CIAT in Africa: Research areas and opportunities of collaborating research

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1 CIAT in Africa: Research areas and opportunities of collaborating research Jean Claude Rubyogo, Robin Buruchara and Brigitte Mass. CIAT-Africa Presentation during CRSP Council meeting Nashera Hotel, March 5-7 th, 2013 Morogoro Tanzania

2 CIAT Mission CIAT mission is to reduce hunger, poverty and improve human health in the tropics through research aimed at increasing the eco-efficiency of agriculture: 1. Boost agricultural productivity to provide the poor with inexpensive and nutritious food 2. Make agriculture more competitive offering the poor new opportunities to increase incomes 3. Achieve agricultural growth that is sustainable and less harmful to environment.

3 CIAT in Africa: Four strategic objectives Strengthen bean research in Africa through the Pan Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA) partnerships Expand Tropical Forage Research in East and Central Africa Implement a global Soils Research agenda. Expand research on climate change and linking farmers to markets in SSA

4 Research Emphasis Beans o Improving productivity o Addressing malnutrition through more nutritious beans o Linking farmers to markets o Exploiting private public partnerships (seed production and value addition) Soils o Maintaining soil quality and ecosystem services during sustainable intensification o Sustaining soil fertility in important farming systems Tropical Forages: (Raising the profile of forages) o Forage-based dairy and beef cattle value chains o Adapted forage grasses and potential value for supporting environmental services o Overcoming constraints of forage seed production o Efficient and reliable seed systems Climate change: o Supporting National Adaptation and Mitigation Planning for Agricultural Sectors in Africa Linking farmers to markets

5 CIAT Involvement in CGIAR Research Programmes (CRPs)

6 CIAT in CGIAR Research Programmes (CRPs) in AFRICA CIAT Research Areas /Programmes Agrobiodiversity : Beans Soil : CRPs Grain Legumes (3.5) Nutrition and health (4) Tropical Forage Agricultural systems for humid tropics (1.2.) Livestock and fish (3.7) Landscape Agricultural systems in Dry areas (1.1) Soil health Agri-ecosytems Institutions Soil information Agricultural systems for humid tropics (1.2.) Water, Land and ecosystems (5) Decision and policy analysis (DAPA) Climate change, Agriculture and Food security (7) Climate change Agricultural systems for humid tropics (1.2.) Linking farmers to market

7 Target sub-regional areas Forages: (Eastern, Central and Southern Africa) Beans: (Eastern, Central, Southern and Western Africa) Soils (Eastern, Central, Southern and Western Africa) Climate Change: (Eastern, Central, Southern and Western Africa)

8 CIAT Africa Approach Alignment with continental agricultural agenda e.g. CAADP especially country compacts (CCs) Engagement and development of partnership with national and sub-regional organizations (e.g.asereca) From pilot sites to continental scaling-up through alliances e.g. Pan Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA)


10 Linking Research to use : PABRA s Complementary and efficient use of resources CIAT Biophysical Social NARES: Management Scientists Development Partners and Policy makers Users Technology development + priority setting Identify key research constraints /opportunities Catalyze teams for strategic and applied work Publish /share results to feed into future work Technology adaptation and policy support Engage partners for adaptive research to refine technology across multiple countries Test approaches to upscale fast, widely + with equity. Publish and share results Catalyze links and partnerships to reach users. Provide tools and methods for widespread skills and knowledge enhancement Raise awareness Test and use technologies

11 CIAT engagement in the Feed the Future initiative 1. Africa Rising (IITA-ILRI led ) Increasing the productivity of preferred bean varieties e.g. introduction of early maturing and high/mid altitude climbing varieties in Tanzania Cereal value chain support (Ethiopia) Soil characterization and information (Tz and Ethiopia) 2. Implementing country mission priorities e.g. beans in Mozambique and Uganda 1: 3

12 Collaboration CIAT-CRSP Existing : CIAT- CRSP /Dry Grain Pulses (excellent) Bean Breeding for abiotic/biotic constraints (joint projects) in Rwanda, Uganda,Mozambique Outreach strategies particularly effective seed systems (East Africa region) Potential Basic research in various CIAT research areas Human capacity building in various agricultural fields

13 BEAN TYPES & MARKET PREFERENCES OF RELEASED VARIETIES in TANZANIA Type Variety Name Seed colour Seed size Bush Lyamungu 85 red mottled Large Bush Lyamungu 90 red mottled Large Bush Selian 94 Pink Mottled Medium Bush JESCA purple speckled Large Bush Selian 97 red Large Climber Selian 05, Khaki Small Climber Selian 06 Purple Medium Climber Cheupe White Medium Bush Kabanima Calima Large Climber Uyole 84 Cream, small Bush Uyole 94 red striped on cream background Large Bush Uyole 96 Dark Red Large Bush Uyole 98 Eco-Efficient Orange Agriculture for the Poor medium

14 Cont; BEAN TYPES & MARKET PREFERENCES OF RELEASED VARIETIES in TZ Type Variety Name Seed colour Seed size Bush Uyole 03 cream coloured mottled Large Bush Uyole 04 cream Bush BILFA Cream Bush Kablanketi Bush Wanja Khaki Bush Njano Orange medium Bush Rojo, Red Bush Ushindi Bush Pesa Bush SUA 90 Major issue is mass seed production and supply to millions farmers?

15 Some marketable bean types Breeding for specific market Red mottled Local and regional market Navy beans: Export market (EU, Asia) Sugar: Regiona and international export market RLarge Kidney: Local, regional and export market

16 Thanks you all