TOPIC PREVIEW Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy

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1 TOPIC PREVIEW Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy Version V09 from Funding Availabilities Budget for the Food, Agriculture activity : approximately 3 billion Indicative budget for this call: 466 million (2019), 391 (2020) Note: The call identifiers specifies which year s budget is used, whereas the opening of a call usually takes place the year before: for example, call H2020-SFS opens in October Expected Call for Proposals As you are registered with Euresearch, you will automatically be informed by e-alert as soon as the call is open. Proposal submission and evaluation is a single-stage or two-stage procedure. Main calls are expected on a bi- annual basis. Name of Call Call identifier Deadline for submission Budget mio Single stage and first stage of 2 stage evaluation Sustainable Food Security SFS 23 Jan Blue Growth BG 23 Jan Rural Renaissance RUR 23 Jan Biotechnology Work programme:nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing BIOTEC 22 Jan Sept Exclusive property of Euresearch. Copying or republishing is strictly prohibited. 1

2 Activities Funded in the Call for Proposals The societal challenge 2 Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy is implemented through the following priority areas: SFS BG From functional ecosystems to healthy food Environment and climate-smart food production and consumption Building capacities International cooperation Sustainable harvesting the potential of aquatic resources from seas, oceans and inland waters for different uses and across the range of marine and maritime industries, while protecting biodiversity and enhancing climate resilience. RUR From farm to society: understanding dynamics and modernising policies Organising sustainable food and non-food value chains under changing conditions Taking advantage of the digital revolution Boosting innovation and enhancing the human and social capital in rural areas For a general overview of support actions as well as for more information on the call you are invited to check out the thematic webpage: Contact: Gerhard Gass, National Contact Point Food Agriculture Phone: Exclusive property of Euresearch. Copying or republishing is strictly prohibited. 2

3 Call Topics For the complete topic texts and further information on topic-specific requirements, please contact Acronym list Focus Areas FA LC - Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future DT Digitising and transforming European industry and services CE Connecting economic and environmental gains-the circular economy Sustainable Food Security SFS From functional ecosystems to healthy food SFS Biodiversity in action: across farmland and the value chain EC contribution 2019 mio 8 Funding Scheme RIA SFS Integrated health approaches and alternatives to pesticide use SFS New and emerging risks to plant health SFS Improving animal welfare SFS Anti-microbials and animal production SFS A vaccine against African Swine Fever LC-SFS Alternative proteins for food and feed 15 RIA 6 IA 6 IA 10 IA 8 IA Environment and climate-smart food production and consumption LC-SFS Climate-smart and resilient farming LC-SFS European Joint Programme on agricultural soil management LC-SFS Forest soils Research and Innovation Action SFS Integrated water management at the small agriculture catchments CE-SFS Innovative and citizen-driven food system approaches in cities 40 COFUND RIA 7.5 IA Exclusive property of Euresearch. Copying or republishing is strictly prohibited. 3

4 Building capacities DT-SFS Food cloud demonstrators SFS Genetic Resources and Pre-breeding communities SFS Agri-Aqua Labs SFS ERANETs in agri-food 10 IA 5 RIA 5 ERA-NET COFUND Targeted international cooperation LC-SFS Food Systems Africa SFS Sustainable Intensification in Africa 7.5/5 RIA CE-SFS Diversifying farmers income through small bio-based concepts EU-China FAB Flagship initiative 4 RIA SFS Integrated approaches to food safety controls across the agrifood chain CE-SFS High-quality organic fertilisers from biogas digestate 5 IA Blue Growth BG EC contribution 2019 mio Funding Scheme DT-BG Sustainable European aquaculture 4.0: nutrition and breeding BG Multi-use of the marine space, offshore and near-shore: pilot demonstrators CE-BG Sustainable solutions for bio-based plastics on land and sea BG The Future of Seas and Oceans Flagship Initiative BG All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance Flagship LC-BG Coordination of marine and maritime research and innovation in the Black Sea 6 IA 9 IA 9 IA 6 / 12 IA 9 / 8 RIA 2 CSA Exclusive property of Euresearch. Copying or republishing is strictly prohibited. 4

5 Rural Renaissance RUR EC contribution 2019 mio Funding Scheme From farm to society: understanding dynamics and modernising policies RUR Building modern rural policies on long-term visions and societal engagement RUR Analytical tools and models to support policies related to agriculture and food 6 RIA 5 RIA Organising sustainable food and non-food value chains under changing conditions CE-RUR Closing nutrient cycles CE-RUR Circular bio-based business models for rural communities LC-RUR Sustainable wood value chains 8 IA 10 IA 10 IA Taking advantage of the digital revolution RUR Thematic networks compiling knowledge ready for practice RUR Fuelling the potential of advisors for innovation RUR Reinforcing the EU agricultural knowledge base RUR Support to the BIOEAST initiative: boosting knowledge and innovationbased bioeconomies 2 CSA 5 CSA 2.5 CSA 3 CSA Biotechnology BIOTEC BIOTEC Boosting the efficiency of photosynthesis Deadline: CE-BIOTEC Microorganism communities for plastics bio-degradation Deadline: BIOTEC Reprogrammed microorganisms for biological sensors BIOTEC Multi-omics for the optimisation of genotype-phenotype associations EC contribution 2019 mio 6-8 RIA 5 RIA Funding Scheme IA RIA Exclusive property of Euresearch. Copying or republishing is strictly prohibited. 5

