2013 Small Grain Forage Trial: Species x Harvest Date

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1 213 Smll Grin Forge Tril: Speies x Hrvest Dte Dr. Hether Dry, UVM Extension gronomist Susn Monhn, Conner urke, Eri Cummings, n Hnnh Hrwoo UVM Extension Crops n Soils Tehniins Visit us on the we: Mrh 214, University of Vermont Extension

2 213 SMLL GRIN FORGE TRIL: SPECIES X HRVEST DTE Dr. Hether Dry, University of Vermont Extension hether.ry[t]uvm.eu Spring erel grins suh s ots, rley, tritile n whet hve the potentil to provie high yiel n qulity fee for livestok. These ool seson nnuls n provie erly seson grzing, s well s high qulity store fee. Spring grins re generlly plnte in mi to lte pril n n e hrveste t vrious stges of evelopment. The ojetive of this projet ws to evlute yiel n qulity of vrious spring grin speies hrveste in the vegettive, oot, milk, or soft ough stge. The overll gol of this projet is to help orgni iry prouers reue their reline on expensive onentrtes through the proution of vriety of high qulity nnul forges. The t presente here is from one replite reserh tril in Vermont. Crop performne t from itionl tests in ifferent lotions, n often over severl yers, shoul e ompre efore you mke onlusions. MTERILS ND METHODS In 213, smll grin forge tril ws repete t orerview Reserh Frm in lurgh, VT (Tle 1). The previous rop in this lotion ws soyens, n the seee ws prepre y onventionl tillge methos. The fiel ws iske n spike tooth hrrowe in pril to prepre for plnting. Plots were plnte with six-inh Kini one seeer on 3-My t seeing rte of 125 ls re -1. The vrieties n see soure re liste in Tle 2. Eh tretment ws hrveste t four evelopment stges: vegettive, oot, milk, n soft ough (Tle 3). Susmples of pproximtely 2.5 ft 2 were ut 3 from the groun, rie t 4 o C, n weighe to etermine ry mtter yiel. Oven ry smples were orsely groun with Wiley mill (Thoms Sientifi, Sweesoro, NJ), finely groun with UDY ylone mill with 1 mm sreen (Seeuro, Des Plines, IL) n nlyze with n NIRS (Ner Infrre Refletne Spetrosopy) DS25 Fee n Forge nlyzer (Foss, Een Pririe, MN) t the University of Vermont Cerel Testing L (urlington, VT). Results were nlyze with n nlysis of vrine metho of omprison in SS (Cry, NC). Tle 1. Generl plot mngement. Tril Informtion orerview Reserh Frm lurgh, VT Soil type Covington silty ly lom Previous rop Soyens Row with (in.) 6 Plnting te 3-My Seeing rte Tillge methos 125 ls/re Mol or plow, isk, n spike tooth hrrow Tle 2. Smll grin forge vrieties n see soure. Speies Vriety Soure rley MGwire RDR Grins et Semenes rley Roust lert Le Sees Forge rley Hyet lert Le Sees Forge Ot Everlef King s grisee Ot Tk lert Le Sees Tritile C Ultim Oliver Sees Hr Whet Mgog Semin Soft Whet Kffe Semin

