CH107 Mock Exam 2. 3) Which of the following is a purine base? Purines = adenine, guanine A) Uracil B) Adenine C) Thymine D) Cysteine E) Orotate

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1 100 pts pts, pts. (choose 4 of 6) 1) What are the components of DNA? A) Ribonucleic acid, B) Amino group, phosphate group, pentose sugar C) Sugar-phosphate backbone D) fructose sugar, nitrogen ring E) Nitrogen containing ring, pentose sugar, phosphate group 2) What are the 3 types of RNA? A) Transfer, Messenger, Ribose B) Transfer, Meaningless, Ribosomal C) Translational, Messenger, Ribosomal D) Transfer, Messenger, Ribosomal E) Translational, Messenger, Ribosomal 3) Which of the following is a purine base? Purines = adenine, guanine A) Uracil B) Adenine C) Thymine D) Cysteine E) Orotate 4) brings specific amino acids to the ribosome A) rrna B) mrna C) trna D) srna E) rrrna 5) The is the primary structure of a nucleic acid A) Nucleotide sequence B) Peptide the primary structure of a peptide is the amino acid sequence C) Genetic sequence: made of 4 nucleotides D) DNA E) RNA 6) Which of the following bond types are found in DNA? A) Phosphodiester connect phosphate to deoxyribose sugar B) Glycosidic connect deoxyribose to nitrogen base C) Hydrogen bonds connect the complimentary nitrogen bases D) A and C E) All of the above 7) Which of the following is found in DNA? A) Cytoseine B) Adenosine

2 C) Uracil nitrogen base found in RNA D) All of the above E) A and B 8) In the parent strands of DNA each form one strand of two new daughter strands. A) Semi-conservative replication B) Conservative replication C) Translation D) RNA translation E) A and B 9) DNA replication occurs in the by. A) Nucleus, semi-conservative replication B) Ribosome, semi-conservative replication Ribosomes result in translation of mrna to proteins not DNA replication C) Nucleus, conservative replication D) Ribosome, conservative replication E) A and C 10) can produce energy for replication by breaking one phosphate bond. A) AMP B) ATP Adenosine triphosphate, is a type of triphosphate nucleotide C) Triphosphate nucleotide D) A and B E) B and C Triphosphates are needed to produce energy for DNA replication 11) The lagging strand is synthesized in fragments, called. The lagging strand is 3-5 A) Okazawa fragments B) Okazaki fragments C) Lagging fragments D) Okanawa fragments E) None of the above 12) breaks the hydrogen bonds connecting 2 strands of DNA during replication.

3 A) Helicase B) DNA polymerase C) DNA ligase D) Topoisomerase E) DNA primase 13) unwinds the DNA during replication. A) Helicase B) DNA primase C) DNA polymerase D) DNA ligase E) Topoisomerase think sits on top of the DNA to unwind it. 14) connects the Okazaki fragments during replication. A) Helicase B) DNA polymerase C) DNA ligase think liga ments help connect bones D) Topoisomerase E) DNA primase 15) attaches a base and forms the phosphodiester bond. A) Helicase B) DNA polymerase this is the process of adding new nucleotides to grow the chain C) DNA ligase D) Topoisomerase E) DNA primase 16) is the process of forming mrna. A) Transcription B) Translation C) RNA sequencing D) Transmutation E) A and B 17) helps form the structure of the ribosome A) mrna messenger RNA B) trna transfer RNA C) rrna D) srna E) rrrna 18) List the following steps in order. i) DNA double helix is reformed ii) mrna sequence is synthesized from the DNA template strand iii) mrna leaves the nucleus and attaches to ribosome iv) DNA double helix is unwound

4 A) i,ii, iii,iv B) iv, ii,iii,i C) iv,ii,i,iii DNA is unwound, transcription occurs, DNA quickly refolds, then the mrna is sent to the ribosome D) ii,iv,i,iii E) ii,iv,iii,i 19) Which of the following about transcription is FALSE? A) It proceeds in the 5 to 3 direction for both leading and lagging strand B) Differs from DNA replication in that only one strand is copied. C) Transcription is slower, and more error prone, than replication. D) A and C E) All true It DOES proceed in the 5 to 3 direction but there is only one strand! Not both leading (coding strand) and lagging (DNA template strand) 20) The codon UGA codes for which amino acid? A) Cys B) Trp C) Tyr D) None UGA is a stop codon which does not code for an amino acid E) Methionine 21) A ribosome consists of how many subunits? A) 1 subunit B) 2 one large and one small subunit C) 3 2 small subunits, 1 large subunit D) 4 heterodimer E) 2 both large subunits 22) Transfer RNA binds to the mrna codon with a(n)

