Ravenhead Quarry. Environment Act Application for Determination of Conditions (ROMP) Environmental Statement Non Technical Summary

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1 Ravenhead Quarry I Environment Act 1995 Application for Determination of Conditions (ROMP) Environmental Statement Non Technical Summary November 2013 Prepared for: Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited UNITED KINGDOM & IRELAND


3 Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited Ravenhead Quarry ROMP REVISION SCHEDULE Rev Date Details Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by 1 November 2013 Submission Sarah Martin Consultant Chris Nicoll Principal Planner Barry Gore Director (Minerals and Waste) URS Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited Royal Court Basil Close Chesterfield Derbyshire S41 7SL


5 Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited Ravenhead Quarry ROMP Copyright This Report is the copyright of URS Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited. Any unauthorised reproduction or usage by any person other than the addressee is strictly prohibited.


7 Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited Ravenhead Quarry ROMP TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION Introduction and Background The Site and Setting Referencing The Scheme in Brief Scoping and Methodology ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS Landscape and Visual Impact Transport Natural Heritage (Ecology) Noise Air Quality and Dust Hydrogeology and Hydrology Flood Risk ALTERNATIVES CONCLUSION PLANS AND FIGURES APPENDIX 1 PROPOSED ROMP CONDITIONS... 17


9 Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited Ravenhead Quarry ROMP Plans and Figures Reference Title Scale and Size Revision Site Location Plan NTS.001 1:50,000 (A4) Site Area Plan NTS.002 1:10,000 (A3) Planning Permission Boundary NTS.003 1:5,000 (A3) Aerial Photograph SS.004 NTS (A3) Land Designations SS.005 1:10,000 (A3) Phase SS.006 1:2,500 (A3) Phase 2 Final Excavation SS.007 1:2,500 (A3) Restoration Master Plan SS.008 1:2,500 (A3) Sections SS.009 1:2,500 (A3) Environmental Monitoring Points SS.010 1:2,500 (A3)


11 Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited Ravenhead Quarry ROMP LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AOD AQMA ES EIA HGV LCC M MPA NTS ROMP PRoW SS SSSI TPA Above Ordnance Datum Air Quality Management Area Environmental Statement Environmental Impact Assessment Heavy Goods Vehicle Lancashire County Council Metre Mineral Planning Authority Non-Technical Summary Review of Old Mineral Planning Permission Public Right of Way Supporting Statement Site of Special Scientific Interest Tonnes per annum


13 Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited Ravenhead Quarry ROMP 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction and Background This Non-Technical Summary (NTS) is of a summary of an Environmental Statement (ES) which accompanies an application by Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited (Ibstock) made to Lancashire County Council (LCC) for a determination of conditions relating to the winning and working of minerals at Ravenhead Quarry under the requirements of the Environment Act 1995 (the Act). The procedure under which the application is made is known as a Review of Old Mineral Permissions (or ROMP) review. The application is first Periodic Review of a set of conditions issued by LCC on 13th May 1998 (following an Initial Review under the Act of the site s original mineral permission Ref. 9/10/26 dated 16 December 1949). The ES presents the findings of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) undertaken in relation to the proposed scheme for the winning and working of minerals at the quarry and the site s restoration. The EIA has been prepared in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011 (as amended). The scope and preliminary details of the ES has been the subject of an EIA Scoping Opinion issued by LCC dated 26 th July 2013 and discussions with other consultees. The aim of the ROMP procedure is to establish a modern set of operating planning conditions to govern future mineral development at the quarry. It does not constitute an application for planning permission as the basis of the mineral permission under review is not open to question. 1.2 The Site and Setting 1.3 Referencing Ravenhead quarry and brickworks is located in the district of West Lancashire to the east of Skelmersdale, south of Ormskirk Road and to the north of the M58, as shown on Figure NTS.001 and NTS.002. HGV access into the Site is taken off Chequer Lane only. The HGV approach is via a southbound spur off the A577 on to Chequer Lane. Quarrying and brick manufacture at the Site dates back over 100 years. The Site covers approximately 36 hectares; it is located on the edge of the western urban fringe of Up Holland with urban areas lying to the north-east, north, and southwest, and (largely) open countryside to the south (see Figure NTS.004). It also lies on the western edge of the Pennine foothills at between 100m and 125m above Ordnance Datum (AOD). The quarry excavations are at their lowest level around m AOD. Approximately 22ha of the site is designated by Natural England as the Ravenhead Quarry Geological Site of Scientific Interest. The designation relates to exposed (by the quarry) sequences of the Carboniferous Lower Coal Measures. A small (less than 0.5ha) locally designated (non-statutory) Pimbo Lane Biological Site lies abreast the south of the planning boundary (see Figure NTS.005). There are no statutorily protected sites in close proximity of the Site. The area has a history of coal mining, a number of former mine entrances and workings in shallow seams have been identified. The following definitions have been adopted in this NTS and the ES (including plans): Review Conditions - the conditions issued by LCC on 13 th May Proposed ROMP Conditions the conditions proposed by Ibstock in this review (see Appendix 1).

