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1 ISSN (Online) & ISSN (Optical) Int. J. Sustain. Crop Prod. 5(3):-8(August 00) GENETIC STUDY OF SOME AGRONOMICAL TRAITS THROUGH SINGLE CROSS ANALYSIS IN BLACKGRAM [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] K. NAHAR, A.C. DEB, M.A. SAMAD AND M.A. KHALEQUE Department of Botany, Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotecnology, University of Rajsai, Rajsai-605, Banglades. Corresponding autor & address: A.C. DEB, Accepted for publication on 5 July 00 ABSTRACT Naar K, Deb AC, Samad MA, Kaleque MA (00) Genetic study of yield and yield components troug single cross analysis in blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper]. Int. J. Sustain. Crop Prod. 5(3), -8. Te present investigation deals wit te genetic study of six agronomic caracters namely soot weigt (SHW), root weigt (RW), number of pods per plant (NPdPP), pod weigt per plant (PdWPP), number of seeds per plant (NSPP) and seed weigt per plant (SWPP) in two crosses viz. cross I (line- line-7) and cross II (line- line-0) between tree lines of blackgram. In Mater s scaling test, A, B and C were non-significant in most of te cases. Te potence values were observed non-significant for all te caracters, except for NPdPP in cross II were it was significant. In te Joint scaling test, te non-significant χ values was found in cross I for SHW, PdWPP and SWPP. In RW non-significant χ was found in bot of te crosses. Non-significant χ values indicated tat te presence of only additive-dominance relationsip in tese caracters. For estimates of te components of variation, D and H for all te caracters in bot of te crosses expressed negative values, except for NPdPP and NSPP were D were positive. In almost all te cases over dominance was found in negative direction. In tese materials due to te low and negative genetic components of variation, eritability and genetic advance were found to be low and negative. However, ig and moderate eritability wit 77% and 35% for NPdPP and NSPP, respectively were found in cross II. Selection practices may be fruitful wit tese caracters and crosses as tey also sowed positive and moderate genetic advance. Key words: agronomical traits, single cross, blackgram INTRODUCTION Blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] is one of te important pulse crop grown in Banglades. It is an important source of plant protein and contains approximately 5% protein in grain. It contains not only protein, minerals and vitamin-b, but also dry seed contain about 9.7% water, 3.4% proteins, % fats, 57.3% carboydrates, 3.8% fibers and 4.5% as (Purseglove 968). Te yield and yield contributing caracters of blackgram and oter crops are controlled by polygenic system. In tis system bot additive and non-additive gene actions and interactions are found to be operative. Yield of blackgram is a compound caracter, wic depends on morpological, pysiological and developmental components. Genetic information on te ineritance of quantitative caracters is necessary for te preparation of effective and meaningful breeding programmes on any crop for its improvement. Quantitative caracters require more elaborate statistical metods. Mater (949) and Hayman and Mater (955) developed te scaling test and tree-parameter model for te estimation of te components of generation means of te quantitative caracter. In model fitting adequacy of scale must satisfy tat genes are independent in action (no non-allelic interaction) and independent in distribution (no linkage) and also independence of eritable components form non-eritable ones. Hayman (958) and Jinks and Jones (958) gave six-parameter model for te estimation of various genetic components including non-allelic interaction, viz, additive-additive, additive-dominance and dominance-dominance. Heritability is a measure of te amount of genetic variability. Estimates of eritability in relation to genetic interpretation are important in determining te response to selection for te traits under observation. As te yield of blackgram per acre is low, extensive researc effort is