TwiTTer Module 5 SeSSion 2: TwiTTer MoniToring And MeASuring ToolS

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1 Twitter Module 5 Session 2: Twitter Monitoring And Measuring Tools

2 Table of Contents Tools 1 Klout 1 Twitalyzer 2 Simply Measured 3 TweetReach 4 Social Mention 4

3 Welcome to session number 2: Twitter monitoring and measuring tools. There are a number of different tools that you can use to measure your effectiveness online and in this session, I want to cover a few of them to help you get started. Tools Klout The first tool that I would like to talk about is called Klout and Klout is a tool that tracks all of your online activity and it will give you a score out of 100 and it measures your ability to drive action, so it measures your influence over other people to get them to take action. The way it works is you sign up for Klout. It is a free account and you connect it with your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube. There is a whole number of different social networks that you can connect it to and the more networks that you connect it to, the more accurate your score is going to be. So, you connect it to all these accounts and then, it will run its algorithm and it will give you a score out of 100 and 40 is the score of the average person. The average person has a score of 40. Anything above, probably, 55 or 60, is getting up there and it is pretty decent klout. Klout scores are exponential, meaning that the higher you get, the harder it is to continue to drive your score even further. It gets increasingly difficult when you get into the 60 s to get yourself up into the 70 s, as far as your klout goes. This is a score that measures your ability to get other people to take action and one of the things that you will be able to determine from it is what your most influential topics are. Now, once you have connected to Klout, it will make some suggestions as to what it thinks you are influential about, but you will be able to tag, or select, which topics you feel you are influential about. Once you ve done that, it will also tell you who has influence over you and who you have influence over. It will show you which people that you interact with online that have influence over you, so you are engaging with them, reading their updates and clicking on their links and that sort of thing and then vice versa, it will show which followers you have are influenced by you. Now, one of the cool things that you can do is you can use your Klout score and you can compare it to your competitors. This will help you to identify different areas, or different opportunities. You can find out what your competitors are influential over. You can find out who your competitors are influential over and it is really useful for just kind of finding out how this influence spans across the web, who influences you, who you influence and that sort of thing. There is also another really cool thing with Klout and it is another reason why I suggest you sign up, is that Klout has what s called these Klout Perks. I think I may have mentioned this in an earlier session, but a Klout Perk is a free Perk that you get. Different businesses contact 1

4 Klout and work with them kind of like advertisers, but really, it is more freebies that they give away depending on your Klout score and depending on where you live. One of the ones that I recently received was I got asked to do a three day test drive of a 2014 Chevy Silverado. There was no catch, there was no sales pitch. They dropped the truck the off at my house Friday morning and picked it up on Sunday night, with a full tank of gas and I was able to use it however I wanted, drive it wherever I wanted, there was absolutely no restrictions. They did that, obviously, because I have some influence, but because they were hoping and this wasn t a requirement that I would talk about it, so they said, if you choose to, here is the hashtag we are using and enjoy the truck. I drove that truck. I think I put 150 or 200 kilometers on it in three days. I absolutely loved it, just an amazing truck. I tweeted a lot about my experiences. I shot a video and just really sang the praises of this new Chevy and that s what they were after. That s why they partnered with Klout, was to get those social mentions from these people who have influence. That was another really cool thing. We also talked about, in the tools module, a tool called HootSuite, which is a social media dashboard and I had mentioned there that Klout is connected directly with HootSuite. You can take your column for Twitter, say all the people that are following you that have posted an update, or say all the people that you are following that have posted and so, you are looking at your timeline stream basically and you can filter that timeline stream by Klout score. It is a little slider, so you can just slide it up and as you slide it higher and higher, the people who don t meet that requirement for that Klout number will start to fade out of your timeline until you get to the point where you can see who the most influential people are that you are following. That is another really cool way to be able to measure Klout score and to be able to see who it is that you are actually following that has a certain level of influence. Klout is a really great tool to use that for. Twitalyzer The next tool that you should take a look at is called Twitalyzer and Twitalyzer is an analytics dashboard. Basically, it measures impact, influence and engagement in your real-time and it will provide you with some detailed reports that give you insight into which of your efforts are actually creating value and driving your business results. It also allows you to track other users, or track your competitors and get a complete view of their social behavior. This is really in-depth reporting that you may or may not need in your business. You may find it valuable, you may not. What I would recommend is going and checking it out and taking a look at what it is capable of. To give you an idea, it takes into account 50 plus metrics that it pulls from and puts that into their trends report. It is a very, very powerful analytical tool and it gives you a really unique view of what s working and again, it is real-time data and so, basically it 2

