Waste-to-Biogas: raw material, economical and organizational aspects

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1 Waste-to-Biogas: raw material, economical and organizational aspects Hubert MAIERHOFER

2 structure organizational aspects (renewable energy law: EEG) economical aspects raw material

3 Who is C.A.R.M.E.N. e. V.? Central Agricultural Raw materials Marketing and Energy Network, registered non profit association Coordination office for renewable resources in Bavaria Founded in 1992, 70 members, 30 employees Consulting, public relations and project management with regard to energetically use of biomass, bank reports Project assessment and project evaluation for the Bavarian Ministry of Economy, Media, Energy and Technology Germany main Bavaria Further information:

4 Cultivation of renewable Recources in Germany electricity from biogas in Germany: 5% Erfolgsfaktor EEG therefrom manure: 3% manure potential: triply Substrate

5 Biogas-plant Public Gas Grid Gas Conditioning) Power/Heat Fuel

6 Classification of biogas plants Biogas plants with Sewage sludge Erfolgsfaktor EEG Biogas plants with organic waste Biogas plants with farm slurry and energy crops Biogas plants with farm slurry, energy crops and organic waste Industrial biogas plants (Landfill gas) Sewage-treatment plants Waste management enterprises or agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Food industry Landfill

7 structure organizational aspects (renewable energy law: EEG)

8 renewable energy law: EEG Base for promoting electric power with renewable energy (wind, solar, water power, biomass, geothermal energy ) Obligation of connection: Grid connection done by biogas plant Grid expansion done by electricity system operator Obligation of purchase: Cost allocation to all customers for 20 years

9 new biogas plant per year EEG 2004 EEG 2009 EEG 2012 EEG 2014 Biogas in germany Source: FVB, germany)

10 renewable energy law EEG 2009: payment Electric power with biogas Cent/kWh el (EEG 2009) put into service 2009 Electric power Base payment Energy crops Bonus + manure -Bonus + landsca pe care- Bonus Low emission- Bonus Innovation -Bonus Power and heat-bonus up to 150 kw el 11,67 7,00 4,00 2,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 up to 500 kw el 9,18 7,00 1,00 2,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 up to 5 MW el 8,25 4, ,00 3,00 up to 20 MW el 7, ,00

11 renewable energy law EEG 2014 (2012): payment Electric power with biogas Cent/kWh el (EEG 2014 (2012) put into service 2014 Electric power up to75 kwel- with 80 -% manure Base payement 23,73 Energy crop /manure (EEG 2012) up to 150 kw el 13,66 6,00 up to 500 kw el 11,78 6,00 up to 750 kw el 10,55 5,00 up to 5 Mw el 10,55 4,00 up to 20 Mw el 5,76 -

12 renewable energy law EEG 2014 (2012): payment Electric power with biogas Cent/kWh el (EEG 2014 (2012) put into service 2015 Electric power up to 75 kwel- with 80 -% manure Base payement 23,73 Energy crop /manure (EEG 2012) up to 150 kw el 13,66 6,00 up to 500 kw el 11,78 6,00 up to 750 kw el 10,55 5,00 up to 5 Mw el 10,55 4,00 up to 20 Mw el 5,76 -

13 renewable energy law EEG 2014: payment Electric power with biogas Cent/kWh el (EEG 2014 put into service 2014 Electric power Base payement biowaste up to 75 kwel- with 80 -% manure 23,73 up to 150 kw el 13,66 15,26 up to 500 kw el 11,78 15,26 up to 750 kw el 10,55 13,38 up to 5 Mw el 10,55 13,38 up to 20 Mw el 5,76 13,38

14 renewable energy law EEG: summary Bonus for CHP canceled since EEG 2012 obligatory Bonus for energy crops, manure: since EEG 2014 canceled, higher payement for biowaste

15 structure economical aspects

16 typical Biogas plant in Ascha (bavaria) 250 kw el investement: 1,5 Mio. manure from 600 pigs and 100 cows: 5000 t/year energy crops: mais, grass heat is used: 4 houses, drying wood digestate: used to fertilise agriculture land

17 Wirtschaftliche Kenngrößen income electric power costs capital costs heat use fertiliser costs for organic input raw material maintance costs human recources

18 income effect of influence high efficiency biogas motor high efficiency digester (biological criteria, digesteer input, input preatreatement) all the year heat benefit fertiliser income

19 costs effect of influence low investment and high quality facility Substrat costs (incl. Transport and storage) professional maintance / manpower

20 economy 50 kw (only manure) Investment /kw Manure Cows: t/y = 591 t organic/y Capital costs Costs for maintance an manpower Costs for input material and electricity 0,50 /t manure 5% electricity self consumption Assurance/administration/test /y /y /y /y Income for electricity 23,53 Cent/kWh-el /y gain /y

21 economy 50 kw (only manure) 3% 11% 18% 45% capital costs maintaince manpower input material electricity further 8% 15%

22 economy 50 kw (energy crops / manure) Investment 8630 /kw Manure Cows: 151 GV t/y = 225 t organic/y Capital costs Costs for maintance an manpower Costs for input material and electricity 0,50 /t manure 38 /t energy crops /y /y /y fertiliser 3 /m³ /y Income for electricity 23,53 Cent/kWh-el /y Lost Use heat! /y

23 structure raw material

24 Specification input material Input material Erfolgsfaktor EEG Lignin will not digested mind storage of manure respect N-input ökonomische Aspekte digester no air (anaerob) no light slurry needs water Temperatur must be constant (T~> 30 C) mix digester feed regular Micro elements necessary: Ni, Co, Mo, Se C/N-Proportion: C:N:P:S 600 : 15 : 5 : 3

25 Risky raw material antibiotic contaminated material Erfolgsfaktor EEG olive-residue moldy ökonomische food Aspekte unhygienic slaughterhouse waste, organic waste of restaurants water disinfection Extraneos material lawn material metal separator

26 Heat use school Open swimming pool winter time Heizenergie Warmwasser summer time Foto + Grafik: C.A.R.M.E.N. e.v.

27 Fertiliser: use cloosed loop N: < 80 % P: ~ 100 % K: ~ 100 % S: < 100 %

28 Storage of digestate X X

29 Biogas motor 35 kw Diesel 340 kw Otto 500 kw Otto

30 Fertilise with digestate X

31 Hubert MAIERHOFER Thank You C.A.R.M.E.N. e.v., Schulgasse 18, D Straubing Tel.: +49 (0) , Fax: +49 (0) hm@carmen-ev.de