necessary for te improvement of tis crop in our country. For te improvement of yield and its components, estimation of additive and dominance components is also necessary. Hence, te objective of tis researc is te improvement of tis crop troug proper knowledge of genetic information on te ineritance of quantitative traits. MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials used in tis study comprised tree lines of blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] namely E 8635, E 05, E wit access number 7,0 and respectively, used as parents. Two single crosses [cross I (line- line-7) and cross II (line- line-0)] were made wit reciprocals between te selected parents. Te experiment was done in researc field, beind te 3 rd Science Building, University of Rajsai containing a randomized complete block design wit tree blocks following individual plant randomization in August, 005. Data were collected on individual plant basis for six yield and yield components viz. soot weigt (SHW), root weigt (RW), number of pods per plant (NPdPP), pod weigt per plant (PdWPP), number of seeds per plant (NSPP) and seed weigt per plant (SWPP). Te collected data were analyzed following biometrical tecniques as suggested by Mater (949) based on matematical models of Fiser et al. (93) and tat of Hayman and Mater (955), Cavalli (95), Warner (95) and Lus (949). Copyrigt 00 Green Global Foundation

2 Naar et al. Te tecniques tat ave been used are described in te following sub-eads: Te analysis of variance (ANOVA) is done for testing te significant differences among te population. Variance analysis for te six generations ie. P, P, F, F, B and B was carried out separately for te six caracters of two crosses in blackgram. Since P and P are different parents, in tis way P, P, F, F, B and B constitute six generations. Te variance due to different sources suc as replicates, witin, reciprocals and types were analyzed in te present study. Mater s scaling test was done according to Mater (949) and Hayman and Mater (955). Test of potence could be done by comparing F and F means as calculated by following formula: F F = /[] Test of significance done by t test as follows: t = Estimated value of F F /standard error of mean Joint scaling test was done based on 3-parameter model for six generations. For testing te adequacy of additive-dominance model following weigted least square tecnique was done as proposed by Cavalli (95). Te significance of te tree parameters m, [d] and [] are tested against teir standard errors as: t = Estimated value of te parameter / standard error of te parameter Here, m measures te mean of base population, [d] measures te additive gene effects and [] measures te dominance gene effects. Testing te goodness of fit of te 3-parameter model for six generations following two steps are involved: (a) Computation of te expected means of tese six families using estimates of m, [d] and [] in a manner given below: P F = B B = m + [d], m + [], P F = m [d] = m + /[] = m + /[d] + /[] = m /[d] + /[] (b) Calculation of te square of deviations of te observed mean from te expected mean for eac family and computation of χ values was done following Cavalli s (95) joint scaling test. Te tecniques of Mater (949) were followed to estimate components of variation according to te formulae: V(F ) = /D + /4H + E (i) V(B ) + V(B ) =/D + /H + E (ii) V(P ) + V(P ) + V(F ) / 3 = E (iii) Were, V(F ) = Variance of F, V(F ) = Variance of F, V(P ) = Variance of P V(P ) = Variance of P, V(B ) = Variance of B, V(B ) = Variance of B Here, D = Additive component of variation, H = Dominance component of variation and E = Environmental variation. Dominance ratio was calculated suggested by Mater (949) as: Dominance ratio = H/D Heritability was calculated in two different ways following Mater (949) as follows: i. Narrow sense eritability ( n): n = /D / (/D + /4H + E) Here, D, H and E are te estimates of components of variation. ii. Broad sense eritability ( b): b = (/D + /4H) / (/D+/4H + E) Here, σ g = (/D + /4 H) and σ p = (/D + /4 H + E) Genetic advance was calculated by te formula as suggested by Lus (949). GA = K σ P b or n Were, K = Te selection differential in standard unit. According to Lus (949), te value of K is.06 at 5% level of selection. σ P = Standard deviation of te penotypic variance of F b = Heritability in broad sense n = Heritability in narrow sense. 3

