IBM Maximo Asset Health Insights Version 7 Release 6. Installation Guide IBM

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1 IBM Maximo Asset Health Insights Version 7 Release 6 Installation Guide IBM

2 Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 7. This edition applies to version 7, release 6, modification 0 of IBM Maximo Asset Health Insights and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Copyright IBM Corporation US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

3 Contents Installing IBM Maximo Asset Health Insights System requirements for Maximo Asset Health Insights Installing Maximo Asset Health Insights Automatically building and deploying the Maximo EAR file and the Work Center WAR file. 2 Manually building and deploying the Maximo EAR file and the Work Center WAR file Building the Maximo EAR file and the Work Center WAR file Deploying the Maximo EAR file and the Work Center WAR file on WebSphere Application Server Deploying the Maximo EAR file and the Work Center WAR file on Oracle WebLogic Server.. 4 Installing silently Installing Maximo Asset Health Insights silently. 5 Copyright IBM Corp iii

4 iv Installation Guide

5 Installing IBM Maximo Asset Health Insights The installation of Maximo Asset Health Insights involves running an installation program and a configuration program, both of which can be started from the launchpad. System requirements for Maximo Asset Health Insights Before you install Maximo Asset Health Insights, ensure that your environment meets the hardware and software requirements. A complete list of hardware and software requirements is available in the System Requirements section of the IBM Maximo Asset Management wiki. The user who installs Maximo Asset Health Insights must have administrative user rights. IBM Maximo Asset Management administrative workstation Before you install Maximo Asset Health Insights, your environment must be updated to Maximo Asset Management version If a previous version of Maximo Asset Management is installed, you must update to version After Maximo Asset Management is installed, you must go to IBM Fix Central to download and install both the Maximo Asset Management fix pack and the interim fix. Related information: Maximo Asset Management system requirements wiki Installing Maximo Asset Health Insights You install Maximo Asset Health Insights in the same directory where Maximo Asset Management is installed. Before you begin If you plan to perform a silent installation of the product later, see the information about installing silently. Procedure 1. Download the Maximo Asset Health Insights product software from IBM Passport Advantage and extract the installation image to a local directory. 2. Start the launchpad by double-clicking the launchpad file. If your computer is a Windows system, use the launchpad64.exe file. If your computer is a UNIX or Linux system, use the file. 3. On the Install IBM Maximo Asset Health Insights pane, click Install. 4. After you accept the terms in the license agreement, select the option to use the existing package group for IBM Tivoli 's process automation engine. 5. Complete the installation program. 6. In the configuration program, select Update Database and Build and Deploy Application EAR Files. This step also builds and deploys the Work Center WAR file. Copyright IBM Corp

6 7. Complete the configuration program. 8. When the installation, configuration, and deployment are complete, verify that the Maximo Asset Health Insights component was installed. Log in to Maximo Asset Management and view the system information from the Help menu. Related tasks: Installing Maximo Asset Health Insights silently on page 5 To perform a silent installation, instead of using the installation programs, you run commands by using a generated response file that was created during the initial installation of Maximo Asset Health Insights. Automatically building and deploying the Maximo EAR file and the Work Center WAR file If you deferred the configuration process during installation, you can update the Maximo database and build and deploy the EAR file and the WAR file by using the configuration program. Before you begin The installation of Maximo Asset Health Insights must be complete. Procedure 1. In the install_home/configtool directory, start the configuration program by double-clicking the ConfigUI file. 2. On the home screen, select Update Database and Build and Deploy Application EAR Files. This step also builds and deploys the Work Center WAR file. 3. Complete the configuration program. Manually building and deploying the Maximo EAR file and the Work Center WAR file If your environment uses Oracle WebLogic Server, the configuration program cannot be used to complete the configuration process. You must manually update the Maximo database and build and deploy the EAR file and the WAR file. You can also perform a manual build and deploy on WebSphere Application Server. Building the Maximo EAR file and the Work Center WAR file Deployment of the product involves updating the Maximo database and rebuilding the Maximo EAR file and the Work Center WAR file. Procedure 1. On the administrative workstation, open a command prompt. 2. Change to the install_home\maximo\tools\maximo directory and run the updatedb command. 3. If languages other than English are installed on the system, run the TDToolkit command. 4. To build the EAR file, change to the install_home\maximo\deployment directory and run one of the following commands: Option WebSphere Application Server Oracle WebLogic Server Description buildmaximoearwas8 buildmaximoear 2 Installation Guide

