Contact Officer: Simon Peart (Principal Planner, Design and Conservation)

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1 ITEM 7 Contact Officer: Simon Peart (Principal Planner, Design and Conservation) OUSEBANK COTTAGE AND STRATFORD HOUSE, MILL LANE, STONY STRATFORD UPDATE REGARDING CONDITION OF LISTED BUILDINGS 1. Introduction 1.1. Stratford House and Ousebank Cottage are adjacent listed buildings in the same ownership. Both buildings have suffered a considerable period without maintenance. The Council has been involved in involved in recent years in securing temporary support and considering its powers under the 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act. Three previous reports have been considered by Development Control Committee, the most recent of which (an update, item 7, 12 June 2008 committee) is appended. In approving 08/00808/LBC (to remove an unstable section of front wall) at the 24 July 2008 meeting, the Development Control Committee requested that a further update be brought before them. 2. Purpose of Report 2.1 To update the Committee in respect of Stratford House and Ousebank Cottage. 3. Main Issues 3.1 Since the previous update the developer (BMH Construction) has confirmed what works have taken place during their involvement with the property. These are listed as follows: 1. Removal of asbestos to the boiler pipework. 2. Clearing debris in and around the existing temporary structural supports. 3. Topographical survey of the whole site. 4. Dimensional and condition surveys of the existing buildings. 5. Attempted to carry out further temporary structural works to support the front wall and provide temporary roof these works were abandoned due to the unstable ground conditions. 6. Instigated service enquiries. 7. Obtained quotations for bat survey. 8. Obtained quotations for soils investigation surveys. 9. Carried out various site visits with the Consultant Structural Engineer which resulted in preliminary engineers report. (69)

2 3.2 In addition to the above BMH Construction have supplied: 10. A scheme of temporary works for partial weather protection measures to the gable of the main house, [and] full weather protection of the cottage [gable] end to the Design and Conservation Team. 11. A listed building consent application for partial demolition of a section of the external wall to Ousebank Cottage (08/00808/LBC) in order to pursue item As above, the committee resolved to grant consent to 08/00808/LBC. At the time of writing this report this consent was in the process of being issued. The developer has indicated that they intend to carry out the works of demolition, stabilisation and weatherproofing during early September following the granting of consent. However it must be noted that this is subject the permission of the owner allowing the expenditure. 3.4 In order to halt deterioration of Ousebank Cottage, it is important that these short term works take place before the long term repairs can commence. It can be seen from the above list, a number of background surveys and works have taken place. Whilst this does assist in ascertaining the condition of the building there is a need for physical works to take place in order to safeguard it, something the developer has been reluctant to do without obtaining the necessary consents first. 3.5 It attempting to ascertain whether the Council should exercise its powers to serve and Urgent Works Notice or a Repairs Notice followed by a Compulsory Purchase Order (these powers are described in more detail in a report to the 24 May 2007 committee), the intentions of the owner and developer must firstly be understood. Clearly, if the owner/developer wants to undertake such works anyway, the Council does not need to serve a notice. However with the lack of physical repair being carried out to date, to either building, it is difficult to be certain of the commitment of the owner, and subsequently the developer, to the future of the buildings. 3.6 The initial test of this level of commitment will be whether the works that are granted consent and the subsequent stabilisation and weatherproofing works are carried out in early September as intended. The outcome of this should give clearer indication to officers (and members) as to whether the short term future of the building is being appropriately handled by the owner and developer. Given this, it is recommended that an update be submitted to the Development Control Committee meeting of 27 November This allows adequate time for the works to organised and completed, and for the report to be submitted in advance of the meeting. (70)

3 4 Conclusions The developer has completed a number of background surveys and more minor works that will assist with the imminent works and future repairs to the buildings. However, physical repairs and other temporary works are yet to take place which gives cause for concern. A strong indication of the commitment of the owner and developer to the preservation of the buildings will be whether the works of demolition, stabilisation and weatherproofing are carried out in early September. Officers will report back to Committee at the 27 November 2008 meeting to report the current situation and advise on a course of action if necessary. 4 Recommendations That the contents of the report be noted and that a report be brought to the 27 November 2008 meeting to update and advise the Committee. (71)


