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2 The Confederation Party, the official Political Party of the Government of The United States of America. The Government of The United States of America has a one political party system. When the Confederation Party reformed and fulfilled the political convention of 1787 by amending the original Articles of Confederation of The type of Government had to develop naturally in order to be able to give a clear definition to the International Community.

3 The amended Articles of Confederation on May 20 th, 2012 states county government assemblies all through the amended Articles. There is a specific structure in place that needs to be addressed so that the International Community has a clear picture of the re-formation of the Government and how it operates.

4 Originally the Confederation Party re-vamped the Articles of Confederation to re-build the original Union back into a Confederacy of independent states. This was limited thinking at the time and un-realistic. The original 13 states had been abandoned and still remain un-populated with a permanent population. They are absent recognized citizens with oaths or affirmations to those states.

5 That survey being confirmed, it appeared and was confirmed that the original Confederacy of 1781 had been abandoned. Therefore, proper publication of claim was published and the Confederation Party members waited 90 days for any objections. No objections were recorded so the Confederation Party went to work. Since the states under the Confederacy were no more, the Government became a Confederation of people in the original Union with oath and affirmation to confirm permanent population.

6 Since it was found that the U.S. is a city-state and a part of a three city-state empire, and the UNITED STATES is a private company formed in 1787 attached to Manhattan Island. The Confederation Party declared the Government of The United States of America a National Government to give people the opportunity to claim a recognized Nationality. The question remained was what type of Government is the Government of The United States of America?

7 The next step was to define the type of Government. The definitions found were these: home rule noun a form of government in which people have control in their own country, rather than being controlled by another country or empire self-government noun a situation in which a country or region is governed by its own people, not by people from outside self-rule noun the state in which a country or region is governed by its own people, not by people from outside

8 The type of Government was declared a Home Rule type. The Confederation Party waited a couple of months and within that time, the words Confederacy and Home Rule were re-defined and confused all over the internet. It is obvious that some other parties feel threatened which was never the intention of the Confederation Party.

9 There are many that truly believe that a Republic form of Government was established in In this belief, people think that a Republic was formed under this definition: republic as "a form of government in which the sovereign power is widely vested in the people either directly or through elected representatives."

10 When in fact a company was formed and claimed this form of a Republic written below for itself that had nothing to do with the people. In modern times, the definition of a republic is commonly limited to a government which excludes a monarch. In fact it is still mentioned in the charter of the patroons as the company.

11 A real republic was never formed. This definition has been used ever since within the states which takes the power of the people away from the people in a voluntary fashion: A republic (from Latin: res publica) is a form of government or country [1] in which power resides in elected individuals representing the citizen body. The elected officials have all of the power, the people only have the power to vote in elections to change the representative. It does not mean that the power is in the hands of the people after an election and during the term of the elected. This is known as a Democratic Republic, not a republic. The federal U.S. is operated as a Democratic Republic under a oligarchy form of rule since 1789.

12 The Confederation Party re-formed an old Confederacy of 1781 into a true republic under this definition: republic as "a form of government in which the sovereign power is widely vested in the people either directly or through elected representatives." Presently, the term "republic" commonly means a system of government which derives its power from the people rather than from another basis, such as heredity or divine right. This remains the primary definition of republic in most contexts. A true republic form of Government is never in conflict with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 21 section 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: (3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

13 This is the definition of Home Rule as it pertains to the county government assemblies that register their existence within The United States of America. home rule n. the power of a local city or county to set up its own system of governing and local ordinances without receiving a charter from the state which comes with certain requirements and limitations. The concept has become popular with so-called libertarians, survivalists, and others who would like to divorce local government from as much state regulation as possible. However, few cities and counties have chosen this route. For example, in California, there is one small county (Colusa) out of the 58 which has chosen "home rule." This does not mean they will not take state funds for local improvements.

14 When a municipality or other political subdivision has the power to decide for itself whether to follow a particular course of action without receiving specific approval from state officials, it acts pursuant to such powers. For example, a town exercises its home rule powers when it puts the issue of allowing the sale of alcoholic beverages within its borders on the ballot.

15 The Confederation Party was concerned that the current States would think that the Government of The United States of America was an intrusion into State sovereignty. However, the States today are not with independence nor sovereignty. Further, sovereignty and independence should never offend any State. The States have governed themselves into an odious debt created by an oligarchy that has lasted for 235 years under the cover of a company and non-profit religious organization. The Government of The United States of America is only concerned with State independence. Therefore, the charter of the American Continent was written and published as an alternative to the company U.S. constitution. The city of Washington D.C. is also welcome to sign the charter of the American Continent.

16 The basic recovery plan is simple. The people form a compact within the county, they declare Home Rule. The county government assembly is proclaimed into existence by publication as existing within The United States of America. If all of the counties have these home rule assemblies in every county. Then the State can sign onto the charter of the American Continent. The State is independent, within the original Union, The United States of America is the host. No more debt, no more interest, no more wars, nor more conflicts. The State even have the option of operating under the U.S. constitution. The signing of the charter of the American Continent does not null and void the States obligations under the U.S. constitution if the State so chooses to remain under that obligation.

17 The U.S. city-state called the city of Washington D.C. and its U.S. constitution is not under any threat with this structure. However, its survival remains in its hands if still honoring an odious debt and requiring its people to pay with their hard earned money.

18 The Confederation Party has hereby declared on that the Government of The United States of America does in fact qualify as a republic form of Government. Therefore, the type of Government is amended from a Home Rule to a republic. Its county government assemblies are hereby declared a Home Rule Type of government to keep in harmony with a republic form of government.

19 The jurisdiction of its courts is common law and equity. The metes and bounds and chain of title is written within its amended Articles of Confederation. Its General Post Office has Global, international and National jurisdiction under its own overlay survey. The American Nationals have all of the above plus many immunities.

20 This structure is difficult for people to picture in their minds. So lets get started with that process: The Government of The United States of America is a National Government with international and global jurisdiction. The ports in and out of the country at this moment is through Manhattan Island governed by the Netherlands. A foreign country. The Government of The United States of America is offering an alternative port with debt and interest free currency for the States to work through and trade through.

21 The structure also offers international trade to individual American Nationals whether a part of a county government assembly or the National assembly. The county government assemblies deal with county and State with the option of going through the Government of The United States of America for international trade. The assembly for the Government of The United States of America deals with State, country, continental and world issues.

22 The Government of The United States of America is simply a republic form of Government that allows individuals as well as county (local), State, city-state and federal jurisdictions to use its ports without debt and interest. Its purpose adheres to this definition: republic as "a form of government in which the sovereign power is widely vested in the people either directly or through elected representatives. This is why there is a National Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Registrar, Post Master General, United States, in Congress assembled, Courts, Judges, etc. All offices have the ability to facilitate international contracts with companies. The Government exists to protect the interests of the American Nationals overseas.

23 This INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE has been a presentation of the Confederation Party for the Government of The United States of America, started in 1781 and remains in existence to the present day. If there are any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretary of State for The United States of America.