3 Genetic study of yield and yield components troug single cross analysis in blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Genetic information on te ineritance of quantitative traits is necessary for te preparation of effective and meaningful breeding programmes in any crops for its improvement. Quantitative caracters controlled by polygenes, sow continuous variation and follow te normal distribution in eac case indicated tat te biometrical tecniques developed to study te quantitative caracters would be suitable for te ineritance of tese caracters. In te analysis of variance replicates item for all te generations were found to be nonsignificant in most of te cases (Table ) indicated tat tere was no significant difference between te replications. Te reciprocals item for F and F were also found to be non-significant in all te cases. Te types item for B and B were significant for all te caracters, except in NPdPP, PdWPP and SWPP were B of cross I were non-significant. Significant types item indicated tat te difference between te parents and maternal effects were present. In Mater s scaling test, A, B and C were non-significant in most of te cases except SWPP in cross II (Table ). Scale C was significant for all te caracters in cross II and non-significant for all te caracters in cross I except NSPP. A was significant only in cross II for PdWPP and for SWPP it was non-significant for all oter caracters in bot of te crosses. Significant B was found for NPdPP and NSPP in cross I. On te oter and for SWPP, scale A, B and C were significant in cross II. Non-significant values indicated te adequacy of additivedominance model and significant values indicated te inadequacy of te model. Said (996), Deb and Kaleque (009) and Samad et al. (009) obtained a result from Mater s scaling test on different crops and observed tat additive-dominance model was inadequate in most of te cases. Non-significant potence was found for all te caracters in bot of te crosses, except for NPdPP in cross II were significant potence was found (Table ). Non-significant potence sows tat dominance may be ambidirectional. Again, it was noted from Table 3 tat te χ values were found to be non-significant in cross I for SHW, PdWPP and SWPP. In te caracter RW, te χ value was non-significant in bot crosses. It exibited te presence of only additive dominance relationsip for tose caracters and crosses would likely elp in doing successful breeding plan easily for te development of potential lines in blackgram. Deb and Kaleque (009) found similar result in some cases in cickpea. Te χ values following joint scaling test in te rest of te caracters, suc as NPdPP and NSPP were significant in bot crosses. In cross II, te χ values for SHW, PdWPP and SWPP were found to be significant, wic indicates te inadequacy of additive dominance model. In tis context, non-allelic interaction and linkage may play a part wit te additive dominance gene effects in te ineritance of tese caracters. Te estimates of H component were negative in all te cases (Table 4). Tese results corroborate wit te findings of Samad (99) in rapeseed and Samad et al. (009) in blackgram. Te magnitude of D was negative for all te cases, except in NPdPP and NSPP in bot crosses. Among te tree components, component E exibited positive value in all te caracters and crosses and ence it sowed te igest value for NSPP in bot crosses indicated tat tis caracter is igly influenced by te environment. Negative estimates of components of variation, owever migt be arised from sampling errors (Mater 949) or genotype-environment interaction (Hill 966). Te igest and te lowest values of dominance ratio H/D was found in cross I for RW and SWPP, respectively (Table 4). In tis investigation, all te caracters sowed over dominance and in bot te crosses it was