PF 300 aerosol APLICATII DESCRIERE UNSOARE FLUORINATA, NEINFLAMABILA, INALTA PERFORMANTA. a Ejectoare matrite,coloane: industria plastica,

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1 F I S A T E H N I C A PF 300 aerosol UNSOARE FLUORINATA, NEINFLAMABILA, INALTA PERFORMANTA DESCRIERE Unsoare de inalta performanta,cu avantaje multiple. Rezistent la oxidare. Rezistentla solventi, produse chimice(acidic sau bazic),apa, apa sarata,vapori, chiar si sub presiune. Protectie antiuzura, anticoroziune. Aplicabil la temperaturi inalte. Volatilitate foarte redusa. Rezistent la socuri, vibratii. Compatibil cu orice metal,material plastic,elastomer. Rezistent la vacuum. Se poate utiliza si in conditii de jet de oxigen lichid sau gazos,pana la 123 bari, inert la gaze. Ungeri pe viata. APLICATII a Ejectoare matrite,coloane: industria plastica, a Ungerea rolelor conveioarelor instalatiilor de vopsire. a Ungeri in productia de gaze,productia si distributia de oxigen. a Asamblari si ungeri in aplicatii electromecanice,aparatura casnica a ungerea aparaturilor de precizie in industria aeronautica. a Industria farmaceutica si cosmetica. acompresoare,actionarielectropneumatice,pneumatica. a Ungeri la aplicatii nucleare. a Industria chimica. a Rulmenti liniari,electronica,echipamente farmaceutice. AMBALARE item code : spray can of 650 ml - box of 12 units Z.I. LA MASSANE - F ST-RÉMY DE PCE - TÉL : FAX : The information appearing in this document is based on the current state of our knowledge relative to the product concerned in all honesty. The characteristics indicated can in no way be construed as sales specifications. Besides, the users' attention is drawn to the possible risks incurred when a product is used for purposes other than those for which it was designed. At the same time, the customer undertakes to fully accept our general terms and conditions regarding supply contracts, and more particularly the guarantee and the restrictive and no-liability clause. This document covers commercial and industrial secrets which are the property of MMCC SA and thus, constituting an asset, shall not be disclosed to third parties under the French act of July 11, 1979.

2 PF 300 aerosol UNSOARE FLUORINATA, NEINFLAMABILA, INALTA PERFORMANTA Conform TESTE DE COMPATIBILITATE CU OXIGENUL A UNSORII PF300 Standardelor EN ISO and EN Teste de autoaprindere AEROSOL si FIR INCANDESCENT AEROSOL Presiune de injectie Temperatura camerei Resultate Oxigen (bar) de testare C 123 bar ± 4 bar C ± 2.5 C No inflammation FIR INCANDESCENT Temperatura fir Rezultate 1200 C No combustion Concluzii : Unsoarea PF 300 poate fi utilizat la jet de Oxigen pana la 123 bari. CARACTERISTICI FIZICO CHIMICE TIPICE ACESTEI UNSORI CARACTERISTICI STANDARD VALORI UNITATE Aspect Vizual Smooth, ropy Culoare Internal CQ 016 Alb Clasa NLGI NLGI 2 Densitate pycnometer aparenta la 25 C NF T kg/m3 Stare fizica Vizual Unsoare Factor de turatie DN Natura agentului de ingrosare Anorganic Vascozitatea cinematica a uleiului de baza la 40 C NF T mm²/s Natura uleiului de baza Synthetic Miros Olfactiv Nu are Drop point NF T None C Temperatura de lucru,continuu C Punct de aprindere ulei de baza(cupa inchisa) NF T None C Penetratie lucrata 60 strokes NF T /10 mm Penetratie lucrata strokes ISO Penetratia lucrata strokes Pierdere prin evaporare 204 C ASTM D 2595 maxi 0,5 % EMCOR Antirust test NF T quotation SHELL test 4 balls, diametrul urmei ASTM D ,62 mm SHELL test 4 balls, punct sudura ASTM D N S.C. QUALITRON S.R.L Braşov, str.gheorghe Şincai,nr.6,ap.4 tel./fax: , mob ,

3 Rev-04/06/07