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1 LEICESTER EQUALITY POLICY 2016/2017 Gateway College Colin Grundy Drive Leicester LE5 1GA Review: October 2016 Next Review due: Tel: Feb P a g e

2 Contents Page 1. Policy Statement 3 2. Scope 3 3. Equality Policy and Core Values 3 4. Monitoring and Administration 4 5. Breaches of Equality Policy 5 6. Access to the Equality Policy 5 7. Summary of Expectations 5 8. Appendices 7 9. Equality Action Plan P a g e

3 1. Policy Statement 1.1 This College is committed to ensuring the promotion of equality of opportunity for all members of the College community. It is seeking to create a climate where all forms of discriminatory behaviour are challenged, differences between individuals celebrated and generate a culture where all staff and students are encouraged to achieve their full potential. The College is keen to ensure that equality of opportunity underpins all policies, valuing all members of the college community equally. 2. Scope 2.1 This policy covers all forms of discrimination as defined by the Equality Act Firstly Direct Discrimination whereby a person is treated less favourably because of a protected characteristic, or discrimination through the perception that they have a protected characteristic, or discrimination based on a person s association with someone who has a protected characteristic. Secondly, Indirect Discrimination where there is an unjustifiable application of a provision, criterion or practice, even though it is applied to everyone where individuals of a protected characteristic are unfairly disadvantaged. 2.2 Protected characteristics refer to: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. The College seeks to ensure that no individual or group - because of their protected characteristic - face discrimination, harassment or victimisation. It is now also unlawful for employers to ask health related question prior to job offer, unless the questions are specifically related to an intrinsic function of the work. 2.3 The policy relates to all students, staff, governing body members, contractors, parents, and other visitors or users of the College facilities. 2.4 The College will abide by the current equality legislation (October 1 st 2010) and ensure that all subsequent legislative changes are fully utilised to update the Equality Policy accordingly. 3. Equality Policy and Core Values 3 P a g e

4 3.1 Promoting, celebrating and valuing diversity is at the heart of the College s core values, and will benefit the College in all aspects of its members performance. These values complement the Prevent Duty values namely democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. In July 2015, the Prevent Duty became law. 3.2 Respect 4 P a g e College will undertake to ensure all individuals and groups are treated fairly, courteously and with respect. Beliefs, values and religious views will be respected and tolerance encouraged where individuals or groups may have differences. 3.3 Excellence and High Aspirations College will ensure that all members of the community are encouraged, supported and have equal opportunity to achieve their full potential. Pride will be taken in all achievements, and celebrated where appropriate. 3.4 Support All members of the college community will be given equal access to support in their work or studies. College will make all reasonable adjustments to ensure individuals are given assistance and help where appropriate. 3.3 Inclusion Diversity is not only valued by the College, but also celebrated and promoted. The College will seek to ensure that individuals understand differences in others and that activities and opportunities are adjusted where appropriate to ensure equality of access for all groups. 3.5 Global Citizenship The College celebrates and promotes understanding of international differences, encouraging all members of the College community to develop a better appreciation, tolerance and respect for global issues. 3.6 Enthusiasm College is a passionate place to work and learn, and will seek to nurture a positive attitude amongst all of the college community

5 towards diversity, celebrating and exploring differences and valuing all individuals. 3.7 Integrity All inappropriate behaviour and actions against the spirit of the Equality Policy will be challenged and not tolerated. Members of the College community are expected to act with integrity at all times in recognising and respecting individuals differences. 4. Monitoring and Administration 4.1 The Equality Policy is operationalised through the Single Equality Scheme. This is a rolling programme of action plans to promote the involvement and success of identified diversity groups. 4.2 The Single Equality Scheme is managed by the Executive Team, which also monitors compliance with relevant legislation, including the Equality Act This committee will be chaired by the Vice Principal. 4.3 Equality impact assessments will be conducted at the final draft stage of all new policies, or policy reviews at the final draft stage by a member of the Senior Leadership Team, other than the author or reviewer of the policy. Any actions resulting from impact assessments will be included in the Single Equality Scheme action plan where relevant. 4.4 Each year there will an equality and diversity self-assessment report, which will be subject to the same validation procedures as curriculum or cross college self-assessment reports. Monitoring, evaluation and target setting will therefore link directly into the College quality assurance cycle embedding equality and diversity within all areas of the College s provision and services. 4.5 College will seek to collect, analyse and report on appropriate equality and diversity data. This will include student enrolment, retention, pass rates, success and progression rates for different diversity groups. This will be supplemented with regular analysis of staffing data in terms of recruitment, levels of responsibility, disciplinary or capability proceedings, grievances or staff complaints, requests for flexible working, access to professional development and promotion for staff using a suitable range of diversity characteristics. 5 P a g e