3 Forge qulity nlysis inlue rue protein (CP), i etergent fier (DF), neutrl etergent fier (NDF) n vrious other nutrients. Mixtures of true proteins, ompose of mino is n non-protein nitrogen mke up the rue protein (CP) ontent of forges. The ulky hrteristis of forge ome from fier. Forge feeing vlues re negtively ssoite with fier ontent sine the less igestile portions of the plnt re ontine in the fier frtion. The etergent fier nlysis system seprtes forges into two prts: ell ontents, whih inlue sugrs, strhes, proteins, non-protein nitrogen, fts n other highly igestile ompouns; n the less igestile omponents foun in the fier frtion. The totl fier ontent of forge is ontine in the neutrl etergent fier (NDF). Chemilly, this frtion inlues ellulose, hemiellulose n lignin. i etergent fier (DF) represents the lest igestile portion of fier: the lignin n ellulose. Reently, forge testing lortories hve egun to evlute forges for NDF igestiility. Evlution of forges n other feestuffs for NDF igestiility is eing onute to i preition of fee energy ontent n niml performne. Reserh hs emonstrte tht ltting iry ows will et more ry mtter n proue more milk when fe forges with optimum NDF igestiility. Forges with inrese NDF igestiility (NDFD) will result in higher energy vlues, n perhps more importntly, inrese forge intkes. Forge NDF igestiility n rnge from 2 8%. The Totl Digestile Nutrients (TDN), Net Energy of Lttion (NE L ), n Reltive Fee Vlue (RFV) were lulte from forge nlysis t. Tle 3. Hrvest te t eh stge of mturity for the spring grin forges. Vriety Vegettive oot Milk Soft Dough MGwire rley 13-Jun 24 & 27-Jun 9-Jul 22-Jul Roust rley 13-Jun 24-Jun 9-Jul 22-Jul Hyet rley 13-Jun 24-Jun 9 & 16-Jul 22-Jul Everlef Ots 13-Jun 3-Jul 22-Jul 6-ug Tk Ots 13-Jun 24-Jun 9-Jul 22-Jul C Ultim Tritile 13-Jun 24-Jun 9 &16-Jul 29-Jul Mgog HRSW 13-Jun 24 & 27-Jun 9-Jul 22 & 29-Jul Kffe SWSW 13-Jun 1-Jul 16-Jul 29-Jul Vritions in yiel n qulity n our euse of vritions in genetis, soil, wether n other growing onitions. Sttistil nlysis mkes it possile to etermine whether ifferene mong vrieties is rel, or whether it might hve ourre ue to other vritions in the fiel. t the ottom of eh tle, LSD vlue is presente for eh vrile (i.e. yiel). Lest Signifint ifferenes (LSD s) t the 1% level of proility re shown. Where the ifferene etween two tretments within olumn is equl to or greter thn the LSD vlue t the ottom of the olumn, you n e sure in 9 out of 1 hnes tht there is rel ifferene etween the two vrieties. Tretments tht were not signifintly lower in performne thn the highest vlue in prtiulr olumn re inite with n sterisk. In the exmple elow, is signifintly ifferent from C ut not from. The ifferene etween n is equl to 1.5, whih is less thn the LSD vlue of 2.. This mens tht these vrieties i not iffer in yiel. The ifferene etween n C is equl to 3., whih is greter thn the LSD vlue of 2.. This mens tht the yiels of these vrieties were signifintly ifferent from one nother. The sterisk inites tht ws not signifintly lower thn the top yieling vriety. Vriety Yiel * C 9.* LSD 2.

4 RESULTS ND DISCUSSION Sesonl preipittion n temperture reore t wether sttion in lurgh, VT re shown in Tle 4. From pril to ugust, there ws n umultion of 451 Growing Degree Dys (GDDs), in lurgh whih is 18 GDDs more thn the 3-yer verge. Tle 4. Sesonl wether t 1 ollete in lurgh, VT, 213. lurgh, VT pril My June July ugust verge temperture ( F) Deprture from norml Preipittion (inhes) Deprture from norml Growing Degree Dys (se 32 F) Deprture from norml se on wether t from Dvis Instruments Vntge Pro2 with WetherLink t logger. Historil verges re for 3 yers of NO t ( ) from urlington, VT. ⱡ June 213 preipittion t se on Ntionl Wether Servie t from oopertive sttions in South Hero, VT ( Hrvest Stge Forges hrveste in the milk stge yiele the highest ry mtter verging 535 ls ry mtter re -1 (Tle 5). Protein levels were highest uring the vegettive stge, verging 24.4%. itionlly, the vegettive stge h the lowest fier ontent, highest fier igestiility, highest totl igestile nutrients, highest net energy of lttion n highest reltive fee vlue. Fier ontent generlly inreses s plnts mture, ut the formtion of strh in the soft ough stge ilutes overll fier ontent. Tle 5. Cerel grin yiel n qulity ompre ross hrvest stges. Hrvest DM Yiel CP DF NDF NDFD TDN NE L RFV % l -1 % % % % % Ml l -1 Vegettive 16.* * 27.8* 44.2* 73.5* 67.1*.7* 139.3* oot 16.6* Milk 28.2* 535* Soft Dough Tril men LSD (p<.1) Vrieties with n sterisk inite tht it ws not signifintly ifferent thn the top performer in olumn (in ol). Smll Grin Vrieties Of the eight forge vrieties grown, Everlef ots n Hyet rley were speifilly re s forge vrieties, whih mens they hve een re to e lefier n sty vegettive longer thn other smll grins. verge ross ll hrvests, Everlef ots yiele the highest t 541 ls re -1, while MGwire rley h the highest protein, igestile NDF, NE L n RFV (Tle 6). In generl, MGwire, Hyet, n Roust rleys h the most esirle forge qulity hrteristis.