14 Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited Ravenhead Quarry ROMP The Site the red line boundary of original planning permission 9/10/26 as indicated on plan NTS.003, of about 36ha. Areas A and B areas within the Site as indicated on the submitted plans. A small variation to the internal boundary of Area B North has been made to reflect the extent of the brickworks as evidenced by modern aerial photography and site survey. This has the effect of reducing the size of Area A. The Brickworks the factory area within Area B (North), which operates on a 24hrs basis. The Extraction Area the limit of extraction proposed for Area A indicated on plans NTS.006 and NTS.007. the Scheme the works and operations set out in this statement and as prescribed by the Proposed ROMP Conditions. Initial Restoration Area the part of Area A indicated on the development plans of about 1ha where early restoration is proposed. 1.4 The Scheme in Brief The planning permission boundary (see Figure NTS.003) is divided for mineral extraction purposes into operational and non-operational areas. Mineral extraction proposed by the scheme is consistent with the extant (1998 Initial Review) ROMP Conditions as only relating to mineral extraction within Area A at this time. The Proposed ROMP Conditions are provided in the application Supporting Statement and ES. The development scheme proposes the use of conventional quarrying operations (without blasting) to extract approximately 2 million tonnes of minerals across two phases at an estimated rate of 75,000tonnes per annum, working on a campaign basis. Restoration will include partial backfill of the quarry void with unwanted excavated material to grassland habitat and water. Extraction phasing and restoration of the quarry are detailed on figures NTS A 1ha Initial Restoration Area in the northeast of Area A adjoining the boundary with residential properties is proposed for completion within 3 years. Restoration of this area will increase the standoff between the quarry and the residential properties from less than 20m to between 40 and 80m. The Scheme includes schemes for the preservation and management of the Ravenhead Quarry SSSI, and management schemes for the control and mitigation of impacts arising from noise (including noise monitoring) and dust. 1.5 Scoping and Methodology LCC s EIA Scoping Opinion dated 26 th July 2013 identified the key potential environmental impacts to be assessed in connection with the Scheme to be: Landscape and Visual; Transport; Natural Heritage (Ecology); Noise; Air Quality and Dust; Hydrology and hydrogeology and; Flood Risk. Therefore these are the main issues addressed in this ES. The Scheme includes a range of measures designed to reduce or prevent significant adverse environmental

15 Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited Ravenhead Quarry ROMP effects arising (mitigation measures). In some cases these result in improvements in existing environmental conditions. The assessment of effects has taken into account all mitigation measures that form part of the Scheme and to which Ibstock is committed. These mitigation measures form part of the description of the Scheme provided in the full ES.