negative for NPdPP and NSPP, wic indicated dominance effect towards decreasing parent. Degree of dominance for most of te caracters ranged from partial to over dominance in majority of te crosses observed by Kaleque (975) in rice. Uddin (983), Raman (984), Deb and Kaleque (009) and Samad et al. (009) also reported over dominance for different caracters in teir cross materials in weat, erisilkworm, cickpea and blackgram, respectively. In te present study, low and negative values of eritability were found in all te caracters, except in NPdPP and NSPP were positive narrow sense ( n) eritability was obtained in bot of te crosses (Table 4). Te negative eritability values in tesse materials were due to te fact tat dominance is increasingly negative. Tese results is supported by te various researcers viz. Paroda and Josi (970a), Sarma et al. (979), Samsuddin (98), Said (996), Deb and Kaleque (009), Hussain et al. (009). Genetic advance (GA) was lower and negative in most of te cases (Table 4). Positive genetic advance followed by n was found in NPdPP and NSPP for bot of te crosses. Naar (997) obtained low values of GA for cane eigt, cane diameter, number of tiller/clump, millable cane/clump, field brix, and cane yield/clump in sugar cane. Hussain (997) and Samad et al. (009) found similar results in some cases wile working on cilli and blackgram, respectively. 4

4 Naar et al. Table. Mean sum squares from ANOVA for six agronomic caracters in two crosses of blackgram P P SHW RW Generations Items Cross I Cross II Cross I Cross II MS P MS P MS P MS P Replicates >5% >5% 0.08 >5% 0.08 >5% Witin Replicates 6.45 >5% >5% >5% >5% Witin F F B B Reciprocals 4.5 >5% >5% 0.04 >5% >5% Replicates.647 >5% >5% 0.47 >5% 0.09 >5% Witin Reciprocals >5% 7.69 >5% 0.7 >5% 0.08 >5% Replicates >5%.0 >5% 0.50 >5% 0.46 >5% Witin Types <5% <% <% <% Replicates >5% 8.00 >5% 0.5 <5% 0.46 >5% Witin Types <% <% <%.84 <% Replicates >5% 8.8 >5% <% 0.8 >5% Witin P P NPdPP PdWPP Generations Items Cross I Cross II Cross I Cross II MS P MS P MS P MS P Replicates 0.34 >5% 0.34 >5% 0.35 >5% 0.35 >5% Witin Replicates >5% >5% >5% >5% Witin F F B B Reciprocals >5%.6 >5% >5%.677 >5% Replicates <5%.05 >5%.60 >5% 4.85 >5% Witin Reciprocals >5% >5% 0.68 >5% 0.04 >5% Replicates >5% >5% >5% 7.89 >5% Witin Types <5% <% 5.56 <% <% Replicates >5% <5% 3.07 >5% 7.93 <5% Witin Types >5% <%.459 >5% <% Replicates.39 >5% 86.6 <%.730 >5% 4.76 >5% Witin P P NSPP SWPP Generations Items Cross I Cross II Cross I Cross II MS P MS P MS P MS P Replicates <5% <5% 0.00 >5% 0.00 >5% Witin Replicates >5% >5% >5% 5.96 >5% Witin F F B B Reciprocals >5% 36.6 >5% 4.94 >5%.00 >5% Replicates >5% >5% >5% >5% Witin Reciprocals <5% 0.35 >5% >5%.4 >5% Replicates >5% >5% <5% 9.9 >5% Witin Types <5% <% <% <% Replicates >5% <% 8.9 >5% <5% Witin Types 5.53 <% <% 4.43 >5% <% Replicates >5% <%.68 >5%.659 >5% Witin

5 Genetic study of yield and yield components troug single cross analysis in blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] Table. Analysis of Mater s scaling test and test of potence for six agronomic caracters in two crosses of blackgram Caracters SHW RW NPdPP PdWPP NSPP SWPP Parameters Cross I Cross II Value±Se Probability Value±Se Probability A.344± ± B 0.83± ± C 0.80± ± Potence A.30± ± B 0.309± ± C.398± ± Potence A 0.839± ± B.997± ± C 0.68± ±3.939 P< 0.0 Potence A.49± ±0.698 P< 0.0 B 0.437± ± C 0.695± ± Potence A.46± ± B.804± ± C.057± ± Potence A.53± ±0.539 P< 0.0 B 0.8± ± C 0.893± ±.067 P< 0.0 Potence Table 3. Analysis of joint scaling test for six agronomic caracters in two crosses of blackgram Caracters SHW RW NPdPP PdWPP NSPP SWPP Joint scales Cross I Cross II Value±Se Probability Value±Se Probability m 9.63± ±0.86 d ± ±0.36 χ m 0.795± ±0.0 d -0.07± ±0.043 χ m 0.733± ±0.587 d ± ± ±.87 χ m 4.47± ±0.0 d ± ±0.86 χ P< 0.0 m 49.04± ±.348 d ± ±.87 χ P< m.85± ±0.093 d ± ±0.45 χ P< 0.0 6