5 DM Yiels (ls/re) Tle 6. Smll grin forge yiel n qulity verge ross four hrvest stges (vegettive, oot, milk, n soft ough). Vriety DM Yiel CP DF NDF NDFD TDN NE L RFV % l -1 % % % % % Ml l -1 Everlef 19.8* 541* * Hyet * 52.1* 59.6* 63.9*.66* 114.4* Kffe Mgog MGwire * 31.6* 52.2* 61.3* 64.3*.67* 115.6* Roust * 51.7* *.67* 114.7* Tk 2.1* Tritile Tril men LSD (p<.1) Vrieties with n sterisk inite tht it ws not signifintly ifferent thn the top performer in olumn (in ol). Hrvest Stge x Vriety Intertion There ws hrvest stge y vriety intertion for eh prmeter stuie, whih inites tht vrieties performe ifferently t eh hrvest. For exmple, Figure 1 shows tht DM yiels of Everlef ots inrese with eh stge of mturity, while yiels of MGwire rley peke t the oot stge n erese fter tht. Net energy of lttion generlly erese for eh forge with mturity, verging.7 Ml l -1 in the vegettive stge n.62 Ml l -1 in the soft ough stge (Tle 5). However, NE L of Roust rley i not follow this pttern (Figure 2). Net energy of lttion of Roust rley stye firly onstnt with eh hrvest, tully inresing from the milk stge to the soft ough stge. 9 Vegettive oot Milk Soft Dough Everlef Hyet Kffe Mgog MGwire Roust Tk Tritile Smll Grin Forges Figure 1. Dry mtter yiels of eight smll grin forges t four stges of mturity (vegettive, oot, milk, n soft ough).

6 NEL (Ml/l) Vegettive oot Milk Soft ough Everlef Hyet Kffe Mgog MGwire Roust Tk Tritile Smll Grin Forges Figure 2. Net energy of lttion (NE L ) of smll grin forges t four stges of mturity (vegettive, oot, milk, n soft ough). Vegettive Stge Hrvest Forges were hrveste t the vegettive stge to oument the vlue of smll grins s potentil erly seson grzing rop. t the vegettive hrvest, the highest yieling tretment ws Roust rley, verging 279 ls ry mtter re -1 (Tle 7). Kffe whet h the highest protein levels, over 25% CP (Figure 3). Overll in the vegettive stge, Everlef forge ots h etter qulity thn the other smll grins, with the lowest NDF levels, n highest igestile NDFD, TDN, NE L, n RFV (Figure 4). Tle 7. Smll grin forge yiel n qulity when hrveste in the vegettive stge, June 213. Vegettive Stge DM Yiel CP DF NDF NDFD TDN NE L RFV % l -1 % % % % % Ml l -1 Everlef 13.2* 1899* 25.* * 76.3* 67.8*.7* 145.1* Hyet * 67.1* Kffe * 25.* 42.4* 75.* 68.2*.71* 149.* Mgog *.69* MGwire * 25.9* 43.1* *.71* 145.3* Roust * Tk 11.6* *.7* Tritile * Tril men LSD (p<.1) *Vrieties with n sterisk inite tht it ws not signifintly ifferent thn the top performer in olumn (in ol).

