EL SALVADOR R-PACKAGE Forest Carbon Partnership Facility. PC26/PA11 meetings

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1 EL SALVADOR R-PACKAGE Forest Carbon Partnership Facility PC26/PA11 meetings 0 Rodrigo Martinez Fernandez October 9-12, 2018

2 Content 1. World Bank support to the forest sector: Complementarities with El Salvador Country Partnership Framework (CPF) 2. Project Development Objective (PDO) 3. Overall Progress by component Key process highlights C 1: Consultation, Participation and Disclosure of Information C 2: National Strategy for Ecosystems and Landscapes Restoration C 3: Forest and Emission Reference Level C 4: Monitoring, Reporting and Verification 4. Financial Summary/Disbursements 5. Challenges and key risks 6. Opportunities and next steps (Additional Funding Grant, GEF-7)

3 Complementarities with El Salvador CPF and PDO Complementarities with El Salvador CPF This project is fully aligned with the second pillar of the WBG s CPF (FY16-19). This pillar focuses specifically on fostering the country s resilience and sustainability by building its capacity to manage disasters and environmental challenges Project Development Objective : Assist El Salvador in the implementation of key REDD+ preparation activities identified in the RPP (Readiness Preparation Proposal) including: (i) Promotion of institutional arrangements of participatory processes, (ii) Development of ENA-REDD+, (iii) Establishment of a national forest emissions reference level and (iv) Establishment of a system to monitor greenhouse gas emissions (MRV) 2

4 Key Process Highlights El Salvador has approached climate change from an adaptation perspective, with the aim of restoring the environmental capacity of ecosystems nationwide EN-REP (National REDD+ Strategy) has been built on a broad, legitimate and representative participation and consultation process REDD+ has received strong high-level political support and local engagement 1 National and local institutional capacity has been improved - Full command of REDD+ principles - Increased capacity to lead an inter-sectoral dialogue on deforestation - Improved fund management capacity Progress towards implementation: GoES launched in June 2018 the National Restoration Plan 3 EN-REP: National Strategy for the Restoration of Ecosystems and Landscapes 1 Multiple structures created to support coordination and implementation of the strategy: CONASAV, MREP, MNIMA, COAL

5 Country Progress C1 Consultation, Participation and Disclosure of Information SESA process has been finalized. Key outcomes include: - High engagement from public, indigenous communities, and vulnerable groups 2 - Creation of the Ecosystems and Landscapes Restoration Roundtable CONASAV - Establishment of the National Indigenous Roundtable on Environmental Affairs Cooperation agreements for landscape restoration signed between Ministry of Environment and 70 municipalities. Communication and Consultation Strategy finalized and under implementation. GRM operational with 3 offices located across the country 4 2 Conducted through 17 days of consultation, between the months of July 2017 to March 2018, and brought together 574 attendants (214 women and 360 men) representing diverse groups from the civil society, and the public and private sectors.

6 5 Sample: El Salvador s Program Documentation Web Portal.

7 Country Progress C2 National Strategy for the Restoration of Ecosystems and Landscapes (EN-REP) EN-REP has been published with support from FCPF, GIZ, IUCN and USAID On June , El Salvador launched the National Restoration Plan using ROAM for areas and intervention actions prioritization Legal and Institutional Framework Analysis has been completed The Safeguards Compliance Framework to the EN-REP has been developed and the National Safeguards Committee has been established Pilots in Barra de Santiago with support from German cooperation are already being implemented using restoration techniques identified with ROAM 6 ROAM: Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology

8 ÁREA DE OPORTUNIDAD Mapa multicriterio Proceso de elaboración Área total Elementos destacados

9 Restoration transitions and potential area for landscape restoration El Salvador Restoration Techniques Current Land Use Opportunity area (ha) Mangrove restoration Degraded mangrove 2,000 Gallery forest restoration Basic grains 5,653 Natural pastures 2,995 Sugarcane 3,821 Mosaic of crops and pastures 3,158 Mosaic of crops, pastures and vegetation 4,298 Agroforestry system - basic grains Basic grains 375,133 Silvopastoral system Natural pastures 197,353 Agro-silvopastoral system Mosaic of crops and 162,580 pastures Green harvest - sugarcane Sugarcane under burning 81,389 Cocoa agroforestry system (1) Coffee<900 msnm 66,369 Cocoa agroforestry system (2) Mosaic of crops, pastures and vegetation 234,686 Coffee renovation Coffee <800 msnm 47,615 Coffee 800 <1200 msnm 41,000 8 Presentation Title Coffee >1200 msnm 26,000 Total 1,187,951

10 Country Progress C3 Forest and Emission Reference Levels To date, the country has generated a set of robust national data to calculate the reference levels at the national level. Specifically the country has : Developed a definition of forests National Forest Inventory (NFI) completed in early 2018 Conducted calculations on emissions deforestation and conservation of forests activities, including calculating forests emission factors according to IPCC Guidelines Country is expecting to submit the Reference Levels to UNFCCC in January

11 Country Progress C4 Monitoring, Reporting and Verification An inter-institutional technical team led by the MARN, MAG and University of El Salvador are currently working on the design of a comprehensive forests monitoring system. CATIE and WHRC were hired A GHG inventory and co-benefits monitoring system is currently also being designed with support of CATIE, IUCN, WRI, and the GIZ A prototype of a web portal containing the Safeguards Information System and information related to the National Safeguards Approach (ENS) has been developed 10 MARN: Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources MAG: Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock

12 Financial Summary Disbursement and Commitments Cumulative Disbursements to date: US$3.6 M; 100% of total Disbursements in FY18: US$ 1.57 M Funds committed and disbursed to date: US$ 3.6 M (100 % of total) Funds to commit: US$ 0 (0% of total) 11

13 Challenges and key risks Local implementation of restoration activities of ecosystems and landscapes (REDD+) seems to be a commonly accepted goal, which requires further capacity building and dissemination of information It is key to strategize to bring in investors for ecosystems and landscape restoration. In particular engaging the private sector Identification of co-benefits, and further work on the risks of ecosystems degradation and economic feasibility of REDD+ activities at the local level are important to incentivize forest conservation and restoration in certain areas 12

14 Opportunities and next steps: Additional Funding Grant 2.5 M Resources will be employed for: SESA validation process ESMF and SIS validation process Strengthen the EN-REP incentives and compensations for the Local Sustainable Development Plans with particular focus on IP s, women and vulnerable groups with a differentiated mechanism. Improve citizen consultation and capacity building processes with civil society organizations regarding the implementation of the EN-REP; Improve the capacity of MARN to monitor forest fires by integrating local field actors and designing strategies. Strengthen the National Forest Monitoring System by integrating, operationalizing and strengthening technologies for carbon accounting and co-benefits monitoring GEF-7 proposal 13

15 THANK YOU Rodrigo Martinez, Dora Andrade, Lilian Pedersen, Gianni Ruta, Laura Calderon, Gustavo Vargas, Julian Gonzalo, Monica Lenhoff, Sandra Lisette de Mixco, Maria Pia Cravero, Juan Melendez 14