6 Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking BBI JU Public-private partnership between the European Union and the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC). Operating under Horizon The European Union is represented by the European Commission (EC). BIC is a non-profit organisation that was created to represent the group of industries that supports the BBI JU. Complementarities with other parts of Horizon 2020 such as Societal Challenge 2, the biotechnology area of the Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT) are to be encouraged. Next calls expected : Spring 2019 Bio-Based Industry Website International Partnering If you are looking for research partners please find here some sources of information: Provider Name of the platform Link European Commission European Commission Europaen Innovation Platform AGRI (EIP- AGRI) Cordis Projects&Results Cooperation for Innovation & Technology Enterprise Europe Network - Switzerland Enterprise Europe Network Exclusive property of Euresearch. Copying or republishing is strictly prohibited. 6

7 Funding Schemes in this Call for Proposals For this call there exist different funding schemes. The work programme gives an indication of the expected size of the proposal. Name of funding scheme/type of action Research and innovation action (RIA) 100% reimbursement Innovation action (IA) (70% reimbursement, 100% reimbursement for non-profit organizations) SME instrument (70% reimbursement) Definition Action primarily consisting of activities aiming to establish new knowledge and/or to explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution. For this purpose they may include basic and applied research, technology development and integration, testing and validation on a small-scale prototype in a laboratory or simulated environment. Projects may contain closely connected but limited demonstration or pilot activities aiming to show technical feasibility in a near to operational environment. Innovation actions are collaborative research projects primarily consisting of activities directly aiming at producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services. For this purpose they may include prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large-scale product validation and market replication. The SME instrument is targeted at all types of innovative SMEs showing a strong ambition to develop, grow and internatio-nalise. It provides staged support covering the whole innovation cycle in three phases complemented by a mentoring and coaching service. Transition from one phase to the next will be seamless provided the SME project proves to be worth further support in a further evaluation. Each phase is open to new entrants. No obligation for applicants to sequentially cover all three phases; each phase open to all SMEs Explanation Condition for participation: the three shall be established in a different Condition for participation: the three shall be established in a different One for-profit SME. Only applications from SMEs established in EU Member States or countries associated to Horizon No concurrent submission or implementation with another phase 1 or phase 2 project Funding rule: 3 phases: Phase 1: lump sum of 50 k per project Phase 2: 0,5 to 2,5 M per project; Phase 3 : no funding Exclusive property of Euresearch. Copying or republishing is strictly prohibited. 7

8 Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) (70% reimbursement) Public procurement of innovative solutions (PPI) (35% reimbursement) PCP cofund actions aim to encourage public procurement of research, development and validation of new solutions that can bring significant quality and efficiency improvements in areas of public interest, whilst opening market opportunities for industry and researchers active in Europe. A PCP cofund action provides Union cofunding for a group of procurers ( buyers group ) to undertake together one joint PCP procurement, so that there is one joint call for tender, one joint evaluation of offers, and a lead procurer awarding the R&D service contracts in the name and on behalf of the buyers group. The objective of PPI cofund actions is to enable groups of procurers to share the risks of acting as early adopters of innovative solutions, whilst opening market opportunities for industry. A PPI Cofund action provides Union cofunding for a group of procurers ( buyers group ) to undertake together one joint PPI procurement, so that there is one joint PPI call for tender launched by the lead procurer and one joint evaluation of offers. the three shall be established in a different Furthermore, there must be a minimum of two independent legal entities which are public procurers from two different Member States or associated countries. the three shall be established in a different Furthermore, there must be a minimum of two independent legal entities which are public procurers from two different Member States or associated countries. Coordination and support action (CSA) Actions consisting primarily of accompanying measures such as standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, networking, coordination or support of services, policy dialogues, programmes and mutual learning exercises and studies, including design studies for new infrastructure and may also include complementary activities of strategic planning, networking and coordination between programmes in different countries. These projects to not fund research activities itself. One legal entity established in a Member State or associated Country. Exclusive property of Euresearch. Copying or republishing is strictly prohibited. 8

9 ERA-NET Co-fund ERA-NET Cofund under Horizon 2020 is designed to support public-public partnerships, including joint programming initiatives between Member States, in their preparation, establishment of networking structures, design, implementa-tion and coordination of joint activities as well as Union topping-up of a transnational call for proposals. It allows for programme collaboration in any part of the entire research-innovation cycle. The main and compulsory activity of the ERA-NET Cofund under Horizon 2020 is the implementation of the cofunded joint call for proposals that leads to the funding of trans-national research and/or innovation projects. The call is normally based on a call for proposals. Resulting in grants to third parties. In addition to the cofunded call the consortia may implement other joint activities including other joint calls without Union co-funding. Prizes Horizon Prizes are 'challenge' prizes (also known as inducement prizes) offering a cash reward to whoever can most effectively meet a defined challenge. The aim is to stimulate innovation and come up with solutions to problems that matter to European citizens. This is how the Horizon Prizes work: first a technological or societal challenge, for which no solution has been found, is defined; the three shall be established in a different Participants in ERA-NET Cofund actions must be research funders: Legal entities owning or managing public research and innovation programmes, e.g. SNSF. The contest is open to all legal entities (including natural persons) or groups of legal entities regardless of their place of establishment. Contestants that have already received an EU or Euratom prize cannot receive a second prize for the same activities. an award is promised for the delivered breakthrough solution; the award criteria give information about what the solution must be capable of proving; the means to reach the solution are not prescribed, leaving contestants total freedom to come up with the most promising and effective solution. Exclusive property of Euresearch. Copying or republishing is strictly prohibited. 9