7 Reltive Fee Vlue n igestile NDF (%) Net Energy of Lttion (Ml/l) DM Yiel (ls/re) Crue protein (%) 25 2 C C C Yiel Crue protein D e Roust Everlef Hyet Tk Tritile Mgog MGwire Kffe Smll Grin Forges Figure 3. Yiel n protein of smll grin forge hrveste in the vegettive stge. Tretments with the sme letter i not iffer signifintly from one nother NDF RFV NEL e e e e.66 7 Everlef Hyet Kffe Mgog MGwire Roust Tk Tritile Smll Grin Forges.65 Figure 4. Reltive fee vlue (RFV-squres), net energy of lttion (NE L -tringles), n igestile neutrl etergent fier (NDFD-imons) of smll grin forge hrveste in the vegettive stge. Tretments with the sme letter i not iffer signifintly from one nother.

8 DM Yiel (ls/re) Crue Protein (%) oot Stge Hrvest In smll grin evelopment, the oot stge ours when the grin he is just rely visile n out to emerge. Tk ots h the gretest ry mtter yiels when hrveste in the oot stge, 4494 ls ry mtter re -1 (Tle 8 n Figure 5). There ws no ifferene in protein levels in the oot stge, whih verge 18.1%. Overll, there were not mny ifferenes in forge qulity uring the oot stge exept for DF n NDF levels (Figure 6). MGwire rley h the lowest DF while Everlef ots h the lowest NDF levels. Tle 8. Smll grin forge yiel n qulity hrveste in the oot stge, June n July 213. oot Stge DM Yiel CP DF NDF NDFD TDN NE L RFV % l -1 % % % % % Ml l -1 Everlef 11.5* 447* * Hyet * Kffe * Mgog * MGwire * Roust * Tk * Tritile * Tril men LSD (p<.1) NS NS NS NS NS * Vrieties with n sterisk inite tht it ws not signifintly ifferent thn the top performer in olumn (in ol). NS - None of the vrieties were signifintly ifferent from one nother. 5 Yiel Crue protein Tk Everlef Hyet Tritile Roust MGwire Kffe Mgog Smll Grin Forges Figure 5. Yiel n protein of smll grin forge in the oot stge. Tretments with the sme letter i not iffer signifintly from one nother.

9 DF n NDF (% of DM) Reltive Fee Vlue DF NDF RFV Everlef Hyet Kffe Mgog MGwire Roust Tk Tritile 5 Smll Grin Forges Figure 6. i etergent fier (DF-imons), neutrl etergent fier (NDF-squres), n reltive fee vlue (RFV-tringles) of smll grin forge hrveste in the oot stge. Tretments with the sme letter i not iffer signifintly from one nother. Milk Stge Hrvest Tk ots were the highest yieling forge when hrveste uring the milk stge (Tle 9 n Figure 7). Tk yiele lose to 7 ls ry mtter re -1. Other top yielers inlue Everlef ots, Roust rley, n Hyet rley. MGwire rley h the highest protein levels of the milk stge t 14.8%. MGwire ws lso top performer for ll the other qulity hrteristis with the lowest DF, n highest NDFD, TDN, n NE L. The other rley vrieties lso h similrly low DF n NDF levels, n high TDN, NE L, n RFV (Figure 8). Tle 9. Smll grin forge yiel n qulity hrveste t the milk stge, July 213. Milk Stge DM Yiel CP DF NDF NDFD TDN NE L RFV % l -1 % % % % % Ml l -1 Everlef 21.9* 6865* Hyet * * 55.7* *.65* 12.7* Kffe Mgog * * MGwire 24.8* * 34.1* 56.8* 59.8* 62.9*.65* 1.7* Roust * * 55.6* *.65* 11.2* Tk 22.7* 6886* * *.65* 94. Tritile Tril men LSD (p<.1) * Vrieties with n sterisk inite tht it ws not signifintly ifferent thn the top performer in olumn (in ol).

