REDD+ Phases 30/03/2010. Phase 1. Phase 2. Phase 3

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1 REDD+ Phases Phase 1 National REDD strategy development Establish policies and measures for MRV emission reduction from the forestry sector Develop an initial i i institution i i and identify if necessary adjustments in forest law and governance Phase 2 Implementation of policies and measures proposed in national REDD strategies Develop a comprehensive legal framework Establish Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) institutions and capacities; Develop action plans within the framework of a national low carbon development strategy Phase 3 Full Implementation Implement a national inventory of GHG Remain in compliance with the criteria of phase 1 and 2 and demonstrate that previously received compensation has been spent according to agreed guidelines 1

2 Elements of National REDD+ Architecture Global Readiness Funds Global Funds International Carbon Markets s Verification Monitoring & Reporting Subnational Activities Regular Budget (National or subnational govt) REDD funds (national or subnational) Information Forest management types State (production) State (conservation) Private Communities Carbon right holders Concession holders National & subnational govt Land owner Community Other stakeholders Energy users Env service users Farmers Incentive Source: Wertz-Kanounnikoff and Angelsen, 2009 Information Indonesia REDD Strategy 2

3 REDD Readiness Components Reference Emission Level (REL) Social & Environmental Safeguard Monitoring Reporting & Verification (MRV) REDD Readiness Payment Distribution REL Establishment of REL methodology Historical Trend Analysis Future Prediction Stakeholder Consultations REL finalization & establishment Analysis of policies & activities Selection of policies & activities -Review methodology -Stakeholder consultations on REL methodological approach and provincial provisional REL (450K; ) -AusAID: capacity to establish reference emission levels Proposed FCPF ( ): - Analyze drivers of deforestation - Analysis and possible mapping of nature and effect of land use on terrestrial carbon cycles - Development of a time series analysis of the primary social economic and policy aspects of land use change JICA: Increase capacities in spatial analysis - Identify priority investments REDD - Identify activities that result in reduced emissions and increased removals, and stabilization of forest carbon stocks Significant resources are required for stakeholder consultations to select policies and activities considering the vast geographical areas and specific local characteristics 3

4 MRV AusAID: 2 Million Wall-to-wall land cover change analysis; compilation of land use and management information, existing ground based measurements Capacity development of GOI to operate an effective data management system Models adopted, calibrated and further developed by GOI to estimate emissions from land use change GOI management teams and equipment to support the INCAS Assessment of existing national forest carbon monitoring framework & capacities Review standard & methodology MRV. 950K ( ) Design of a forest carbon monitoring system driven by UNFCCC reporting requirements Data collection & monitoring changes in forest area, carbon stock & biomass burning JICA: Improvement of monitoring and assessment system through the use of satellite images and the capacity to estimate biomass and carbon 720K ( ) National greenhouse gas information system Establishment of PSPs represented various forest types for ground-based forest carbon monitoring - Tier 3 Approach. ICRAF: Credible estimates of the dynamics of carbon stocks at the national level over the past 20 years that complies with Tier 3 approach. 1,123 Million ( ) ACIAR: Research on governance, policy and institutional arrangements for REDD Readiness al setting & legal framework for REDD Monitoring readiness activities including DA. Awareness raising, communication & outreach (incl. policy and scientific dialogue). Capacity building of institutions and stakeholders Regulation & Guidance - Role of Local Govts - Criteria of REDD activities - Guidance to prepare and assess REDD proposals - Establishment of REL & MRV - Establishment and operationalization of REDD Committee Establishment of - Legal and institutional analysis - Definition of roles and responsibilities government, private and communities. - Definition of implementation scale - Monitor, reporting and payment mechanism Communication & Coordination - Increase awareness - Communication channels - Involvement of all stakeholders in decision making process Capacity Building & Strengthening Increase capacities at all levels to implement REDD UN-REDD: Consensus on key issues for national REDD policy development 500K ( ) UN-REDD: Dissemination of REDD lesson learned incl. building national national knowledge & learning network 400K ( ) UN-REDD: Communications Programme incl. national campaign, education & communication materials, training with local stakeholders as targets. 700K ( ) 4

