What to Say to Your Prospects So They Pay Attention (and Want to Know More About Your Products and Business!)

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1 Lesson 3 What to Say to Your Prospects So They Pay Attention (and Want to Know More About Your Products and Business!) Once you know WHO your ideal prospects are and WHERE to find them, there s one final (but very important) step to your lead generation plan. WHAT do you SAY so people pay attention and want to find out more about your products and business opportunity? WHAT you say to prospects is the most critical part of your lead generation plan. To reference the previous fishing metaphor, what you say to others is like the bait on the end of your fishing line. Use the right bait, and no doubt you ll attract and catch plenty of fish. Use the wrong bait however, and even if you re standing in a stream teeming with hundreds of fish, you d be lucky to catch even one. The same is true when communicating with your prospects. If your communication is effective and you use the right words people will be more interested in what you offer (and you ll consequently sell more products and recruit more biz builders). If your communication is not effective, you ll find most people show little interest in what you re sharing and are quick to give you a no thanks. How to Create a Killer Elevator Speech for Networking Events One of the best opportunities you ll have to connect and communicate with prospects is at live networking events. Here, you ll have the opportunity to meet new people, engage in some chit chat and eventually the conversation (especially if it s a formal business networking meeting) will steer towards the question and what do you do (for a living)?. You have a small amount of time to communicate about your products or business in a way that captures people s attention and inspires them to find out more. To get the most from every opportunity, it s important to have a well-crafted elevator speech ready to use at a moment s notice. You ve likely heard the term before; if not, an elevator speech is a short, compelling message you share with a prospect during a chance meeting (such as going up for a few floors in an elevator). The purpose of an elevator speech is to talk about what you do for a living, in a way that gets the attention and interest of others. Page 1

2 What exactly does an elevator speech sound like? There are several variations of this type of marketing message, but the simplest place to start is: Sample One: I help (this kind of prospect) to (achieve this result/ experience this benefit). For Example: I help moms to make great money working from home I help college kids make extra money while getting a degree. I help busy professionals lose weight and get in great shape I help baby boomers look and feel ten years younger. I help new moms drop baby weight quickly. I help real estate professionals make extra money. Create Your Own Version Here: Page 2

3 Sample Two: A slightly more complex version of an elevator speech can focus on both the IMMEDIATE benefit someone can experience (through your product/business) and a compelling LONG TERM benefit (the overall feeling or experience) they really want. I help (this kind of person/prospect) to (achieve this kind of result or benefit) so they can (experience this BIGGER benefit or feeling). For Example: I help moms make great money working from home so they can spend more time with their kids during the most important years. I help college kids make extra money so they can pay off their student loans quickly I help busy professionals lose weight and get in great shape so they have more energy and sleep better at night I help baby boomers look and feel ten years younger so they have the energy to travel and enjoy time with their grandkids. I help new moms drop baby weight quickly so they feel more fit and love the way they look I help real estate professionals make extra money so they always have their bills covered (even during a slow market). Create Your Own Version Here: Page 3

4 Sample Three: Another version of the elevator speech involves communicating what people GET TO AVOID by using your product/business. Since many people will do even more to avoid pain (than to gain pleasure) this approach can be quite effective at getting people s attention and motivating them to find out more about how your products or business can help them. I help (this kind of prospect) to (achieve this kind of result or benefit) so they don t have to (experience this pain/problem) For Example: I help moms to make a great income working from home so they don t have to feel guilty about dropping their kids off at daycare everyday I help college kids make extra money so they don t have to be stressed by student loan payments while looking for a job. I help busy professionals lose weight and get in shape so they can avoid expensive health issues that affect most people later in life I help baby boomers look and feel ten years younger so they don t have to miss out on their retirement years due to health concerns I help new moms drop baby weight quickly so they don t have to feel self-conscious or dread looking in the mirror. I help real estate professionals make extra money so they don t have to stress about bills when the market is slow Create Your Own Version Here: Page 4

5 Use the previous examples to design a solid elevator speech that works for you, and then MEMORIZE it! You want to know it so well you can spit it out easily in ANY kind of networking or prospecting situation. However you structure your own elevator speech be sure that it: Focuses on YOUR PROSPECTS (not on you). Communicates clearly what your products or biz can do FOR OTHER PEOPLE (the results, benefits, experiences, feelings they can have by using your products or being part of your business). You can also show how your products/biz helps them to AVOID pain, problems, etc Focuses mostly on WHY they should use your product or join your business, instead of WHAT (all the details, ingredients, facts, logistics, etc). Why connects people to their emotions and helps them appreciate the benefits they d experience by buying your products or taking part in your business opportunity. What focuses more on information, logic the features of a product or business (which can be interesting but won t necessarily motivate people to take action in the same ways that focusing on WHY does). Page 5

6 Use Variations of Your Elevator Speech in All Areas of Your Business Once you nail down your elevator speech, you case use it (or variations of it) in all areas of your business. This will help to promote a clear marketing message or brand that is consistent and easy for people to remember. Live Networking: Obviously you will use your elevator speech when you are out networking and meeting people live. You can also use forms of it on Your Website/Blog: You may share some important info about yourself on your website (to highlight your background, experience, credibility, etc) but the MAIN purpose of your website should be to clearly community WHO you work with and HOW you can HELP THEM. Anyone visiting your website should be able to quickly see how buying your products or taking part in your business can BENEFIT them (rather than wading through tons of details about your products, company, etc. This info is important, but it s secondary). Your Facebook Profile and/or Fan Page: Although both these spaces on Facebook will be about you, you want to use these pages to clearly communicate WHO you work with and HOW you help them. People have short attention spans, so the most obvious and important text on your pages should clearly communicate the benefits or results people can experience if they purchase your products or join your business. Your Twitter, Linked In Profiles, etc The same strategy as above applies to these social networking sites as well as any others you are using to connect with new prospects on the internet. Your Live Classes, Product Demo s, Business Opportunity Meetings, etc: Whether verbal, written or both you want to be sure to clearly convey to the people who attend your live events how your products and/or business can HELP THEM (by Page 6

7 stressing the benefits people get from using your products, taking part in your business, etc). Even though this might seem obvious to you, your audience needs to hear this message (repeatedly) in order to truly get how your products/biz can help them (and therefore feel more motivated to check them out further). Many presentations often focus too much on WHAT you re offering (sharing details about the products, the business, etc) instead of stressing clearly WHY people should use them, take part, etc. People do need to know WHAT your products or business is about, but even more important, they need to know WHY they should purchase, sign up, etc. (What is educational, WHY is motivational!). Speaking Events: Using an elevator type message at the beginning of your talk will set the stage, grab your audience s interest and get across the value of what you are offering so it s super clear. Paid Advertising: As you are paying for the opportunity to communicate your message (whether in print, on Google, Facebook, radio, etc) you want to be sure you have a strong elevator speech type message that clearly communicates the BENEFITS of what you re offering (more than just the details, etc). If you d like to learn more ways to communicate with your prospects (so they are inspired to buy your products and join your team) be sure to check out my free Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring webinar training at OR, create an instant boost in your sales and recruiting results by taking take part in the Magic Words coaching program at Page 7

8 Additional Notes: Page 8