5 is constantly running algorithms and checking to see what you have done and how that is impacting and influencing your effectiveness online. Now, one of the metrics that Twitalyzer does use is Klout. But, the problem with Klout is that usually lags behind, it is not real-time, so it will look back over your activity over the last three to five days, kind of thing and then, it adjust your score accordingly. Twitalyzer, while it does take into account your klout, they have a bunch of their own metrics as well that they look at and it is quite literally, real-time. It will show you in the moment things are changing. You can access it through your mobile, through your iphone, so it gives you a really good idea on the go of what s working and what s impacting your influence online. Definitely check out Twitalyzer, I think it is a good tool that s worth exploring. Simply Measured Simply Measured is the next tool that you should take a look at. It is a social media analytics and reporting platform and it provides a tremendous amount of information. It gives you indepth data analysis and reporting and it covers information like your tweets, who saw them, where were the people that saw them, which were the ones that got the most impressions, which were your most popular tweet messages. It just gives you a tremendous amount of information. It will also give you competitive analysis for benchmarking your engagement and market share, so it will actually go through and show you which keywords and which terms you are getting the most amount of engagement from. This is a great tool if you need to do really detailed social media monitoring, or research. It will show you who your most active users are, your top users by the number of followers that they have and that helps you to identify influencers, top users by klout score. So, it shows you who it is that you are connecting with, who are your more active engaged fans or followers. There are numerous free reports available on the site. They don t only just report on Twitter, they report on a whole bunch of other social channels as well, so it is kind of an all-in-one reporting platform. I do encourage you to take a look at it. There is just a ton of information here. They will give you a graph on your tweets over time that is showing you the amount of retweets and replies and how many tweets you put out. As I mentioned, which tweets contributed to your overall number of impressions that you are seeing, or that you are getting from your updates. So, how far are your tweets spreading through the net, how many people are seeing it, so those are your impressions. It gives you a lot of information in detail about your audience: what their break down is on their klout score; the total number of Twitter users that they have; the average number of followers; the average number of tweets per user; whereabouts they live, like which major centers do they live in; which countries do they live in; who s the most active by the number of posts; top users by the number of followers that they have; their klout score once again; which keywords are you predominantly showing up 3

6 for. There is just a tremendous amount of information here, so definitely check it out. It is a good tool. We have used it before and it just does a ton of information here. TweetReach The next tool that you are going to want to take a look at is called TweetReach and what TweetReach does is it basically measures your estimated reach from your activities through your Twitter account. It evaluates how widely people are spreading your message and you can use it to track tweets, or users, or links, or hashtags and it will show you how much exposure it is getting and how many people are tweeting about it and retweeting and how much activity it is getting. It is really, really powerful. Like I said, you can track links to your blog entries, to your landing pages, to web pages and gives you a sense of the momentum of your campaign and are things starting to take off, so really powerful. You would use this especially if you are running some sort of a contest, or some sort of a sweepstakes and you have got a specific hashtag that you are using, so it shows you who is contributing. It is a really, really great tool and I definitely recommend that you take a look at it. Social Mention The next tool that you are going to want to take a look at is called Social Mention and this is one of the ones that you can use to do your sentiment analysis. Basically, you punch in a search for anything, anything that you want and it will tell you whether the chatter negative or positive. It will also tell you who are the people who are doing the chatting, which hashtags are also being used and where the sources of that information of their search are coming from, so it is really powerful that way. It helps you to determine how your brand is perceived online, how your products are perceived online. Again, it allows you to monitor the buzz and rank contributors. It gives you that search column right there, you can see where it is showing all the buzz that is happening. It will measure your sentiment in a ratio, so this one that you see on the screen is 16:0. 16 positive, 0 negative and then, it tells you below how many of those are neutral. You can set this up to receive free daily alerts as well. Another really great tool for, like I said, monitoring a promo, or a new product, or a new service, or just your company in general, how is it being perceive out there and is it positive, or is it negative, so really good and valuable feedback to have. That brings us to the end of session 2. In session 3, we are going to start talking about how companies use campaigns to get results, so I will see you over in session 3. 4