17 Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited Ravenhead Quarry ROMP 2 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS Technical assessments have been prepared by environmental specialists in relation to each issue, full reports are provided in appendices 6 12 and a summary assessment in sections Each assessment includes a statement on the methodology employed, the environmental baseline relevant to the Scheme, an assessment of impacts, the mitigation employed or required and a concluding statement of the likely level of environmental effects of the Scheme, taking into account the mitigation proposed, and Proposed ROMP Conditions. The severity or magnitude of environmental impacts are categorised as Major/High/Substantial/Severe, Moderate/Medium, Minor/Low/Slight or Negligible, dependant on the criteria set out in the individual topic chapters. A short summary of the findings of these assessments is provided below: Landscape and Visual Impact Transport Continued mineral extraction under the Scheme will not result in any further losses of vegetation removal and soil stripping with works operating to limitations no greater than those allowed by the ROMP Conditions. Therefore the landscape character of the Site is not anticipated to alter significantly from baseline through continued extraction, processing and stockpiling operations. The Initial Restoration Area, and wider Extraction Area restoration strategy comprises areas of tree and shrub planting as well as grassland reinstatement that will enhance the existing landscape character. Within the Scheme significant visual effects would only be experienced from the residential properties immediately adjacent to the north-eastern edge of Area A. Views would be limited to upper floors of the rear of properties and largely filtered by intervening vegetation but reduced by the Initial Restoration Area once matured. Overall the impact of landscape and visual effects of the proposed Scheme including the proposed mitigation) are considered to be minor to moderately beneficial and therefore it is concluded that no additional mitigation is considered necessary. The transport assessment utilises traffic count survey data from outside the site entrance, a review of local road traffic accident data and the number of HGVs generated by the Scheme. A cumulative assessment has also been undertaken taking into account traffic generated by the operation of the Brickworks. The assessment of impacts demonstrates that the quarry operations do not generate sufficient trips to generate environmental impacts associated with increases in traffic volume. No mitigation is considered necessary and the overall impact of traffic generated by the Scheme is considered negligible Natural Heritage (Ecology) The ecological assessment utilises a Phase 1 Habitat survey of the site and a desk based review of local habitats and recorded species. The survey found the area of the Site that will undergo change under the Scheme contains bare ground and scrub or semi-scrub, water accumulations in the base of the workings are temporary and transient. An area of Japanese knotweed has been identified on the Site (a notifiable weed).

18 Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited Ravenhead Quarry ROMP Noise The level of change to this baseline is considered to be minor and have negligible impact. No statutory or non-statutory sites designated for nature conservation should be directly or indirectly affected as a result of the Scheme. Key mitigation measures to be incorporated into the Scheme for birds, restoration and Japanese knotweed are: retaining standoffs, corridors and a non-worked areas; and enhancement as a result of interim and final restoration. It is concluded that there are no significant impacts on nature conservation from working of the quarry to the Scheme limits and the restoration provides for an overall increase in the current nature conservation value of the area. The assessment of noise impact has been informed by national planning policy guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and its accompanying technical guidance and consultation with West Lancashire Borough Council. A noise monitoring survey was undertaken at locations around the Site and of the quarry during normal operating conditions. A prediction of noise impacts arising from different elements of the Scheme was therefore completed. Noise arising from the operation and restoration of the quarry at the local residential receptors are predicted to remain below the 55 db LAeq,1h limit prescribed by the NPPF and referenced in Ibstock s Proposed ROMP Conditions. The construction of the Initial Restoration Area will remain below the 70 db LAeq,1h limit allowed for temporary works. Mitigation is proposed in the form of a Noise Monitoring and Management Scheme which includes regular noise monitoring and the adoption of best practice techniques. The assessment concludes that the continued winning and working of minerals at the Site will not result in noise levels in excess of the derived noise limits and as such the impact of the Scheme is considered Low Air Quality and Dust Mineral extraction and associated operations have the potential to create dust that if not properly controlled could escape and cause a nuisance. There are no Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) in the vicinity of the Site and the location is partly rural. The air quality existing air around the Site is therefore considered to be of a good standard. A qualitative assessment risk assessment has therefore been undertaken. Due to the proximity of downwind residential receptors (within 20m of the site boundary north-east of Area A) emissions of fugitive emissions could arise without mitigation. Such emissions may be seen as minor dusting on vegetation and windows; however they are likely to be short lived and will not cause any negative health effects. The Initial Restoration Area proposed by the Scheme lies upwind and adjacent the closest downwind receptors and will increase the standoff from to between 40 and 80m. When completed this buffer area will reduce the impacts of fugitive dust events if they arise by the effect of increasing distance and vegetation screening. The level of HGV traffic associated with the Scheme is not considered to raise any potential air quality issues.

