Decisions. ITEM 1: Land to the rear of Western Court, Rosebank Way and 9 65 York Road, Acton W3 6TT - PP/2015/4653

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1 ITEM 1: Land to the rear of Western Court, Rosebank Way and 9 65 York Road, Acton W3 6TT - PP/2015/4653 Recommendation agreed to Grant planning permission subject to as106 Legal Agreement and conditions as in the agenda report and briefing note Prepare draft decision notice (signed/undated). Do not issue decision notice.

2 ITEM 2: 58 Woodfield Road, Ealing, W5 1SH - PP/2015/2559 Recommendation not agreed overturn Refuse planning permission for the following reasons: 1. The proposed houses (to the rear of no.58 Woodfield Road and fronting onto Mount Pleasant Road) by reason of their siting and design and in particular the inclusion of louvred first floor level habitable windows in close proximity to the rear elevation of the habitable windows in No. 58 Woodfield Road, would represent an unsatisfactory accommodation to the detriment of the future occupiers of the proposed houses. As such, the proposal is contrary to section 7 of the National Planning Policy Framework, policy 7B of the Ealing Development Management Development Plan 2013, policy 1.1 (g) of the Ealing Development (Core) Strategy 2012 and policies 3.5, 7.4 and 7.6 of the London Plan Issue decision notice: Refusing planning permission

3 ITEM 3: The Perfume Factory, 140 Wales Farm Road, Acton, W3 6UG - PP/2015/4551 Recommendation agreed to Grant outline planning permission subject to stage II GLA referral, S106 Legal Agreement and conditions as in the agenda report/briefing note. Amendments to conditions (Nos. 5, 25, 26, 28, 31, 32) and additional condition (parameter plans) and informative (No. 15). 5. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: JA12_MP_XP_00_001 Existing Site Plan JA12_MP_XP_00_002 Existing Site Boundary Plan JA12_MP_XE_AL_001 Existing Context Elevations JA12_MP_XE_NS_001 Existing North and South Elevation JA12_MP_XE_EW_001 Existing East and West Site Elevation JC20_MP_XP_00_001 Ground Floor Demolition Plan JC20_C2+3_XE_AL_001 Demolition Elevation C645_MP_P_B1_001 Parameter Plan Basement C645_MP_P_00_001 Parameter Plan Ground C645_MP_P_01_001 Parameter Plan First Floor (C1, C2&3, R2, R3) and Mezzanine Floor Plan (R1, R4, R5) C645_MP_P_TY_001 Parameter Plan Typical Floor C645_MP_P_RF_001 Parameter Plan Roof Plan C645_MP_P_00_010 Parameter Plan Uses Ground C645_MP_P_01_010 Parameter Plan Uses First Floor Plan (C1, C2&3, R2, R3) and Mezzanine Floor Plan (R1, R4, R5) C645_MP_P_TY_010 Parameter Plan Uses Typical Floor C645_MP_P_RF_010 Parameter Plan Uses Roof Plan C645_MP_P_00_020 Parameter Plan Site Accessibility C645_MP_P_00_030 Parameter Plan Frontage Active Uses Ground Floor C645_MP_P_00_050 Parameter Plan Access C645_MP_P_B1_040 Illustrative Scheme Basement Plan C645_MP_P_00_040 Illustrative Scheme Ground Floor Plan C645_MP_P_01_040 Illustrative Scheme First Floor Plan C645_MP_P_TY_040 Illustrative Scheme Typical Floor Plan C645_MP_P_RF_040 Illustrative Scheme Roof Plan C645_R1_D_TY_001 Illustrative Scheme Tower Bay Study C645_E2_D_TY_001 Illustrative Scheme Family Block Bay Study and to no other, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the London Borough of Ealing as the local planning authority: Or any variation thereto which would not fall outside of the bounds of the description of the development of this permission and which is approved in writing by the local planning authority giving reasons for its decision and either: i) the London Borough of Ealing as the local planning authority is satisfied that the variations will not have any significant adverse environmental effects, or

