, oils and their fractions, but not chemi- zetebi da mati fraqciebi cally modified 1516 cximebi da zetebi cxoveluri an Animal or vegetable fats and oils mcenareuli 12 6 and their fractions 1517 margarini Margarine 1601 Zexvi da analogiuri produqtebi xorcis, xorcis subproduqtebis an sisxlisagan mza an dakonservebuli produqtebi xorcis, xorcis subproduqtebisagan, sxva Saqari Sugar Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood 22

23 saqartvelos eqsporti harmonizebuli sistemis Georgian exports by HS commodity positions in 2007 (Continued) 1702 Saqari sxva saxeobebisa sakonditro nawarmi Saqrisagan, romlebic ar Seicaven kakaos kakao-fxvnili Saqris an sxva damatkbobeli nivtierebebis damatebis garese Sokoladi da kakaos Semcveli kvebis sxva mza produqtebi Other sugars, sugar syrups, artificial honey, caramel Sugar confectionery, not containing cocoa Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa Malt extract; food preparations of flour, meal, starch or malt extract Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed or otherwise prepared 1901 alaos eqstraqti spageti, makaroni, vermiseli, atria da sxva kvebis mza produqtebi, mirebuli pureuli marcvlovanebis gafuebit Prepared foods, obtained from an moxalvit 7 2 cereals; cereals in grain form 1905 puri, fqvilovani sakonditro nawarmi, Saqarlama, namcxvari da sxva purfuntuseuli Bread, pastry, cakes and the like 2001 bostneuli, kakali da mcenaris sakvebad vargisi sxva nawilebi, ZmarSi damzadebuli 9 9 Vegetables and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved 2002 pomidori Zmris an ZmarmJavas damatebis garese damzadebuli an dakonservebuli Tomatoes prepared or preserved 2004 bostneuli sxva, Zmris damatebis garese, damzadebuli an dakonservebuli, gayinuli bostneuli sxva, Zmris damatebis garese, damzadebuli an dakonservebuli, gauyinavi 46 8 Other vegetables prepared otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen Other vegetables prepared or preserved, not frozen 2006 bostneuli, nayofi, kakali Fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other parts of plants, preserved by SaqarSi dakonservebuli 0 0 sugar 2007 jemi, xil-kenkrovani Jele, marmeladi Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, da sxva fruit or nut pure or pastes 2008 nayofi da mcenaris sxva nawilebi, sxva wesit damzadebuli an dakonservebuli Fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, otherwise prepared or preserved 2009 wvenebi xilis da bostneulis Fruit and vegetable juices 2101 eqstraqtebi, esenciebi da koncentratebi yavis, Cais an matesi 0 0 Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or mat 2103 produqtebi saweblebis mosamzadeblad da saweblebi mza, mdogvi Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed seasonings 2106 kvebis produqtebi, sxva adgilas dausaxelebeli Other food preparations 23

24 saqartvelos eqsporti harmonizebuli sistemis Georgian exports by HS commodity positions in 2007 (Continued) Waters, natural or artificial mineral and aerated waters (L) 2201 wylebi mineraluri (l) wylebi, mineralurisa da dagazianebulis CaTvliT, Saqris danamatebis SemcvelobiT (l) ludi (l) Beer (L) 2204 yurznis naturaluri Rvinoebi (l) Wine of fresh grapes (L) 2205 vermutebi da yurznis sxva naturaluri Rvinoebi (l) spirti etilisa aradenaturirebuli, spirtis koncentraciit aranakleb 80 moc.%-isa (l) spirti etilis, spirtis koncentraciit 80 moc.%-ze naklebi, spirtiani sasmelebi (l 100% spirti) fqvili da granulebi xorcis, Tevzis an kibosnairebisagan Waters, mineral and aerated waters, containing added sugar (L) Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with any substances (L) Undenatured ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength (L) Undenatured ethyl alcohol, spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages (L 100% spirit) Flours, meals and pellets, unfit for human consumption; greaves 2302 anaceri, qato da sxva narcenebi Bran, sharps and other residues 2304 koptoni da sxva myari narcenebi, Oil-cake and other solid residues, mirebuli soios zetis eqstrahirebisas soya-bean resulting from the extraction of oil 2306 koptoni da sxva myari narcenebi, mirebuli mcenareuli cximebis eqstrahirebisas produqtebi, cxovelebis sakvebad gamosayenebeli sigarebi, sigarilebi da sigaretebi Tambaqos an misi Semcvlelebisagan (1000 cali) qvisa bunebrivi yvela saxis, SeRebili an SeuRebavi Oil-cake and other solid residues, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes (1000 p/st) Natural sands of all kinds, whether or not coloured 2507 kaolini da kaolinuri Tixebi sxva, kalcinirebuli an arakalcinirebuli 1 60 Kaolin and other kaolinic clays 2508 sxva Tixebi Other clays 2512 infuzoruli miwebi 1 an naklebi Siliceous fossil meals and similar xvedriti wonit 0 0 siliceous earths 2515 marmarilo, kirqviani tufi, ekausini da sxva kirqvebi 1 18 Marble, tufa, ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building, alabaster 24

