Nuusbrief / Newsletter NOVEMBER 2018

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1 Nuusbrief / Newsletter NOVEMBER This e-newsletter is compiled from sources that are deemed to be reliable. However, the publisher accepts no responsibility for any errors or the effect of any decisions based on this publication. Historic first for predation management in South Africa! A single document containing detailed and current insight and knowledge into the complex situation of predation management has been finalised and was launched at the Nelson Mandela University last week. In this historic first (nationally and globally), the Scientific Assessment for Livestock Predation and its Management in South Africa will form the basis for contemplating policy development. It will also strengthen Government s resolve to develop evidence-based policy and to recognise that in many complex situations, such as where there is predation on livestock, there is no silver-bullet solution. The partnership of Government, industry, stakeholders and leading researchers emerged to resource and formulate the Scientific Assessment and shows a strong commitment to address the conflicts around livestock predation management. During this event, Prof. Graham Kerley of the Nelson Mandela University provided an overview of the assessment and felt confident that the document will contribute towards reducing conflict and sustaining both agricultural production and biodiversity. Sipiwo Makinana, who represented the wool industry, highlighted the plights of emerging livestock farmers on predation and acknowledged the outcome of the assessment that commercial and communal livestock farmers face similar predation challenges.

2 Guillau du Toit, chairman of the Predation Management Forum (PMF) welcomed the assessment. He referred to the chapter on policy and recommendations to Government as the most essential part of the study, as regulations and legislation, which impact the production practices of livestock and wildlife ranching producers, need an overhaul. He thanked Prof. Kerley and his team for the inclusivity of the process and the involvement of a magnitude of researchers, authors and reviewers. The implications of the findings for Government were welcomed by both the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA). Mr Joe Kgobokoe, representing DAFF, and Ms Mancotywa from DEA acknowledged the requirement of both a strategic national research programme to provide evidence for policy development, as well as closer cooperation between policy developers, livestock managers/farmers and researchers. This assesment is aimed at helping agricultural and conservation policymakers and managers to arrive at improved approaches for reducing livestock predation, while at the same time contributing to the conservation of our natural predators. The PMF would like to thank all the role players who helped to make the publication possible. Dit werk vir my ( n boer se verhaal) Ons het boere gevra om ons te vertel van die roofdierbestuurspraktyke waarmee hulle sukses behaal in hul spesifieke boerdery-omgewings en -omstandighede. Verlede maand het Pieter Albertyn, wat in die Struisbaai-distrik boer, verduidelik hoe kuddediere soos alpakkas baie doeltreffend is om roofdiere weg te hou. Vandeesmaand fokus ons op elektriese heinings. Anton Marx, n bestuurslid van die NWKV Vrystaat, boer vanaf 1991 saam met sy pa op die plaas Karroo in die Brandfort-distrik met hoofsaaklik Dohne Merino s en n klein aantal beeste. Die jaar 2000 het n kruispadbesluit genoodsaak, aangesien die Marx e nie meer volhoubaar kon boer vanweë hulle verliese deur ongediertes nie. Anton het hul BKB-agent gevra om n koper te kry vir hul ooie om sodoende te kan oorskakel na beesboerdery. Die agent het hom egter oortuig om nie n emosionele besluit te neem nie, maar eers al die opsies te oorweeg. Hy het begin navorsing doen oor die verskillende bekampingsmetodes en besluit op elektriese heinings. Waarop het hy sy besluit gebaseer en hoe het hy begin? Hy het n paar boere besoek, maar hulle kon nie werklik help nie, want elektriese heinings was in daardie stadium n redelik nuwe metode van ongediertebeheer. Anton het begin met net die omheining van sy lamkampe om die verlies van lammers te beperk. Sy metode in foto 1 ( offset bracket metode) was aanvanklik effektief, maar die jakkalse het vinnig geleer om bo-oor die drie drade te spring. Hy sit toe weer twee kragdrade in die bestaande

3 heining, wat ook nie 100% effektief was nie. Alhoewel verliese wel afgeneem het, was hy nie heeltemal tevrede nie. Hy besluit toe om al die drade af te breek, die grondoppervlak korrek voor te berei en die heining te span soos op foto 2. Dit was ongeveer 12 jaar gelede en hierdie spanmetode word nog steeds met groot welslae gebruik. Moniteringsplaas hoekom daarby betrokke? Gedurende sy omheiningsproses het Anton betrokke geraak by die NWKV en die moniteringsplase wat deur die bekende jakkalsfundie, Niel Viljoen, bestuur word. Volgens jaarlikse inligting en statistiek sal Niel beaam dat elektriese heinings beslis een van die doeltreffendste metodes van ongediertebeheer is, mits jy jou heinings op die regte manier oprig en nie kortpaaie kies nie. Onderhoud en instandhouding is uiters belangrik en moet so gereeld as moontlik gedoen word. Inspekteer heinings ten minste een keer per week (nie eers wanneer die jakkals gevang is nie, want dit is gewoonlik wat gebeur). Spuit heinings een of twee keer per seisoen met gif, afhangend van die reën. Blokke moet verkieslik nie groter as 400 ha wees nie, want as die jakkals wel inkom, is dit net soveel makliker om hom te beheer. Wenke Slegs 2,24 volversinkte staaldraad. Vergelyk pryse van verskillende verskaffers vir al jou benodigdhede. Gebruik soveel as moontlik van jou ou heining se ysterpale en sparre. Koop die regte energiser Sit jou energiser so na as moontlik aan jou heining. Spuit voortydig die plantegroei onder jou heining. Minder verliese, meer geld in die sak Die rede waarom Anton elke seisoen n nuwe blok span, is omdat hy die sukses van die elektriese heining aan sy sak kan voel. Sy buurman beaam dat indien hy sy heining op skuld sou span, hy dit binne twee jaar sou kon afbetaal. Aanvanklik klink dit na n duur proses, maar as jy dit teen al jou verliese opweeg, is dit maar n fraksie daarvan. Indien dit enigsins sou moontlik wees, sou Anton van die dag wat hy die plaas betree het, elektriese heinings gespan het. Hy deel n praktiese voorbeeld: gedurende Aprilmaand se lamseisoen het hy geen lammers binne die heining verloor is nie, maar aan die buitekant van die heining het n hele paar groot ooie gesneuwel. Elektriese heinings het ongetwyfeld sy passie vir skaapboerdery weer laat opvlam. Kontak hom gerus by