5 ITEM 7 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 12 JUNE 2008 Contact Officer: Simon Peart (Principal Planner, Design and Conservation) OUSEBANK COTTAGE AND STRATFORD HOUSE, MILL LANE, STONY STRATFORD UPDATE REGARDING CONDITION OF LISTED BUILDINGS 1. Introduction 1.1 Stratford House and Ousebank Cottage are adjacent listed buildings both in the same ownership. Both buildings have suffered a considerable period without maintenance. The roof and first floor structures of Ousebank Cottage have had to be partially dismantled and afforded temporary structural support. The Council has been involved in recent years in securing temporary support for the building and considering its powers under the 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act. Two previous Development Control Committee Reports are attached. The update is being made at this point due to local interest and the resolution of a number of issues. 2. Purpose of Report 2.1 To update the Committee in respect of Ousebank Cottage and Stratford House. 3. Main Issues 3.1 Reports to the Development Control Committee of 24 May and 17 September 2007 outlined the history, the (then) current situation regarding Ousebank Cottage (listed grade II) and the powers available under the 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act. 3.2 Since the last report circumstances relating to the property have progressed. A number of meetings between a developer and officers of the Planning Department have taken place. These discussions have involved a number of professionals, notably structural engineers. The purpose of the meetings has been to discuss the preservation of the listed buildings and the future of the site in respect of Adopted Local Plan Policy MK23 which identifies part of the garden as a new housing site for up to 12 dwellings. 3.3 Officers have recently inspected both properties. Stratford House has suffered localised damage to ceilings and floor finishes caused by water ingress through failure of valleys and roof coverings. This appears not to have caused structural defects and can be restored sympathetically as part of an overall schedule of repair. ANNEX DC ITEM 7 12 JUNE 2008 (72)

6 3.4 The previously installed temporary roof to Ousebank Cottage has not been fully in place since having been removed by high winds at the start of the year. Replacement of this temporary roof has been difficult prior to the involvement of the developer due to working conditions. The current developer recognises the urgent need for a new weatherproofing regime for Ousebank Cottage, however is not satisfied that the current scaffolding provides a safe working environment in which to achieve this and therefore will replace this scaffold with a more robust, safer structure. The programme for this has been delayed by the removal of asbestos from the building and the instability of a portion of the front wall which is unlikely to support itself during the removal of the existing scaffold. An application for Listed Building Consent 08/00808/LBC to remove the unstable portion of wall was validated on 6 May The information submitted with the application details the existing structural situation and the proposed works. 3.5 Whilst the removal of any fabric from a listed building is very rarely desirable, in this circumstance officers agree with the applicants that, the section of wall will need to be taken down as part of any future restoration, and that it is required in order to install more robust temporary weatherproofing system to halt further deterioration of the buildings. It is anticipated that were consent to be granted, the erection of the weatherproofing works to the remaining structure would be given a deadline from the date of the taking down of the wall. 3.6 It is anticipated that the application will be determined by Development Control Committee in due course, owing to an objection by Stony Stratford Town Council. 3.7 It is considered by officers that, although progress in re-erecting the replacement scaffolding and temporary roof has been slow, given the level of professional and developer involvement and the current Listed Building Consent application, reasonable steps are now being taken for the proper preservation of the buildings. Given that matters are being progressed, it is considered by officers that it is not necessary to use the powers contained within sections 48 and 54 of the 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act. If officers consider that this is no longer the case, a report will be brought to this committee with recommended courses of action. 4. Conclusions That reasonable steps are now being taken for the proper preservation of the buildings. Temporary works will be forthcoming subject to granting of Listed Building Consent. The current situation is not considered by officers at this point to necessitate the use the powers within the 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act. 5. Recommendations That the contents of the update be noted. DC ITEM 7 12 JUNE 2008 (73)