W.A.T.E.R. draw and colour the pictures which accompany each section.

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1 As we all know, maintaining a clean supply of water is vital for fresh and salt water ecosystems. An organization-with the acronym, W.A.P.E:R7 (Water Alberta Teaching Environmental Responsibility), under the direction of Professor Blaues Wasser, has been given the responsibility of encouraging students to become involved in learning more ~ about fresh and salt water systems. Group Task: In groups of two, you will produce a poster to inform others about the topic Each group will: help each other with editing of the individual sections. develop a visually appealing poster to display all the information. present the poster to the class. Individual Task: Each student will be responsible for researching, writing and developing pictures to explain six of the different sections of the project. Each student will: write a rough draft answering the questions for each of your six sections. put the edited information on the poster, (writing must be in pen or done on the computer) draw and colour the pictures which accompany each section. Assessment: The project will have an individual mark for your sections of the poster and a group mark for the overall poster and presentation. Please do your best work. Professor B. Wasser is counting on you.

2 Section 1: Distribution and Characteristics of Water Create a diagram that shows the distribution of water on Earth by volume, (p.372) In your diagram, there are three categories of potable water; explain what potable means, (p.463) Draw and label a diagram which shows how glaciers are formed, (p.376) Define valley glaciers and continental glaciers. Draw a cross-section of a groundwater system and define permeable, impermeable, aquifer and watertable on your diagram, (p.403) If you were to build a well, where would the base of the well need to be placed? (p.404) Section 2: What's in Water? Draw and label a diagram of the water cycle, (p.368) What does the water cycle control? (p.368) Draw the three methods for generating freshwater from saltwater, (p.465) Why is there salt in the ocean and where does it come from? (p.411) What percentage of ocean water is salt? (p.411) Section 3: Wave Action and Water Flow Draw a cross-section of a stream channel showing sediments on the bottom and the suspended sediments. How does a river's rate of flow affect its ability to transport sediments? (p.40o) Draw a diagram showing how waves move sediments back and forth along shorelines (p.419) How do waves shape shorelines? (p.419) Draw and label a diagram showing wave features.(p.417) How are waves created and where do they begin? (p.417) What affects the size of waves? (p.4.17)

3 Section 4: Tides What are tides? What is high tide and what is low tide? Compare the position of the Sun, Moon and Earth in a spring tide and neap tide. Draw two pictures showing the position of the Sun, Moon and Earth during spring tide and neap tide. In addition to the labels in the text, indicate the position of low tide and high tide -onyouf diagram; What is tidal range? What affects the tidal range in the Bay of Fundy and the Gulf of Mexico? Section 5: Watershed and Ocean Basins Draw and label a map showing the five major drainage basins. Label the diagrams with the names of the bodies of water where each basin drains. How does the Continental Divide affect water drainage? (p.392) Define watershed. Draw and label a cross-section of an ocean basin. Explain what an oceanridgeis. What are trenches? Section 6: Glacial Action What physical evidence would show that a glacier has changed your landscape? (P ) Draw the movement of the position of the toe of a glacier as it changes over the years, (p. 379) Name one factor that causes glaciers to advance and one factor that causes glaciers to retreat.

4 Section 7: Oceans, Currents and Climate What is an ocean current? Explain how currents affect climate, (p. 429) What are the three things that circulate ocean currents? Draw and label a diagram showing the direction of ocean currents and winds in both hemispheres. Section 8: Animal Adaptations Identify and describe how one plant and one animal are adapted to fresh water ecosystems and how one plant and one animal are adapted to saltwater ecosystems, (p ) Draw pictures of the plant and animal. Label your drawings. Section 9: How Water Quality Affects Living Organisms in Water What would cause a short-term and long-term change in the population of aquatic organisms? In your answer discuss nutrient pollution, fishing and toxins (p ) Select pollution, fishing or toxins and explain or draw how it affects an aquatic food chain. Section 10: Human Impacts on Aquatic Systems In chart form, list the pros and cons for building dams. (p. 408) Draw a picture or explain the sources of pollution in water systems, (p. 451,452) Section 11: Water Treatment On a recent camping trip, you were reminded not to drink the water from a nearby stream. It made you wonder how the town downstream purified its water to make it potable. Using a diagram, show how this water treatment process removes large debris, soil, bacteria and germs, (p. 463) Explain in words how the water is made potable, (p. 463)

5 Sectionl2: Monitoring Environments Define bioindicator species and describe how they are used to monitor environments, (p. 456) Explain how information gathered on bioindicators can be used to make changes in the environment. Category Use of Class Time Used time well during each class period. Focused on getting the project done. Never distracted Used time well during each class period. Usually focused on getting the project done and never distracted Used some of the time well during each class period. There was some focus on getting the project done, but occasionally distracted Did not use class time to focus on the project OR often distracted Graphics- Relevance topic and made it easier to understand. topic and most made it easier to understand. topic OR a few were missing. Graphics did not relate to the topic OR some were missing. Required Information AH required included and exceptionally well All required included and well Most of the included OR is somewhat Some information was missing OR incorrectly Attractiveness The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. distractingly messy, poorly designed, OR incomplete.. Comments