4 DEEL U BESTUURSPRAKTYK MET ONS! Daar is menige boere wat predatore doeltreffend bestuur en daarom wil ons graag sulke suksesstories aanhoor en deel met medeboere. U geslaagde bestuurspraktyk sal in die maandelikse PMFnuusbrief verskyn en ook op die webtuiste geplaas word. Skakel Bonita Francis by (041) of per e-pos by Record predation losses on this app! The Predation Management Information Centre (PMiC) has developed an app for the recording of predation management information. Everybody knows that predation is a serious problem faced by livestock farmers and some wildlife ranchers. But exactly how big is the problem? Which areas in the country are experiencing the most damage? Why do some farmers and ranchers experience much more damage than others in the same area? How effective are the different methods of predation management really when it comes to reducing predation on livestock farms or wildlife ranches? These are the questions we have been asking for many years. Although research has tried to answer these questions, a single research project or even a set of research projects, for that matter cannot answer all these questions at once, at least not across the entire country. Why not? Because each research project has its limits: time, money, labour, equipment, etc. Different research projects also generally make use of different methods and approaches, meaning that the results of the different studies cannot always be compared. These are just some of the things that have recently been identified as hampering attempts to address the negative impact of predation. The information available on predation, predation management and the predators implicated for the damage has not enabled the development of practical, responsible management practices for different scenarios. To have information is good, but a large set of information that covers a large geographical area (for example the country or a province) and long, continuous periods is more useful than having many small datasets covering small areas and short periods of time. There are also still many information gaps between different areas and periods. We identified the need for a method to collect detailed, standardised data (one format so that results of different studies are comparable) on predation management on a large scale and over long periods to bridge these gaps. With the help (and patience) of CyberTracker software developers and a few dedicated individuals, two databases have been created with the aid of software designed specifically to collect data via mobile applications (cell phone apps). The purpose of the apps is to address the lack of information regarding the extent (how much) and distribution (where) of predation and the effects (reduction or mitigation) of implementing predation management strategies. This will generate large databases from which studies could be conducted, covering the range of aspects involved in predation and predation management. The collection of information over long periods of time allows the monitoring of predation and how predation management strategies in different areas affect the recurrence of predation. This type of information can then help formulate best practices for predation management.

5 Why is this much information necessary? Put quite simply: it will give us a better picture of predation across the country. In other words, the current situation regarding predation on livestock farms and wildlife ranches can be evaluated. If you look at the bigger picture, areas with higher predation vs. lower predation could be identified. From there, certain areas could be zoomed into to investigate why some areas/farmers experience more predation, or which methods or combinations of methods of predation management work better, and under which circumstances. With long-term data, the situation can be monitored. Eventually, with data collected over several seasons or years, we will be able to identify patterns and make predictions regarding possible future predation, so that better preventive (precautionary measures) can be taken. Predation takes place every day and predation management activities are performed every day, but information is difficult to obtain. So how will the apps help to collect this type of information? Most of us have a cell phone, and we carry it with us wherever we go. So: whenever you are out and about on your farm and you come across the carcass of one of your livestock or another farm animal, or you realise that some animals are missing, you simply take out your phone, open the Stock Losses app, tap to select a few options (for example: identify the animal is it a sheep, cow or goat; identify the possible cause of death; take a photograph in the case of a carcass; enter some other details about the animals, if you so choose), and then tap on the save and send button. With the Predator Control app, information on the predator species, the method of control and other details about the animal (optional) are recorded. The information is sent directly to a central database at the PMiC and is ready for analysis. The applications are compatible with any mobile device with an android-operating system (cell phones, tablets and PDAs) but are not available for use on Apple devices yet. Anyone interested in using this tool to record predation losses on their farms/in their area, can contact the PMiC at Stuur inligting U word vriendelik versoek om enige inligting oor predasie, suksesvolle beheermetodes en interessante navorsing aan te stuur. Ons wil die jongste nuus hoor, asook enige aktiwiteite in u bedryf, en die datums waarop dit plaasvind. Wenke oor die voor koming of bekamping van predasie, asook foto s, is welkom. Kontak Bonita by