4 ii) the application for variation has been accompanied by an environmental statement assessing the likely environmental effects of the variation. Reason: To ensure that the development accords with the scope of the approved parameter plans and detailed drawings, in the interests of appearance, living and working conditions and the impact on neighbouring development. 25. Notwithstanding the information submitted in support of the application, prior to the commencement of each Phase of the development, other than site preparation, remediation and / or the formation of accesses, a revised Energy Strategy which includes full details and drawings demonstrating the proposed approach and associated emission savings that will comply with the relevant local or London Plan or national energy and carbon policies at the time of the submission of the relevant Reserved Matters application shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for written approval. The Energy Strategy should be based on connection of all residential and nonresidential buildings to the site wide district heating network served by i) a single on-site energy centre serving the site only or (ii) a single on-site energy centre serving the site and other sites or (iii) heat imported into the site. The Energy Strategy shall also include unregulated energy demand calculations for each stage of the Energy Hierarchy Within three-months of the first occupation of each Phase of the development, Energy Performance Certificates, Accompany Advisory Reports and modelling output reports from the as built stage to confirm compliance in terms of savings achieved through energy efficiency measures shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for written approval. The relevant phase of development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the details so approved. Reason: To ensure that the development hereby approved is energy efficient and to contribute to the avoidance of need for new fossil fuel or other primary energy generation capacity and to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and to minimise the impact of building emissions on local air quality in the interests of health, in accordance with policies 3.2, 5.3, 5.5, 5.6 and 7.14 of the London Plan 2015 (with FALP 2011/REMA 2013), policies 1.1(e), 1.1(j), 1.1(k) and 1.2(f) of Ealing s adopted Development (or Core) Strategy 2012, policies LV5.2 and 7A of Ealing s Development Management DPD, and the Mayor s Sustainable Design and Construction SPG. 26. Notwithstanding the information submitted to date, prior to each phase of the development proposing the construction of residential units, other than site preparation, remediation and / or the formation of accesses, a sustainability statement, which includes full details of the sustainability measures that are to be incorporated into the residential units to achieve the requirements of the relevant planning policies shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the local planning authority. In demonstrating compliance, reference to Mayor s Sustainable Design and Construction SPG criteria or other appropriate assessment methodology may be appropriate should be used. Reason: In the interest of addressing climate change and to secure sustainable development in accordance with policies 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.6, 5.7 and 5.9 of the London Plan 2015, policies LV5.2 and 7A of Ealing s Development Management DPD 2013, and policies 1.1(k) and 1.2(f) of Ealing s Development (Core) Strategy Prior to commencement of each Phase of the development, dynamic thermal modelling should be submitted to the Local Authority for written approval demonstrating that the development performs against the overheating criteria to avoid overheating as set out within CISBE TM49 guidance standards.

5 Reason: To ensure that the development hereby approved is energy efficient and to reduce the risk of overheating in line with policy 5.9 of the London Plan 2015, adopted Ealing s Development (Core) Strategy 2026 (3rd April 2012) and Development Management DPD (December 2013). 29. No phase of the development shall commence (excluding demolition, site clearance and preparation works) until the following details for the relevant Phase of development are submitted to the Local Planning Authority for written approval: a) details of the size and layout of the energy plant room and equipment and the measures to be incorporated into it to facilitate future connection to an offsite district heating network (if an onsite energy centre is provided); b) consideration for provision of a private wire network for the export of power generated at the energy centre should be given and details should be provided (if an on-site energy centre is provided); c) details of the temporary plant rooms, including their size and layout, size of boilers, siting of the container, and details of the flue (if an on-site energy centre is provided); d) a timetable for connection of all buildings to the site wide district heating network; e) details of the pipe network (including the size and route, flow and return temperatures, total length of the heat network in metres (flow and return) distribution and transmission, diagram route, total plant heating capacity, total heat generated, total heat supplied to premises) for the connection of all domestic and non-domestic buildings into the site wide district heating network. The use of Ultra low-nox CHP engines and boilers with maximum NOx Emissions that are compliant with the NOx (g/m²) benchmarks set out at Appendix 5 of the Mayor s Sustainable Design and Construction SPG or any London Plan climate change policies and SPG at the time of the submission of the relevant Reserved Matters application any updates should be prioritised. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To secure the measures set out within the approved Energy Statement and to ensure that the school energy plant room is designed in a manner which allows for the future connection to the Green Man Lane district heat network, and to ensure that the development contributes to reducing the use of fossil fuel or other primary energy generation capacity, and to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in accordance with policies 5.3, 5.5 and 5.6 of the London Plan 2015, policies 1.1(k) and 1.2(f) of Ealing s adopted Development (or Core) Strategy 2012, policy LV5.2 of Ealing s Development Management DPD, and the Mayor s Sustainable Design and Construction SPG. 31. Ventilation for residential units (R1, R2, R4): Prior to the commencement of the development, details shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority for a scheme for providing fresh air ventilation to all habitable rooms on residential floors up to and including the second floor. The supply to be provided from the rear of the building at 3 rd floor and above. The ventilation system as approved shall be completed prior to occupation and shall be retained permanently thereafter. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development 32. Ventilation for residential units (R3, R5): Prior to the commencement of the development, details shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority for a scheme for providing fresh air ventilation to all habitable rooms. The supply to be provided from the rear of the building at roof level. The ventilation system as approved shall be completed prior to occupation and shall be retained permanently thereafter.