25 saqartvelos eqsporti harmonizebuli sistemis Georgian exports by HS commodity positions in 2007 (Continued) 2516 graniti, porfiri, bazalti, qvisaqva da sxva qvebi kenwi, xresi, RorRi an damsxvreuli qva 0 0 Granite, basalt and other monumental or building stone Pebbles, gravel, crushed stone, shingle and flint, macadam of slag, dross 2518 dolomiti Dolomite 2520 TabaSiri; anhidriti; batqasi Gypsum; anhydrite; plasters 2521 kirqvis flusi; kirovani qva, gamoyenebuli kiris an cementis dasamzadeblad 0 3 Limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone 2523 cementi Cement 2530 mineraluri nivtierebebi, sxva adgilas dausaxelebeli Mineral substances 2602 madnebi da koncentratebi manganumis Manganese ores and concentrates 2603 madnebi da koncentratebi spilen- Zis Copper ores and concentrates 2617 madnebi da koncentratebi sxva 0 0 Other ores and concentrates 2618 wida granulirebuli, mirebuli Savi litonebis warmoebis proces- Si Granulated slag from the manufacture of iron or steel 2619 wida, drosi, xenji da Savi li- Tonebis warmoebis sxva narcenebi nacari da sxva narcenebi, litonebis an litonebis SenaerTebis SemcvelobiT qvanaxsiri, myari sawvavis saxeobebi, mirebuli qvanaxsirisagan navtobi nedli da navtobproduqtebi nedli, mirebuli bitumovani mineralebisagan Slag, dross, scalings and other waste from the manufacture of iron or steel Ash and residues, containing metals or metallic compounds Coal; briquettes and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal Crude petroleum and petroleum oils 2710 navtobi da navtobproduqtebi Petroleum and petroleum oils 2711 navtobis airebi da airisebri nax- Petroleum gases and other gaseous Sirwyalbadebi sxva 0 0 hydrocarbons Bituminous mixtures based on 2715 bitumovani narevebi, bunebrivi natural asphalt or on natural bitumen asfalti eleqtroenergia (1000 kvt. st) Electrical energy (1000 kilowatthours) 2804 wyalbadi, inertuli airebi da sxva aralitonebi Hydrogen, rare gases and other non-metals 2808 azotmjava; sulfoazotmjavebi Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids 2810 boris oqsidebi; boris mjavebi 0 0 Oxides of boron; boric acids 25

26 saqartvelos eqsporti harmonizebuli sistemis Georgian exports by HS commodity positions in 2007 (Continued) 2811 araorganuli mjavebi da arali- Tonebis araorganuli Jangbad- Semcveli naertebi sxva amiaki uwylo an wyalxsnarsi Other inorganic acids and other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals Ammonia, anhydrous or in aqueous solution Sodium hydroxide; potassium hydroxide; peroxides of sodium or potassium 2815 natriumis an kaliumis hidroqsidi da peroqsidebi TuTiis oqsidi; TuTiis peroqsidi 1 1 Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide 2818 xelovnuri korundi; aluminis Aluminium oxide; aluminium oqsidi; aluminis hidroqsidi hydroxide 2820 manganumis oqsidebi Manganese oxides 2825 hidrazini da hidroqsilamini da mati araorganuli marilebi qloridebi, oqsiqloridebi da hidroqsidqloridebi; bromidebi da sxva hipoqloritebi; kaliumis hipoqloriti teqnikuri; qloritebi; hipobromitebi sulfatebi; Sabebi; peroqsosulfatebi cianidebi, oqsidcianidebi, kompleqsuri cianidebi Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts; other inorganic bases Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides; bromides and iodides Hypochlorites; commercial calcium hypochlorite; chlorites; hypobromites Sulphates; alums; peroxosulphates Cyanides, cyanide oxides and complex cyanides 2847 wyalbadis peroqsidi, SardovaniT gamyarebuli an gaumyarebeli 5 8 Hydrogen peroxide 2849 karbidebi, gansazrvruli an ganusazrvreli qimiuri Sedgenilobis Carbides 2905 spirtebi acikluri da mati warmoebulebi mjavebi acikluri, monokarbonuli najeri, peroqsidebi da peroqsim- Javebi karbonmjavebi, damatebiti JangbadSemcveli funqcionaluri jgufebis SemcvelobiT naertebi, funqcionaluri karboqsamiduli jgufis Semcveli naertebi heterocikluri, mxolod azotis heteroatomis (ebis) SemcvelobiT provitaminebi da vitaminebi, bunebrivi an sintezirebuli 32 6 Acyclic alcohols and their derivatives Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their anhydrides; their derivatives Carboxylic acids and their anhydrides Carboxyamide-function compounds; amide-function compounds of carbonic acid Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only; nucleic acids and salts Provitamins and vitamins, derivatives and intermixtures thereof 26

