Energy. There are many different types of energy which we can observe on a daily basis.

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1 Energy

2 Energy Energy is all around us There are many different types of energy which we can observe on a daily basis. In this section we will discuss the various forms of energy as well as how they can be transformed.

3 Potential Energy This is energy which is stored in an object ready to be used. A typical example of this is an object which is lifted. While being lifted, the object receives the energy necessary to be lifted.

4 Potential Energy

5 Kinetic Energy Kinetic energy is the energy of an object in motion. The faster an object is moving, the more energy it has. The more mass an object has also affects its kinetic energy. E k = ½ x m x V 2 You don t need to study the formula

6 Kinetic Energy

7 Elastic Energy This is energy stored in an object that has been deformed i.e. stretched, compressed Similarly to potential energy, the object absorbs the energy put into changing the shape. These are typically elastics or springs.

8 Elastic Energy

9 Electrical Energy Electrical energy comes from the movement of electrons. Electrical energy is measured in two ways Voltage (the amount of electrons) Amperage (the pressure of the electrons) This has natural sources (lightning and static electricity) and artificial ones (batteries)

10 Electrical Energy

11 Radiant Energy Radiant energy is the energy of light. This light comes from the photons (particles of light) and how they interact with objects. This light can come from natural sources such as the Sun or an artificial source such as a lightbulb.

12 Radiant Energy

13 Magnetic Energy Magnetic energy is caused by the interaction of either two magnets or a magnet and a ferromagnetic metal. Note: Not all metals are magnetic! This type of energy can be a push or a pull depending on the situation.

14 Magnetic Energy

15 Thermal Energy Thermal energy is the energy of heat. The more heat, the more energy. Even when it is very cold, there is still some thermal energy. The only time there would be no thermal energy would be at absolute zero, which is impossible to attain.

16 Thermal Energy

17 Chemical Energy Chemical energy comes from the bonds within a molecule. As the bonds are broken, energy is released. Different types of bonds contain different amounts of energy.

18 Chemical Energy

19 Nuclear Energy Nuclear energy is the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom. This is a tremendous amount of energy due to the extremely large number of atoms in a given space. You have around 7 billion, billion, billion (7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) atoms in your body.

20 Nuclear Energy

21 Acoustic Energy Acoustic energy is the energy of sound. Sound produced by compression waves in a medium. Frequency (pitch) is determined by how big the sound waves are. Volume is determined by the strength of the wave.

22 Acoustic Energy

23 Renewable vs Non-renewable Certain types of energy are considered to be renewable. This means that they cannot run out. Other types are non-renewable. This implies that there is a finite amount of this resource which can be depleted.

24 Non-Renewable There are two main sources of non-renewable energy on the planet. Fossil fuels Uranium We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages to each.

25 Fossil Fuels Advantages Simple facilities Compact and reliable energy source Disadvantages Polluting Causes acid rain Releases greenhouse gases Takes millions of years to form

26 Fossil Fuels

27 Uranium Advantages Produces large amounts of energy Does not pollute Several applications Disadvantages Waste remains radioactive for thousands of years Can be used for destructive purposes

28 Uranium

29 Renewable There are many more renewable sources of energy Water Wind Geothermal Tidal Solar Biomass

30 Water Advantages Low pollution Low operating cost Very reliable Facilities are long lasting Disadvantage Very big & expensive facilities Large area flooded Compromises biodiversity and local populations

31 Water

32 Wind Advantages Very small environmental impact Turbines can be taken down and landscape regains its beauty Can be installed on sea or land Disadvantage Not many suitable regions Irregular energy source Turbines vulnerable to weather and malfunction Must have back-up Turbines are ugly

33 Wind

34 Geothermal Advantages No greenhouse gases Low operating cost Can be used to heat in the Winter and cool in the Summer Disadvantage Cannot be used everywhere High initial cost

35 Geothermal

36 Tidal Advantages Energy always available Disadvantage Few areas are suited for these facilities Conserves resources Low operating cost Facilities only work certain parts of the day. High initial cost

37 Tidal

38 Solar Advantages Non-polluting Low-operating cost Can be large or small scale Disadvantage Not always reliable due to Sun not always shining. Must have back-up Low energy input High production cost

39 Solar

40 Biomass Advantages Infinitely renewable Produces few greenhouse gases Disadvantage Burning wood can have a negative effect on the environment.

41 Biomass