6 5. Breaches of the Equality Policy 5.1 The College will take very seriously any instances of noncompliance to the College s Equality Policy by staff, students or other members of the College community. All instances will be investigated and appropriate disciplinary action taken against the student or staff member. 6. Access to the Equality Policy 6.1 The College will seek to ensure that governors, staff, students and other members of the College community (eg work placement providers) are aware of the Equality Policy and expectations it conveys. 6.2 The College s commitment to equality and diversity will be embedded in College publications such as the prospectus, selfassessment report and other published material, including the College web site. 6.3 The student induction programme will emphasise the College s commitment to equality and diversity, highlighting the expectations of student behaviour, and the consequences for engaging in inappropriate conduct. 6.4 The College tutorial programme will further address issues of equality and diversity, celebrating differences and encouraging students to uphold the College s core values. 6.5 All work placement providers will receive a summary of their responsibilities under the Equality Policy and will signify their understanding of, and agreement to these responsibilities. 6.6 All new staff will be given appropriate equality and diversity staff development as part of their programme of induction, and existing staff will receive staff development updates on equality and diversity issues where appropriate. 7. Summary of expectations: 7.1 Students will be expected to: 6 P a g e uphold the core values of the college at all times not engage in or accept any bullying or harassment respect, recognise and acknowledge varying needs of all members of

7 the College community be prepared to challenge and report inappropriate behaviour act with due consideration and respect towards all members of the College community at all times. treat all staff, fellow students and visitors with courtesy and respect at all times, and without discrimination. 7.2 Students can expect from College: inclusive learning practices which acknowledge differences in students learning styles and abilities learning materials free from bias, which celebrate diversity and challenge stereotyping all instances of bullying, harassment or discrimination to be taken seriously and fully investigated, with appropriate action taken. to be treated with respect and courtesy at all times. a learning environment where differences are not only respected but are celebrated equality of opportunity to participate in College organised events all reasonable adjustments and support in helping you meet your learning aims 7.3 Staff will be expected to: uphold our core values at all times challenge and report all instances of bullying, harassment and discrimination in the College community. lead by example in demonstrating understanding of, and respect for differences in diversity groups be courteous, respectful and treat without discrimination all members of the College community contribute to the development of a learning environment free from discrimination, victimisation harassment. 7 P a g e

8 7.4 Staff can expect from College: all employees to have equal chances of staff development, career development and promotion opportunities. appropriate induction training and subsequent staff development on equality and diversity issues where appropriate, including days off for religious observance inappropriate behaviour from any member of the College community to be challenged, with appropriate disciplinary action taken to be treated fairly at all times, in an environment which respects individual differences and challenges discrimination all staff members to take responsibility for promoting a fair, inclusive and supportive environment, where discriminatory practices are challenged. 8 P a g e

9 Appendices 1. Key Leicester City Population Statistics Compared to East Midlands and England (UK Census 2011) England East Midlands Leicester City Gateway College Students (2015) Total Population 53,012,456 4,533, , White 85.5% 89.3% 50.6% 13% Black 2.3% 0.9% 3.1% 14% Mixed 2.2% 1.4% 3.5% 8% Asian 7.7% 6.4% 37.1% 60% Christian 59.4% 58.8% 32.4% 9% Muslim 5.0% 3.1% 18.6% 29% Hindu 1.5% 2.0% 15.2% 25% The Association of Colleges produces an annual workforce data report. Some comparisons between the 160 Gateway staff are highlighted below, a) The proportion of White British is 77% (Gateway 59%) b) The proportion of Asian is 9% (Gateway 18%) The data above shows that the population of the City is one of the most ethnically diverse in the United Kingdom. The student population reflects this and the College staff profile is significantly different from national profiles. The College believes it is important to have appropriate role models to motivate students. The substantial increase in student numbers may be in part due to the staffing profile of the College. More information on key statistics will be provided for staff and governors in the form of self-assessment reports and staffing reports. 9 P a g e