5 A) Anticodon B) Complimentary codon C) AUG D) Hydrogen bond E) specific amino acid 23) Stop codons bind to proteins called A) Anticodons B) trna units C) release factors D) translation factors E) transcription factors 24) List which steps make up translation and in the correct chronologic order. I) Elongation II) Initiation III) Release IV) Termination V) Attachment A) V,II,I,IV B) I,II,III,IV,V C) V,I,II,IV, D) II,I,IV 3 steps of translation Initiation, Elongation, Termination E) II,I,III 25) Who is responsible for the discovery of DNA (double helix structure)? A) Watson and Crick B) Darwin and Mendel C) Gregorian Mendel D) Einstein E) Nikola Tesla coolest guy ever 26) Which of the follow is a form of Post Translational Modification? A) Amidation B) Acetylation C) Phosphorylation D) B and C E) All of the above Post translational modification occurs AFTER a protein is synthesized. When proteins are first synthesized, they are inactive (not catalyzing reactions) a PTM must first occur to activate the protein. The protein Insulin is an example. Insulin becomes active after PTM but it is first synthesized in an inactive form. 27) Which of the following is a result of a chromosomal mutation affecting hemoglobin? A) Huntington s Disease B) Sickle Cell Anemia C) Hemophilia affects clotting factors

6 D) Cystic fibrosis E) Galactosemia 28) Which of the following is an example of silent mutation? A) AAA AAU Lys-> Asn B) UGC UGA Cys->Stop C) UUU UUC Phe->Phe D) GGU GAG Gly->Glu E) CCU CAC Pro->His A silent mutation is a change in a nucleotide but the resulting codon still codes for the same protein 29) A frameshift mutation is caused by. A) 1 or 2 bases being added B) 1 or 2 bases being removed C) 3n bases being added D) 3n bases being removed E) A and B 30) is the most common genetic disease and is caused by a deletion. A) Down s Syndrom B) Sickle Cell Anemia C) Cystic Fibrosis D) Klinefelter s Syndrom E) Autism 31) Given the nucleotide, what peptide results? 3 TACTTACGCACT 5 A) Met-Asn-Ala B) Stop-Leu-Arg-Thr C) Thr-Arg-Leu D) Ala-Asn-Met E) AUGAAUGCGUGA 32) Given the following peptide what is a possible nucleotide sequence? Met-Phe-Tyr-Ser A) AUGUUUUACUCCUGA B) TACAAATGAGGACT C) AUGUUUACUCC D) TACAAATGAGG E) UGAAUGUUUUACUCCUGA 33) Given the following mrna sequence, what is the original nucleotide sequence. (5 3 )

7 UUCGCGAGAUCGAGU A) TTCGCGAGATCGAGT B) GGATATCTCGATCTG C) CCTATAGAGCTAGAC D) AAGCGCTCTAGCTCA Given the following DNA strand: 5 -ATG-CAT-GCT-TTA-CAA-GAT-TGA-3 1a. Write the peptide coded by the mrna strand. mrna = AUG-CAU-GCU-UUA-CAA-GAU-UGA peptide = Met- His-Ala-Leu-Gln-Asp 1b. Write another mrna strand which codes for the same peptide, but has four point mutations. AUG-CAC-GCC-UUG-CAG-GAT-TGA Four point mutations change 4 specific points but this results in a silent mutation. So even though the nucleotides have changed the codon will still code for the same amino acid. 1c. If, in the original strand, T9 is replaced by a G and C4 is replaced by an A, what peptide is produced? Take the original mrna strand then make changes AUG-AAU-GCG-UUA-CAA-GAU-UGA The resulting peptide: Met-Asn-Gly-Leu-Gln-Asp

8 1e. If, in the original strand, T10,T11 and G16 are deleted, what peptide is produced? Take the original mrna: AUG-CAU-GCU-UUA-CAA-GAU-UGA Delete the specific nucleotides AUG-CAU-GCU- A-CAA-_AU-UGA and shift the nucleotides to make complete codons New mrna: AUG-CAU-GCU-ACA-AAU-UGA new peptide: Met-His-Ala-Thr-Asn 1f. If, in the original strand, T10,T11, and A12 are deleted, what peptide is produced? Take original mrna strand: AUG-CAU-GCU-UUA-CAA-GAU-UGA Delete specific nucleotides: AUG-CAU-GCU- _-CAA-GAU-UGA Write new strand AUG-CAU-GCU-CAA-GAU-UGA New peptide: Met-His-Ala-Gln-Asp 2. Draw double stranded DNA. Include 4 nucleotides in each strand (the double strand should have 8 nucleotides total). Include the correct pentose structure and phosphate linkages. You do not have to draw specific nucleotides but signify the specific base via letter abbreviations (ie. A,T,C,G).

9 3. Below is the structure for Adenine. Draw the structure for ATP. If catabolic metabolism occurs, draw the product.