6 Naar et al. Table 4. Analysis of components of variations (D, H & E), dominance ratio ( H/D ), eritability ( n & b) and genetic advance (GA (n) & GA (b) ) for six agronomic caracters in two crosses of blackgram Parameters SHW RW NPdPP Cross I Cross II Cross I Cross II Cross I Cross II D H E (H/D) n b GA (n) GA (b) Parameters PdWPP NSPP SWPP Cross I Cross II Cross I Cross II Cross I Cross II D H E (H/D) n b GA (n) GA (b) CONCLUSION In tis work of genetic study of yield and yield components of blackgram, additive-dominance relationsip in different generations was found only in cross I for SHW, PdWPP and SWPP. Te components of variation were mostly eiter low or negative but E was ig and positive, wic reflected in te estimation of eritability and genetic advance. Tese values were low and negative. All tese migt be due to ig environmental variance influenced by unusual vegetative growt due to late sowing in mid of August. However, te cross I wit caracters PdWPP and SWPP may be considered for furter breeding researc wit care for timely sowing. It may also be concluded tat selection practices may be done wit te caracters, NPdPP and NSPP in cross II as tey sowed ig to moderate positive narrow sense eritability and genetic advance. REFERENCES Cavalli LL (95) An analysis of linkage in quantitative ineritance. Ed. E.C.R. Rieve and C.H. Waddington. pp , HMSO, London. Deb AC, Kaleque MA (009) Nature of gene action of some quantitative traits in cickpea. World J. Agric. Sci. 5(3), Fiser RA, Immer RR, Tedin O (93) Te genetical interpretation of statistics of te tird degree in te study of quantitative ineritance. Genetics. 7, Hayman BI (958) Te separation of epistatic from additive and dominance variation in generation means. Heredity., Hayman BI, Mater K (955) Te description of gene interaction in continuous variation. Biometrics. 0, Hill J (966) Recurrent backcrossing in te study of quantitative ineritance. Heredity., Husain MM (997) Genetic study of yield and yield components in cilli (Capsicum annuum L.). P.D Tesis, Rajsai University, Banglades. Husain MM, Deb AC, Kaleque MA, Joarder OI (009) Ineritance study of yield and yield components using biparental progenies in cilli (Capsicum annuum L.). Intl. J. BioRes. (), -6. Jinks JL, Jones RM (958) Estimation of te components of eterosis. Genetics. 43, Kaleque MA (975) Studies of quantitative caracters in rice (Oryza sativa L.). P.D. Tesis, Rajsai University, Banglades. Lus JL (949) Animal breeding plans, 3 rd Ed. Jowa State University. Press Amer. U.S.A. Mater K (949) Biometrical Genetics, st Ed. Matuen and Co. Ltd., London. 7

7 Genetic study of yield and yield components troug single cross analysis in blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] Naar SMN (997) Genetic study of economically important caracters and construction of selection index in sugarcane. P.D. Tesis, Rajsai University, Banglades. Paroda RS, Josi AB (970a) Genetic arcitecture of yield and components of yield in weat. Indian J. Genet. 30, Purseglove JW (968) Tropical Crops. Dicotyledons, Longmans Green and Co. Ltd., Raman MS (984) Studies on te genetics improvement of eri silkworm (Pilosamia ricini Boisd.) of Banglades P.D. Tesis, Rajsai University, Banglades. Samad A (99) Genetic study and genotype-environment interaction of some agronomic caracters in rape seed (Brassica campestris L.). P.D. Tesis, Rajsai University, Banglades. Samad MA, Deb AC, Basori R, Kaleque MA (009) Study of genetic control of soluble protein in root nodules and seeds in blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper]. Int. J. Sustain. Crop Prod. 4(5), Said MA (996) Genomic composition, gene action and genotype environment interaction in exaploid weat (Triticum aestivum L.). P. D. Tesis, Rajsai University, Banglades. Samsuddin AKM (98) Nature of gene action controlling yield and yield components in spring weat. M.Sc. Tesis, American University of Bairut. Bairut, Lebanon. Sarma JR, Yadav SP, Sing JN (979) Te component of genetic variation in biparental progenies and teir use in breeding of pearl millet (Pennisetum typpnoids). Burn. S. & H.Z. Pflanzenzuctg. 8, Uddin MM (983) Studies on some agronomic caracters of weat (Triticum aestivum Lm em. Tell.). P.D. Tesis, Rajsai University, Banglades. Warner JN (95) A metod of estimating eritability. Agron. J. 44,