27 saqartvelos eqsporti harmonizebuli sistemis Georgian exports by HS commodity positions in 2007 (Continued) 2939 alkaloidebi, mcenareuli warmo- Sobisa Vegetable alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis, and their derivatives 2941 antibiotikebi 16 1 Antibiotics 2942 sxva organuli naertebi 76 1 Other organic compounds 3001 jirkvlebi da sxva organoebi, gankutvnili organoterapiisatvis sisxli adamianisa; sisxli cxovelebisa samedicino miznebisatvis samkurnalo sasualebebi daufasoebeli samkurnalo sasualebebi dafasoebuli Human or animal substances prepared for organotherapeutic uses, and there extracts Human or animal blood, prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses Medicaments, not put up in measured doses Medicaments put up in measured doses Wadding and similar articles impregnated or coated with pharmaceutical substances 3005 bamba, dolbandi, bandebi da analogiuri nawarmi farmacevtuli produqcia Pharmaceutical goods 3102 sasuqebi mineraluri an qimiuri, Mineral or chemical fertilizers, azotovani nitrogenous 3204 sarebari nivtierebebi sintezuri Synthetic organic colouring matter 3206 sarebari nivtierebebi sxva Other colouring matter 3208 sarebavebi da laqebi sintezuri polimerebis an qimiurad modificirebuli safuzvelze Paints and varnishes dispersed or dissolved in a non-aqueous medium 3209 sarebavebi da laqebi bunebrivi polimerebis safuzvelze, wylian garemosi gaxsnili Paints and varnishes dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium 3210 sarebavebi da laqebi sxva 22 3 Other paints and varnishes 3212 pigmentebi 2 0 Pigments, stamping foils; dyes and other colouring matter 3213 samxatvro sarebavebi 0 0 Amusement colours and the like, for artists or students 3214 sagozavebi minisa da sabare Non-refractory surfacing preparations for walls, floors, ceilings or the like 3301 eterzetebi 10 0 Essential oils and resinoids 3302 narevebi gamosayenebuli sasmelebis warmoebasi 43 6 Mixtures of odoriferous substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industry 3303 sunamoebi da tualetis wyali Perfumes and toilet waters 27

28 saqartvelos eqsporti harmonizebuli sistemis Georgian exports by HS commodity positions in 2007 (Continued) 3304 kosmetikuri sasualebebi an makia- Beauty or make-up preparations and preparations for the care of Jisa da kanis movlis sasualebebi the skin 3305 sasualebebi TmebisaTvis Preparations for use on the hair 3306 sasualebebi piris Rrus an kbilebis higienisatvis saparsi sasualebebi, dezodorantebi Preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations 3401 saponi Soap 3402 sarecxi da sawmendi sasualebebi Washing and cleaning preparations 3403 sapoxi masalebi 19 1 Lubricating preparations 3405 vaqsebi da sacxebi fexsacmelebisatvis 72 6 Polishes and creams, for footwear 3406 santlebi, cvilis wvrili santlebi da analogiuri naketobebi 19 2 Candles, tapers and the like 3407 pastebi ZerwvisaTvis, kbilsamkurnalo cvili kazeini, kazeinatebi da kazeinis sxva warmoebulebi; kazeinis weboebi 13 5 Modelling pastes, plasticine, 'dental wax' or 'dental impression compounds' Casein, caseinates and other casein derivatives 3504 peptonebi da mati warmoebulebi 10 9 Peptones and their derivatives 3505 deqstrinebi da sxva modificirebuli saxameblebi 0 0 Dextrins and other modified starches; glues based on starches 3506 mza weboebi Prepared glues and other prepared adhesives 3601 denti 10 1 Propellent powders 3602 asafetqebeli nivtierebebi mza, garda dentisa Prepared explosives 3603 bikfordis zonrebi; sadecio zonrebi; dasartyami an sadecio kafsulebi Safety, deting fuses; percussion or deting caps; electric detors 3604 feierverkebi, sasignalo SuSxunebi, wvimis raketebi da sxva piroteqnikuri nawarmi 89 2 Fireworks, signalling flares, rain rockets and other pyrotechnic articles 3605 asanti 17 1 Matches 3606 feroceriumi da sxva piroforuli Senadnobebi nebismieri formit 0 0 Ferro-cerium and other pyrophoric alloys in all forms 28