10 DF n NDFD (%) RFV DM Yiel (ls/re) Crue protein (%) 8 Yiel Crue protein C C C C C C Tk Everlef Roust Hyet Kffe Mgog Tritile MGwire Smll Grin Forges Figure 7. Yiel n rue protein (CP) of smll grin forges hrveste in the milk stge. Tretments with the sme letter i not iffer signifintly from one nother. 75 DF NDF RFV Everlef Hyet Kffe Mgog MGwire Roust Tk Tritile Smll Grin Forges 4 Figure 8. i etergent fier (DF-imons), igestile neutrl etergent fier (NDFD-squres), n reltive fee vlue (RFV-tringles) of smll grin forge hrveste in milk stge. Tretments with the sme letter i not iffer signifintly from one nother.

11 DM Yiels (ls/re) Crue protein (%) Soft Dough Hrvest Everlef ots yiele the highest of ll the forge speies in the soft ough stge, verging 848 ls re -1 (Tle 1, Figure 9). Everlef ots yiele 21 ls more thn the next highest yieler, Tk ots. The three rley vrieties n tritile h similrly high CP levels over 1%. Roust rley h the lowest DF n NDF levels, wheres ll three rley vrieties h high igestile fier (NDFD). Overll, Roust rley lso h the most fvorle qulity hrteristis inluing the lowest fier levels, high igestile NDF, the highest TDN, NE L n RFV (Figure 1). Interestingly, yiels eline from the milk to the soft ough stge for most of the grins evlute. This my e prtilly ue to high lef isese prevlene uring the 213 growing seson. Lef iseses use premture eth of the leves n hene potentilly less overll hrveste iomss. Tle 1. Smll grin forge yiel n qulity of soft ough, July n ugust 213. Soft Dough Stge DM Yiel CP DF NDF NDFD TDN NE L RFV % l -1 % % % % % Ml l -1 Everlef * Hyet 56.4* * * Kffe Mgog * MGwire * * Roust * 28.3* 48.4* 42.4* 64.4*.67* 126.* Tk Tritile 6.9* * Tril men LSD (p<.1) * Vrieties with n sterisk inite tht it ws not signifintly ifferent thn the top performer in olumn (in ol). 8 Yiel Crue protein Everlef Tk Roust Kffe Mgog Hyet Tritile MGwire Smll Grin Forges. Figure 9. Yiel n rue protein of smll grin forge hrveste in the soft ough stge. Tretments with the sme letter i not iffer signifintly from one nother.

12 NDF n NDFD (%) RFV 8 NDF NDF 125 C C RFV 7 D D D 15 E 6 e Everlef Hyet Kffe Mgog MGwire Roust Tk Tritile Smll Grin Forges 25 Figure 1. Neutrl etergent fier (NDF-imons), igestile neutrl etergent fier (NDFD-squres), n reltive fee vlue (RFV-tringles) of smll grin forge hrveste in the soft ough stge. Tretments with the sme letter i not iffer signifintly from one nother. CKNOWLEDGEMENTS The UVM Extension Northwest Crops n Soils Tem woul like to thnk Roger Rinville n the stff t orerview Reserh Frm. This informtion is presente with the unerstning tht no prout isrimintion is intene n neither enorsement of ny prout mentione, nor ritiism of unnme prouts, is implie. UVM Extension helps iniviuls n ommunities put reserh-se knowlege to work. Issue in furtherne of Coopertive Extension work, ts of My 8 n June 3, 1914, in oopertion with the Unite Sttes Deprtment of griulture. University of Vermont Extension, urlington, Vermont, University of Vermont Extension, n U.S. Deprtment of griulture, ooperting, offer eution n employment to everyone without regr to re, olor, ntionl origin, gener, religion, ge, isility, politil eliefs, sexul orienttion, n mritl or fmilil sttus.