5 30/03/2010 Social Safeguard Environmental Safeguard Mechanism/procedure to obtain Free Prior Informed Consent from indigenous people g p p Maximizing both objectives of carbon and biodiversity simultaneously Fair payment distribution mechanism to indigenous people Applying a specific priority to protect critical ecosystems that provide important environmental services Involvement of civil society in the decision making process Toolkit for priority setting to maximize potential carbonbenefits and incorporating cobenefits, at the provincial level. 375K ( ) -Setting up mechanism/procedure of FPIC - Development of guidance for engagement of indigenous peoples and local community in monitoring & reporting. Payment Distribution Analysis of social and environmental impact of REDD strategies strategies. Setting incentives mechanism for REDD Testing & Establishing Mechanism Socio economic impact Estimation and calculation of REDD co-benefit Analysis ICRAF ASB: Analyze costs of alternative land uses and benefits Public Consultation Setting up Building Capacity FORCLIME: Establishment sustainable payment mechanism. 20 Million ( ) Interaction with buyer/investor Payment/ Funding Mechanism ec a s Distribution Mechanism Distribution of payment to stakeholders Fair distribution to indigenous people and local communities Safeguard based on performance Compilation existing payment systems Analysis of benefits and constraints of existing systems Options for modifications to meet requirements of a REDD payment system 400K ( ) 5

6 Ongoing REDD Activities Demonstration Activities Voluntary Activities Demonstration Activities Proposed AusAID 2 nd Demonstration Activity GTZ Merang: ( 1,445,255; ). Incl: - Measures to restore forest areas -Strategies and structures for peat forest management Integrated -Fire management scheme. FORCLIME: ( 7 Millions; ) Innovative designs for REDD demonstration activities incl. establishment of FMUs, TNC: Demonstration activities: improved forest management, forest restoration, oil palm swap, land use planning, policies and enforcement Jambi Musi Banyuasin Berau Malinau Kapuas Hulu Kapuas Central Sulawesi KFCP: AUD 30 Million - Reducing deforestation & forest degradation (incl. rehabilitation of peatland); - Monitoring & carbon accounting; - Payment mechanism: - Readiness at provincial and district level. Meru Betiri Jember ITTO: USD 540K ( ) - al setting to prevent deforestation; -Technology in restoration and rehabilitation of PSF; - Demonstration activities with the plantation of indigenous species. East & Central Lombok KOICA: USD 5 Million ( ) Joint research and implementation of pilot project on afforestation/reforestation CDM project and REDD. USD 1.5 Million ( ) - Capacity for spatial socio-economic planning incorporating REDD; - Empowered local stakeholders to benefit from REDD; - Multi-stakeholder-endorsed district REDD plans 6

7 (Some of) Voluntary Activities Aceh provincial Govt, FFI, & Carbon Conservation WWF FFI, Macquarie, PHKA, Global EcoRescue Inhutani II Winrock Intl Malinau regency Green Synergie WWF Ulu Masen, Aceh Province Kampar Peninsular Kapuas Hulu Malinau Minahasa Utara & Bitung, Sulawesi Utara Riau TN Berbak Jambi Jambi South Sumatera TN Sebangau Mawas Central Kalimantan Mamuju, West Sulawesi Mimika Mamberamo Jayapura Unurum Guay, APRIL Taman Nasional Berbak, Zoological Society of London, Environmental Resource RSPB, Burung Indonesia & BirdLife International BOS Foundation, UNAS Jakarta & Museum of anthropology of Zurich Keep the Habitat & Inhutani I NewForest Emerald Planet Thank you Dr. Agus Sarsito Pusat Kerjasama Luar Negeri Kementrian Kehutanan, Indonesia 7