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1 What is Diatomaceous Earth? Diatomaceous Earth commonly known as DE, is an organic, completely safe and affordable natural mineral that may be used to feed and nourish crops and farm animals that may be lacking in silica and essential minerals. Diatomaceous earth was first discovered in Europe around It is also known as kieselgur/kieselguhr. Electron microscope image of Mt Garnet Diatoms DE, or fresh water amorphous silica, was formed from the remains of Diatoms which lived in ancient freshwater lakes. These tiny ancient algae had a glassy cylindrical structure which were deposited on the lake bottom over millions of years to form Diatomite. There are many varieties of diatoms having many different shapes and sizes. You will come across many electron microscope slides showing different shapes and sizes. This property of the diatom will make it more or less effective depending on the use. Mount Garnet Diatomite is white in colour and of a high purity. It was formed in high altitude volcanic lakes where mineral water sustained growth and limited inflow from creeks carried clay and contaminants onto the lake floor. The Diatoms from the Mt Garnet mine have a high surface area to size ratio, making the Mt Garnet Diatomaceous Earth some of the best in the world. Water quality and Diatom type determines mineral balance and content with the best quality Diatomaceous Earth having low content of salt and heavy metals with a good balance of trace elements and rare earth minerals. Mined from the dried lake bed, and provided it is kept free from moisture, DE has an unlimited shelf-life. Diatomaceous Earth is mined as rock and crushed to form a powder or small particle size to suit the end user for different applications. The best quality DE is coloured white, with grey and brown-coloured DE being of a lower quality.

2 USES FOR DIATOMACEOUS EARTH Agriculture» Animal Production» Pets Parasite and Pest Control Pets Using food grade diatomaceous earth on Mono-gastric Farm Animals and pets Natural silica is part of the foundation of every living cell and the health of every animal is dependent on receiving an adequate supply of silica and other minerals. Diatomaceous earth supplements the animal s diet where essential minerals are lacking. Dogs Daily inclusion in food strengthens teeth, bones, tendons and improves the function of organs such liver and kidneys. This leads to improved metabolism with resultant health and vitality increase. When used at 1 teaspoon/day on small dogs and 1 tablespoon/day on large dogs over 25kg intestinal worm numbers fall to negligible levels. Fleas can be managed by dusting the dogs coat, their bedding and flee breeding areas. Control results from silica lodging in the breathing apparatus (spiracles) of adults causing asphyxiation and from abrasion of nymphs which leads to de-hydration and death. Chickens of all farm animals chickens respond the fastest to silica supplementation. Differences in size and alertness can be expected within 1 week. It is beneficial to dust nesting boxes with diatomaceous earth. Pigs Mainly fed to improve feed conversion efficiency, reducing the odour of dung. How to Kill Fleas on Dogs and Cats Using Diatomaceous Earth Taking care of our beloved pets doesn t just stop with food, water, and proper grooming. One of the most important things that need to be taken into account is keeping them safe against harmful parasites such as fleas. While flea-control shampoos and sprays can do the job, the chemicals found in these products can take its toll on an animal s health in the long run. The better choice for killing fleas on dogs and cats would be to use organic materials like diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth or DE is a completely natural substance amorphous silica formed from mineralised diatoms (fossilised remains of microscopic freshwater creatures) deposited in freshwater lakes high in volcanic mountain areas. While the use of DE is more common in the field of agriculture, DE is especially helpful in controlling and killing fleas on animals due to the microscopic sharp edges of the

3 diatoms causing mechanical abrasion of the fleas joints. Therefore, the DE effectively cuts through pests and parasites shells without causing any to your pet. To kill fleas on dogs and cats, the diatomaceous earth should be rubbed into the fur and applied to the skin of the animal avoiding the eyes, nose, and mouth area. Even though food grade DE is safe for animals to ingest, the fine powder could be irritating if ingested. After the animal has been treated, getting rid of the fleas that have spread around the house should be the next target to keep the fleas from coming back. Spreading ground DE in the areas around the house that your pet frequents should do the trick, along with a thorough vacuuming of all areas and washing of the pet s bedding every day for ten days. ANALYSIS OF DE Not all diatomaceous earth silica products are the same, some are high quality, some are low quality and some can have a negative effect. In order to be beneficial the diatomaceous earth product must have: 1. A high level of available silica 2. Provide a high level of immediately soluble silica 3. Contain beneficial trace elements 1. Contain no toxic levels of any element, pollutants or heavy metals Many silica products meet some of these requirements however very few meet them all. Some products have high levels of silica but are contaminated with heavy metals and other toxins. Diatomaceous Earth Online is proud to offer a natural product of the highest quality. Their amorphous (freshwater) silica is chemical and additive-free, and contains no toxic levels of any element. It has a high level of immediately soluble silica, and is completely safe for use in accordance with the dosage rates suggested on their website. CAUTION: Do not confuse natural silica or food-grade Diatomaceous Earth with crystalline silica which is commercially produced by exposing amorphous silica to extreme heat for use in swimming pool filtration systems. Crystalline silica is extremely dangerous and must not be consumed by humans or animals, or used on gardens or agricultural crops.

4 As DE is a natural product, mined directly from the ancient deposits within dried lake beds, the exact scientific analysis will vary slightly from batch to batch. Because it is a natural product, no DE will be 100% pure but will contain varying levels of silica and other minerals. The following is a typical analysis calculated as an average of the product analysis provided by certified Australian laboratories. NATURAL SILICA TYPICAL ANALYSIS Silica (Si02) > 70% Calcium (Ca) 1.00% Magnesium (Mg) 0.60% Manganese (Mn) 0.50% Phosphorus(P) 0.01% Electron microscope image of diatom structure from Diatomaceous Earth Online Potassium(K) 0.20% Iron (Fe) 4.00% Cobalt (Co) 5mg/kg Molybdenum (Mo) 5mg/kg Sulphur(S) Zinc (Zn) 42mg/kg 42mg/kg

5 CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS OF FEEDING CODEX FOOD-GRADE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH TO DOGS, O.C. Collins, DVM, Midland Animal Clinic and Hospital, Midland, Texas In clinical observations of feeding dogs over 35 lbs. 1 tablespoon/day and under 35 lbs. 1 teaspoon/day of diatomaceous earth, within seven days allova disappeared from stools. Diatomaceous Earth controlled Ascarids (Toxacara canis), Hookworms (Anclyostoma caninum), and Whipworms (Trichuris vulipis). PLEASE VISIT TO VIEW MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS NATURAL NON-TOXIC PRODUCT