7 5. To build the WAR file, run the buildmaximo-xwar command. The maximo-x.war file is created in install_home\maximo\deployment\default directory. Deploying the Maximo EAR file and the Work Center WAR file on WebSphere Application Server Deployment of the Maximo EAR file and the Work Center WAR file is required before you can use the product on WebSphere Application Server. Before you begin Ensure that you updated the Maximo database and built the EAR file and the WAR file. About this task The EAR file is installed on WebSphere Application Server during the Maximo Asset Management installation. Deploy the Work Center WAR file based on your system configuration. Configuration type Simple Proxy server that communicates with Asset Health by using a single host name and port Cross origin requests to the Asset Health server. Action Deploy the maximo-x.war file on the Maximo Asset Management application server or the UI cluster. Deploy the maximo-x.war file on a separate application server. Configure the CORS settings by using servlet filters that set access control headers on the application server that hosts the maximo-x application. Procedure 1. Start WebSphere Application Server. 2. Open the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console. Option On Windows Description Select Start > All Programs > IBM WebSphere > Application Server > Administrative Console Installing IBM Maximo Asset Health Insights 3

8 Option On UNIX or Linux Description Open a web browser and enter the following URL: or where hostname is the fully qualified TCP/IP name of the computer that is running WebSphere Application Server, and port is the administration port for the WebSphere Application Server profile. The default port for the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console depends on the protocol that is specified in the URL and the port number that is assigned when the profile was created. For the HTTP protocol, the default port is For the HTTPS protocol, the default port is In the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console, follow the instructions to deploy the maximo.ear file and the maximo-x.war file. Results After you build and deploy the maximo-x.war file, use the default context path /maximo-x to access the Work Centers. Deploying the Maximo EAR file and the Work Center WAR file on Oracle WebLogic Server Deployment of the Maximo EAR file and the Work Center WAR file is required before you can use the product on Oracle WebLogic Server. Before you begin v Ensure that you updated the Maximo database and built the EAR file and the WAR file. v On Windows: Ensure that the MAXIMOSERVER server is running. v On UNIX: Ensure that the WebLogic Server daemon is running. To view the WebLogic Server console, a Java virtual machine must be installed. About this task The Maximo EAR file is installed on Oracle WebLogic Server during the Maximo Asset Management installation. Procedure 1. Open a command prompt and change to the following directory: Operating system Windows UNIX Location weblogic_home\user_projects\domain\ mydomain weblogic_home/mxadmin/oracle/ user_projects/domains/mydomain 2. Start WebLogic Server by running the following command: 4 Installation Guide

9 Operating system Windows UNIX Command startweblogic.cmd./ Installing silently 3. Specify the WebLogic Server user name and password. 4. Log in to the WebLogic Server console at 5. In the WebLogic Server console, follow the instructions to deploy the maximo.ear file and the maximo-x.war file. A silent installation is useful for installing the product components on any computers that are configured in the same way. Installing Maximo Asset Health Insights silently To perform a silent installation, instead of using the installation programs, you run commands by using a generated response file that was created during the initial installation of Maximo Asset Health Insights. Before you begin To create a response file during the installation of Maximo Asset Health Insights, set the record environment variable. On a Windows computer, set record=true. On a UNIX or a Linux computer, export record=true. When you start the Maximo Asset Health Insights launchpad, the response file is generated in the home directory of the user ID that started the program. Alternatively, you can modify one of the sample response files that are provided in the installation image. Ensure that the values in the response file are valid for the target system. The installlocation parameter and the profile id parameter must correspond with the existing Maximo Asset Management instance. Procedure 1. Copy the compressed installation image and response files to the target computer. 2. On the target computer, open a command prompt and change directory to the location of the Installation Manager program. Option Windows Linux and UNIX Description cd C:\Program Files\IBM\ InstallationManager\eclipse\tools\ cd /opt/ibm/installationmanager/eclipse/ tools/ 3. Silently start the Installation Manager by running the following command: imcl -input responsefilename -log logfilename -acceptlicense The -input parameter specifies the path to the response file, and the -log parameter specifies the path to where the log files are written. The Installing IBM Maximo Asset Health Insights 5

10 -acceptlicense parameter is used to accept the license automatically. For example, on Windows, run the following command: imcl -input C:\tmp\AssetHealth_Silent_ResponseFile.xml -log C:\tmp\silent_install_log.xml -acceptlicense 4. After Maximo Asset Health Insights is installed, update the Maximo Asset Management configuration and then rebuild and redeploy the application EAR file from the command line. Option WebSphere Application Server WebLogic Server Description From the install_home\configtool\scripts directory, run the reconfigurepae command. reconfigurepae -action updateapplication [-updatedb] [-deploymaximoear] [-wasuser userid] [-waspwd password] 1. From the install_home\configtool\ scripts directory, run the reconfigurepae command. reconfigurepae -action updateapplication [-updatedb] 2. Build the application EAR file. cd install_home\maximo\deployment buildmaximoear // build Maximo EAR 3. Deploy the application EAR file and WAR file manually to the application server. 6 Installation Guide

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