MT - GEOGRAPHY - (73) - PRELIM - I : PAPER - 3

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1 MT Seat No. MT - GEOGRAPHY - (73) - PRELIM - I : PAPER - 3 Time : 2 Hours (Pages 5) Max. Marks : 0 Q.1. Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence : (1) Both India and Brazil have type of Government. (a) Military (b) Republic (c) Communist (d) Presidential (2) Amazon is a large river in the world. Near its mouth. (a) deltaic regions are found (b) no deltas are found (c) deposition of sediment occurs (d) fishing is done (3) India has type of climate. (a) monsoon (b) dry (c) cold (d) humid () As one moves away from the equator, decreases. (a) altitude (b) forest (c) rainfall (d) snowfall Q.2. Match the following : Column A Column B (1) Electricity production in India (a) 2.1% (2) Electricity production in Brazil (b) 2.78% (3) Land area occupied by India (c) Largely public () Land area occupied by Brazil (d) Private and Public both (e) Largely private (f) 5.% Q.3. Name the following : (Any four) (1) The union territory in India which is 80% urban. (2) A country where the rate of population growth is declining but population is still rising. (3) A type of forest found in India but not found in Brazil. () The region in Brazil with an average temperature of 25ºC-28ºC. (5) One of the largest wetlands in the world.

2 Q.. (A) Fill the information in the given outline map and prepare an index : (Any four) (1) The federal district of Brazil. (2) A port on the confluence of the Negro and the Amazon. (3) Pampas Grassland. () South East Trade Winds. (5) River Amazon. () Pico De Neblina Peak Q.. (B) Read the following map and answer the given questions : (Any four)

3 (1) Calculate the difference between the two longitudinal extremes of mainland India. (2) Is the longitudinal extent of India more than Brazil? Why? (3) Which longitude in India is called the Indian Standard Time Meridian (IST)? () What is the difference between IST and the GMT? (5) How many local times are there in India? () Identify two neighbouring countries to the East of India. Q.5. Give geographical reasons : (Any two) (1) A dense network of railways has developed in the North Indian Plains. (2) Per capita land availability is more in Brazil as compared to India. (3) Settlements are sparse in North-Eastern Brazil. () Like India, there is need of conservation of forests in Brazil too. Q.. (A) Do as instructed : Draw a neat and labelled diagram showing the cross section of Brazil s physiography. OR

4 Q.. (B) Read the following graph and answer the questions : (1) What is the contribution of primary, secondary and tertiary sector in Brazil's National Income? (2) What is the contribution of primary, secondary and tertiary sector in India 's National Income? (3) In which sector are both the countries contributing the most? () What is the percentage of population engaged in primary sector of Brazil? (5) Compare the percentage of population engaged in the tertiary sector in both countries. () Can we say that India is an industrial economy like Brazil? Give one reason.

5 Q.7. Answer the following in detail : (Any two) (1) (i) Compare and classify the population densities shown in the squares (a) and (b) representing 1 of area. (ii) If in figure (b), one sign = 100, then what will be the sex ratio? (2) How will you manage the litter during field visit? (3) Compare the climates of Brazil and India. () Explain the characteristics of North Indian Plains. Best of Luck