Nature-Based Solutions for the adaptation to the Climate Change in Cyprus. Cyprus Energy Agency

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1 Covenant of Mayors (CoM) National Workshop Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy: Challenges and opportunities towards 2030 December , Semeli Hotel, Lefkosia Nature-Based Solutions for the adaptation to the Climate Change in Cyprus Harris Kordatos Cyprus Energy Agency

2 Nature-based solutions What are they? Nature-based solutions (NbS) aim to help societies address a variety of environmental, social and economic challenges in sustainable ways. They are actions which are inspired by, supported by or copied from nature.

3 Nature-based solutions Why now? I. Seizing the momentum for change: We are living in a time of great opportunities for addressing societal challenges, such as increased urbanisation, economic inequalities and climate change, and for ensuring our society is protected from foreseeable future changes II. III. A growing awareness of the value of nature: There is a growing interest and awareness within the business community of the value of managing and maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services, as a business opportunity and as an essential means to reduce economic risks by ensuring the continued supply of vital resources. Europe as an inspiration and world leader in markets: Europe has extensive pools of knowledge, scientific expertise, skills and technological capability relevant to nature-based solutions

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5 EU R&I agenda for NbS and EU strategy on adaptation to climate In April 2013 the European Commission adopted an EU strategy on adaptation to climate change which has been welcomed by the EU Member States: Promoting action by Member States: supports adaptation in cities through the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy initiative. An EU R&I agenda on nature-based solutions is an essential component to greening the economy and achieving sustainable development Since the nature-based solutions concept is relatively new, the Expert Group developed an appropriate definition, before considering the opportunities for nature-based solutions.

6 Source: Towards an EU Research and Innovation policy agenda for Nature-Based Solutions & Re-Naturing Cities


8 Developing Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation and Enhancing Sustainable Urbanisation If the climate of the 2080s occurred today, the annual damage of climate change to the EU economy in terms of GDP loss is estimated to be between 20 billion for the 2.5 C scenario and 65 billion for the 5.4 C scenario with high SLR. Currently, 73% of Europe s population live in cities and this is projected to increase to 82% by 2050, resulting in over 36 million new urban citizens. This will pose a range of challenges for cities, including resource availability and equitable economic growth. The quality of urban environments is also at risk, necessitating their sustainable development and regeneration in order to provide citizens with healthy and liveable conditions


10 Examples of Nature-Based Solutions Green Roofs Significantly reduces the heating costs of the building: it works as an additional thermal insulation of the roof and reduce the heat losses in winter Reduced cooling costs (during the summer) of the building up to 49%. This is achieved with the reflection ( 30%) and the absorption of the solar energy by plants as well as the shade they provide to the roof surface

11 Examples of Nature-Based Solutions Green Roofs

12 Examples of Nature-Based Solutions Green Roofs Φωτογραφία:

13 Examples of Nature-Based Solutions Green Roofs Φωτογραφία:

14 Examples of Nature-Based Solutions Urban Parks- Greenspace Increasing the provision of greenspace can ameliorate the temperature of urban areas, thus reducing heat stress. Living close to green space has a positive influence on several general health indicators Source : EPA, 2008

15 Examples of Nature-Based Solutions Urban Parks- Greenspace Carbon sequestration for climate mitigation planting sustainable woodlands can not only provide a long-term store for carbon, but also they can be beneficial for biodiversity, provide recreational opportunities and a source of natural products. One tree: 1 ton CO2 (30-40 years) Tree planting remains one of the cheapest and most effective solution to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere

16 Examples of Nature-Based Solutions Bioclimatic design-using Trees South side

17 Examples of Nature-Based Solutions Water flow Establish rain gardens (planted depressions or swales allowing runoff from impervious urban areas to be absorbed) Source: Nature Conservancy, USA

18 Examples of Nature-Based Solutions Research on how energy and matter is produced and used by nature There are many ways in which we could learn from how nature produces matter and uses energy (e.g. algal systems that capture CO2 or recycle organic waste as a carbon source to produce feed or new energy, where larger scale demonstration is needed)

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