10 Achievement Rates by Gender Achievement Rates by Ethnicity 10 P a g e

11 11 P a g e Achievement Rates by Learning Difficulty and/or Disability

12 Equality Action Plan 2016 Review Date: February 2016 (following publication of QAR data) Areas for development Actions Responsibility Timescale Progress RAG Rating Strategy and Policy Ensure that College meets the requirements of the Equality legislation To ensure all contractors involved with the College work within the College's Single Equality Scheme Ensure all staff are aware of the Single Equality Scheme, Single 12 P a g e Publish Single Equality Scheme, Equality and Diversity Report and Equality and Diversity Action Plan on the College s website following Full Board approval. Impact assess new policies prior to implementation. Keep up-to-date with equality legislation via AOC Collection and analysis of workforce and student data to be collated and published annually. Ensure all contracts include a statement on the requirement to work within the College's Single Equality Scheme. Ensure the Single Equality Scheme, Action Plan and Annual Report are promoted in marketing material and fully published on the College s website and Sharepoint (Quality) Policy Authors (Quality) Human Resources Officer + Management Information Systems Manager (Resources) Marketing Officer 12/16 09/17

13 Equality Report and Action Plan Narrow the achievement gaps of key groups as stated in the College selfassessment report Raise learner awareness of the College Single Equality and Diversity Scheme at induction Improve the promotion of Equality & Diversity in the curriculum Improve the promotion of positive Equality & Diversity themes in the College throughout the student community Teaching, Learning & Assessment Data analysis of Key Data produced, circulated and analysed, e.g. via Proachieve, Qualification and Achievement Rates tables, etc. Departments and courses identified where gaps are prevalent, actions taken to investigate further and work with key staff to improve. Focus groups to investigate barriers to learning. Raise Equality and Diversity values during induction via Principal s presentation All schemes of work to have at least one reference to Equality & Diversity themes per half-term as discussed during College training day with Dr Christine Rose. (Quality) Directors of Study and Programme Area Managers 11/16 11/16 Programme Area 02/17 Managers Principal 09/17 Programme Area Managers 03/17 Develop resources and training on values. Values Group Promote positive images and achievement Marketing Officer, of different groups of learners in the Course Teams College e.g. displays, poster, publicity material and website 13 P a g e

14 Challenge discriminatory attitudes and behaviour in students Ensure Learner Voice processes are representative of the learner population Ensure Governors are kept up-to-date with and are involved in Equality & Diversity policies and actions Improve staff knowledge and confidence in Equality & Diversity themes Develop and implement cross-college related events that promote equality and diversity that includes delivery on values. Review work experience offer to ensure all learners can access opportunities All staff to follow Policy guidelines and/or ask members of the Senior Leadership Team to intervene when necessary. Analyse all complaints, student discipline issues, etc. for patterns related to Equality and Diversity themes Analyse the attendance at Student Voice forums and meetings by all E&D categories to check it reflects the College student population. Corporation Board Governors to receive staff and student Equality and Diversity Reports Progress Coach Manager Employer Engagement Officer All staff (Quality) Directors of Study (Quality) + Clerk to Governors 2/17 06/17 Ensure all Governors received Prevent Clerk to Governors 09/16 training Training and Development All staff to receive Prevent training and Progress Coach 09/16 Learning Resources Centre to display Dr. Manager + Christine Rose training day materials Learning 14 P a g e

15 Improve access to student Equality & Diversity data Produce annual Equality & Diversity staff reports Ensure that all complaints are monitored by Equality & Diversity themes and any emerging trends identified Ensure the College environment is as safe as possible for all students and staff in the event of evacuation All new staff to receive Prevent and Equality/Diversity training during induction Data Collection All Course Teams to receive achievement rate data as sorted by age, sex, ethnicity and disability Ensure all Programme self-assessment reports analyse and action any Equality and Diversity issues Analyse annual staff Equality & Diversity staff report relating to the staff workforce profile and provide recommendations to Senior Leadership Team and Governors. Complaints report to be analysed by equality diversity measures. Environment Review procedures for the emergency evacuation of disabled people. Resources Centre Manager Human Resources Manager (Quality) Programme Area Managers (Quality) Human Resources Manager (Resouces) 09/16 11/16 11/16 09/17 10/16 15 P a g e

16 Ensure building retains a welcoming and harmonious atmosphere Ensure staff are aware of the evacuation procedures for students and staff with a mobility issues. Ensure evacuation procedure is included in staff induction. All displays and College activities to be free of overt or perceived covert discrimination (Resources) Human Resources Manager Executive Team 09/16 09/16 16 P a g e