19 Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited Ravenhead Quarry ROMP The implementation of the proposed Dust Management Scheme control measures will see the use of best available techniques to minimise dust arisings and should be effective in reducing the impacts of fugitive dust to an acceptable minimum. Overall it is assessed that the impact of the Scheme following implementation of the Dust Management Scheme would be negligible for Air Quality and Low for dust Hydrogeology and Hydrology Flood Risk An assessment of surface waters and groundwater impacts arising from the Scheme has been undertaken along with an assessment of the potential risk from abandoned coal mine workings. The quarry does not actively discharge to sensitive hydrological receptors (drains, water courses and rivers) and no sensitive receptors are considered to be connected directly to the site e.g. abstraction wells. Surface water collecting in the quarry percolates down to a small sump in the base of the workings from where it filters out through the unworked strata, active dewatering is not required to keep the working area dry. There is considered only a low potential for contamination arising from sedimentation or accidental spillage of machine oils or fuels to escape and the impact to the downstream water environment is considered negligible. The available data is inconclusive regarding the watertable level in the Extraction Area but it is expected future extraction will intercept groundwater level as and when workings go deeper (below 95m AOD). Therefore, by way of mitigation the Scheme proposes working below the watertable is undertaken following a review of groundwater management requirements. The presence of abandoned mine workings and shafts is considered unlikely to increase the risks to groundwater but will require the adoption of appropriate health and safety procedures for the operation of plant and machinery. The proposed Geological SSSI Management Scheme and Restoration Master Plan are considered appropriate mitigation to safeguard the integrity of relevant exposures of the designation. No additional mitigation is considered necessary and the impacts on the water regime due to the Scheme are considered Negligible. A formal flood risk assessment for the scheme has been undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF. The Site lies within the Environment Agency s delineated Flood Zone 1 and is therefore at low risk of flooding from fluvial and tidal sources. The Scheme is classed as Less Vulnerable therefore the Sequential and Exception Tests are not required and more straight-forward risk assessment is appropriate. There are no known overland drainage or water course connections to or from the Site to the surrounding area so that the Site does not receive overland flow from neighbouring land or discharge downstream. The Site generally drains as a Greenfield site via infiltration to the ground surrounding agricultural land and the base of the quarry. No specific mitigation measures are considered necessary. The existing flood risks from surface water flooding, groundwater sources and sewers is considered to be low, the residual impacts in relation to water quality, water flows,

20 Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited Ravenhead Quarry ROMP geology and workers the for the mineral extraction and restoration phases are likely to be Negligible

21 Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited Ravenhead Quarry ROMP 3 ALTERNATIVES The ES includes a review of the alternatives considered in determining the Scheme and why the final options were adopted. The alternative issues considered, include: Extent of mineral working; Restoration; Preservation of the Ravenhead Geological SSSI; Amenity issues.


23 Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited Ravenhead Quarry ROMP 4 CONCLUSION This ES undertakes a comprehensive assessment of the environmental implications of the construction and operation of the Scheme, including the Proposed ROMP Conditions of which this NTS only provides a summary. It includes detailed assessment of a wide range of environmental issues and considers the effect of mitigation measures proposed within the context of the ROMP procedure and relevant Development Plan policy. Implementation of the mitigation measures defined therein will mean that residual effects should be minimised to an acceptable degree.


25 5 PLANS AND FIGURES Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited Ravenhead Quarry ROMP


27 APPENDIX 1 PROPOSED ROMP CONDITIONS Ibstock Bricks (1996) Limited Ravenhead Quarry ROMP