6 Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development. 40. Development Thresholds/Parameters The reserved matters application/s shall be in accordance with the following parameter plans, drawing nos: C645_MP_P_B1_001 Parameter Plan Basement C645_MP_P_00_001 Parameter Plan Ground C645_MP_P_01_001 Parameter Plan First Floor (C1, C2&3, R2, R3) and Mezzanine Floor Plan (R1, R4, R5) C645_MP_P_TY_001 Parameter Plan Typical Floor C645_MP_P_RF_001 Parameter Plan Roof Plan C645_MP_P_00_010 Parameter Plan Uses Ground C645_MP_P_01_010 Parameter Plan Uses First Floor Plan (C1, C2&3, R2, R3) and Mezzanine Floor Plan (R1, R4, R5) C645_MP_P_TY_010 Parameter Plan Uses Typical Floor C645_MP_P_RF_010 Parameter Plan Uses Roof Plan C645_MP_P_00_020 Parameter Plan Site Accessibility C645_MP_P_00_030 Parameter Plan Frontage Active Uses Ground Floor C645_MP_P_00_050 Parameter Plan Access Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning Add an informative: 15. The proposed external lighting scheme shall be designed to reduce light pollution to nearby residents, and road users and where applicable the recommendations of the following guidance shall be met: ILP Guidance Notes for the reduction of Obtrusive Lighting Institution of Lighting Professionals Technical Report PLG05, Brightness of Illuminated advertisements. CIE Technical Report- Guide on the Limitation of the Effects of Obtrusive Light from Outdoor Lighting Installations - CIE 150: Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light by Department of Environment Food. Guidance on sections 101, 102 and 103 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, Defra Prepare draft decision notice (signed/undated). Do not issue decision notice.

7 ITEM 4: Garage site Dove Close, Northolt, UB5 6HB - PP/2015/6319 Recommendation agreed to Grant planning permission subject to conditions as in the agenda report. Issue the decision notice.

8 ITEM 5: Garage site Petts Hill, Northolt, UB5 4NT - PP/2015/6332 Recommendation agreed to Grant planning permission subject to conditions as in the agenda report. Issue the decision notice.

9 ITEM 6: Garage site Gurnell Grove, West Ealing, W13 0AH - PP/2015/6379 Recommendation agreed to Grant planning permission subject to conditions as in the agenda report/briefing note. Additional condition: Drainage Strategy 7. Prior to commencement of construction works on site, a Drainage Strategy shall be submitted for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority and thereafter implemented onsite in the approved manner and maintained. Reason: In accordance with Policy 5.13 of the London Plan (2015), Policy 1.1 (k) of Ealing s Development Strategy 2026 DPD (adopted April 2012) and Policy 5.12 of Development Management DPD (adopted December 2013). Issue the decision notice.

10 ITEM 7: 29 St Marks Road, Hanwell, W7 2PN - PP/2015/5782 Deferred for site visit

11 ITEM 8: 27 Merrick Road, Southall, UB2 4AU - P/2015/2404 Recommendation agreed to Grant outline planning permission subject to stage II GLA referral, S106 Legal Agreement and conditions as in the agenda report/briefing note. Amend condition: 18. Renewable/Low Carbon (&CO2) Energy Monitoring Upon final completion of each phase of the development and prior to occupation, suitable devices for monitoring the renewable/low-carbon energy equipment or heat and/or electricity imported to the site shall be installed. The monitored data shall be submitted to the local planning authority at daily intervals for a period of three years from final completion. The installation of the monitoring devices should be in a compatible format and the submission of the data shall be carried out in accordance with the Council's approved specifications as indicated in Automated Energy (& CO2) Monitoring Platform [AEMP] document. Reason: To monitor the effectiveness of the renewable/low carbon energy equipment in order to confirm compliance with energy policies and establish an evidence base on the performance of such equipment in accordance with policies 5.2, 5.3, 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7 of the London Plan 2015, adopted Ealing s Development (Core) Strategy 2026 (3rd April 2012) and Development Management DPD (December 2013). Prepare draft decision notice (signed/undated). Do not issue decision notice.

12 ITEM 9: Health Club East Acton Lane Acton W3 7HB - PP/2015/5392 Recommendation agreed to Grant outline planning permission subject to S106 Legal Agreement and conditions as in the agenda report. Prepare draft decision notice (signed/undated). Do not issue decision notice.

13 ITEM 10: Chiswick Business Park and Bollo Lane Colonial Drive Chiswick W4 5HJ - PP/2015/5442 Recommendation agreed to Grant subject to referral to the GLA, a S106 legal agreement and conditions. Prepare draft decision notice (signed/undated). Do not issue decision notice.