29 saqartvelos eqsporti harmonizebuli sistemis Georgian exports by HS commodity positions in 2007 (Continued) 3701 fotofirfitebi da brtyeli fotofirebi fotofirebi rulonebad, sensibilizebuli, araeqsponirebuli fotografiuli qaraldi da safeiqro masala, sensibilizebuli, araeqsponirebuli kinofiri, eqsponirebuli da gam- JRavnebuli fotoqimikatebi kanifoli da fisovani mjavebi, da mati warmoebulebi inseqticidebi da mcenareta armocenebis sawinaarmdego sasualebebi da zrdis regulatorebi antidetorebi, antioqsidantebi, fiswarmomqmneli inhibitorebi da sxva Semadgenilobebi da muxti cecxlsaqrobebisatvis; damuxtuli cecxlsaqrobi Wurvebi gamxsnelebi da ganmzaveblebi rtuli organuli iniciatorebi, damacqareblebi reaqciebisa da katalizatorebi cecxlgamzle cementebi, samseneblo xsnarebi, betoni da analogiuri Sedgenilobebi sitxeebi samuxruwe hidravlikuri da hidravlikuri gadacemebisatvis antifrizebi da sitxeebi antisemomyinavi mza reagentebi diagnostikuri an laboratoriuli nivtierebebi Semkvreli mza, samsxmelo formebis warmoebasi gamosayenebeli polimerebi etilenisa, pirveladi formebit polimerebi vinilqloridisa an sxva haloginirebuli olefinebisa 2 30 Photographic plates and film in the flat, unexposed Photographic film in rolls, sensitised, unexposed, of any material Photographic paper, sensitised, unexposed Cinematographic film, exposed and developed Chemical preparations for photographic uses Rosin and resin acids, and derivatives thereof anti-sprouting products and plantgrowth regulators, disinfectants and similar Anti-knock preparations and other prepared additives, for any liquids Preparations and charges for fireextinguishers; charged fireextinguishing grenades Organic composite solvents and thinners, prepared paint or varnish removers Reaction initiators, reaction accelerators and catalytic preparations Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions Hydraulic brake fluids and other prepared liquids, obtained from bituminous minerals Anti-freezing preparations and prepared de-icing fluids Composite diagnostic or laboratory reagents Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; chemical products and preparations Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins, in primary forms 29

30 saqartvelos eqsporti harmonizebuli sistemis Georgian exports by HS commodity positions in 2007 (Continued) 3905 polimerebi vinilacetatis an sxva rtuli vinilis eterebisa pirveladi formebit poliacetalebi, polieterebi martivi sxva da fisebi epoqsidisa pirveladi formebit aminofisebi, fenolis fisebi da poliuretanebi, pirveladi formebit 5 5 Polymers of vinyl acetate or of other vinyl esters, in primary forms Polyacetals and epoxide resins, and other polyesters in primary forms Amino-resins, phenolic resins and polyurethanes, in primary forms Petroleum resins, polyterpenes and other products, in primary forms Waste, parings and scrap, of plastics Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings therefor, of plastics 3911 fisebi navtobisa, kumaron-indenis fisebi da politerpenebi narcenebi, CamonaWrebi da jarti plastmasebisagan milebi, milakebi da Slangebi da mati fitingebi plastmasebisagan safarebi iatakisatvis polimeruli masalebisagan 11 7 Floor coverings of plastics 3919 filebi, furclebi, kilita da sxva brtyeli formebi polimeruli masalisagan filebi, furclebi sxva polimeruli masalebisagan filebi, furclebi, firebi, kilita da zoli polimeruli masalebisagan abazanebi, Sxapebi da analogiuri sanitarul-teqnikuri nawarmi plastmasebisagan nawarmi saqonlis transportirebisatvis an mis SesafuTad plastmasebisagan WurWeli sasadilo, saojaxo niv- Tebi sxva da tualetis sagnebi plastmasebisagan 8 3 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, and other flat shapes, of plastics Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics Other plates, film, foil and strip, of plastics Baths, shower-baths, washbasins, bidets, and similar sanitary ware, of plastics Articles for the conveyance or packing of goods; stoppers and lids of plastics Tableware, kitchenware, other household and toilet articles of plastics 3925 detalebi samseneblo, plastmasebisagan, sxva adgilas dausaxelebeli 22 9 Builders' ware of plastics 3926 nawarmi plastmasebis, sxva firfitebi, furclebi, wnelebi da fasonuri profilebi vulkanizebuli rezinisagan milebi, Slangebi da garsamosebi vulkanizebuli rezinisagan lentebi transportiorisa an amzravi Rvedebi Other articles of plastics and articles of other materials Plates, sheets, strip, rods and profile shapes, of vulcanised rubber Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber Conveyor or transmission belts or belting, of vulcanised rubber 30